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memang bodoh pun buat keje tueh.kalau takat senaman pun,abis pun kat kaki ajer buat rosak ligamen lutut besok² dah tua nak sembahyang time rukuk adalah bunyi kraup kruop kat lutut pasal masa muda suka buat shuffle.

aku lagi suka tgk benda yang betul betul bikin stamina dah kekuatan anggota badan macam break dance atau parkour

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At least shuffle tak mendatangkan kecederaan dengan cepat berbanding breakdance, patah sana sini.
Kalau ligamen cepat rosak kerana shuffle, main bola sepak lagi cepat rosak sebab lebih guna kaki, cepat rosak otak sebab tanduk bola.
Tapi ramai je yang main bola.
Bodoh tak bodoh itu terpulang pada pemikiran si pelihat.
Sometimes benda seperti lawak bodoh sekalipun boleh mengubat orang sakit. That's the point.. sleep.gif

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kalu mane2 tak stuju ngn tarian ni.. tak perlu rasenye panggil benda ni bodoh... atlist budak2 muda ada benda nk buat... mana tau menarik shuffle ni leh bwk nama mesia ke msuk pertandingan ke kan.. kite tak tahu...

setiap seni ke tarian ke ikut suka la nk panggil ape mmg ader pro n cons... cth mcm penari Alam.. asal die tu B Boys je.. mula2 die msuk B boys mesti org kate benda ni bodoh..blaja tak mahu.. esok2 bukan leh bg mkn...

last2 yg kaya sape.. die juge... masuk pertandingan So u Think U can dance... dapat duit riban2...

so.. kene support la skit.. sape2 pun akan kecik ati bile kite tunjuk minat dlm satu2 benda org kata bodoh...

kalu mcm tu main lumba kete pun bodoh.. sbb abis duit riban2.. kene langgar mati juge... kalu mcm tu blaja tgk buku smpai mati... pun org kata bodoh juge sbb tak pndai gunakan ilmu kat buku tuh....

kesimpulannye... tak bek kata minat org tu bodoh... sbb ape yg die buat tu ader sbb die...

aku stuju sgt kate al-Qusyairi - Bodoh tak bodoh itu terpulang pada pemikiran si pelihat.
Sometimes benda seperti lawak bodoh sekalipun boleh mengubat orang sakit. That's the point..

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sape kate shuffle x bikin stamina?? tgk sket ko wat shuffle bikin ke x stamina ko tue... aku nk tau gak parkour yg pnjat sane sni, lompat, pnjat dinding sume kt public (ala2 meredah halangn) tu x bodoh kew kalo kate shuffle bodo?? kaki kalo da tua bnyi kraup kruop time smbhyg xpe coz x ksik effect pon kt ibadah... tp kalo kaki da patah sane sni smpi lumpuh/cacat wat parkour/breakdance time mude2 dlu nk smbhyang x ke susah?? x ke mnyusahkn diri nme nye tu?? haku pon stuju kte2 qusyairi tuh..
"Sometimes benda seperti lawak bodoh sekalipun boleh mengubat orang sakit. That's the point.." Edited by Aku Sengal

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oh.. aku br tau menatang ape parkour tuh... rupenye mcm menatang kat utan tu.. yg lompat2 antara pokok ke pokok tuh.... br tau huhuhu...

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kalo buat parkour kat Malaysia nih cam xsesuai dry.gif ...tup2 kene tahan polis... laugh.gif

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mintak maaf ye shuffles
ada yg mmg obsessed gila tak dgn shuffle ni? aku tgk member2 aku skrang ni dah lain, asyik2 dgn shuffle nya, dlu buat running-man pun terkial2 skrang dah boleh wat mcm2 dah. tapi kekadang terlalu over, aku tgk sendiri pun rasa geram mad.gif

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QUOTE(Aku Sengal @ Dec 2 2008, 12:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
sape kate shuffle x bikin stamina?? tgk sket ko wat shuffle bikin ke x stamina ko tue... aku nk tau gak parkour yg pnjat sane sni, lompat, pnjat dinding sume kt public (ala2 meredah halangn) tu x bodoh kew kalo kate shuffle bodo?? kaki kalo da tua bnyi kraup kruop time smbhyg xpe coz x ksik effect pon kt ibadah... tp kalo kaki da patah sane sni smpi lumpuh/cacat wat parkour/breakdance time mude2 dlu nk smbhyang x ke susah?? x ke mnyusahkn diri nme nye tu?? haku pon stuju kte2 qusyairi tuh..
"Sometimes benda seperti lawak bodoh sekalipun boleh mengubat orang sakit. That's the point.."

but this thing is clearly stupid...! untuk apa tujuan shuffle ni cuba ko bagi huraian mendalam faedah2 shuffle dari semua segi?

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QUOTE(Tun loy_azloy @ Dec 2 2008, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
but this thing is clearly stupid...! untuk apa tujuan shuffle ni cuba ko bagi huraian mendalam faedah2 shuffle dari semua segi?

huh kejam nye.... why dun u try it 4 urself....

tapi takpe... aku suka org tanye ape tujuan shuffle ni... aku tak pandai menari.. tp aku pun nak tau dr mane dtgnye shuffle ni

Shuffle.. aka The Melbourne shuffle is a complicated style of dance. The Melbourne shuffle originated in the late 1980s in the Melbourne underground scene. The basic movements in the dance are a fast heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various types of electronic music. Some variants incorporate arm movements.

Late 1980s to early 1990s

The Melbourne shuffle begins to emerge as a distinct dance, incorporating more hand movement than previous styles. Early footage of the style exists from a night on the 31st of August 1991 at the Sarah Sands Hotel in Melbourne[2]. Techno music was gradually replaced with trance music and house music[citation needed].

Mid to late 1990s

A number of videos documenting the style during this era exist as the style increased in popularity[3]. There are many variations of this dance but the main heel to toe movement remained the key motion giving it the term "the Melbourne shuffle".

2000 - Present

In 2006 with the emergence of YouTube, dancers internationally now contribute to the Shuffle online, posting their own versions and learning from others[4].

Today known as "stomping" to the Melbourne locals, the name "Melbourne shuffle" has been derived from overseas DJs, party goers, visitors and the media trying to describe this phenomenon. The Age referred to it as looking like "a cross between the chicken dance and a foot stomping robot" to the untrained eye[1], but locals have simply called it the "shuffle" since 1992.

Some dancers sprinkle talcum powder on the floor beneath their feet or put duct tape on the base of their shoes to help them glide more easily, some including 360 degree spins or jumps into their moves.

The Melbourne shuffle dance style has remained relatively underground since its birth in the late 80s and early 90s. The term "Melbourne shuffle" was recorded in the media when Sonic Animation's Rupert Keiller was interviewed by rage, an all night Australian music TV show[5]. The interviewer asked Rupert what his unique style of dance was and the reply was "the Melbourne Shuffle". In December of 2002 The Age, an Australian newspaper, made mention of the term in a front page article[1], attempting to illustrate what the popular Melbourne Shuffle was for the first time to the mainstream public.

The shuffle has spread to Malaysia and in Brunei and there have been "Shuffle Competitions" and "Shuffle Meet ups" held in Malaysia and Brunei [6].

Shufflers have taken their art form and self-expressive dance style overseas and are a regular sight to be seen at rave parties in the UK, Germany, Malaysia and also Thailand, where shufflers can be seen shuffling on the beaches of Koh P hang Ngan during the Full Moon Beach Party. The internet has also been a factor in spreading knowledge and interest in the shuffle.

A documentary on the topic entitled Melbourne Shuffler[7] was in production during 2004-2005 and was recently released in late 2005 on DVD. - Another huge contributor to the fame and popularity of the Melbourne Shuffle is Youtube. Every shuffler and shuffle crew found themseslves able to support the Melbourne Shuffle and show off their own style and moves, these videos captured everyone's attention.

On the 6th of September, 2008 Network 10 had started filming footage at the Hard Style Dance ( HSD )[8]. Nightclub for an upcoming Documentry on the Melbourne Shuffle, although no other news has surfaced after the filming of the footage.

In November 2008, "So You Think You Can Shuffle" [9], an Australian YouTube-based video voting competition website was launched, where Shufflers from around the country can showcase their dance skills, comment, and vote on other videos..


aku copy paste dr wikipedia...

so shuffle ni bukan benda remeh.. aku respek sape yg betul2 nk buat n masuk competition...

so... berbalik pd soalan asal.. ape faedah die pulak? jwpn aku ialah faedah die same mcm kite blaja seni2 tarian lain... sbb once kite move segala anggota bdn kite.. kite bersenam. dlm ms yg sama jantung kite akan pam byk oksigen. dan kalu kite bersungguh... buleh buat duit riban2....

btw.. ader byk website kat luar sane yg tunjuk video yg shuffle bukan gerak kaki saje... cek this website...

http://www.expertvillage.com/video-series/...uffle-dance.htm Edited by teri-chan

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itu disana,di negara barat.ini Malaysia,kita ada tarian2 yg beridentitikan melayu,kenapa mesti nak ikut cara orang barat?menyihatkan badan konon,bersenam payah ape lagi solat,sudahlah hentikan benda yg tak berfaedah ni...aku tetap kata ianya stupid,tak kira la shuffle ke,parkour ke breakdance ke,benda2 ni ade menaikkan nama Malaysia ke?

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well it's ur 2 cent opinion.. cume tunjuk skit respek sape2 yg minat... aku pun tak minat shuffle ni tp aku respek kesungguhan diorg.. n aku tak kata kesungguhan diorg ni BODOH....

btw... brape byk tarian tradional yg ko leh menari? ah.. ko org johor kan.. mesti pandai main zapin... aku pun org johor tp aku kurang mahir dlm berzapin.. still aku respek ko... tongue.gif

ramai penari kat mesia yg yg naikkan nama mesia.. cume kite je tak tahu sape.. sbb media tak laporkan benda2 mcm ni.... cth.... Ramli Ibrahim.. kenal sape die ni? buat research sindri sape die ni...

oh summore..."The shuffle has spread to Malaysia and in Brunei and there have been "Shuffle Competitions" and "Shuffle Meet ups" held in Malaysia and Brunei"

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QUOTE(teri-chan @ Dec 2 2008, 08:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well it's ur 2 cent opinion.. cume tunjuk skit respek sape2 yg minat... aku pun tak minat shuffle ni tp aku respek kesungguhan diorg.. n aku tak kata kesungguhan diorg ni BODOH....

btw... brape byk tarian tradional yg ko leh menari? ah.. ko org johor kan.. mesti pandai main zapin... aku pun org johor tp aku kurang mahir dlm berzapin.. still aku respek ko... tongue.gif

ramai penari kat mesia yg yg naikkan nama mesia.. cume kite je tak tahu sape.. sbb media tak laporkan benda2 mcm ni.... cth.... Ramli Ibrahim.. kenal sape die ni? buat research sindri sape die ni...

oh summore..."The shuffle has spread to Malaysia and in Brunei and there have been "Shuffle Competitions" and "Shuffle Meet ups" held in Malaysia and Brunei"

yang aku boleh agak benda2 ni takkan kemana,sekejap je hangat pastu hilang terus...better do something else...

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Aku pun bukan la suka menari, malah tak reti langsung menari apa2 jenis tarian kecuali Goyang Kaki.

Well kalau nak kata shuffle tu negara barat punya, ia datang dari Melbourne so takda la kebaratan sangat.
Kat Malaysia ni, tarian kan sangat pelbagai.
Rock pun ada tarian barat dia, lompat sana lompat sini terjelir lidah, ada faedah?
Hiphop pun ada tarian barat dia, guling sana guling sini londeh seluar, ada faedah?
Zapin, tarian tradisional Malaysia yang langsung (bagi aku) tak membina stamina, slow, lemah lembut, mengantuk,
tapi aku tak cakap tarian tu bodoh sebab aku hormat ia sebagai suatu seni tari yang diminati orang lain. smile.gif

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QUOTE(al-Qusyairi @ Dec 2 2008, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Aku pun bukan la suka menari, malah tak reti langsung menari apa2 jenis tarian kecuali Goyang Kaki.

Well kalau nak kata shuffle tu negara barat punya, ia datang dari Melbourne so takda la kebaratan sangat.
Kat Malaysia ni, tarian kan sangat pelbagai.
Rock pun ada tarian barat dia, lompat sana lompat sini terjelir lidah, ada faedah?
Hiphop pun ada tarian barat dia, guling sana guling sini londeh seluar, ada faedah?
Zapin, tarian tradisional Malaysia yang langsung (bagi aku) tak membina stamina, slow, lemah lembut, mengantuk,
tapi aku tak cakap tarian tu bodoh sebab aku hormat ia sebagai suatu seni tari yang diminati orang lain. smile.gif

finally!! thank u for showing sum respect! Edited by teri-chan

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keke..sian mat2 shuffle nie...

aku x de sorng pun kawan yg buat shuffle nie..mungkin sebab tu aku x paham kot...
dieorang suke menari so biarlah... yg pntng dieorang x buat bnde jahat... bnde x senonoh ker...haha
aku pun x suke gak shuffle or break dance (hip-hop)...coz environment n kwn2 aku mmg bukan kaki cm2...
yg penting jiwa..klu dh suke buat bnde tu mmg x leh tinggal... betul x...

so be wut u want it to be.. sume mat2 shuffle nie budak muda... x leh nk halang sgt...
bukan maksud x leh halang tp biase la jiwa muda mudah memberontak... haha...
aku pun bukan nye baik sgt myb lg teruk..haha... tongue.gif

so just feel the joy for what you doing now...
but don't ever cross the limit...

cheers dude..haha laugh.gif

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shuffle kat malaysia ni baru lagi kat malaysia.tapi ko sendiri baca lah skit kat akhbar,dah kuar citer pasal gejala sosial sana sini mabuk dah tueh berkumpul.so sama jugak dengan konsert gig yang kita dah lama tahu tak banyak yang baik dari yang buruk.

jgn lah terlalu cepat bertindak bila aku berkata demikian.pandangan peribadi aja.wokeh cun!!

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betul.. tapi ko takleh nk kaitkan shuffle ni ialah keje bodoh ngn gejala sosial kat kuar sane.. nmpk tak beza die?

ko ckp terang2 benda ni bodoh... sape ko nk pertikaikan ini bodoh? tak boleh mcm tu... kene hormat minat org.. atlist die kate die minat menari.. kalu die bukak topic die minat minum arak ke berzina ke lain la cite....

lagipun ko kate ko "minat pada break dance atau parkour " aku kata benda ni bodoh.. sbb parkour (cth la ye?) melompat sane melompat sini bangunan ke bangunan... kalu salah capai jatuh terus ke tanah.. tak pasal2 mati... sbb ape? bile soal siasat.. "oh die ni main parkour encik... nak test power leh lompat 1 bangunan ke 1 bangunan.. die salah timing.. tak sempat capai birai bangunan. tu yg jatuh tu..."

ko rase ape reaksi org yg amik statement tu? mesti die geleng pala.... pastu sure die kate bebudak ms skang ni suka wat keje bodoh2... nak seni pun blaja la benda yg atas tanah.. menari ke, tolong mak masak ke...

skang ko nmpk tak beza die? pls la my dear... show sum respect.. no need to be mean to other ppl.. especially when they said they like do sumthing... be realistic n act an adult unless u r not 1.

i rest my case!

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ha ah jgn gaduh gaduh.kalau korang tak puas hati pasal pandangan peribadi aku tersebut aku bleh tarik balik.ok so sekarang nie ko nak aku bukak thread tak dalam putera nak katakan bahwa shuffle adalah aktiviti riadah yang sesuai utk muslimin dan muslimat?

amacam.kalau tak terasa pun minta maaf lah aku masih tetap nak kata apa yg aku terangkan tetap pandangan peribadi.jadi perlukah korang peduli pandangan tersebut?

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tak perlu kot.... aku hargai pandangan ko happy.gif .. cume berhati-hati bila berkata.. lajak perahu boleh diundur bro..

dlm adat melayu pun ader sopan santun.. amalkanlah... tak suka... cakap secara halus.. that's it! bukan trus sound ape org buat tu bodoh... kecik ati peminat seni tarian ni... mad.gif

wokeh? sayang ko! tongue.gif

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takde perkataan hati hati bila nak berkata,kalau dah terlajak macam mana pun tetap kena jawab.aku tau korang sensitive bila aku kata bodoh,korang baru lagi dalam forum nie,kalau korang rasa macam nie pun korang dah gemuruh/darah panas/sakit hati, apa lagi nak hadap citer lain.

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rilek bro.. tak payah panas2... tak bes ah gini.. kite berforum bkn nak gado2.. rilek bro rilek..
nak wat mcm mane bro.. prkataan bodoh tu da mmg sensitif.. mmg tak bleh dielakkan la..
yup... kitorg mmg baru lg dlm forum nih tp tak slh kitorg bg pndapat sndiri mcm bro gak kan..
lg pon kes2 cam nih wat pe kitorg nak gemuruh/darah panas/sakit hati... buang karan je bro..

rilek ye bro.. tak payah panas sgt..

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ok ape shuffle..kalo ckp environment..aku mmg xreti shuffle sbb xpnh try tp aku dlu join breakdance..but juz suke2..bosan2 ptg2,saje dance2..atleast kuar peluh aku ni dari aku duk ngadap tv/pc je..slagi dowg ade matlamat, n jge tatatusila dowg, ia bkn sesuatu yg bodoh..yg xberfaedah..

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