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Dattebayo Fansubs, LLC. We take April 1st seriously

Ceh .. dah tukar balik, terkezut aku pagi tadi .. ingat pe kemenda ah ... :blink: .

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Dattebayo Fansubs, LLC. We take April 1st seriously

Ceh .. dah tukar balik, terkezut aku pagi tadi .. ingat pe kemenda ah ... :blink: .

cet ... dattebayo pon wat april fool gak ... hahah .. :lol:

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link ni best gak,cuma takleh nak download byk byk ,

kena satu satu file..


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naruto mgu nie tak ade ke???

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naruto mgu nie tak ade ke???

nampaknya takde...

manga pon tak ade lagi yg 349 nii


dah keluar yg 349,

cepat downloads...

Edited by scorps

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tq scorps..

Edited by wanz_f3b

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manga minggu ni boring sikit , dia jalan2 sambil sembang .

boring2 tapi byk info gak..baru aku tau asal Darah Curse Seal tue dari Sape......rupenye Orchimaru amik Darah mamat tue....untuk membolehkan dia buat Curse Seal... :lol:

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Wah ... Sasuke dah jumpa final member .. Juugo, seminggu lagi kena tunggu pe jadi .. isk isk .. :lol:

P/s: Manga .. Manga ... Manga ..

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manga 350 da kuar

episod shippuuden pn da kuar

yup,semakin lama semakin best laa.

manga boleh citer kat sini tak??

nanti org yg tgk shippuden marah plak klu bncang pasal manga naruto kat sii??

boleh ke tak leh nii??


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yup,semakin lama semakin best laa.

manga boleh citer kat sini tak??

nanti org yg tgk shippuden marah plak klu bncang pasal manga naruto kat sii??

boleh ke tak leh nii??


hehe , kalo nak letak gak . tulis isi manga tu dalam font kaler putih . :)

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hehe , kalo nak letak gak . tulis isi manga tu dalam font kaler putih . :)

sedih bila aruma sensei mati..

tapi best bila naruto dapat teknik baruuu

dah berapa ekor dah mampush akatsuki members???

orochimaru betul ker dah mati??

kenapa mudah sgt mati dgn sasuke ??

sila highlight kan sbb kat sini tak der fungsi spoiler..

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eh eh ada berita yg aku dapat nie tak tau betul ke tak

tak tau org dah post ke tidak

SPEKULASI CERITA NARUTO (spoiler warning kalau takut takyah baca, aku tak reti buat jadik puteh)

Yondaime (Fourth Hokage) is alive and the leader of the Akatsuki. Now that isn't crazy enough on its own, so lets try this. He is actually the father of Naruto... and Sasuke. He is secretly an Uchiha. The mother was a random non-Uchiha woman we don't know He had to keep this secret in order to be a Hokage because they did not want to favor any clan in the Kage selection.

Naruto and Sasuke were twins, similar to in the movie Twins with Arnold and Danny Devito. Sasuke got all the strength, genius, Sharingan, agility, and natural ability; and Naruto got all the crap. Yondaime figured this out immediately because he could see the more powerful chakra flowing through Sasuke. Yondaime realized if he was going to keep being an Uchiha secret he would need to give the Sharingan baby away, so he secretly gave him to Uchiha Fugaku. He agreed to this in order to keep the clan secretly in charge of Konoha.

While the Kyuubi attacked Konoha Yondaime decided that he needed to use Shiki Fujin. He felt bad that one of his sons got all of the crap of his DNA so he wanted to make him powerful. That is why he chose to seal the Kyuubi in Naruto, instead of letting it go into himself and then die when he did.

Flash forward until Itachi is 12. He goes out on an S-Rank mission where Yondaime decides to contact him. He had learned through his information network of small frogs that Fugaku had begun to not like keeping the secret about Sasuke from him. Yondaime does not want there to be a scandal about his time as Hokage, because he was fond of being considered the self sacrificing hero of Konoha. That is why he faked his death, he wanted to be able to pursue his goal of making his sons powerful, and this was the best way. He devised a plan to bring out both his son's true potential, as well as keep his name protected. He taught Itachi how to gain the Mangekyou Sharingan so that he could kill off the Uchiha and motivate Sasuke. By killing Fugaku and Mikoto the secret was only between himself and Itachi, who he trusted. Itachi had just become an S-Rank missing nin overnight, so even if he did reveal the secret nobody would believe him, if he was even able to reveal it without being attacked. Also, Itachi always wanted power, and Yondaime, already the leader of the Akatsuki, was offering him a position in the great organization. There was also the trust built up by giving Itachi the Mangekyou Sharingan. So Itachi kills his family and then Sasuke comes home as planned. Yondaime is above all else, a loving father. He wants nothing else above his children's becoming all that they can be. He has Itachi torture Sasuke with the Tsukiyomi in order to give him the ultimate drive to succeed. Remember, Yondaime is considered one of the ultimate geniuses, so he can plan all of this out way in advance. Like Shikamaru seeing an entire game of Shoji out, Yondaime can predict people.

Sasuke excels in his classes, and Naruto fails, as Yondaime predicted. This pairs them up on a team together, which means that they will become close. Yondaime faked his death because he knew this orphan bond that would form would drive these two into a rivalry and connection. This rivalry and closeness is what pushed Naruto and Sasuke to the levels they obtained over the series. Everyone noticed the sibling rivalry similarities here. They are constantly competing in everything, even stupid stuff like eating faster; they really love each other deep down but won't admit it to the other one; they were willing to die to protect the other; and when Naruto thought Sasuke was dead he went mad with anger, like any brother would.

Yondaime realized it is time for his plan to progress to the next stage. He has Itachi go in to get Naruto. In reality he knows that they will fail due to Jiraiya. Yondaime uses the same information network as Jiraiya, but they like him more (Gama does, and so his followers must). Yondie makes sure Itachi doesn't kill anyone, which is why he didn't kill Kakashi when he could

adakah anda telah mendengar cerita sebegini

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ni cume prediction je....

nothing else....

dan aku raser Juugo tu dah mengubah byk jalan criter naruto....

konoha vs akatsuki vs sasuke team....

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eh eh ada berita yg aku dapat nie tak tau betul ke tak

tak tau org dah post ke tidak

SPEKULASI CERITA NARUTO (spoiler warning kalau takut takyah baca, aku tak reti buat jadik puteh)

Yondaime (Fourth Hokage) is alive and the leader of the Akatsuki. Now that isn't crazy enough on its own, so lets try this. He is actually the father of Naruto... and Sasuke. He is secretly an Uchiha. The mother was a random non-Uchiha woman we don't know He had to keep this secret in order to be a Hokage because they did not want to favor any clan in the Kage selection.

Naruto and Sasuke were twins, similar to in the movie Twins with Arnold and Danny Devito. Sasuke got all the strength, genius, Sharingan, agility, and natural ability; and Naruto got all the crap. Yondaime figured this out immediately because he could see the more powerful chakra flowing through Sasuke. Yondaime realized if he was going to keep being an Uchiha secret he would need to give the Sharingan baby away, so he secretly gave him to Uchiha Fugaku. He agreed to this in order to keep the clan secretly in charge of Konoha.

While the Kyuubi attacked Konoha Yondaime decided that he needed to use Shiki Fujin. He felt bad that one of his sons got all of the crap of his DNA so he wanted to make him powerful. That is why he chose to seal the Kyuubi in Naruto, instead of letting it go into himself and then die when he did.

Flash forward until Itachi is 12. He goes out on an S-Rank mission where Yondaime decides to contact him. He had learned through his information network of small frogs that Fugaku had begun to not like keeping the secret about Sasuke from him. Yondaime does not want there to be a scandal about his time as Hokage, because he was fond of being considered the self sacrificing hero of Konoha. That is why he faked his death, he wanted to be able to pursue his goal of making his sons powerful, and this was the best way. He devised a plan to bring out both his son's true potential, as well as keep his name protected. He taught Itachi how to gain the Mangekyou Sharingan so that he could kill off the Uchiha and motivate Sasuke. By killing Fugaku and Mikoto the secret was only between himself and Itachi, who he trusted. Itachi had just become an S-Rank missing nin overnight, so even if he did reveal the secret nobody would believe him, if he was even able to reveal it without being attacked. Also, Itachi always wanted power, and Yondaime, already the leader of the Akatsuki, was offering him a position in the great organization. There was also the trust built up by giving Itachi the Mangekyou Sharingan. So Itachi kills his family and then Sasuke comes home as planned. Yondaime is above all else, a loving father. He wants nothing else above his children's becoming all that they can be. He has Itachi torture Sasuke with the Tsukiyomi in order to give him the ultimate drive to succeed. Remember, Yondaime is considered one of the ultimate geniuses, so he can plan all of this out way in advance. Like Shikamaru seeing an entire game of Shoji out, Yondaime can predict people.

Sasuke excels in his classes, and Naruto fails, as Yondaime predicted. This pairs them up on a team together, which means that they will become close. Yondaime faked his death because he knew this orphan bond that would form would drive these two into a rivalry and connection. This rivalry and closeness is what pushed Naruto and Sasuke to the levels they obtained over the series. Everyone noticed the sibling rivalry similarities here. They are constantly competing in everything, even stupid stuff like eating faster; they really love each other deep down but won't admit it to the other one; they were willing to die to protect the other; and when Naruto thought Sasuke was dead he went mad with anger, like any brother would.

Yondaime realized it is time for his plan to progress to the next stage. He has Itachi go in to get Naruto. In reality he knows that they will fail due to Jiraiya. Yondaime uses the same information network as Jiraiya, but they like him more (Gama does, and so his followers must). Yondie makes sure Itachi doesn't kill anyone, which is why he didn't kill Kakashi when he could

adakah anda telah mendengar cerita sebegini

tak paham sbb english,

klu nak bagitahu kat sini,tolong terjemahkan laa...

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hehe ni prediction untuk orang yang suka menulis panjang2 nih .. :P .

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tak paham sbb english,

klu nak bagitahu kat sini,tolong terjemahkan laa...

x payah tahu lg bagus. nonsense giler2 prediction tu.

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kemungkinan ada yg betul

1. bapanya naruto adalah hokage ke 4

2. bapa sasuke itu bukan bapanya sebenaq

3. uchiha madara kemungkinan hokage ke 4, atau dikenali sebagai ketua Akatsuki

4. tujuan itachi bunuh kesemua keluarganya kerana nak jadikan sasuke kuat dan takut bocor rahsia

5. terdapat kesamaan antara naruto dan sasuke yg boleh anda nampak; makan dengan gelojoh, sayang-menyayangi antara satu sama lain cuma cuba meyembunyikanya perasaan mereka, sentiasa melindungi di antara satu sama lain, contoh apabila haku membunuh sasuke (walaupun tak mati) naruto punya bengang lalu jadi kuat

ini hanya andaian tak tau betul ke tak, ada yg boleh dipercayai ada yg tidak, sebab ada kesamaannya

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