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Kenali Bahasa Tubuh Dan 'true Colours' Pasangan Anda.

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aku mintak pada forumer yg balas kt topik nie jangan melencong dari topik sebenar..time kaseh.

cik hannachimie...mon nk tnye eh..nape perempuan nie die nk lelaki strting dulu eh....?misalnye mcm telefon..kalau lelaki tue tak telefon aweks tue..aweks tue takkn telefon die...sama gak mcm sms....kalau lelaki tak sms,aweks tue pun tak sms gak...pastu....mcm YM gak....kalau lelaki tak strt perbualan tue..perempuan tue takkan strt...sama gak mcm kata2 cinta nie...kalau lelaki tue tak ckp "I syg you"...perempuan tue pun takkn ckp..."i syg you jgk"....aper nie..nape msti lelaki jer kene strting dulu...? :ph34r:

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cik hannachimie...mon nk tnye eh..nape perempuan nie die nk lelaki strting dulu eh....?misalnye mcm telefon..kalau lelaki tue tak telefon aweks tue..aweks tue takkn telefon die...sama gak mcm sms....kalau lelaki tak sms,aweks tue pun tak sms gak...pastu....mcm YM gak....kalau lelaki tak strt perbualan tue..perempuan tue takkan strt...sama gak mcm kata2 cinta nie...kalau lelaki tue tak ckp "I syg you"...perempuan tue pun takkn ckp..."i syg you jgk"....aper nie..nape msti lelaki jer kene strting dulu...? :ph34r:

sbb perempuan pemalu.. :blush:

tu pon xtawu..

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Ohhh.. selepas meneliti thread nih barulah aku paham kenapa pompuan skang nih suka pakai seksi-seksi. Rupa-rupanya betis, paha, buah dada, belakang badan, ketiak yang putih melepak tu pun ingin "bertutur" sekali dalam bahasa badan. Patutlah setiap lelaki yang melihat pompuan cantik yang seksi-seksi gituww senyap seribu bahasa di mulut mereka kerana badan lelaki berkenaan ingin saja "berkomunikasi" dengan badan pompuan berkenaan........(tu yang kes rogol meningkat tu, sebab badan lelaki dah takleh nak berbahasa badan dah, kira nak buat "tindakan" ja..)

Kalau pompuan muka tak cun duk cuba "membenarkan" betis, paha, buah dada belakang badan dan ketiak "berbahasa sekali maka lelaki yang melihatnya akan muntah seribu warna. Tergamam.... :lol:

Betul tak navigator? :P Saya menang pawahroot.. :lol:


tidak dinafikan abg ahmades kite :P

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"crazy_labelle, nur_29, mon678, kambeng"

list spammer2 takda modal

tapi takpa la, at least meriah la gak forum ni

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cik hannachimie...mon nk tnye eh..nape perempuan nie die nk lelaki strting dulu eh....?misalnye mcm telefon..kalau lelaki tue tak telefon aweks tue..aweks tue takkn telefon die...sama gak mcm sms....kalau lelaki tak sms,aweks tue pun tak sms gak...pastu....mcm YM gak....kalau lelaki tak strt perbualan tue..perempuan tue takkan strt...sama gak mcm kata2 cinta nie...kalau lelaki tue tak ckp "I syg you"...perempuan tue pun takkn ckp..."i syg you jgk"....aper nie..nape msti lelaki jer kene strting dulu...? :ph34r:

dah jadi adat melayu sebenarnye..actually awak hanya jumpe gurl yg jenis cm tu..nk wt cmane??

gurl byk yg malu..kang mau nye lelaki tu tak suke die..kan da tebal muke die..

yer la..kebykan gurl walaupun die x trime satu boy tu jadik bf die,die takkan make fun of it..

kalau lelaki,mcm tu..byk yg suke persenda balik gurl tu..lau depan guyz plak die bangga lak..pasal ade gurl yg directly kt die.

da byk tngok la..

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bagi gurlz plak..lau ur bf marah..cepat2 la pujuk...

jgn tunggu lame2..

tapi lau die diam je..jgn la usik die..maknenye die btul2 marah..

biar die redha,baru pujuk..pandai2 la ngkorang

bg boyz..lau gf korang majuk..plz la pujuk..coz itu tanda die nk bermanje ngan korang gak.

lau gf korang cm diam jer..die juz nk tenangkan diri die..n nk kawal emosi,jgn sangka die tak sayang..ok??

elakkan dari gunakan perkataan yg kasar yg ley guris perasaan bf or gf engkorang..itu penting

paling penting,jgn la gune body parts korang(cm tangan ke,kaki ke)utk expresskan marah korang pada awek or balak korang..

itu akan membuatkan die ingat smpai bile2..(tinggal parut beb dalam ati)..

mmg lau die sayang,dia akan pujuk korang..tp percaya la..tanggapan die pada korang akan jadik lain..

n die bukan hormat engkorang..cume perasaan takut n berpura2 ok ngan tindakan korang..

so elakkan la beb..

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ini lagi ade panduan untuk knal true colour pasangan korang..

1. Protocol: First or Second? Whether it's walking through a door, ordering dinner, or taking a bite out of the freshly baked cookies you have made together, if your partner always have to go first this could indicate self- centeredness. Are you willing to always be the giver?

2. Politics: Liberal or Conservative? How your partner views what is right or wrong in a political sense tells you a lot about his deep inner beliefs about society, and ultimately, the way he will approach your relationship issues. Will his views cause a rift in your relationship?

3. Television: Sitcoms or News? If his tendency is to watch "escape" TV programs versus "newsy/event" oriented ones, you can learn a lot about one's intellect. Do you want a mate who can keep up with your every day interest in what is going on in the world or a person you can run away with to avoid the world we live in?

4. Money: Flash or Stash? If your partner throws money around while dating, he might well be reckless with your joint finances when you move in together. Do you want to hook up with a tightwad or splurger?

5. Stress: Freak or Peak? Under Pressure, does he go to pieces or rise to the top of his game? If the answer is the former, every minor incident in your relationship might become a crisis. Do you like a lot of drama?

6. Conversation: About You or Him? As you first get to know each other does he always talk about himself first or you? If he is usually the topic priority do not expect that to change. Can you subordinate yourself to the world revolving around him?

7. Pets: Warm or Aloof? Believe it or not, the way in which he treats animals will not be dissimilar to how he treats your children. How do you want him to treat your loved ones?

8. Communication: Listens or Ignores? If you have something you want to talk about and he tunes you out as a general rule, can you cope?

9. Strangers: Kind or Rude? How he treats those they do not know (waiters, grocery clerks) often reflects on how he will treat people in general, including you, shortly after the glow wears off.

10. Priorities: Family or Work? You can tell almost immediately where a person's preferences lie in terms of what comes first (a family member's illness or a business trip) by the choices he makes when faced with an "either/or" situation. Do you care if he leaves on the next plane to present the such-and-such report if you or the kids have pneumonia?

11. Appearance: Fat or Fit? How he regards his appearance screams loudly about his sense of self-esteem. Those who eat sensibly, workout reasonably, and who take pride in their appearance are the ones who have a great sense of self. Does he really have self-confidence or might it be a front?

12. Faith: Strong or Weak? If you want a peak at his soul, learn more about his spirituality, or lack of it. What a person believes deep down is often what shapes the way in which they conduct their day-to-day affairs. What is your mate's "words to live by?"

ni aku amik dari tenet..so,harap leh bantu korang..

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ini lagi ade panduan untuk knal true colour pasangan korang..

1. Protocol: First or Second? Whether it's walking through a door, ordering dinner, or taking a bite out of the freshly baked cookies you have made together, if your partner always have to go first this could indicate self- centeredness. Are you willing to always be the giver?

2. Politics: Liberal or Conservative? How your partner views what is right or wrong in a political sense tells you a lot about his deep inner beliefs about society, and ultimately, the way he will approach your relationship issues. Will his views cause a rift in your relationship?

3. Television: Sitcoms or News? If his tendency is to watch "escape" TV programs versus "newsy/event" oriented ones, you can learn a lot about one's intellect. Do you want a mate who can keep up with your every day interest in what is going on in the world or a person you can run away with to avoid the world we live in?

4. Money: Flash or Stash? If your partner throws money around while dating, he might well be reckless with your joint finances when you move in together. Do you want to hook up with a tightwad or splurger?

5. Stress: Freak or Peak? Under Pressure, does he go to pieces or rise to the top of his game? If the answer is the former, every minor incident in your relationship might become a crisis. Do you like a lot of drama?

6. Conversation: About You or Him? As you first get to know each other does he always talk about himself first or you? If he is usually the topic priority do not expect that to change. Can you subordinate yourself to the world revolving around him?

7. Pets: Warm or Aloof? Believe it or not, the way in which he treats animals will not be dissimilar to how he treats your children. How do you want him to treat your loved ones?

8. Communication: Listens or Ignores? If you have something you want to talk about and he tunes you out as a general rule, can you cope?

9. Strangers: Kind or Rude? How he treats those they do not know (waiters, grocery clerks) often reflects on how he will treat people in general, including you, shortly after the glow wears off.

10. Priorities: Family or Work? You can tell almost immediately where a person's preferences lie in terms of what comes first (a family member's illness or a business trip) by the choices he makes when faced with an "either/or" situation. Do you care if he leaves on the next plane to present the such-and-such report if you or the kids have pneumonia?

11. Appearance: Fat or Fit? How he regards his appearance screams loudly about his sense of self-esteem. Those who eat sensibly, workout reasonably, and who take pride in their appearance are the ones who have a great sense of self. Does he really have self-confidence or might it be a front?

12. Faith: Strong or Weak? If you want a peak at his soul, learn more about his spirituality, or lack of it. What a person believes deep down is often what shapes the way in which they conduct their day-to-day affairs. What is your mate's "words to live by?"

ni aku amik dari tenet..so,harap leh bantu korang..

jawapan die aper eh? :wacko:

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jawapan die aper eh? :wacko:

ape arrrrrrr...bergantung pada korang untuk menerima seseorang tu baik dan buruknya..

cume iut guideline utk korang..

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ape arrrrrrr...bergantung pada korang untuk menerima seseorang tu baik dan buruknya..

cume iut guideline utk korang..

kat mane dpt hannachimie...bg link..pm mon :lol:

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lau korg sayang betul2 kat awek korg....n nak bg tambah kasih syg tu....cuba la tgk mata dia lama2..hihihi...tenung lama2 anak mata dia....mmg betullah apa yg dikatakan dr mata turun ke hati.....rasa bahagia klu tgk mata :P

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kat mane dpt hannachimie...bg link..pm mon :lol:

cayang ku oooii..huhuu(gurau ek)..

ni dapat dari yahoo....cube carik..sbb ari tu pun dpt dari berita2 yg die bg..

aku da x ingat da..

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kalo tergedik2 tu knape ek?

sakit belakang @ mmg buat2 sengal?

tngok la cara tergedik2 die tuh..

lau perangai die cm tuh..x bely wt pe la..

lagik satu..yg ko tanye tergedikz2 nieh..knape?cm menyimpan rahsia jerrr...

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kalau kita kasi loket emas bentuk Love ada huruh `H` mean itu adalah start depan nama kita.....kenapa si `dia`nak simpan then x mau pakai?.....ada gaduh tuh hari tapi dia x nak bagi balik loket tuh......hehehe

then sesapa yg nak bagi loket as a hadiah kat aweks tuh.......kena ingat tau Loket dan rantai adalah berasingan........ :lol: macam aku tuh hari beli loket je...then kakak yg jual tuh tanya `adik nak gantung kat dinding ke? :lol:

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kalu xpun mungkin sbg kenangan buat dia loket 2

atau loket 2 mengingatkan dia

loket tuh aku bagi sempena hari jadik dia......pegh loket sahaja dah rm 155 .....rantai dah rm 133....sekarang ada kat tangan dia lagi.......

aku siap balut ngan pembalut kertas....kotak lagi.........bulan puasa nih genap la aku 1 tahun berjauhan ngan dia..... :( ...

dia ada bagi satu kotak rokok warna merah(aku x hisap rokok)...then kotak tuh aku simpan baik2 x kasi bos aku usik... :)

Edited by Janice Wei Lan

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loket tuh aku bagi sempena hari jadik dia......pegh loket sahaja dah rm 155 .....rantai dah rm 133....sekarang ada kat tangan dia lagi.......

aku siap balut ngan pembalut kertas....kotak lagi.........bulan puasa nih genap la aku 1 tahun berjauhan ngan dia..... :( ...

dia ada bagi satu kotak rokok warna merah(aku x hisap rokok)...then kotak tuh aku simpan baik2 x kasi bos aku usik... :)

knpe dia bg rokok wlpn ko x merokok?

xfhm btul.. <_<

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knpe dia bg rokok wlpn ko x merokok?

xfhm btul.. <_<

dia chinese bro...then kotak dia bagi tuh warna merah(mean ada kepercayaan).....then member aku ada cakap kalau warna merah mean lambang kekayaan atau sesuatu yg bagus.....dia amik kotak tuh dari sebuah kedai.(x curi dah mintak izin) mmg cantik kotak tuh......kotak dunhill warna merah ada lambang kuda......sampai sekarnag aku masih simpan....kekadang aku belek2 kotak tuh........

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