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About gila_game25

  • Rank
    Ahli Sangat Rajin
  • Birthday 05/25/1994

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  • Location
    ShahrirAhmad's Territory
  • Interests
    Interested in gaining Knowledge.

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  1. tolong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . ape bende tempat cucuk ni? nk masuk lagu sume dah takleh
  2. latest release of pcsx2 version: 0.9.4 upcoming version: 0.9.5 DOWNLOAD PAGE BETA DOWNLOAD sume ade dlm tuh, kecuali bios kalo ade pertanyaan atau bug atau masalah, bincang kt cni atau PCSX2 Official Forums. Postla skrinshots. jangan malu2 (No Rules!) Sebarang mesalah leh la kongsi bersama kat sini (UPDATED: 4Th May 2008) wuit. dah lama menghilang pcsx2 tester ni. mne pgi otai2 sblum ni?
  3. nak tau ler. ade ke RM400 tepat2?
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