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MACROSS ZERO OVA - Bandai Visual 2002

Korang minat anime Macross?! Kali ni OVA pasal Macross sblom peperangan ngan mahkluk asing Zentradi. Lebih kurang mcm cite Star Trek : First Contact la ni... huhu... biggrin.gif ~yoshhh...

Age rating : Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)

Genres : Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Military, Science Fiction

Plot Summary :

Taking place one year before the Zentraedi arrive on Earth, Macross Zero chronicles the final days of the war between the U.N. Spacy and anti-U.N. factions. After being shot down by the anti-U.N.'s newest fighter plane, ace pilot Shin Kudo finds himself on the remote island of Mayan, where technology is almost non-existent. While Shin stays on the island to heal his wounds, the tranqulity of the island is shattered by a battle that involves the UN's newest fighter - the VF-0.

It was 1999 when a huge extraterrestrial battleship fell down to the Earth and brought superior technology which led to the beginning of war between U.N and Anti-U.N. Eight years have passed, so many veteran pilots were lost one after another, so even boys in their teens were gathered into the battlefield to fight the war.

Shin Kudou, a young U.N F-14 pilot and the main character of the story gets shot down by an unknown enemy ship during a sortie and crash landed on a solitary island. Coincidentally, an unusual energy reaction is detected on the island, and the energy reaction might be originated from the Protoculture's superior technology legacy which was brought by the extraterrestrial at ancient times. This technology legacy is very similar from the recovered fallen extraterrestrial battleship eight years ago.

Now, both of U.N and Anti-U.N are going to invade the island for the quest of recovering the legacy and the superior technology it posesses...


U.N. Wars

In the series SDF: Macross and Macross Zero, the U.N. Wars were a turning point in human history. After the crash of an alien space ship in 1999 it was seen that there are far more dangerous threat than the petty disagreements happening on Earth. The war was about the unification of a single government for the planet Earth, but there were some countries who disagreed to this an a war erupted. Millions of lives were lost but in the end the whole planet ended up with a united earth sphere government.


The Zentradi are a militaristic race of giants and often the primary antagonist in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross and Robotech anime series'. It is transliterated as Zentradi, Zjentohlauedy, and Zentraedi for the Japanese Macross series, with the Zentraedi spelling being the one most used in the Robotech adaptation.


Ni rebiu aku pulak :

Dari segi penceritaan... boleh tahan la juga. Tambah2 lagi... lakaran CGI/3D yg mantap. Aksi peperangan ruang udara tampak lebih realistik dan mendebarkan (mcm stail fighting gundam kut). Korang pernah tengok Ghost In The Shell : Innocent? tapi anime Macross Zero ni tak memeningkan otak kalo dibandingkan ngan GITS tu dan korang akan berasa kagum sebab tau asal-usul Macross ni dan mungkin juga akan wujud persoalan lagi selepas menonton anime ni.

Kalo korang mmg minat giler anime Macross... secara otomatiknya korang mesti tonton OVA ni. Tak rugi kalo nak wat koleksi pun. Beli yg DVD punya... gerenti lebih gempak lagi sebab grafik dan lakaran nampak lebih timbul. Kalo bleh d/load... lagi bagus!!

OFF Topic :

ya btul ohayo

utk penghabisan stok je yg dah booked saya janjikan jual murah tuh

dah ler sibuk takkan nak buat kerja tak untung memanjang jek blink.gif

Makaih... mmg last dvd la tu!! Peh...!!

Kesian kat Crimson. Nanti aku usahakan camana nak tolong ko ni. Kalo ko ada alternatif lain... cuba la pm member putera yg ada anime tu. Mungkin kut?

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Anime Gankutsuou....

Plot Summary: Trying to escape his uneventful life, Albert, the son of a wealthy nobleman from Paris, makes a journey with his friend Franz. During his travels, he meets an immensely wealthy nobleman named The Count of Monte Cristo. Living in luxurious hotels, surrounded by beautiful women and strong bodygaurds, the charming but enigmatic count fascinates Albert. Albert invites the count to join the high society of Paris. However, unknown to Albert, his father had once framed the count and took the count's fiancee as his own. Now, the count is back to take revenge on those who had betrayed him, including Albert's parents.

Number of episodes: 24

Based on the novel 'The Count of Monte Cristo' by Alexandre Dumas

Animation: Gonzo

Broadcaster:Animax, TV Asahi

Co-Production: Media Factory

Production: Gonzo

saya tak tengok lagi anime nih tapi saya rasa anime nih best mungkin sebab plot dia menarik...sebenarnya tak reti nak review copy terus dari Anime news network... tongue.gif

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owh....anime nie...poster dia ada kat Starz isu 20....kalau dah studio Gonzo mesti besh punyerlah!

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Huhu... Betul! Betul!

GONZOdigimation mcm Kiddy Grade, Gravion Zwei, SunaBouzu ngan Chrno Crusade. Tapi karater design dia tu cam aku tak berapa berkenan la. sleep.gif

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Huhu... Betul! Betul!

GONZOdigimation mcm Kiddy Grade, Gravion Zwei, SunaBouzu ngan Chrno Crusade. Tapi karater design dia tu cam aku tak berapa berkenan la. sleep.gif

memangla design dia tak berapa berkenan tapi cuba tengok dulu best ker tak best lepas tu kasi review kat sini.... smile.gif

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Huhu... maksud aku karakter design... bukan cite anime tu... happy.gif

Anime ni ada site bleh d/load ke?

GONZO Digimation rock!!

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Yet... another anime from GONZO Digimation...

Satu lagi produk bermutu 2D/3D/CGI keluaran diaorg

selepas Gankutsuou. biggrin.gif

user posted image

SPEED GRAPHER - Gonzo Digimation 2005

- Anime News Network -

Genres: Mystery, Supernatural

Plot Summary: Ten years after the Bubble War, the dichotomy between the rich and the poor in the world becomes more prominent and Japan is no exception. The rich seeks to satisfy their desires and derive pleasure for themselves, and Tokyo has materialise into such a city as a result. Saiga, once a war photographer, works for Hibara Ginze in the capitalist state of Tokyo. He infiltrates into Roppongi Club, a secretive base located in the red district area of the city, to collect information about them. He was caught in the process which leads to his first encounter with a girl called Kagura who was in the midst of a ritual. His contact with Kagura awakened his special ability later and he soon realised he's under the pursuit from the Roppongi Club assasins. In order to unravel the mystery behind the Roppongi Club and Kagura, Sagai begins his solitary battle.

Aku dah tengok first episode... mcm tengok filem aksi live-action laaa... episode first, perkembangan cerita blum start lagi... tapi yg menarik perhatian aku... masa babak permulaan tu... Apa dia?! Ada satu watak... mungkin penganas Indon kut. Dia ternampak hero tu ambik gambar dia... pastu...

Dialog dia berbunyi begini :

"Jangan bergerak! Nanti saya tembak kamu! Jangan bergerak... nanti saya tembak kamu!!" *tat* *tat* *tra... tat tat tat* bunyi efek mesingan. (pelakon suara indon mana la diaorg dapat tu?!)

Selepas aku tengok babak tu... aku terbayangkan Malaysia buat kerjasama ngan Jepun buat animasi cara anime. Gempak siot babak tadi!! tongue.gif

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Nasib baik saya bangun tengah malam semata-mata nak ucapkan...hehehe biggrin.gif

Selamat Hari Jadi Kepada Abang Kita Iruga Nii-San... tongue.gif

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huhuhu....terharunyer....aku plak dah hantar e-card kat dia...gambo Love Hina lagi...

kalau mamat Indon dapat masuk anime.....Malaysia plak masuk game tapi kena bunuh ekekekee..... laugh.gif

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peh... aku kureng mahir la menghantar e-card nie... sorry Iruga... kohkohkho

Cool OK cool.gif No Offense cool.gif © 2004 - 2005

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~arigatou... minna...!! user posted image

serius!! ikhlas aku cakap, dengan penuh perasaan ni...

Hahaha... baru time ni aku ada masa lapang buka internet... balik dari sembahyang jumaat... terus di ajak member gi enjoy... letih woo... Terima kasih semua krn sudi mengucapkan Hepi Birthday kat aku... walopun cuma kenalan kat internet je.

dan kpd monkey.d.luffy... ni la first time aku dapat e-card ada gambo Hinata Girl... skali ngan lagu anime mana ko ambik pun aku tak tau... tapi sungguh terharu siot...!! Member aku yg lain hantar e-card ngan sms stok gambo yg tak sesuai ngan citarasa aku... tapi aku tetap berterima kasih ngan keihlasan diaorg. Thanks...!! wink.gif

e-card kiriman monkey.d.luffy user posted image

to ohayo... also thanks... walopun bukan gambo anime... janji colorful. Aku nak kahwin ngan isteri cam isteri Crimson Star... minat anime... ye... ke? Kalo ada jodoh la... Insya Allah.

Walopun tak dapat hantar e-card... sekadar ucapan selamat hari jadi... bagi aku... cukup memadai. Jutaan Terima Kasih... kpd korang semua. ~ganbatte ne... cool.gif

Edited by Iruga Nii-San

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CHRNO CRUSADE - Gonzo Digimation 2003

Dalam artikel yg aku dah post sebelum ni... aku mmg minat anime keluaran GONZO... sebab trademark anime diaorg adalah pada elemen animasi gabungan 2D/CGi ngan 3D/CGi. Antara anime yg aku dah review dlm topik ni keluaran GONZO spt. Kiddy Grade, Gravion Zwei dan Speed Grapher. So... hari ni aku nak rebiu plak anime Chrno Crusade. Aku minat tengok cite ni sebab suasana/latar masa mcm tengok anime Sakura Wars ngan filem League of Extraordinary Gentlement atau Hellsing gitu. Maksud aku zaman2 tahun 20an-30an mcm tu la.

Title : Chrno Crusade

Age rating: Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)

Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Historical, Horror, Shounen, Supernatural

Plot Summary: The year is 1928 A.D. The place is New York, U.S.A. The economic prosperity brought forth after the Great War also heightened the presence of something far darker and much more sinister: the demonic Sinners. The Magdalene Order is an organization that tries to counter this force. Two of its exorcists are Rosette Christopher and her assistant, Chrono. Both appear out of place in an organization like this, and they are in a quest to find Rosette's missing brother, Joshua. Their relationships, secrets and fates can only be revealed in time...

- Anime News Network -

Rebiu aku pulak...

seperti yg aku katakan di atas la juga... dari segi penggunaan latar belakang anime ni... cukup puas hati... sebab suasana zaman dulu-dulu ni mcm zaman Dick Tracy guna weapon tommy gun (sub-mesingan ada magazin peluru bentuk bulat). Plot penceritaan yg begitu menarik dan seimbang dgn elemen komedi bersahaja yg menghiburkan... so takde layan serius je memanjang.

Kalo nak cite pasal layout dan karakter design... tak payah cakap la... peminat anime mana yg tak kenal GONZO ni... Betul tak?! Lebih2 lagi pada gabungan pembikinan animasi 2D/3D/CGi...

Masa first tengok Opening Theme anime ni pun nampak gempak dan menarik... mmg sesuai la digabungkan dgn lagu OP Chrno Crusade ni. Tapi... dari segi penggunaan lagu latarbelakang utk setiap sirinya agak kurang menonjol.

Babak pertarungan yg pelbagai... samada guna senjata jarak jauh (pistol), pedang mahupun kuasa luar biasa (spirit). Pertarungan yg cukup hebat... lebih2 lagi fokus kpd Rosetta Christopher (heroin utama)... mcm tengok skill menembak watak hero dlm anime Gungrave ngan Grenadier.

Perlu diingatkan... cite ni ada unsur keagamaan dan politik... kalo korang jenis tak kisah pasal hal-hal dan menganggap cite sedemikian hanya utk tujuan hiburan semata-mata... korang layak utk. dipersilakan menontonnya.

Tak rugi woo... kalo korang nak wat koleksi anime Chrno Crusade ni... kalo korang dapat kumpul semua anime dari GONZO Digimation... lagi best ape... biggrin.gif

Selamat Menonton!!

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Huhu... Betul! Betul!

GONZOdigimation mcm Kiddy Grade, Gravion Zwei, SunaBouzu ngan Chrno Crusade. Tapi karater design dia tu cam aku tak berapa berkenan la. sleep.gif

tambah lagi... Last Exile

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Last Exile...

Aku pun tak pernah tengok lagi.

Ko cite la skit... tak pun bagi rebiu ke...

Kalo best... aku gi sewa je CD tu.


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lorh....Bluesubmarine No.6 artwork dari studio Gonzo Digimation gak,anime pertama yg cuba menggabungkan teknik CG dengan kartun,result dia...ngam giler!

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Aku tak pernah tengok lagi... daa.. hohoho...

Ada satu lagi anime GONZO Digimation yg aku dah tengok tapi blum rebiu lagi... - SUNABOZU - ... hohohoh... happy.gif

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Copy from AnimeNfo

Prestel, a world filled with the atmosphere of the time when it went through industrial revolution remains.

There lives Klaus Valca, a 15 year old who using the Van Ship (a small flying ship) left behind by his father, made his home in the sky along with his childhood friend Lavie Head who is also 15.

Their dream was to surpass what their fathers couldn't do and that was to pass through the storm known as "Grand Stream". But, one day, a mysterious girl Alvis Hamilton, aged 11 is entrusted to them by the battle airship Silvana and they get dragged into a battle that shakes the world. The world of Prestel where a sea of wind and clouds stretch out.

The Grand Stream, sweeps across high in the skies.

Two countries that confront one another, Anatorel and Dysis.

Now, is the start of a terrible and exciting story!

apa aku rasa? anime nih mmg best... background die buat pakai CGI, so memang nampak realistik..... story pun best gakk... watak die? emmm.... not bad...

Kesimpulan? anime yang cukup epik........kalau ko minat tengok Kiddy Grade, ko digalakkan tengok anime nih... OK? laugh.gif

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apa aku rasa? anime nih mmg best... background die buat pakai CGI, so memang nampak realistik..... story pun best gakk... watak die? emmm.... not bad...

Kesimpulan? anime yang cukup epik........kalau ko minat tengok Kiddy Grade, ko digalakkan tengok anime nih... OK? laugh.gif

ya...memang citer dia best...tapi ending last sekali sedihla...sebenarnya aku tak suka mengalirkan air mata...sedih woo kapten kapal silvana dan kawan baik diorang meninggal macam tu jerr.. sad.gif

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OMG!!Aku mmg suka anime yg sad ending!Cam Chrno Crusade ngan Grave of the Fireflies....tak....tau....ke...ke..kenapa....sob!

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hohoho... ko suka yeee... ko pernah tengok anime Mahoromatic... dari start cite tu mmg happy je memanjang ngan lawak bersahaja diaorg yg menghiburkan... skali masa last episod dlm season 2.... makaih... sad ending tahap tertinggi punya... skit nak nangis daaa... cite cintan romantik serius nak mampus pun tak berjaya membuatkan aku sedih camtu. sad.gif

Yg blom tengok Mahormatic tu... aku tak nak kasik tahu ending last tu... nanti korang tak terasa sad endingnya... sure nak menitik air mata. biggrin.gif

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