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Katakan TIDAK!!!!!!!!!! kpd berita ini:-

Saman Rm250k Kalo Donlot File Kat Tenet, muvi..lagu..dll

KUALA LUMPUR: If you download material illegally from the Internet, be prepared to fork out a minimum fine of RM250,000.

This is the warning from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry to Malaysians who continue to illegally download songs, videos and the like.

Although this penalty was legislated more than 10 years ago under the Copyright Act 1987, it has yet to be fully enforced.

This was because the Government was still focusing on “physical enforcementâ€, encompassing continuous efforts to weed out pirated DVDs, VCDs and CDs sold on the streets and their operators.

Deputy Minister Datuk S. Veerasingam said that while this remains their main priority, cracking down on Internet download offenders was also gaining momentum.

“For the past three years, we have seen a significant reduction in copyright pirates.

“This is due to the continuous efforts of four enforcement officers. “We will also very soon make Internet download offenders our priority. The law has been there for the past 10 years,†he said Tuesday.

Veerasingam was speaking to reporters after opening the WIPO Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on the Issues and Recent Developments of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty on behalf of Minister Datuk Shafie Apdal.

More than 75 participants from 11 countries are taking part in the three-day seminar.

Veerasingam added that the maximum fine for downloading material illegally from the Internet was as high as a whopping RM500,000.

The reality of it, Veerasingam said, was that as long as there were buyers, there would always be sellers.

“It doesn't matter whether it's buying a CD from the street or illegally downloading songs from the Internet. It's still the same,†he said.

He thus urged Malaysians to be responsible consumers and realise the damage they caused to the various industries that painstakingly produced music, videos and movies only to find their work being used for free.

On the other hand, he also urged that products be reasonably priced so consumers would not consider cheaper alternatives, such as pirated or illegally downloaded products.

On advancements made by the country in this area, Veerasingam said various amendments to the law and the instalment of an Intellectual Property Court recently was testament to this.

Mcmana kita semua lepas ni nak muat turun anime dan lagu2 Jepun kat internet ni????

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mmg tak patut le

kalau org kat jepun tengok tv kan asal ada tv dapat tengok free, diorang boleh buat apa diorang suka rakam untuk tontonan sendiri nanti

pastu fansub buat pun free

kalau nak paksa kita beli dvd ori anime banyak sub tak memuaskan hati buat apa layan

lagipun kita download anime untuk tontonan sendiri jugak bukan nak jual

tolong le jgn negara kita ni ikut langkah singapura pulak,

anime tak buat orang jadi gila

tapi halang org download anime nanti ramai yg jadi gila tak puas hati merusuh dan sebagainya... cth je

saya tak kesah sgt pasal movie omputeh lagu2 dan sebagainya, tapi kalau benda2 sub ni, fansub punya je saya boleh terima

kembali ke topik ni, list kat first page tu yg latest dah update ke? saya nak buat juga sedikit review tapi tak pasti ada org buat ke tak, nak check semua page internet saya ciput le

Edited by DRS

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Tak update lagi. Kirim je post yg berkaitan... aku tetap akan update. ;)

Katakan TIDAK!!!!!!!!!! kpd berita ini:-

Saman Rm250k Kalo Donlot File Kat Tenet, muvi..lagu..dll

KUALA LUMPUR: If you download material illegally from the Internet, be prepared to fork out a minimum fine of RM250,000.

Psl tu ye... hmm... tu general download ke? Kalo korang dload rip CD Mawi atau DVD filem Awie, Zombie Kampung Pisang... tentu kena saman baik punya. Kalo anime... hmm... tengok la keadaan dulu industri anime kat tpt kite. Kalo ada kompeni cam ODEX kat Malaysia ni... berjaga-jaga la. Kalo bootleg? Err... *tak mampu berkata-kata*


KARAS OVA - Episod 4 dan 6 (End)

Aku bet... korang mesti pernah tengok KARAS OVA -kan. Dulu layan episod 1 hingga 3... pastu... tunggu sampai setahun... dan-dan kuar episod 4 hingga 5. Kebetulan lak tamat dekat2 nak Krismas... hahaha. Aku dah tengok dah sebulan lepas. Mungkin korang pun dah tengok kot. So... aku maklumkan aje la kpd sesiapa yg dahulu pernah mengikuti siri KARAS ni... tetiba putus harapan nak follow lagi. So... bergumbira la skrg!

Skit screenshot... KARAS 4-6 (End)



So... ada berapa KARAS yg korang jumpa...

...kat bawah ni? Huhuhu... ^_^




Selamat Memburu... fansub stuff!

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waa... bestnya tengok gambar-gambar karas tuh.. kita dah mintak mak kita belikan cd dia tapi mak kata rate ganas.. budak kecik tak boleh tengok... TT

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Assalamualaikum kamu semua!!!!!!adakah kamu semua masih lagi menorrent/muat turun anime lagi??? :ph34r:

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proudly... yes i do~~~

gua gak gentar sama gov...

erks.. Waalaikumsalam..


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aku d/load jek selamber lorh..~

itu kamu maa!!!saya x berani sangat dah menorrent anime ni maa!!sekarang ni sdg menorrent anime Zoids Genesis ni maa!!

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itu kamu maa!!!saya x berani sangat dah menorrent anime ni maa!!sekarang ni sdg menorrent anime Zoids Genesis ni maa!!

ko nih apsal maaa maa je nih ko lepas SPM nih keje sama ngan org cina ka?? :lol:

cuak sgt hahaha..aku negok org lain selamber gaban jek d/load chill laaaaaaa :lol:

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ko nih apsal maaa maa je nih ko lepas SPM nih keje sama ngan org cina ka?? :lol:

cuak sgt hahaha..aku negok org lain selamber gaban jek d/load chill laaaaaaa :lol:

mana ada kerja sama dgn org cina daa!!!cuma kat sekolah banyak kawan dgn pelajar2 Cina maa dan dah terbiasa dgn perkataan tu semasa cakap dgn mereka,lagi2 yg keturunan Baba dan Nyonya tu,lagi sedap perkataan/loghat mereka dan saya ni pun adalah sikit2 keturunan cina,nenek saya cina islam maa!!!!mmg cuak pun bila baca RM250 000.00 paling minimum!!!!

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ayoyo maaa...sudah2 la maaa..sekang jom citer anime yg best utk di torrent hahahaha..

kawan aku ada recommend anime nih..lupa bape episode but aku dah tgk la 4 episode citer dia :

pasal seorank mamat dak skola menengah gi bercuti summer ngan family di rumah nenek dia..biasa la summer gi pantai mandi la kan..nak jadi citer mamat nih lemas lak ble dok mandi pantai bapak dia xtau anak dia lemas..

so nak jadikan citer masa dia lemas tuh muncul la 1 ikan duyung bersaiz awek skola menengah hahaha..selamat kan dia..

so sedar2 dia dah selamat di atasa batu pantai ngan bapak dia kat sebelah..ok mlm nye si awek ikan duyung nih muncul kat umah nenek dia ( dlm form manusia )..ngan alasan dia nak bersama ngan mamat nih aku lupa nama dia hahaha..so nak jadi citer lagi dia n family dia xcept nenek dia kena gi jumpa family awek duyong nih kat tmpt tinggal dia kat laut lah..

ble dah jumpa tuh baru mamat tuh tahu yang family awek duyong nih geng yakuza versi mermen wakakaka..n syarat diorank ialah jika mermen selamatkan manusia@ tunjuk muka kat manusia mermen tuh kena kawen ngan manusia tuh or mermen tuh kena bunuh..something like dat la..

bapak dia lak x sanggup nak bunuh anak pompuan kesayangan dia & xmo kawen kan anak pompuan dia ngan mamat sengal nih (tapi mak awek duyong suka benor nak kawen kan)..so nak jadikan citer lagi..bapak dia ngan konco2nya tlh buat plan la senyap2 utk membunuh mamat nih hahaha so mcm tuh la lebey kurang citer dia...

citer nih mmg kelakar aku negok pun golak2 gelik2 jek..xtau la aku nih yg lmbt follow ke apa..tapi nih anime yg best la utk di tonton..aku x hingat nama kalo korank tau korank tulis la dlm nih kasi member lain d/load pastu kena saman reramai 250k hahahahaha... :lol:

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sesiapa di sini tahu nama2 anime yg ada beberapa episod dia selitkan perkataan/percakapan dalam bahasa melayu???

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sesiapa di sini tahu nama2 anime yg ada beberapa episod dia selitkan perkataan/percakapan dalam bahasa melayu???

detective conan ver. melayu kat tibi 3 hahahaha

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detective conan ver. melayu kat tibi 3 hahahaha

apa pula maa!!!!!saya tanya betul2,kamu main2 pula!!!dlm tactical roar tuh epsd 2 dia ada cakap melayu lah... hohoho... bunyik yag saya cam dia cakap "tolong.. tolong.. pakcik boleh saya tanya.." lepas guard tuh cakap jepon dia cakap BM balik "awak cakap apa... tolong cakap perlahan2... saya tidak paham apa yang awak cakap" pastuh dia terus lompat n hijek sebuah keta yg masuk dlm pengkalan... pastu... kaboom... kabommm... kaboommm.ni link dia http://groups.imeem.com/EGRTAZ-Y/video/NqP...oar_episode_02/

Edited by Athrun Zala 02

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aku rasa ko x tgk video nih lagi maaa..video nih pun ckp melayu gak padahal citer cine..serious maaaa


edit : betul al tuh athrun dia ckp malay sebab subtitle tuh sendiri tulis...aku x dgr sgt..baca subtitle tuh tulis dia ckp malay baru aku perasan..

Edited by HeaVen X

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kekeke... Tactical Roar ek.. yg minah black short haired lesby tu.. aku pon x paham melayu slang mana dia cakap.. kalu guard tu terrer bm pon dia x paham lah..anyway, tak layan sgt citer dia.. gandum benih lagi besh!

sikalang gua tgh layan School Days ngan Shigurui~

Haiz... Hayate no Gotoku kuar berapa kali sebulan ek?? X sabo dh nk layan eps. 37...

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hayate no gotoku 1 episode per week..depend pada fansub arituh delay 1 week diorank kuar 2 episode sekali huhuhu..

School Days Tv ek..huhuhu ending dia amik Dark ending hampeh tul.. :lol:

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emmm... riza tatau la kalau anime-anime ini pernah direviewkan oleh abang-abang dan kakak-kakak kat sini... tapi riza review la jugak...



sumber gambar: wikipedia

filem terbitan 2003 arahan Kon Satoshi ini mengisahkan 3 orang sahabat baik - Gin lelaki pertengahan umur, Hana a transvestive, dan gadis yang melarikan diri dari rumah Miyuki dalam usaha mengembalikan seorang bayi yang dibuang kembali ke pangkuan keluarganya pada malam krismas... disebabkan tak berapa reti nak mengreview... so riza quote saja review yang pernah dibuat nih...

Rating: 4.5 / 5

Reviewer: Nat

Review Date: 2005-11-30

Inspired by John Ford's Three Grandfathers, the Satoshi Kon movie Tokyo Godfathers is a compelling story of three homeless people on a search for the parents of an abandoned baby girl found in a dumpster on Christmas Eve. Although the events that propel this anime are somewhat unlikely and maybe too coincidental, it's easy for the viewer to suspend disbelief because the story unfolds well. The bumbling, unconventional characters make the movie progress smoothly from its brisk beginning through an engaging buildup and climax to its amusing resolution. Along the way, the film goes from comedic to poignant and back again, portraying the best and worst - and weirdest - aspects of human nature.

The three homeless protagonists are heavy-drinking middle-aged man Gin, the homosexual transvestite Hana, and teenage girl Miyuki. As the tagline says, they are the "ultimate dysfunctional family," and this is part of what makes them so unique and oddly charming. The dynamics between these three are real, human, and at times downright entertaining. Despite their myriad differences and disagreements, however, they are indeed a family of sorts, and this fact comes through many times during the movie.

Of course, this is not to say that Gin, Hana, and Miyuki don't shine individually. Each one of the three has his or her own share of time in the spotlight. Through artfully placed memories, stories, and subtle interpersonal interactions, the viewer comes to learn about - and appreciate - the flawed heroes. One such revelatory scene I found striking because the insight took place during a halting, fumbling interaction between two people who had no mutual language; despite (or perhaps because of) the crippled communication between the two, this scene was the most informative in regards to Miyuki's past. I'd also like to make a note here that it would also be helpful to know some Spanish - whenever Spanish is spoken in the movie, the English subtitles disappear. However, since the speakers are mostly saying basic conversational statements and the Spanish comes up only rarely, bilingualism is certainly not required in order to understand the larger picture.

Tokyo Godfathers' animation was very fluid, the drawings clean and lines smooth. I think it's worth noting that the characters, especially Hana, had the most comically exaggerated facial expressions, and those expressions only added to the overall hilarity. I should also mention that the shots of downtown Tokyo were stunning! The realistic detail had my eyes running all over the screen so I could get a look at mundane objects like a cooking pot or a book.

review pg: http://animeworld.com/readerreviews/tokyogodfathers.html



sumber gambar: wikipedia

Mengisahkan Fujiwara Chiyoko - seorang biduanita yang terkenal pada zamannya sehinggalah pada penghujung kegemilangannya beliau tiba-tiba menyepikan diri dari persada seni. seorang peminatnya yang bernama tachibana telah datang dan menemuramahnya untuk filem dokumentari, telah menyerahkan kunci yang menjadi punca Chiyoko mengabdikan diri dalam dunia lakonan dengan harapan dapat bertemu semula lelaki yang dicari-carinya selama ini... dalam penceritaan semula filem-filem lakonannya kepada tachibana, skrip lakonan turut meriwayatkan keseluruhan hayatnya dalam memburu cinta sepanjang zaman/era....

keunikan anime ini apabila memasukkan unsur-unsur seni cetakan (prints) jepun - Ukiyo-e (pictures of the floating world) dalam latarbelakangnya dan ia sememangnya filem animasi yang paling bagus untuk ditonton...

Rating: 5 / 5

Reviewer: The M Man

Review Date: 2003-12-05

Millennium Actress is the long awaited second movie by Perfect Blue director Satoshi Kon (who also collaborated with Katsuhiro Otomo in Memories: Magnetic Rose) and the pedigree shows. Like Perfect Blue, Satoshi Kon takes us on a wild ride where he mixes reality with fantasy. Being a romance movie rather than a suspense thriller it's not as confusing as Perfect Blue, and is more reminiscent of Magnetic Rose where memories take hold of the narrative. We start seeing Chikyoko's life, traditionally enough, through her eyes. Then things get interesting as the modern day Chiyoko and her interviewers are dragged into the memory stream as well. And to make it even more fun, the story gets intertwined with the many roles that Chiyoko has played throughout her career, and the movie takes us through everything from samurai flicks to science fiction and even a giant monster movie!

Basically, we follow Chiyoko while she searches for the man she loves. The mysterious painter, hunted by the world war 2 era government, who gave her the equally mysterious key and a promise of reunion. The story takes us through Chiyoko's career and how her seemingly futile search shapes it. The storytelling can be a bit disjointed since Chiyoko and the others change roles as the story progresses. In one instance she can be the classic lovelorn romance heroine, chasing a train. Then she becomes a ninja princess out to rescue her lover. Jump to a lunar landscape as she prepares to launch one more effort to find her dream man. It can get a bit confusing at first, when you're not sure what to expect, but everything flows logically and you'll soon find yourself following the narrative without much trouble.

Unlike many romance anime, Millennium Actress' romance is very low key. While there are a few dramatic moments, the movie doesn't dwell on them. And just when you think the movie is getting a bit too serious, in comes Tachibana and his camera man with a little bit of humor, as Tachibana plays Chiyoko's brave saviour and the camera man plays the confused link to reality with a one liner here and there. No giant mecha, no villain threatening the galaxy, no ten thousand girls chasing after one hapless guy. Just a nice romantic drama with a very unique presentation. Quite a breath of fresh air in today's cliche-filled anime market.

The animation style is, as expected, quite similar to Prefect Blue, which is a great compliment in itself. But where the movie shines is in the artistic direction. Very unique scenes abound as we switch between eras, color schemes, and movies. A sequence that stood out for me was Chiyoko running towards the last place her lover was seen. The sequence becomes a montage of running scenes from her earlier life and movie roles, seamlessly blended into one. The music fits the chase motif perfectly with an upbeat score that goes into a mellow lull as the story dictates, mixing traditional Japanese music with techno elements as time progresses.

Although it won many awards (including Grand Prize Award winner of the Japan Agency of Cultural Affairs Media Arts Festival) Millennium Actress didn't get nearly as much attention as it should, since DreamWorks (the US distributer) was too busy marketing Sinbad, which is a great shame since this is definitely one of the best anime movies to ever grace the silver screen.

review pg: http://animeworld.com/readerreviews/millenniumactress.html

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Tokyo Godfather huiii.. animasi dia superb!!! Cam tengok live-action punya cerita..

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tima kasih kepada bapak riza kerana memberi review anime yg menarik..harap teruskan perjuangan abg sabahan kite en.iiruga... :lol:

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haha.. arigato la.. gua sebenarnya banyak tengok full-length animation berbanding siri-siri anime.. tengok jugak bukan tak tengok.. ini pun kebetulan layan dua filem animasi dalam satu cd.. rembat kakak ipar punye.. hahahaha... tengok ada pulak topik review pasal anime... so.. gua pun spent time sikit la.. cari review-review yang berkaitan.. bukannya aku reti sangatpun nak meriview-review ni...

yang paling aku suka ialah terbitan studio Gibli... tapi tu la..ayat mak aku suh beli kompilasi filem-filem animasi Gibli nih sampai la nih tak dapat-dapat... :lol: nangis kang...

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sesiapa di sini tahu nama2 anime yg ada beberapa episod dia selitkan perkataan/percakapan dalam bahasa melayu???

dalam maihime ada selit sikit, kata asal dari perkataan harimau

tapi kalau yg siap cakap full sentence bahasa melayu cuba ko dengar betul2 kat Cowboy Bebop

mcm suara org kat airport cakap bahasa melayu. dgn bahasa inggeris dan bahasa cina sekali

Edited by DRS

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sesiapa di sini tahu nama2 anime yg ada beberapa episod dia selitkan perkataan/percakapan dalam bahasa melayu???

Speedgrapher episod 1.

Ko nak wat apa ngan dialog cenggitu?

haha.. arigato la.. gua sebenarnya banyak tengok full-length animation berbanding siri-siri anime...

Arigato to you too... nanti aku kemaskini.

PAPRIKA sudah layan. Satoshi Kon punya filem kalo korang bleh menjiwai filemnya... takde masalah kalo nak minat. Aku kureng skit ngan Satoshi Kon punya produk. Contoh TV siri Paranoia Agent... perghh... dan Paprika... perghh. Bagi yg dah pernah tengok... diorg mesti faham apa yg aku maksudkan.

kawan aku ada recommend anime nih..lupa bape episode but aku dah tgk la 4 episode citer...


Sekarang ni gua baru je nak melayankan diri siri...

Bunso Renkin

Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho

Baru je settle layan Tantei Gakuen Q atau nama lain Detective Academy Q. Yg membuat aku layan siri TV ni sebab penulisnya adalah orang yg sama cipta Kindaichi Shounen Jikenbo. TGQ ni lebih pada menyiasat secara berpasukan dlm sebuah akademi atau sekolah penyiasatan. Suasana animasi pun lebih nampak ceria... meriah dan BEST. Hohoho... senang ckp semua karakter TGQ best-best. Lagi yg menarik perhatian aku... konsep RIVAL antara Kelas Q dan Kelas A... siapa yg bleh settle kes... dikira paling hebat kat akademi. Persaingan camtu la yg membuatkan aku tak senang duduk... hohoho.

"The Dan Detective School is a Japanese detective school permitted by the government. Kyu, an ordinary boy with big dreams to become detective, attends the school as a member of Q Class along with Megu, the girl with photographic memory; Kazuma, the computer genius kid; Kinta, the strong; and the mysterious Ryu. Together they solve many cases which bring them to face Pluto, the crime organization which should have been destroyed by Dan Morihiko."

Tantei Gakuen Q --> [ OFFICIAL SITE ]

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Speedgrapher episod 1.

Ko nak wat apa ngan dialog cenggitu?

iruganiisan,komradku,anime speedgrapher tu berkisarkan ttg apa???mcm ada ciri2 supernatural je????

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