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apekah slalunya menjadi penyebab kalo tak bole upload apa2 file dalam ftp using smartftp..tak boleh upload langsung

[12:57:15] 150 Accepted data connection

[12:57:15] 226-Options: -a -l

[12:57:15] 226 36 matches total

[12:57:15] 4820 bytes transferred. (75.9 KB/s) (62 ms)

[12:57:15] Transfer failed. Use the Transfer Queue for automatic retries.

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Yap memang ada problem pakai smart ftp...dulu aku pun pakai smart ftp...BTW try free ftp software yang ni dulu


..cari kat google banyak lagi

Yang bawah ni bukan free but boleh cuba triall version

Cuteftp (very nice)


Edited by tasek16

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x bolew la..aku rs bukan problem ftp tu tp ntah la..x boleh upload langsung.

ni dia punya suggestion pas aku guna cuteftp

The filename provided is not being accepted by the server. Please check for invalid characters and try again.

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macam ni let say nama file tu muka depan.html try jadikan single file name cth




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the problem is, file tu ade la dalam 1500 bijik, pastu nama dia plak dalam 15 char.jpg cth 123456781234567.jpg

nk tuka ape?huhuhu

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