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About Navigator®

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    Ahli Sangat Rajin
  • Birthday 08/14/1988

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    My Eyes (~.^}
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  1. [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/bigboxshots/6/958776_122139_front.jpg[/img] Speeding down an airport runway in a shiny red sports car is cool; speeding down an airport runway with an out-of-control aircraft thundering toward you is insane. That's the idea behind Split/Second, an arcade racer in which you wreck your opponents by triggering destructive hot spots scattered all about the track. The frequent explosions, tumbling debris, and resulting tug-of-war among racers are undeniably stimulating, at least for a while. You'll whoop for joy when you demolish four opponents at once as they pass under a fuel station and moan aloud when a falling concrete beam crushes your vehicle like a beer can. These jolts are electrifying, but they aren't lasting ones. Once you learn the tracks and the tricks, the excitement dies away. Then, you realize that underneath the booms and bangs is a solid but one-dimensional racer that relies almost completely on a single mechanic. That mechanic isn't enough to boost Split/Second to the head of the pack, but it is still a fun racer with a lot of speed and a lot of spark. source :http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/splitsecond/review.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=gssummary&tag=summary%3Bread-review
  2. Assalamualaikum guys , aku buat thread nih sebagai Prime slot untuk sesiapa mempunyai hobi yg menarik , pelik dan dasyat , atau boleh membuatkan mata2 forumer di sini terbeliak huhu , ape2 aja asalkan menarik , jadi ruangan ini bukan untuk forumer yg hanya ingat memberitahu "hobi saya suke bela ikan " Points saya ialah , bila dah nyatakan hobi kalau boleh besertakan cerita pengalaman anda dan juga anda digalakkan memberi tips or ape saya bagi forumer yg berminat untuk menceburi hobi anda . Kalau boleh setiap cerita anda mesti lah ada Bahan bukti . Topik ini Luas dan setiap hobi bebas , bab komputer ke , bab bela ikan ke , bab terjun heli ke huhu So , enjoy this thread --------------------------------------------- Ingin hangatkan lagi aku mula dengan cerita aku Hobi : Main PSP / Softmod PSP . Assalamualaikum , First time dulu bila aku dapat bende alah nih aku dah cuba2 godek nak bagi psp tu menarik and boleh pelbagai guna . jadi selalu main game dari TAPE(UMD) dia bosan gak dah la UMD dia mahal pastu aku try la godek2 dalam internet then , terjumpe ar PSP nih boleh di ubahsuai jadi pelbagai guna , boleh letak PORTAL (ala buat2 macam Windows XP run kat PSP) huhu . then sampai skrg aku pon masih giat dalam main PSP ni kira syok juga la tak lekat di panas tak basah dek hujan huhu . NIh beberapa koleksi PSP aku (FAT je ) tak mampu beli SLIM baru tu tapi OK je aku guna ^^ --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- bagi sesiapa yg nak try it worth , jgn kata PSP ni untuk Ahli gamer je , byk kegunaan dia , spt surf internet , Mp3 , Mp4 , simpan nota and sebagainya
  3. Ok nih Untuk ATi Thread Bukan bermaknya aku buat untuk Khas kan satu model saja. Thread nih aku buat supaya korang leh berbincang pasai sumer Model Tak kira Radeon ka Rage ka Driver's Latest Win XP Official Drive Http://www.ATi.com DNA & LITE http://www.dna-drivers.com/ Omega Catalyst 3.8.205 Guru3D Tool's ATi Tool OC Planetmirror P/S : Kalau nak guna tool ni Mestilah anda mepunyai pengetahuan yang cukup . Terutamanya persediaan pada Cooler .
  4. OK aku dah study aku pon dah setting dah ok camnih aku tunjukkan manual nye kat mula mula Quick setup vpi=0 vci=35 Pastu protocal=pppoe click on next obtain an ip automatically enable nat Pastu lak ppp username=your streamyx user name@streamyx ppp password=streamyx password session established=always on then Primary IP Address: Subnet Mask: Host Name: ZXDSL831 Domain Name: home Configure the second IP Address and Subnet Mask for LAN interface.= dont tick Enable DHCP Server on the LAN =tick Start IP Address: End IP Address: Leased Time:1days 0 hours0 minutes huhuh dah siap... sesaper yang pakai modem nih leh ler masuk Username : ASDL password : expert03
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