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Cannot Access To Lan

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ade problem. mcm nih citer nyer

bile aku taip cmd kt run application dia kuar la screen itam kan?

aku ble ping file server ble ping google.com

the problem is:

1) bile aku taip \\ ip file server) kt run app tu dia kuar error " path was not found". lebe kurang mcm tula..

2 pastu aku taip plak \\ kt address bar pon xble gak. Ip server btol. my network places pon ade error "not updated and cannot connect".

3) xble print

aku tertnya2 kemungkinn LAN network problem ke some cmd services not running?


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Antivirus ape ko pakai?

Firewall ape ko pakai?

Kalo kt destination tu ade install program security ape?

OS Windows 2003 ker ni?

(saje tanya, thehehehe- :P )

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cuba cek network kad tu dulu...lampu dia berkelip@menyala tk???NIC kad hang jenis apa??tgk kat system properties ada tk hardware detect??tkt masalah NIC hang jerk problem...kalau ok maknanya ada la somethin tk kena dgn ip..hang letak static ka dynamic???cuba taip ipconfig dulu kat cmd...n then ping ip hang...kemudian cari ip dari pc lain,try ping IP pc yang lain tu dulu...selamat mencuba...kalau ada slh tlg btuikan nooo

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ade problem. mcm nih citer nyer

bile aku taip cmd kt run application dia kuar la screen itam kan?

aku ble ping file server ble ping google.com

the problem is:

1) bile aku taip \\ ip file server) kt run app tu dia kuar error " path was not found". lebe kurang mcm tula..

2 pastu aku taip plak \\ kt address bar pon xble gak. Ip server btol. my network places pon ade error "not updated and cannot connect".

3) xble print

aku tertnya2 kemungkinn LAN network problem ke some cmd services not running?


cube tulis sahaja tanpa // atau \\

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kalau server tu ada http service boleh la taip ip sahaja..

cuba ping dulu ke ip lain2 sekali..then cuba access lain2 punya pc sharing ..mana tau netbios disable atau kena block..

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