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Rasuah Di Malaysia Pada Paras Kritikal

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biasala.....golongan camni, memang emo lebih dari otak. fikiran dah kene brainwashed, jadi tak sedar diri dah jadi 'hamba propaganda'......

Ada sape- sapa sini boleh bayar duit RM 1 juta kat aku suruh aku buat pengakuan, aku meliwat anuar tak? aku sanggup jer kalau bab duit ini buat pengakuan anuar meliwat ak... Hahahahaa kena buat rancangan jahat sikit baru syok... :lol: baru nampak jahat sikit...HAHAHAHAHA Lepas ini buat report polis... bestnya..dapat duit RM 1 juta just buat pengakuan....apa lagi rahsuahlaa aku...HAHAHAHAHA.. Lepas dapat duit, aku leh cabut balik indon.....HAHAHAAH

Edited by .mysahabat9

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Ada sape- sapa sini boleh bayar duit RM 1 juta kat aku suruh aku buat pengakuan, aku meliwat anuar tak? aku sanggup jer kalau bab duit ini buat pengakuan anuar meliwat ak... Hahahahaa kena buat rancangan jahat sikit baru syok... :lol: baru nampak jahat sikit...HAHAHAHAHA Lepas ini buat report polis... bestnya..dapat duit RM 1 juta just buat pengakuan....apa lagi rahsuahlaa aku...HAHAHAHAHA.. Lepas dapat duit, aku leh cabut balik indon.....HAHAHAAH

hehe as expected...

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masalahnya bapak mertua khinry terlalu optimistik

masalahnya kita yang terlalu optimistik dan mudah percaya serta makan kata-kata iblis(Barat dan Sekutunya). Patutlah BA menang banyak PRU aritu, sebab rakyat malaysia suka main telan jer. Tak hairan lah kalau rakyat kita sekarang ni "hamba" kepada propaganda. Terlebih "teroka". :lol:

Ada sape- sapa sini boleh bayar duit RM 1 juta kat aku suruh aku buat pengakuan, aku meliwat anuar tak? aku sanggup jer kalau bab duit ini buat pengakuan anuar meliwat ak... Hahahahaa kena buat rancangan jahat sikit baru syok... laugh.gif baru nampak jahat sikit...HAHAHAHAHA Lepas ini buat report polis... bestnya..dapat duit RM 1 juta just buat pengakuan....apa lagi rahsuahlaa aku...HAHAHAHAHA.. Lepas dapat duit, aku leh cabut balik indon.....HAHAHAAH

Dia ni hilang wayar warna "hijau" ke?Kasik tukar wayar hijau baru kat dia.

Cuba sekarang kamu cuba seloka tentang syarikat2 semi-kerajaan seperti;

-Pos Malaysia



P/S: alahai manalah beras percuma, air percuma, elaun suri rumah dan lain-lain tu. Orang kat "klang" ni dah lamo "menunggu" ni.

Edited by fenzo

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Weh aku nak buat pengakuan pun boleh gak bagi gempak sikit gambar aku dlm TV...HEHEHE.. yerlaa aku nak duit RM 1 juta terdesak ini nak mintak biasiswa....ada plan tak sapa lagi yang boleh aku buat pengakuan orang meliwat aku, tapi kena bagi RM 2 juta kat aku nanti aku boleh menjatuhkan orang, bukan susah pun pi je balai polis... HAHAHAHAHAH...

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tu la pasal, yg peliknya ko dulu "hamba" mamat tu, selalu ikut dia kesana sini...skrg ko berpaling tadah pulak. kenapa ya?

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Weh aku nak buat pengakuan pun boleh gak bagi gempak sikit gambar aku dlm TV...HEHEHE.. yerlaa aku nak duit RM 1 juta terdesak ini nak mintak biasiswa....ada plan tak sapa lagi yang boleh aku buat pengakuan orang meliwat aku, tapi kena bagi RM 2 juta kat aku nanti aku boleh menjatuhkan orang, bukan susah pun pi je balai polis... HAHAHAHAHAH...

ko report dulu, pastu aku sorok kat rumah nenek aku dulu ek... pastuh aku saman ko balik... ok. haha, aik. bukan ko ke nak duit tuh?... apsal aku plak aku nak kene saman ko plak ek? adeh, silap plan.$#$%^/?>? :lol: ke kene bagi balik pastuh?? :wacko:

Edited by hdroxy

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tu la pasal, yg peliknya ko dulu "hamba" mamat tu, selalu ikut dia kesana sini...skrg ko berpaling tadah pulak. kenapa ya?

Aku takder hal kalau nak buat pengakuan ini... duit punya pasal, berpaling tadah sebab nak biasiswa...kalau tak dapat...HAHAHAHAHAA..biasalaa nak subsidi juga.

Seronok juga aku rasa bila tuduh orang meliwat ini...HAHAHAHAAH lepas ini nak buat pengakuan ayah sapa pulak meliwat dgn aku...HAHAHAH... mesti ayah ko orang tak leh saman aku...ayah ko orang gerenti suka kena tuduh dgn aku...HAHAHAHAH... baik ko buat pengakuan nanti kena sepit...HAHAHAHA

Lagipun muka aku mcm jambu...bangga pulak aku gambar aku masuk paper...HAHAHAHA

ko report dulu, pastu aku sorok kat rumah nenek aku dulu ek... pastuh aku saman ko balik... ok. haha, aik. bukan ko ke nak duit tuh?... apsal aku plak aku nak kene saman ko plak ek? adeh, silap plan.$#$%^/?>? :lol: ke kene bagi balik pastuh?? :wacko:

Ko ada plan tak nak buat pengakuan pasal najib pulak ker...asyik anuar jer kena...tapi sblm ko buat plan ko bayar aku RM 2 juta, nanti aku buat pengakuan buat laporan polis....keluar papar pasal najib....terkejut badak gak dia nanti...lepas tu boleh keluar paper, leh buat kenyataan najib mintak simpati...kena najib balik kata anuar mintak simpati :lol:

ada satu jabatan kerajaan yg takleh makan rasuah dan takkan makan rasuah.... JABATAN KAJICUACA.

Apesal kata jabatan kaji cuaca pulak? tu boleh jer kalau nak bagi rasuah...pastikan tender dapat untuk syarikat aku jer untuk baik pulih dan maintain alat-alat kaji cuaca dan maintain komputer....suap sikit jer tak banyak.

Edited by .mysahabat9

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Aku takder hal kalau nak buat pengakuan ini... duit punya pasal, berpaling tadah sebab nak biasiswa...kalau tak dapat...HAHAHAHAHAA..biasalaa nak subsidi juga.

Seronok juga aku rasa bila tuduh orang meliwat ini...HAHAHAHAAH lepas ini nak buat pengakuan ayah sapa pulak meliwat dgn aku...HAHAHAH... mesti ayah ko orang tak leh saman aku...ayah ko orang gerenti suka kena tuduh dgn aku...HAHAHAHAH... baik ko buat pengakuan nanti kena sepit...HAHAHAHA

Lagipun muka aku mcm jambu...bangga pulak aku gambar aku masuk paper...HAHAHAHA

Ko ada plan tak nak buat pengakuan pasal najib pulak ker...asyik anuar jer kena...tapi sblm ko buat plan ko bayar aku RM 2 juta, nanti aku buat pengakuan buat laporan polis....keluar papar pasal najib....terkejut badak gak dia nanti...lepas tu boleh keluar paper, leh buat kenyataan najib mintak simpati...kena najib balik kata anuar mintak simpati :lol:

ko jambu kan... ader ko cuba tadah bontot ko kat si anu tuh pas dia kene lepas? patut gunakan anugerah tuh ntuk eksperimen kebenaran...kalo dia terliur ko lari cepat2....(sekadar gurauan :P)

dah ler bro, kesian tunang saiful tuh http://jannamohdzaki.blogspot.com/

spekulasi, spekulasi jugak. tapi kita x tau lagik kebenarannya. ntah2 komplot PKR sebab x sampai beberapa jam jer azizah dah ada gambar saiful ngan 4 org menteri BN dan saiful tuh mana tau betoi2 kene rogol apa macam?

cube ko kene rogol ngan anak haji per ke. tapi sebab dia anak haji apa tah, masyarakat benci ko balik tanpa sebarang siasat... x pedih?

sekarang kita tenang dan mintak doa Allah tunjukkan kebenaran. -_-

"Jika kamu mentaati kebanyakan orang di bumi, mereka akan menyesatkan kamu daripada jalan Allah; mereka mengikuti hanya sangkaan, semata-mata dugaan." [6:116]

update the star : Family shoots down conspiracy theory


“We are not getting any backing from the Government. We are on our own but as a family we fully support Saiful.....

He said his nephew had initially approached the Bukit Aman police station to lodge his report against Anwar but they turned him away upon learning who he was accusing.

Mohd Saiful eventually found a police station in Kuala Lumpur which was willing to accept his report, his uncle added.

Edited by hdroxy

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ko jambu kan... ader ko cuba tadah bontot ko kat si anu tuh pas dia kene lepas? patut gunakan anugerah tuh ntuk eksperimen kebenaran...kalo dia terliur ko lari cepat2....(sekadar gurauan :P)

Lepas ini dia nak tadah bontot lagi kat sape entah...cepat lah saiful ko buat pengakuan pulak ko pilih jer sapa-sapa ko suka jadi mangsa ko...HAHAHAHA..

Edited by .mysahabat9

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aku memang tak faham dgn korang ni..

cuba jgn bawa isu panas masuk dlm topik perbincangan ni..

apa kaitan rasuah dgn bontot lelaki plak???


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aku memang tak faham dgn korang ni..

cuba jgn bawa isu panas masuk dlm topik perbincangan ni..

apa kaitan rasuah dgn bontot lelaki plak???


Ada kaitan.. untuk mendapatkan bontot, ko kena rasuah orang tu buat pengakuan dia diperbontotkan...HAHAHAHA

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aku memang tak faham dgn korang ni..

cuba jgn bawa isu panas masuk dlm topik perbincangan ni..

apa kaitan rasuah dgn bontot lelaki plak???


rasuah dari segi maruah ... kan ke ade teori komplot bn nak jatuhkan pkr pakai saiful.

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rasuah dari segi maruah ... kan ke ade teori komplot bn nak jatuhkan pkr pakai saiful.

Malang sungguh... nasib baik roomate aku tak buat pengakuan palsu aku meliwat dia...HAHAHAHA kalau tak, tak pasal-pasal aku kena kat aku..HAHAHAH.. Baik ko buat pengakuan jerlaa saiful...kesian pulak kalau ko punya tu kena sepit...HAHAHAHHA sakit tu...so baik mengaku selamat ko daripada kena sepit dgn polis...HAHAHAHAHA..Dok sehari kat penjara seksa ko nanti tak pasal-pasal, kalau aku, aku gerenti mengaku sebab takder maruah diri walaupun tidak diliwat sakit tu asyik kena sepit jer semata-mata nak menjatuhkan orang cara kotor ...HAHAHAHAHA

Edited by .mysahabat9

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korank bontot2 le

sindir giler kat Saiful

tau2 citer dia betul

kata nak jatuhkan org cara kotor

mana tau mmg nak jatuhkan org yg kotor

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korank bontot2 le

sindir giler kat Saiful

tau2 citer dia betul

kata nak jatuhkan org cara kotor

mana tau mmg nak jatuhkan org yg kotor

dalam maksudnya En Mod? :lol:

walau camna pun kes liwat tu tak tahu jalan ceritanya. biarlah hakim yang menentukannya. Yang peliknya PKR dipimpin oleh isteri anwar ibrahim ek?Wah! satu keluarga politik, sikit hari anak cucu pun same ar tu (kalau si khairy aktif politik korang komain marah ckp itu ini, biasalah mata sudah buta)..hehe~

Lepas ini dia nak tadah bontot lagi kat sape entah...cepat lah saiful ko buat pengakuan pulak ko pilih jer sapa-sapa ko suka jadi mangsa ko...HAHAHAHA..

hai bang, dah tergigit lidah sendiri ke bang? alamak u nie tak baik memfitnah lah.

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Di INGATkan buat kali Terakhir.

Topik ini berkenaan dengan Paras Rasuah Di Malaysia, Jangan dikaitkan dengan isu liwat.

Jika anda masih berdegil, Saya akan menutup Topik Ini.



(Tiada lagi amaran selepas ini..)

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sori ler ikut sama cerita liwat tu kat sini

diorang bangkitkan benda ni sebab diorank rasa saiful tu kena bagi duit untuk mengaku

kalau bagi duit macam tu dah kira rasuah le agaknya

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The story about Subsidy

A man called Razak owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day.

He has 5 workers to operate the farm.

Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the

farm normally.

The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns


He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities.

He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as


Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy

with the money they can save.

When Razak passed away and there is a new landlord, PokLeh comes to

continue the farm operation.

He says to the workers: "We need to improve the farm quality and redefine

our way of thinking.

>From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat.

It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm."

The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily.

Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to RM1.00 per person.

As usual, PokLeh sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40.

He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers.

He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the

apples that he sells to his workers.

In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.

Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each.

The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he

sells daily.

Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his

close friend, Samy..

Samy says:"Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik."

So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50.

In actual, the improvement only cost RM30.

The remaining RM20, PokLeh and Samy share evenly among themselves.

Let's calculate how much PokLeh gets daily:

RM10 (from farm improvement cost)

RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80] ?

[improvement cost, RM50] ? [Wages RM10] = RM20)

RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)

In total, PokLeh gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he takes

over the farm from Razak.

His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily

per person.

The greedy PokLeh does not want to stop there.

One day, he says to his fellow workers:" You see ah, the current

market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1.

See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple

you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00.

This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we continue

like this.

In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you

buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bare the remaining RM18.50 per apple

as my subsidy to you all. "

So, greedy PokLeh adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number

becomes RM37.50.

After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood

the meaning of a 'SUBSIDY' given by the government.

The RM95 subsidy was never existed in the first place and so was the

RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously 'given' by the government..

Cutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your

pocket. Are you gonna stand there and let them rob you???

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The remaining RM20, PokLeh and Samy share evenly among themselves.

wow. so big. how come the workers do not notice this in the company's annual report until now?

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Lepas ini dia nak tadah bontot lagi kat sape entah...cepat lah saiful ko buat pengakuan pulak ko pilih jer sapa-sapa ko suka jadi mangsa ko...HAHAHAHA..

I wonder what type of person are you in the real world, but judging by your "behaviour", i dont think you were properly led before. And i really wonder if anyone out there gonna believes what you said, or belief...

wow. so big. how come the workers do not notice this in the company's annual report until now?

coz it is just another propaganda....

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coz it is just another propaganda....

ok. I keep my eyes open and we will see. anyway, I found quite interesting excerpts from local newspapers. Click here.

I'm not interested in his personal life but I cant wait to see the truth since if the case is true, then the oil price reduction is just another propaganda and lies and our wanna be pm can not be trusted...

Keadilan (bukan parti) adalah hak milik Allah. -_-

Edited by hdroxy

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