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Ingin Mencari Sesiapa Yang Berminat Dengan Perniagaan Amanah Saham (un

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Kepada mereka yg berminat nak menjadi Unit Trust Consultant, take note on the news below. Sekiranya bakal prospect anda melabur during this time, ur future clients will earn profit more than 37% when market reach high notes back..probably next year onwards.. :P

Pasaran saham Asia menjunam

KUALA LUMPUR 30 Jun - Pasaran saham Asia hari mengalami kejatuhan dalam urus niaga hari pertama minggu ini selepas menerima tempias daripada kejatuhan bursa saham di Amerika Syarikat (AS).

Bursa Saham Hong Kong turun 59.66 mata kepada 22,102.01 mata, manakala Indeks Nikkei di Bursa Saham Tokyo merosot 62.98 mata kepada 13,481.38 mata, diikuti kejatuhan Indeks Komposit Shanghai di China sebanyak 12.33 mata kepada 2,736.10 mata dan Indeks Strait Times di Singapura ditutup 8.37 mata lebih rendah kepada 2,947.54.

Prestasi bursa saham serantau yang tidak menggalakkan turut menjejaskan lagi bursa saham tempatan dengan Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur (IKKL) jatuh sedikit 3.97 mata kepada 1,186.57 mata.

Penganalisis Inter-Pacific Research Sdn. Bhd., Koay Yi Chuan berkata: ''Para pelabur mula bimbang terhadap desas-desus yang mengatakan Indeks Dow Jones bakal jatuh melepasi paras 10,000 mata tidak lama lagi yang menyebabkan pasaran saham turun.

''Selain itu keadaan inflasi negara itu serta kenaikan harga minyak yang terus melambung sehingga mencecah paras AS$142 (RM462.92) setong juga merupakan faktor kejatuhan saham serantau,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Tambahnya, pasaran saham tempatan yang juga terkena limpahan pasaran serantau serta keadaan politik negara yang tidak menentu dengan berita-berita baru juga memberi sedikit implikasi kepada pasaran.

Sementara itu, Penganalisis dengan MIMB Investment Bank, Shahril Anas menjelaskan pasaran saham tempatan akan terus mengalami kemurungan sepanjang minggu ini berikutan beberapa isu yang masih belum selesai.

''Sekiranya isu-isu seperti kadar inflasi, kadar faedah semasa, kemelesetan ekonomi, kelemahan nilai mata wang dolar serta kenaikan harga minyak terus berlegar, kemungkinan untuk penanda aras IKKL jatuh ke paras bawah 1,000 mata tidak mustahil akan berlaku,'' katanya.

Para penganalisis mengandaikan kejatuhan penanda aras IKKL pada paras bawah 1,000 mata akan berlaku menjelang akhir tahun ini.

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Another 3 FAQ yang popular...

4-sebagai agen,adakah kita akan mendapat komisen atas pelaburan kita sendiri?

kita tidak akan dapat komisen kalau kita membuat pelaburan kita sendiri. Tetapi agent lebih untung kalau mereka juga membuat pelaburan berbanding pelabur biasa kerana wang permulaan pelaburan agent (RM 1000) tidak akan di potong service charge.

kalau Pelabur biasa buat investment RM 1000, wang starting kerja untuk melabur mereka sebenarnya adalah RM 935 ( tolak service charge 6.5%). Mereka kena tunggu sekurang2 nya 2 bulan untuk nilai pelaburan mereka menyamai RM 1000 (bergantung kepada pasaran saham semasa)

Kalau Anda pulak, wang permulaan melabur is tepat-tepat RM 1000. So, kalau market up, Nilai pelaburan Anda terus up and terus ada profit

Bagi agent yang ingin membuat pelaburan, nilai maksimum yang mereka bole membuat pelaburan is RM 1000, maksimum top up is RM 100 sahaja..

Hi etiqa,

saya baru je baca thread ni.

Saya nak tnya...

Takkan agen boleh melabur max rm1000 je?

Kalau macam tu agen Public Mutual ni boleh tolong laburkan duit orang je la..

Duit sendiri kena labur dalam UT lain lak. CIMB UT ke..

Macam tak efisyen je?!

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Hi etiqa,

saya baru je baca thread ni.

Saya nak tnya...

Takkan agen boleh melabur max rm1000 je?

Kalau macam tu agen Public Mutual ni boleh tolong laburkan duit orang je la..

Duit sendiri kena labur dalam UT lain lak. CIMB UT ke..

Macam tak efisyen je?!

itu kalau agen tak nak kena service charge 5.5%

kalau dia x kisah pasal service charge dia leh labur bape banyak pun dia nak dan sales tersebut di kira sebagai personal sales diorg.

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Hi etiqa,

saya baru je baca thread ni.

Saya nak tnya...

Takkan agen boleh melabur max rm1000 je?

Kalau macam tu agen Public Mutual ni boleh tolong laburkan duit orang je la..

Duit sendiri kena labur dalam UT lain lak. CIMB UT ke..

Macam tak efisyen je?!

Hi chessradio..

biar aku re-word dgn lebih jelas ttg jawapan kepada persoalan nie..

Kalau consultant nak make investment...Consultant bole choose samada Agen Personal Plan or as Normal Fund Holder.

Agen personal plan ialah salah satu benefit drpd company utk consultant dia.. Max RM 1000 tue utk satu fund ajer. So kalau consultant tue ada RM 10,000--> dia bley masuk 10 fund. Wang RM 1000 tue pun tak kena deduct service charge. walaubagaimana pun, ia tidak akan di counted as approved sales towards promotion and no komisyen also

Kalau as Normal Fund Holder, it would be the same like make sales. Will be deducted service charge, will be counted as sales and entitle komisyen. :rolleyes:

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Why Financial Planner will be the Hottest Job in 2008.

A job that combines professionalism and entrepreneurship

Financial planning is a very professional job. It requires high level of social skills, and also technical knowledge. Don’t ever look down on this profession. This magnificent job is just as professional as a doctor, lawyer, or accountant.

When you engaged a professional service, it normally involves a professional fee. And some specialists charge for the performance of job, not on the result of their work. For example, a brain surgeon charges thousands ringgit for a procedure that doesn’t guarantee 100% success rate. The patient still need to pay whether the surgery is successful or not.

But as a financial planner, most of the time we give advice free of charge. We ask people to save, to invest, to protect and manage their wealth wisely. My clients become richer, not poorer.

The best part about this career is that you work as an entrepreneur, not an employee. You can do recruitment, build your sales force and prosper as a solid business with long term customer base. The more people you train to be successful, the more successful you are. That is the beauty of this profession.

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Missconception between the EPF and Unit Trust Investment..


Unit Trust Investors sometimes use the EPF dividend rate as a benchmark to evaluate the performance of their unit trust funds. This tendency appears quite understandable in cases where after withdrawing from their EPF to buy unit trusts, they subsequently become disappointed when their unit trusts under performed the EPF dividend rate over the short term period of one year or less.

But the truth is that the performance of unit trust funds should be properly evaluated against their respective benchmark over a medium term horizon of 3-5 years.

Hence, an equity fund should be evaluated on how it beats the KLCI index (KLCI) over the years while a bond fund should be evaluated against bond index or fixed deposit rates. It is not wise to compare the EPF with Unit Trusts simply because you are comparing apple against oranges.

Asset Allocation?

When u place two different portfolios side by side, there will be times when one portfolio does very well and vice versa depending on prevailing market cycles. Thus, a lackluster stock market, investors tend to appreciate the consistent 4%-5% dividend rate from the EPF. But when the stock market performs well, investors wonder why the EPF’s performance hardly moves up by the same amount.

This misconception is related to a lack of knowledge about portfolio types. The EPF portfolio based on its asset allocation between bond and equities is very different from an equity unit trust fund

The basic principle about asset allocation is that u can reasonably expect to get equity-type returns (10%-15% over the medium to long term) from an equity portfolio and bond type returns (7%-8% over the medium to long term) from a bond portfolio.

The EPF is primarily a bond portfolio with around with around 80% of its assets invested in bonds, almost half of which comprises Malaysian Government Securities,. The equity portion accounts for just under 20% of asset and is conservatively managed.


Why the return of Unit Trust Funds is so much more volatile than the EPF fund’s return? Unit Trust Investors should be aware that their investments are exposed to a higher level of portfolio risk than constrain portfolios such as EPF, which has a maximum statutory limit of 25% of its asset to be invested in stocks and a maximum statutory limit of 70% in government fixed income securities.

In comparison, equity unit trust funds typically allocate between 60%-90% of their assets in stocks, there by exposing the portfolio’s return to higher volatility than constrained portfolios.

Hypothetical of Unit Trust Investment on diversifying towards retirement savings

(Ringgit) Investor

Total in EPF 200,000

Amount in Account 1 120,000

Amount eligible for investment 70,000

Portion that can be withdrawn to UT (20%) 14,000

Share of total epf savings 7%

Annual Investment return (e.g equity fund) 10%

Years to retirement 20

Future Value of invested portion at retirement 102,593

Share of total savings at retirement 17%

Total Savings at retirement (EPF + Investment) 607,144

Edited by Etiqa

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Pittikal Fund is again the best fund, buat sesapa yg nak start melabur, Pittikal is the best entry now.. :lol:

Public Mutual raih 4 anugerah

PUBLIC Mutual Bhd, anak syarikat milik penuh Public Bank, munculsebagai pemenang terbesar Anugerah Dana Morningstar Asia (Malaysia)2007 dengan merangkul empat daripada enam anugerah.

Empat anugerah dimenangi Public Mutual ialah Public Dana Ittikal bagi kategori Syariah, Public Dana Growth (ekuiti Malaysia),Public Dana Bond (Bon Ringgit Malaysia) dan PB Dana Balanced (SeimbangRinggit Malaysia).

Pengerusi Public Mutual, Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow, berkatabeliau amat berbangga dengan pencapaian syarikat itu yang memenangianugerah terbanyak pada anugerah berkenaan.

Beliau berkata, strategi pelaburan yang berkesan menyumbang terhadap kejayaan syarikat pada majlis anugerah berkenaan.

“Kami berterima kasih kepada pemegang unit dan perunding unitamanah di atas keyakinan dan sokongan mereka,†katanya dalam kenyataansemalam.

Anugerah Dana Morningstar bermatlamat mengiktiraf dana dankumpulan dana paling banyak memberi tambah nilai dalam konteks kumpulandana sebaya yang berkaitan untuk pelabur sepanjang tempoh setahun lalu.Pada masa sama, dana berkenaan juga perlu memberi pulangan yangdiselaraskan dengan risiko baik untuk tempoh tiga tahun dan lima tahunbagi menerima anugerah terbabit.

Kriteria pemilihan anugerah juga mempertimbangkan faktor kualitatif termasuk penilaian sama ada risiko asas dalam sebuah danaadalah terlalu tinggi untuk diberi anugerah dan sama ada sebuah danamelencong daripada mandatnya.

Public Mutual adalah syarikat unit amanah swasta terbesar diMalaysia dan menguruskan 62 dana kepada kira-kira 1.8 juta pemegangakaun.Sehingga 31 Mei 2008, jumlah nilai aset bersih dana yang diuruskan syarikat terbabit adalah sebanyak RM28.4 bilion

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4 lessons from the turbulence market…

Lesson 1; Markets move in cycles

Investment markets move in cycles and it is impossible to predict when a market will rise or fall. But they always recover. One thing we know from looking at the long term performance of the share market despite short term volatility.

Lesson 2; Diversification reduces risk

You can reduce the impact of market movements by diversifying your portfolio. A diversified portfolio is spread across a number of different asset types (50% - equity, 50% -bond etc). Diversifying prevents the value of your portfolio from being dependant on the performance of a single asset type. A fall in the value of one investment may be offset by gains in the value of another.

Lesson 3; "Time in" not Timing

Markets are unpredictable, so picking those "big days" is impossible. Staying invested means you capture the full benefits of the share market. Your returns might be down one month, but by withdrawing from the market you run the risk of missing out on the recovery.

Generally, investors with a long time horizon, who do not need to access their money for more than 5 years, can afford to take on more risk because they have more time to ride out the fluctuations of the market.

However, if you intend to be in the market for less than 5 years, you might consider focusing on the less volatile asset classes such as money market and bonds

Lesson 4; Start Early, Save regularly

You don't need a lot of money to start investing. By making small regular contributions over the time, you might be surprised by how quickly your investment accumulates. The sooner you start investing and the more often you do it, the better. Setting up a regular savings plan takes the guess workout of trying to find the right time to make an investment. Starting now will give your money time to growth through the power of compounding.

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Nowadays, what requirement and prospect income this is most popular FAQ.. Perenggan2 dibawah is my most simplify answer to pihak yang bertanya, generally brief what is all about... further details kena make appointment :rolleyes:


Requirement utk be Unit Trust Consultant is very simple. U kena join Public Mutual and sit exam, pass exam FMUTM. The exam is very easy provided u study. i akan bagi u manual and contoh2 soalan di samping mendaftarkan u kelas persediaan for exam.

Skill, knowledge and confident, i and the company will train u later. The training are comprensively covered overall aspect required by UTC including technical knowledge. don't worry about that..

Tentang prospect, Dulu and sekarang jauh bezanya. Nowadays, as u know 1 person has 2 ways of how to make investment, which are via cash or EPF. So, the market prospect is bigger than before. UTC yang part time average earned minimum RM 400-RM 500 direct commission per month.


Direct commission is 2.75% for cash and 2.0% for epf. Sales quota is just RM 30K per year and it can be accumulated.

Bila sales u cecah RM 20K dan dah sebulan u dgn Public Mutual, u bole start recruit downline.

Once total sales u ( sales u + downlines u) = RM 500K.. u will enjoy overriding commission. Iaitu, setiap sales downline u, u earned 0.57% (for $) and 0.29% (for epf)..

Pasif income, kita ada career benefit.Pengiraannya is based on total unit of fundholder of your account, yg active as long as they stay with u.This one is paid on monthly basis, regardless u make sales or not. Nak terangkan kiraannya di sini sgt panjang. I harap i ada chance to meet u so that i can show u how does it works. But fyi, career benefit like unlimited "salary", which makes we all survived in this biz.

I'm looking for someone (full time/part time) yang ada strong ambition to success even part timer i hope kalau ada sesiapa yg berminat and seriously want to be, lets joint me. I will help u until this one bole jadi career tetap u.


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Hi.. lama tak masuk sini. Aku nak jadi part timer but masa sekarang nie memang masa tak izinkan sangat... balik keje memang letih giler, dah ler hari minggu kadang2 ada keje gak. So, kalau dah betul2 dalam mode rilex nanti aku nak try ler yek. :D

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Hi.. lama tak masuk sini. Aku nak jadi part timer but masa sekarang nie memang masa tak izinkan sangat... balik keje memang letih giler, dah ler hari minggu kadang2 ada keje gak. So, kalau dah betul2 dalam mode rilex nanti aku nak try ler yek. :D

you are most welcomed bro. AKu "kepingin" nak rekruit org2 yg professional cam ko.

But, student.. aku dah tutup pintu kerana few students yg aku rekruit before is very "dissapointing and wasting".

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ok amrie..

aku dah send email..check it out bro. :rolleyes:

hope to have ur reply.

bro,aku dah invest kat PMF...skg dah register utk jdi UTC...apa2 pun thanks for ur information....minta maaf coz tak jdi u pnya DL...yg pnting kita masih 1 bumbung...gud luck bro...tq

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bro,aku dah invest kat PMF...skg dah register utk jdi UTC...apa2 pun thanks for ur information....minta maaf coz tak jdi u pnya DL...yg pnting kita masih 1 bumbung...gud luck bro...tq

no prob bro.. satu trend yg common dlm biz nie,bila kita lewat me"respons", org lain akan "grab".. zaman satu an sekarang dunia memerlukan kita bergerak pantas..

nie satu example yg berguna utk ko bila jadi UTC nanti. :rolleyes:

Edited by Etiqa

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salam bro..walaupun kiter berdekatan tetapi cam berjauhan...jangan risau bro...

Bro, dgn pedoman yg aku beri kat hang dalam masa sejam semalam, aku harap ko bole survive dlm biz nie..Kunci kejayaan is "consistency" and "sacrification"..work hard, don't give up is a basic requirement.

anything contact aku bro.

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Kepada mereka yg berminat nak jadi UTC, EPF Sales is one of the main factor why most professional UTC survived in this biz..

Cuba lookout my group's EPF prospect income model..

EPF Income Model ( RM 7,000/submission)

NEI= New Epf Investment


EPF Investment; can withdraw once in 3 months

Submission Bulan 1

10 NEI x RM 7,000 = RM 70,000

Submission Bulan 2

10 NEI x RM 7,000 = RM 70,000

Submission Bulan 3

10 NEI x RM 7,000 = RM 70,000

Submission Bulan 4

10 NEI x RM 7,000 = RM 70,000

Submission Bulan 5

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (investors bulan 1) = RM 140,000

Submission Bulan 6

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (investors bulan 2) = RM 140,000

Submission Bulan 7

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (investors bulan 3) = RM 140,000

Submission Bulan 8

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (investors bulan 4) = RM 140,000

Submission Bulan 9

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (Investors Bulan 1) + 10 topup EI (Bulan 5)= RM 210,000

Submission Bulan 10

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (Investors Bulan 2) + 10 topup EI (Bulan 6) = RM 210,000

Submission Bulan 11

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (Investors Bulan 3) + 10 topup EI (Bulan 7) = RM 210,000

Submission Bulan 12

10 NEI + 10 topup EI (investors Bulan 4) + 10 topup EI (Bulan 8) = RM 210,000

Total sales of the year, from EPF Sales only = RM 1.68 million

Total Komisen = RM 33,600 per year.


nie belum masuk ovverriding komisyen dpd downlines..


nie belum masuk pengiraan career benefit

Edited by Etiqa

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no prob bro.. satu trend yg common dlm biz nie,bila kita lewat me"respons", org lain akan "grab".. zaman satu an sekarang dunia memerlukan kita bergerak pantas..

nie satu example yg berguna utk ko bila jadi UTC nanti

. :rolleyes:

thanks for ur reminder...

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Saya copy & paste infor di bawah dpd forum cari.com. Ia merupakan satu maklumat yg bergunan kepada mereka yag berminat nak melabur atau nak topup pelaburan mereka..kesimpulannya, mula la melabur skang..u will have a great chance to buy low now, sell high later.

Sekarang masa sesuai beli saham

PENASIHAT ekonomi di sebuah syarikat pengurusan aset antarabangsa berkata,sekarang masa sesuai untuk mengumpul saham tempatan yang berhargamenarik kerana ia menawarkan nilai, terutama bagi tempoh jangkapanjang.

Michael Preiss, penasihat ekonomi kepada African AssetManagement Ltd, berkata meskipun aspek kelemahan krisis pasaransubprima Amerika Syarikat (AS) adalah kesan negatifnya ke atas pasaran serantau seperti Malaysia, kelebihannya adalah masa terbabit sesuaiuntuk aktiviti belian saham murah terpilih.

"Walaupun beberapa perkembangan politik dijangkamempengaruhi tinjauan bagi bursa tempatan, prestasi Bursa Malaysiakebanyakannya didorong faktor luar berbanding faktor dalaman," katanyaselepas satu seminar mengenai krisis subprima di Kuala Lumpur.

Preiss berkata, modal asing meninggalkan kebanyakanpasaran baru muncul berikutan kesan negatif daripada krisis kreditsubprima serta kebimbangan peningkatan inflasi.

Seperti kebanyakan negara lain, katanya, sektor perbankan dijangka paling teruk terjejas akibat daripada krisis subprima danpeningkatan inflasi.

Sebaliknya, beliau berkata, sektor telekomunikasi danberasaskan sumber seperti saham perladangan terutama yang menghasilkanminyak sawit mentah akan mendapat faedah.

"Pelabur sepatutnya menumpukan saham yang mempunyai pulangan dividentinggi seperti saham telekomunikasi yang pendapatannya lebih ketara,"katanya. Preiss juga meredakan kebimbangan bahawa kemelesetan yang teruk akan menjejaskan ekonomi serantau.

"Negara lain di dunia tidak akan mengalami kemelesetan sepenuhnya seperti AS," katanya sambil menambah `tahap keselesaanpelabur semakin meningkat.'

Beliau berkata, mereka tidak lagi bimbang dengan kemelesetanteruk, ia lebih kepada kebimbangan inflasi kerana inflasi global yangberpunca daripada harga minyak mentah melambung tinggi kini adalah isusebenar dalam pasaran.

"Negara yang banyak berdagang dengan AS akan lebih terjejas," katanya.

� Bernama :rolleyes:

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