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Ingin Mencari Sesiapa Yang Berminat Dengan Perniagaan Amanah Saham (un

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Ramai yg melabur dlm UT nie sbb mereka confident. Public Mutual plak is No.1 dalam Total Asset Management in industry..sesapa yg berminat, meh aa melabur dan jadi agen

Unit amanah sumbang 70 peratus

INDUSTRI unit amanah domestik adalah yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara dengan menyumbang lebih 70 peratus kepada industri pengurusan pelaburan negara.

Industri ini terus berkembang sepanjang tempoh enam bulan pertama 2008 berikutan pelancaran dana baru yang membawa peningkatan bilangan unit dalam edaran.

Penambahan 35 dana baru menjadikan 530 dana diwujudkan pada akhir Jun 2008.

Pelabur melihat unit amanah sebagai instrumen pelaburan berdaya maju seperti yang digambarkan pertumbuhan bilangan akaun dan unit dalam edaran sebanyak 14.4 peratus dan 10.7 peratus.

Segmen unit amanah Islam terus cergas dengan pelancaran lapan dana baru menjadikan keseluruhan 136 dana manakala nilai aset bersih (NAV) meningkat 6.6 peratus kepada RM18 bilion pada akhir Jun 2008.

Bagaimanapun, NAV keseluruhan industri unit amanah menurun 5.6 peratus kepada RM159 bilion, mewakili 17.7 peratus daripada nilai permodalan pasaran Bursa Malaysia pada akhir Jun 2008, sejajar dengan penyusutan Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur (KLCI).

Pengurus dana unit amanah terus mempelbagaikan portfolio pelaburan dalam pasaran asing berikutan langkah liberalisasi paras ambang pelaburan luar negara yang dinaikkan secara berperingkat kepada 50 peratus daripada NAV dana pemastautin mulai April 2007.

Enam bulan pertama 2008 menyaksikan 27 unit dana amanah baru dilancar bagi pelaburan pasaran asing manakala pada akhir Jun 2008, 11 dana melabur RM401 juta dalam aset asing, menjadikan 160 dana melabur RM13.3 bilion dalam pasaran asing.

Dana Manah Hartanah (REIT) dan Dana Dagangan Bursa (ETF) pula secara beransur mula mencapai momentum pertumbuhan walaupun jumlah REIT, termasuk dua REIT Islam yang disenarai di Bursa Malaysia kekal pada 13, saiz aset meningkat kepada RM7.7 bilion berbanding RM7 bilion pada 2007.

Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC) meluluskan REIT swasta pertama pada Februari 2008 manakala ETF Islam pertama di Asia disenarai di Bursa Malaysia Januari lalu, menambah jumlah ETF kepada tiga dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama 2008.

Nilai permodalan pasaran ETF pada akhir Jun 2008 meningkat kepada RM1.2 bilion berbanding RM531.8 juta akhir tahun lalu.

Industri REIT dijangka berkembang lagi berikutan pengumuman langkah terkini Ogos lalu bagi mempertingkatkan daya tarikan Bursa Malaysia sebagai destinasi penyenaraian REIT selain menggalakkan industri REIT yang cergas dan berdaya saing.

Langkah ini termasuk meningkatkan pegangan ekuiti asing dalam REIT kepada 70 peratus daripada 49 peratus, kelonggaran kepada pengurus REIT menguruskan portfolio mereka dan membenarkan pengurus REIT menerbitkan unit sehingga 20 peratus daripada saiz dana tanpa mendapatkan mandat pemegang unit.

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Public Mutual umum agihan pendapatan dua dana

KUALA LUMPUR 2 Sept. - Public Mutual hari ini mengumumkan pengagihan pendapatan Public Dana SmallCap sebanyak lapan sen dan tiga sen bagi PB Dana Islamic Equity untuk tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Ogos 2008.

Pengerusi Public Mutual, Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow berkata, Public Dana SmallCap yang dilancarkan pada 2000 adalah dana yang banyak memenangi anugerah, iaitu 10 anugerah dana dalam kategorinya daripada Anugerah Dana Malaysia The Edge-Lipper dan Anugerah Dana Pelaburan Malaysia The Star/Standard & Poors.

Menurut beliau, Public Dana SmallCap menduduki tempat pertama untuk pulangan lima tahun dalam kategorinya dengan pulangan yang menarik sebanyak 113.47 peratus bagi tempoh berakhir 8 Ogos 2008.

Dana ini diedarkan oleh perunding unit amanah Public Mutual, sementara PB Dana Islamic Equity yang dilancarkan pada tahun 2005, diedarkan oleh cawangan-cawangan Public Bank di seluruh negara.

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Fahami sebab ketidaktentuan pasaran saham

Oleh Jauhari Dahalan

Minggu-minggu dalam bulan July-August lalu menyaksikan henyakkan teruk ke atas pasaran saham tempatan - Bursa Malaysia, yang mengakibatkan penyusutan harga agak ketara. Berjuta-juta ringgit kerugian dicatatkan kali ini. Penyusutan harga lebih ketara ke atas saham-saham berharga rendah, begitu pun saham-saham mewah juga tidak terkecuali daripada henyakkan kali ini.

Kebanyakan pelabur ketika ini mengambil sikap berhati-hati, meminggirkan diri di tepian pasaran tatkala menantikan petunjuk yang baru yang lebih meyakinkan sebelum kembali ke pasaran. Apa yang diperlihatkan kepada kita adalah bagaimana pasaran saham negara terus menghadapi tekanan jualan terutamanya daripada pelabur-pelabur institusi dan sindiket yang mencairkan posisi pelaburan mereka menyebabkan pasaran terus kelesuan.

Bukan setakat itu sahaja, para pelabur juga mencairkan posisi mereka dalam pelaburan amanah saham yang menyebabkan berlakunya tekanan jualan ke atas saham-saham mewah. Pelbagai alasan diberikan bagi menjelaskan kemelut pasaran saham sekarang. Ada pihak menyatakan keengganan institusi kewangan dan firma broker saham memberi kemudahan kredit atau pengurangan jumlah pembiayaan pelaburan margin adalah penyebab wujudnya tekanan jualan di pasaran secara besar-besaran.

Sejauh mana kebenaran ini ia masih lagi diperdebatkan. Walaupun hal ini sudah dinafikan oleh pihak institusi kewangan, ia masih lagi tidak dapat memulihkan kemurungan pasaran saham walaupun wujud petanda yang positif akan keredaannya.

Jika pun ada kebenaran di atas tindakan institusi kewangan ini, kita mestilah sedia maklum tindakan tersebut. Sebagaimana perniagaan lain, institusi kewangan juga mengambil sikap berhati-hati dalam setiap urus niaganya.

Jika kedapatan petanda ke arah kemungkinan wujudnya pendedahan kepada risiko, mereka akan mengambil langkah-langkah keselamatan dengan menghentikan urus niaga tersebut atau mengurangkannya.

Kemudahan kredit bagi pembiayaan pelaburan margin adalah bersandar kepada cagaran saham-saham kepunyaan pelanggan. Turun naik harga saham di pasaran mendedahkan institusi kewangan kepada risiko. Pendedahan kepada risiko adalah lebih tinggi dalam keadaan pasaran yang tidak menentu.

Jika saham-saham tersebut bukanlah terdiri daripada saham yang boleh menguntungkan atau saham-saham teguh maka kebiasaannya institusi kewangan enggan menawarkan kemudahan kredit atau jumlah kredit yang dibenarkan adalah kecil.

Keadaan ini pastinya mengekang aktiviti para pelabur untuk aktif di pasaran. Kesannya, ramai pelabur yang terpaksa menjualkan saham-saham pegangan mereka bagi memantapkan kecairan mereka.


Analisis lain yang menyatakan kemelut pasaran ketika ini adalah gara-gara permainan pelabur sindiket dan spekulator pasaran saham di mana menyaksikan tekanan jualan terutamanya ke atas saham-saham barisan kedua dan ketiga yang menyebabkan harga saham-saham ini terjejas dengan begitu teruk.

Tindakan para pelabur ini juga dikatakan ada kaitannya dengan tindakan institusi kewangan mengurangkan atau menarik balik kemudahan kredit pembiayaan. Persoalannya bagaimana mungkin kita dapat mengekangkan aktiviti sesetengah sindiket atau spekulator ini yang boleh mengucar-ngacirkan pasaran di atas tindakan mereka.

Walaupun begitu adakalanya para pelabur jenis ini jugalah yang menggerakkan pasaran saham ke arah peningkatan urus niaga pasaran saham. Alasan lain yang dikaitkan dengan kejatuhan di pasaran saham adalah diakibatkan oleh timbul keraguan ke atas pencapaian atau prestasi syarikat-syarikat bagi saham-saham barisan kedua dan ketiga. Keraguan ini timbul apabila syarikat-syarikat ini membuat pengubahan di atas penyata kewangan yang berkaitan pencapaian atau keuntungan yang dijangkakan yang berlainan daripada apa yang diuar-uarkan semasa membuat terbitan awal awam.

Maka timbul isu ketelitian dan kredibiliti akauntan yang memperakukan penyata kewangan tersebut dan bagaimana perkara sebegini boleh dibiarkan berlaku. Keraguan ke atas saham-saham bagi syarikat-syarikat yang dikaitkan telah mewujudkan tekanan jualan yang mengakibatkan penyusutan harga saham-saham berkenaan.

Pelaporan penyata kewangan yang tidak tepat ini tidak seharusnya berlaku jika penyediaan dan penyemakan dilakukan dengan teliti dan berhemah.

Volatiliti pasaran saham negara ketika ini juga dipengaruh oleh faktor-faktor luaran. Kenaikan harga minyak terutamanya cukup memberi kesan ke atas syarikat-syarikat pengeluar di dunia.

Kenaikan harga minyak ini pastinya meningkatkan kos pengeluaran yang akan disalurkan ke atas pengguna dalam bentuk kenaikan harga barangan. Pengguna akan mengambil sikap yang lebih berhati-hati dalam pembelanjaan mereka. Sikap ini secara tidak langsung akan mengurangkan permintaan dan pastinya mengurangkan pendapatan syarikat-syarikat pengeluar.

Oleh kerana pasaran pengguna yang terbesar adalah di Amerika Syarikat dan Eropah, tentu pengurangan permintaan di pasaran tersebut memberi kesan kepada pendapatan syarikat.

Pengumuman keuntungan yang lebih rendah oleh syarikat-syarikat yang disenaraikan di pasaran utama dunia seperti Wall Street pastinya mengundang tekanan jualan yang mengakibatkan penurunan kepada petunjuk indeks seperti Indeks Dow Jones.

Prestasi pasaran luar negara ini juga kebiasaannya memberi kesan ke atas prestasi pasaran saham tempatan. Banyak syarikat yang disenaraikan di luar negara mempunyai hubungan niaga dengan syarikat tempatan.

Pengurangan permintaan syarikat tersebut bererti pengurangan ke atas pengeluaran syarikat tempatan, yang seterusnya mengurangkan pendapatan syarikat. Jika syarikat-syarikat ini adalah syarikat yang disenaraikan di pasaran saham tempatan maka ia akan memberi kesan ke atas harga sahamnya di pasaran.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi suku tahun ini yang diumumkan sebanyak 5.7 peratus adalah memberangsangkan. Ia memberikan keyakinan bahawa kemelut pasaran saham ketika ini adalah bersifat sementara.

Walaupun begitu kita seharusnya dapat memanfaatkan kejatuhan harga-harga saham.Ia membuka peluang bagi kita untuk membuat pembelian kerana harga saham cukup rendah. Jika kita ingin mendapat pulangan yang baik bagi tempoh jangka masa panjang maka inilah masa yang baik bagi kita memasuki pasaran.

Banyak yang dijual pada harga yang rendah boleh mendatangkan keuntungan jangka panjang.

Kita mesti bijak dalam membuat pemilihan saham-saham yang hendak dibeli. Kejatuhan harga saham bukan bererti semua jenis saham elok dibeli. Penelitian dan kajian mestilah dilakukan dahulu.

Ternyata ramai para pelabur mengharapkan keadaan pasaran kembali sebagai mana di tahun-tahun sebelum krisis kewangan 1997-98.

Kita tidak hanya boleh mengharap atau menunggu sahaja. Pelabur masa kini haruslah lebih bijak dan melengkapi diri dengan pengetahuan mengenai pelaburan.

- Dr. Jauhari Dahalan ialah pensyarah di Fakulti Ekonomi Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah.


Edited by Etiqa

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Kepada sesiapa yg nak join public mutual as Unit Trust Consultant, Public Mutual has recently announce reverse of special incentive to new recruitment to boost sales and recruiter recruits more new consultants..

This is only for year 2008..



Launching of Special Incentive Trip at lower PS quota of RM850,000 shj


100% of EPF sales will contribute to Maintenance Quota computation (dulu 50% sahaja)


20% reduction of PS & TS quota for all levels. For new consultants, (MFA) PS: RM24,000 sahaja (regardless epf / cash, dulu RM 30,000

Special attention to Sis supersupian, This is a very good oppurtinity for you to make an impressive welcome. :blush:

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anda masih ada masa utk memulakan pelaburan di amanah saham..It is a long "cheap sales" season :blush:

Pasaran saham Asia jatuh

KUALA LUMPUR 5 Sept. - Pasaran saham Asia jatuh hari ini selepas menerima tempias daripada kejatuhan bursa saham di Amerika Syarikat (AS).

Bursa Saham Tokyo dan Hong Kong kedua-duanya didapati jatuh hampir tiga peratus.

Di Tokyo, Indeks Nikkei 225 rugi 345.43 mata atau 2.75 peratus menjadikannya 12,212.23 dan ia adalah antara terendah sejak pertengahan Mac lalu.

Bursa Hong Kong pula jatuh sebanyak 456.2 mata kepada 19,933.28 mata.

Di Malaysia, prestasi bursa saham serantau yang tidak menggalakkan turut menjejaskan lagi bursa saham tempatan dengan Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur (IKKL) jatuh 14.84 mata kepada 1,070.54 mata.

Pengurus Kanan Kumpulan TA Investment Bhd., Alsetdek Al Haj Ali berkata, kejatuhan harga komoditi dunia merupakan salah satu faktor yang memaksa bursa saham tempatan hari ini ditutup rendah.

Katanya, hal itu menyebabkan para pelabur melupuskan pelaburan dalam perladangan dan di dalam beberapa sektor yang lain.

Selain itu, katanya, pembentangan Bajet 2009 turut memberi impak kepada para pelabur asing yang didapati terus menjauhi Bursa Malaysia.

"Bermula dengan langkah Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) yang mengekalkan kadar dasar semalaman (OPR), Bajet 2009 dan diikuti dengan keadaan inflasi negara dan keadaan ekonomi semasa yang mengakibatkan para pelabur menarik diri daripada pasaran,'' kata beliau.

Sementara itu, Presiden Persatuan Remisier Bumiputera Malaysia, Huda Ikhwan berpendapat, keadaan politik tempatan yang tidak stabil turut menimbulkan kebimbangan di kalangan peniaga dan para pelabur.

Katanya, keadaan ini dijangka akan berlaku dalam tempoh yang panjang dan berterusan sekiranya sesuatu tidak dilakukan.

Pasaran Wall Street jatuh teruk semalaman apabila jumlah kehilangan kerja di sektor swasta menjejaskan sentimen pasaran dan juga kebimbangan kadar kepenggunaan yang menjadi penyangga kuat ekonomi AS, runtuh.

Berita terbaru melaporkan kadar pengangguran AS ternyata melonjak 6.1 peratus pada bulan Ogos, paras tertinggi dalam tempoh lebih 4-1/2 tahun.

Sementara itu, perkembangan di Wall Street juga menjejaskan Bursa Saham Sydney, Australia, S&P/ASX 200 turut ditutup rendah iaitu 2.1 peratus.

Indeks Straits Times di Singapura pula menyusut sebanyak 1.62 peratus manakala Mumbai jatuh menghampiri 2.5 peratus dan Manila turut jatuh kepada 1.1 peratus.

Bursa Saham Seoul tidak terlepas mengalami kejatuhan bursa saham iaitu sebanyak 1.55 peratus setelah terdapat berita Samsung Electronics yang akan mengambil alih syarikat pembuat kad pengimbas memori terbesar dunia, Sandisk.

Para penganalisis berkata, kejatuhan pasaran Asia boleh berterusan ekoran para pelabur berasa bimbang sekiranya ekonomi AS yang merupakan rakan dagangan terbesar berterusan merosot.

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The route to LONG-TERM Investment Success

Unit Trust Investors who hold their unit trust investments for the long term will achieve better return than those who engage in timing the market.

They should be focused and eep their emotions from influencing their investment decisions. A disciplined and mehodical approach to investing is the key to success. This approach entails holding unit trust investments for the medium to long term period of at least three years with portfolion rebalancing done on a semi-annual or annual basis.

However, they are some investors believe they can achieve superior returns by timing the purchase and redemption of equity funds to profit from the stockmarket’s short term movement. They are tempted to engage in espescially in an environment where equity markets are volatile. They who wish to make quick gains in the stock market by switching from one fund into anohther fund will often be dissapointed.

Market timing strategies that are touten by so –called investment experts usually have not been proven to be successfull. This is because stock makets are inherently volatile and are impossible to predict with numerous factors. Both domestic and foreign, afecting short market movements.

The buy-and-hold principle is based on the notion that a good invetsment will generate reasonably attractive returns over the medium-to-long term. This simply means ignoring short term movements in the market. This strategy is usually adopted by professional fund managers. For investors, this strategy c an also work by holding on to a well selected fund over a period of at least 3 years.

On the other hand, market timing strategies are subject to many risks. In order to profit from the short term’s trends, the investors has to correctly predict the market’s trend and its turning point. Whithout the appropriate skills to discern signals and time the entries and exits, the market timer may not only miss oppurtinities, but also potentially suffer the blow of rapid losses. Also with higher frequency of fund switching, investors will have to incure increased transaction costs

The advantage of using the “buy and hold†strategy in unit trust investment is that it is easy to manage your investments once you have made them. Over the time, the upward bias of the market will overcome and outweigh any temporary pull backs in the value of your portfolio.

Investors who are concerned about market volatility are advised to practise dollar cost averaging as this strategy enables investors to focus on the long term goals and not worry about the prevailing level of the market. Dollar cost averaging is simply investing a fixed amount of money in a financial asset (such as unit trust fund) on a regular basis regardless of the market cycle. By investing a fixed amount, investors will buy more units when the market is lower and fewer units when th market is higher. It will produce lower average cost of investment than the average market price over any given period.

In addition, investors are also advised to rebalance their portfolios regularly at least once a year to ensure that their portfolio allocation reflects their investment objectives and risk profile. Thus, as a result of an uptrend in stock prices, an investor’s equity exposure has exceeded a level consistent with his risk tollerance, he can trim a portion of the equity funds and switch into bond or money market funds to rebalance the aset allocation accordingly. Maintaining the target assets allocation reduces the risk that the portfolio becomes too much concentrated in a single asset class.

In conclusion, investors should have a discplined perspective that focusses on achieving medium to long term investment goals. The practise of dollar cost averaging and regular portfolio rebalancing helps investors to focus on the long term horizon and keeps them from over reacting to the short term movements of the stockmarket.

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Khusus utk Pelabur Public China Ittikal Fund..

Kepada mereka yg berminat nak jadi consultant unit trust..future market shares is still bright for you if you want to earn extra income, :lol:

by iFAST Research Team

Is China Still Attractive After The Olympics?

The Beijing Olympics was a spectacular show. The opening ceremony impressed billions of viewers around the world. When it comes to China’s stock markets, however, the situation has been far from spectacular. They have been faring poorly, a few months, prior to the Olympics.

Economic growth measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) moderated to 10.1% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2008. This implies an economic slowdown (as compared with the GDP growth of 11.9% for the whole year 2007, and 10.6% for the first quarter of 2008).

Olympics: Boom and Bust?

Some investors observed there have been boom and bust cycles in Seoul, Sydney and Athens, before and after they organised the Olympic Games in 1988, 2000 and 2004 respectively. However, we do not expect to see such a cycle happening in Beijing. All the previous host cities contributed a large proportion to their nation’s economies. Beijing, on the other hand, contributes only around 4% to China’s GDP last year.

Beijing spent US$ 40.75 billion on urban infrastructure and US$ 1.89 billion on sport facilities, and those numbers add up to less than 1.1% of China’s fixed asset investments between 2005 and 2008 (source: People’s Daily). In terms of the equity market’s performance, although both the domestic A-shares and the Hong Kong-listed H-shares markets experienced a boom from 2006 to late 2007, they have not performed well this year, even during the Olympics. Hence, it is unlikely that there would be a post-Olympics bust.

China ’s economy has slowed down amidst the global economic gloom, but its GDP growth for 2008 may still be above the 8% target set by the Chinese government earlier this year. Inflation, on the other hand, which was at 8.7% year-on-year in February 2008, has been declining since May, to only 6.3% year-on-year in July 2008.

The rise in China’s CPI has since slowed down to 6.3% year-on-year in July, as food prices year-on-year dropped to 17.3% from more than 23% back in March this year. With food prices starting to ease, inflation remains tame.

Market watchers had concerns that the increased prices of petrol by about 17% and electricity tariff by 4.7% in June 2008 would have a huge impact on the non-food items. However, this was not the case. Non-food inflation in July 2008 rose 1.9% year-on-year (and only 0.2% month-on-month relative to June 2008).

On the monetary front, administrative measures including hiking banks’ reserve requirement ratios and raising loan quota have cooled the economy. Further tightening of money supply, real estate investments showed a decline in real terms. Therefore, inflation as measured by CPI or money supply is set to grow at a slower pace for the rest of the year. This gives the Chinese government greater flexibility to shift its policy to boost economic growth. As a result, we are seeing a slight depreciation of the Chinese yuan, expansion of loan quota, together with an increase of rebate for textile and clothing exporters.

GDP Growth May Still Be Above 8%

Net exports, however, dropped by 22.3% year-on-year in nominal terms in the second quarter of 2008, negatively impacting GDP growth. The surging prices of energy and other commodities led to strong import growth. Coupled with softer demand from developed economies including the US, led to slowing export growth . Fortunately, Europe and other Asian countries’ demand remains resilient.

Therefore, even without the contribution of net exports, China’s GDP growth for 2008 may still be above the 8% target set by the Chinese government. In light of slower economic growth and the easing of inflation fears, the Chinese government may revise its policies to boost the economy. While developed economies like the US are struggling and other global emerging markets are expecting to grow at an average of only 6.9% (source: IMF), China’s economic performance remains stronger. We expect that the Chinese equity market’s estimated earnings growth for 2008 and 2009 to be strong at 19.8% and 18% respectively.

A-shares and H-shares’ Relative Performance

As financial markets continue to develop in China, and citizens making higher disposable incomes, there has been very strong demand in the domestic A-shares in the past few years. Consequently, domestic A-shares tend to trade at a significant premium relative to their H-shares counterparts which are listed in Hong Kong.

In early January 2008, the A-shares were trading at a premium of about 108% to the H-shares in USD terms. However, the premium has since been reduced to only around 20% in early July 2008 due to the 60% slump in the A-shares market from its 2007 peak (as at 18 August 2008)

Over the past few months, not only has the premium been drastically reduced, but some H-shares are now trading at a premium to their A-shares counterparts. Therefore, investors pay less for a company’s A-shares than its H-shares (in USD terms). For instance, the A-shares of Anhui Conch Cement are trading at a 15.3% discount to its H-shares (in USD terms) as of 18 August 2008; the H-shares of financial companies including Ping An Insurance and Bank of Communications, are more expensive than their A-shares (in USD terms).

The narrowing of the valuation gap between the H-shares and the A-shares was expected. Back in late 2007, we observed that the valuations of A-shares were too high to sustain. We expected the gap to narrow. However, it has now happened much earlier than expected.

The major negative issue the A-shares are facing is that the “non-tradable shares†have recently been made tradable. As of 21 July 2008, about 18.4% of previously non-tradable shares have become eligible for trading, among which 29.7% were already released into the market. Investors who held these previously “non-tradable shares†tend to sell them at their current share prices, since the costs of these shares were much lower. Therefore, the possibilities of offloading cast a shadow over A-shares investor sentiment.

However, as of June 2008, those newly tradable shares made up less than 1% of the turnover in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. With minimal exposures to A-shares, China (or Greater China) equity funds may thus not be largely affected by the overhanging of “non-tradable sharesâ€. Moreover, mutual funds investors, especially those with a medium- to long-term outlook, may find the current valuation of China equities attractive.

But We Still Favour H-shares

Comparing the valuations of the A-shares and the H-shares at their peaks, A-shares may look more attractive at first glance. The A-shares market as represented by the Shanghai Composite Index were trading at a historical price-earnings (PE) ratio of 50x in late 2007 and an estimated PE ratio of 18.6x in 2008 (as of 25 August 2008). Over 50% of the domestic A-shares market’s turnover is generated by individual investors whose time horizons tend to be shorter than institutional investors in other global markets, making the A-shares markets more volatile than the global ones. The Shanghai Composite Index dropped over 60% from its peak on 19 August 2007, and caused the majority of individual investors to lose confidence in the domestic markets.

Since those newly tradable shares’ offloading issues involve A-shares only, Chinese shares listed in Hong Kong are indeed more attractive. The H-shares, as represented by the Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index, has an estimated PE ratio of 14.5x in 2008 and an estimated PE ratio of 12.3x in 2009 (as of 25 August 2008). Compared with a PE ratio of nearly 30x at its peak, the valuations of H-shares at present are very attractive indeed.


Despite weaker export growth, China’s economy may still grow by 8% or more in 2008. Domestic demand, based on retail sales, remains strong at over 20% year-on-year from March to July amidst the slump for A-shares. Infrastructure investment spurred by reconstruction needs after the natural disasters, will support economic growth, at least for the next two years. Inflation has lessen. Although market sentiment is negative in the short term, opportunities arise for mutual fund investors with medium- to long-term investment horizons.

China or Greater China equities seem attractive at their current valuation levels. However, they should be prepared for short-term volatility. China equity funds are single-market funds which may exhibit greater volatility than regional funds in the short term – we suggest investors place China or Greater China equity funds in the supplementary portion of their portfolio, which usually takes up no more than 20% of an overall portfolio. Nevertheless, the economic fundamentals, especially the Chinese market’s valuations, do indicate a good medium-term outlook

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Assalamualaikum Encik Anuar

Saya sudah sent all the details email .Ada 2 emails, check it out k. If you want to know further, maybe u can sms to me at 019-6928364 and i 'll contact you for further details or appointment.

And..To all yang saya sudah send infor2, Just put in mind that these would not intefere your current job as you can try on part time first...who knows, subsequently u can pursue based on full time basis.. come on..lets take as challenge..you succeed, you got the benefit..

I am a full time agent..have always free time for the customer. Thanks


Please send info berkaitan ke email sy [email protected]..

You all pnh dgr tak satu lagi syarikat plaburan KOPRAHA KOPERASI.any comment??

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Please send info berkaitan ke email sy [email protected]..

You all pnh dgr tak satu lagi syarikat plaburan KOPRAHA KOPERASI.any comment??

Salam Bro,

i dah send to your email. There are 2 replies, one about career prospect and another one is about unit trust investment prospect


Both kena re-bounce back..email u tak betui la..bole bg email add lain??

Ttg KOPRAHA KOperasi tue, aku mmg ada baca diorang punya kisah kat KOSMO and Metro..aku berpendapat adalah wajar kalau kita tgk dia punya ROI dulu becoz Koop nie masih baru lagi. :blush:

Edited by Etiqa

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Harap Dato' najib boleh membuat sesuatu utk upkan balik KLCI Index and our economy..

Moga dia tak jadi "Mr.Yes" Pak Lah

Najib Menteri Kewangan

PUTRAJAYA 17 Sept. – Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi hari ini menyerahkan jawatan Menteri Kewangan kepada timbalannya, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkuat kuasa serta-merta sebagai sebahagian daripada proses peralihan kuasa yang dipersetujui pada 2010.

Berkuat kuasa serta-merta juga, beliau mengambil alih jawatan Menteri Pertahanan daripada Najib.

Pada sidang akhbar bersama Najib selepas mesyuarat Kabinet di sini, Abdullah berkata, beliau dan timbalannya itu sepakat untuk terus komited pada pelan peralihan kuasa yang dipersetujui oleh Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO dan Kabinet Julai lalu.

Abdullah memberitahu, beliau turut akan mempertahankan jawatan Presiden UMNO manakala Najib untuk jawatan Timbalan Presiden pada pemilihan parti Disember ini.

‘‘Dalam jangka masa ini (pelan peralihan kuasa), saya akan serahkan kepada beliau beberapa perkara dan peranan yang saya telah laksanakan sebagai Perdana Menteri dari semasa ke semasa.

‘‘Maka, soal saya serahkan (peralihan kuasa) kepada Najib adalah dalam jadual yang fleksibel. Saya akan tentukan bila untuk pergi dan saya beritahu Najib tidak lebih lama dari 2010. Jika saya tinggalkan lebih awal, ia adalah mungkin (kerana) terdapat fleksibiliti dalam caturan kita,†kata beliau.

Menurut Abdullah, portfolio Menteri Kewangan termasuk pelantikan sebagai Timbalan Pengerusi Khazanah Nasional yang diserahkan kepada Najib mengambil kira situasi ketidaktentuan ekonomi, masa depan serta cabaran yang ditempuhi negara ketika ini.

Katanya, semua itu memerlukan perancangan untuk memastikan Malaysia terus teguh dan kuat untuk menghadapi pelbagai cabaran mendatang.

‘‘Mungkin nanti ada perkara yang perlu buat perubahan-perubahan dalam kedudukan ekonomi dan Najib sebagai pengganti saya nanti tentulah dapat memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam hal berkaitan ekonomi negara,†katanya.

Abdullah berkata, Najib yang akan menyampaikan ucapan pada Persidangan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) di New York tidak lama lagi juga akan bertemu dengan para pengurus dana dan pelabur Amerika Syarikat.

Lawatan ke New York itu, kata beliau, merupakan satu kesempatan yang baik buat Najib. Abdullah percaya ketua-ketua syarikat di negara itu dan Malaysia juga ingin menemui Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkaitan potensi pelaburan di negara ini.

“Semasa semua ini berjalan, saya masih juga menjalankan tugas lain berkaitan isu sosiol, agama, hubungan kaum dan berkaitan dengan reformasi sistem kehakiman serta agensi-agensi lain yang wajar dibawa dan direformasi untuk masa depan.

“Masa itu nanti saya akan perhati sejauh mana saya laksanakan dan sejauh mana Najib sesuaikan diri dengan banyak tugas yang perlu dilaksanakan,†katanya.

Menjawab soalan sama ada peralihan kuasa pada 2010 akan dipercepatkan, Abdullah memberitahu, ia bergantung kepada perkembangan semasa berkaitan usaha kerajaan ketika ini menghapuskan kemiskinan tegar serta menjalankan reformasi dalam sistem kehakiman dan Badan Pencegah Rasuah.

“Dan sudah tentunya soal keselamatan dan isu membabitkan hubungan kaum dan kebebasan,†katanya.

Kata Perdana Menteri: “Saya kata ini (peralihan kuasa) merupakan satu proses. Penyerahan tugas merupakan satu proses dan ia belum diputuskan dari sekarang hingga Jun 2010.

“Dalam proses itu, kita kaji proses, macam mana ia (berjalan) dan apabila kita bergerak, kita buat keputusan apa yang perlu dilakukan. Dan lepas itu, saya akan beritahu Najib apa yang ingin saya lakukan sama ada saya mahu pergi dan bila.â€

Menurutnya, beliau akan memaklumkan perubahan portfolio yang diumumkan hari ini dalam mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO esok.

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Dear Prospect Investors,

Yesterday, KLCI Index and global markets has tumble down (KLCI exceed below 1000 points), which bring further down of the unit trust fund investment value to as low as 30%-50% from the initial capital

However, as u all will note today, most of the benchmark has slowly rebounce back (KLCI from 967 points to 1015.35points) with a little moves only

The below articles has been forwarded to you all sometime ago

Now, i resending again to hope u all would sustain your interests in make investment to unit trust funds, Public Mutual.

If you all start now, u will buy low and sell high later.

Hope i can have an oppurtinity to serve ur all financial planning needs


Remain Calm Through Market Turbulence

In the wake of the turbulence of stock markets in recent months, unit trust investors may be tempted to either sell or buy. However, investors are advised to remain calm and practise dollar cost averaging with their long-term goals in view.

When regional and global markets succumbed to panic selling in August 2007 and more recently in January 2008, the severity and sharpness of the correction was large enough to make unit trust investors ask themselves whether they should redeem now to stem further losses or buy more units at currently low prices.

In fact, if they practise dollar cost averaging, they need not concern themselves with these timing issues. Dollar cost averaging enables investors to automatically buy more units when prices fall and fewer units when prices rise.

It is especially during times of market volatility that individual investors should remain focused on their long-term investment goals and keep their emotions from influencing their investment decisions. A disciplined and methodical approach to investing is the key to long-term investment success.

Unit trust investors are advised to buy and hold their investments for the medium to long term. The buy-and-hold principle is based on the notion that a good investment will generate reasonably attractive returns over the medium to long term. This also means that investors are able to distinguish between daily movements in the market and the underlying long-term value of their investments.

Professional fund managers buy and hold for the medium to long term as they are prepared to wait patiently over several years for their investments to reach their intrinsic or fair values.

For the unit trust investor, the 'buy-and-hold' strategy can also be applied by holding on to a well-selected unit trust fund over a period of at least three years.

There are some investors who believe they can achieve superior returns by timing the purchase and redemption of equity funds to profit from the stockmarket's short-term movements.

These investors are tempted to engage in timing the market especially in an environment where equity markets are volatile. Such investors who wish to make quick gains in the stock market by switching from one fund into another fund will often be disappointed.

Market timing strategies that are often recommended by 'investment experts' have seldom been successful. This is because stock markets are inherently volatile and are impossible to predict with numerous factors, both domestic and foreign, affecting daily and weekly fluctuations in stock prices.

Investors who wish to take a more active approach with their investments by timing the market will expose themselves to many risks. In order to profit from the market's short-term trends, the investor has to correctly predict the market's trend and its turning points

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There are two market scenarios now.

Senario 1

One is the possibility of the KLCI rebounding to the minimum 1000-level by the end of the year after hitting significant 880-900 points whithin the next two months

Ini di attributed oleh oversold condition of the market that could attract new investments

Senario 2

Worse case Scenario, in which the KLCI could slide further below 800 points, if market sentimen remains weak and the US Financial market continues to spring negative surprises.

Nowadays, kepada sesapa yg berminat nak melabur, di sarankan anda melabur di dalam dana2 ekuiti yg berportfoliokan stocks yg ada good fundamentals.

Becoz they are usually the first one to recover when market improves..


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" "We are taking advantage of the current volatility in share prices to accumulate undervalued stocks of well-managed companies with attractive growth and earnings," says Public Mutual CEO Yeo Kim Hong "

Dividends Funds are the lime light..take this oppurtinity to bring your costumer comes in..Pittikal is the very good entry now.

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Dgn market crisis rite now,sumer UTC mendapat pengalaman berharga kerana berpeluang merasai susah payah meng"calm down" customer and buat sales time market woes nie..

time crisis lebih teruk berbanding 97-98..Those UTC yg berdaya tahan, there are the real heroes..org lama takleh mendabik dada pasnie. :blush:

22-09-2008: Unit trust funds to remain resilient

by Racheal Lee Mei Nyee

Email us your feedback at [email protected]

KUALALUMPUR: Unit trust funds’ net asset value (NAV) has fallen significantly due to the equity market downturn and volatility, thoughthe industry will remain resilient, said fund experts.

When contacted,Fundsupermart told The Edge Financial Daily that local funds had been affected although they did not have a direct exposure to the UnitedStates’ financial crisis.

“Almost all equity funds were down while the returns for fixed income fund were also lower than over the last six months. Based on the 70 funds we sold, equityfunds were down 11.9% on average over the last six months, with the majority of them falling in a range of 7% to 17%,†the online unittrust portal said in an email reply.

It said balanced funds dropped on average 7.3% over the last six months, while fixed income funds fared the best, with a declining average of 1.7% with a few managing to turn in a positive return of under 1%.

Fundsupermart said the resilience of fixed-income funds tended to be stronger during such times as investors took “flight to safety†as an option to stay out ofequities.

The online portal added that a part from the US turmoil, rising inflation and slowing economic growth had also affected the market. Political instability was also a short-term worry for the Malaysian market.

It noted that volatility was likely to continue, and it was very difficult to time the market bottom but it believed that it was a good opportunity to start accumulating cheap securities by going through the fundinvestment route.

“Markets will not keepon dropping indefinitely. They will eventually recover. It is better to position for the recovery now in two to three years’ time, as there are attractive bargains to be had now.

“The industry will remain resilient even to market changes such as those we saw over the last two weeks. In fact, it should come out stronger when the worst is over and the dust has settled,†it added.

Fundsupermart said unit trusts would be appreciated as investors would realise the importance of diversification to access global markets and sophisticated sectors or asset classes, rather than risking puttingtheir money into just one investment or stock in light of thevulnerabilities exposed by the fall of Lehman Brothers and AIG.

“With the fall of giants such as AIG and Lehman Brothers, it has shown that no company,no matter how large, is entirely safe. This means that diversifying your holdings is now even more important. Markets will eventually recover, but the casualties from this financial turmoil, however, willnot,†it said.

From a purely researchpoint of view though, the online portal felt that equities generally looked more attractive at the moment as they had been sold down severely.

It likes Asian equities in particular due to their current low valuations, withforward price-earnings ratio (PE) of about 11 to 12 times, which isclose to levels during the SARS outbreak in 2003.

It is not aware of any large withdrawals from the unit trust industry despite the battered investor confidence and bearish mood.

Meanwhile, HwangDBSInvestment Management Bhd chief investment officer David Ng expectsnear-term volatility to continue in the global equity and fixed-incomemarkets.

He said the fundmanagement house would continue to hold a defensive posture with relatively high cash buffer and may re-deploy assets to work in Malaysia when local politics stabilised.

He added that thelocal market, particularly involving funds which had exposure in theequity market, was likely to underperform any global recovery unlessthere was a decisive resolution to the current political impasse.

Citing Bloomberg, Ng said global equity funds in general had fallen by 4.3% in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index.

“For the more aggressive investors, the coming quarter should present excellent opportunities to invest in equity funds. Meanwhile, the fixed-income fund is suitable for the conservative investor,†Ng said.

Kumpulan SentiasaCemerlang (KSC) Sdn Bhd director Choong Khuat Hock said some investors had redeemed their unit trust funds and switched to safer money market investments

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Industri Pembuatan di China dan India banyak membekalkan barg separuh siap to US utk di jadikan barang siap..

Bila US ekonomi down, permintaan trhadp barang separuh2 siap di China dan India pun menjadi kurang..

Tue yg PCIF dan PCSF down..

Krisis buktikan kepentingan ekonomi Amerika

WALAUPUN hanya menerima sedikit kesan daripada krisis kewangan global, ini tidak bermakna China dan India sudah cukup kuat untuk menjadi peneraju dalam pemulihan semula ekonomi dunia, kata penganalisis.

Di sebalik perdebatan yang menyatakan bahawa Asia adalah penggerak baru pertumbuhan, krisis kewangan yang terjadi baru-baru ini hanya memperkuatkan lagi status Amerika Syarikat (AS) sebagai ekonomi utama yang paling penting.

"AS masih lagi menjadi ekonomi terbesar dunia. Jika negara itu bermasalah, ia akan turut mengheret semua negara lain di dunia," kata penganalisis Economy.com, Sherman Chan syarikat milik Moody berpangkalan di Sydney.

"Saya tidak fikir India dan China mampu menyelamat seluruh dunia.. belum lagi," katanya.

Ketika ekonomi AS merangkumi kira-kira suku daripada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) dunia, gabungan KDNK China dan India pula menyumbang kurang daripada lapan peratus berdasarkan ukuran nilai tukaran asing mata wang kedua-dua negara.

"Peristiwa ini (krisis kewangan) hanya berlaku sekali dalam tempoh seabad, seperti gempa bumi, kita masih tidak tahu kesan daripadanya," kata Ketua Penyelidikan Ekuiti Religare Securities berpangkalan di New Delhi, Amitabh Chakraborty. – AFP

Edited by Etiqa

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Dgn market crisis rite now,sumer UTC mendapat pengalaman berharga kerana berpeluang merasai susah payah meng"calm down" customer and buat sales time market woes nie..

time crisis lebih teruk berbanding 97-98..Those UTC yg berdaya tahan, there are the real heroes..org lama takleh mendabik dada pasnie


Kalau customer takleh nak "calm down".. camner plak.. :D

Aku pun risau dengan trend crisis kewangan sekarang nie... hopefully this will not last for a very long long time. Industri unit amanah ler yang merasai kesan langsung akibat ketidaktentuan ekonomi sekarang nie. Harap UTC semua bersabar harungi situasi begini... seperti kata etiqa, real heroes born in crisis time... :rolleyes:

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Kalau customer takleh nak "calm down".. camner plak.. :D

Aku pun risau dengan trend crisis kewangan sekarang nie... hopefully this will not last for a very long long time. Industri unit amanah ler yang merasai kesan langsung akibat ketidaktentuan ekonomi sekarang nie. Harap UTC semua bersabar harungi situasi begini... seperti kata etiqa, real heroes born in crisis time... :rolleyes:

Thanks for your support bro..

nie adalah 2nd time aku experience such situation. 1st one time 2001-2002 dulu..

But this time is the worst..

But the most worst, the great time to start to invest.. :D

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Bear Market has provide a very good time to invest for new investors..for new consultants, grab this oppurtinity to find sales more

The present bear market has caused many stocks to trade below market values. Stocks are undeniably very cheap now. They will recover one day. If you have a long enough horizon, say in two years, chances are you will be right to buy now. I

f you only want to invest for six months, the domestic political uncertainties may cap the upside even if global equity markets recover following the fall of commodity prices led by crude oil. Prices of stocks now reflect the the bearish sentiment and have factored in the worst scenarios.

If there is improvement in the bearish factors, then markets will recover faster than anticipated.

Notwithstanding all the negative elements in the market, the significant stock market volatility provides opportunities for those who dare and are willing to take some risk for big capital gain. After a stock has fallen 50% from RM10 to RM5, it only takes the stock to recover to rm7.50 to provide 50% capital appreciation.

The risk of buying during bearish sentiment is certainly much lower than buying during the bullish period where stock prices were substantially higher. Buying in the bear market could be very rewarding for those with patience and also the holding power.

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Hi Etiqa,

Aku ada invest dalam PCIF. Aku semakin risau la. Aku tengok lepas satu-satu, ada saja krisis kat china ni. Skrg ni krisis produk susu lak.

Aku risau la. Bleh ko tolong 'calmdown'kan aku tak?

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Hi Etiqa,

Aku ada invest dalam PCIF. Aku semakin risau la. Aku tengok lepas satu-satu, ada saja krisis kat china ni. Skrg ni krisis produk susu lak.

Aku risau la. Bleh ko tolong 'calmdown'kan aku tak?

Takder apa yg perlu dirisaukan sgt...

Setiap krisis yg berlaku akan berlalu pergi..when there is a crisis, there it is a great oppurtinities to buy and target for return thereafter..so, kalau ko ada extra capital, buat regular saving..it is worthit

One more, PCIF ko dan PCIF org lain sumer sedg suffer loss..but itu hanya "on paper loss"..

"on paper loss" akan turnover jadi profit bila market has climb up back..past performance has proven it..ko mesti stay focus from 1-3 years

Insyaallah,aku yakin early next year market akan start recover back. :blush:

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Selamat Hari Raya to warga putera.com ..

kepada mereka yg berminat nak melabur..chances to secure low NAV price upon start investment still open as KLCI maintain the current trend

kepada mereka yg berminat nak jadi consultant..EPF, waiting for u to tapp off..it is a huge market waiting for u out there :blush:

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Salam to my guest and silent readers.. :D

Selamat hari Raya

Market KLCI this morning is very badly affected by threat of global economic woes whereby It has drop towards 980 points before tehcnical rebounce :o:(

To mereka yg berminat nak menceburi kerjaya nie..masa cenggini2 adalah waktu yg terbaik utk anda mendaftar kerana pelabur2 baru dan lama akan menggunakan kesempatan market drop ini utk memulakan pelaburan atau menambah pelaburan.. B)

contact me if you interested..

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