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    • By wisel
      Mencari Vb Developer Utk Handwriting Recognition System Using Svm

      harga kalau boleh dibincang kan utk yg berminat

      tolong email sy di [email protected]
    • By NeoLogy

      Aku nak create satu function yang akan check size file. Aku tak perlukan size file yang sebenar kerana function ni cuma perlu check adakah file tersebut lebih besar daripada size yang ditetapkan atau tidak. Ideanya begini; function ni akan read file ni by chunck of data. Let say file tu bersize 1GB. Kalau gunakan GetFileSize(), sudah tentu mengambil masa yang lama untuk dapatkan size file tersebut. Ini akan merugikan masa kerana aku hanya perlu tahu adakah file tersebut bersize lebih daripda 10MB?

      Kalau file lebih daripada 10MB, function akan return true dan return false kalau kurang daripada 10MB. Dengan membaca file by chunck, let say 1024byte on each chunck, kalau total read chunck size lebih daripada 10MB, then automatically return true tanpa perlu baca chunck seterusnya.

      So, nak tanya macam mana nak read file by chunck?
      Kalau ada contoh, lagi bagus. Atau kalau ada mana-mana references ke..
    • By orance
      saya tak tahu macam mana nak buat coding untuk validation password. dia ada 1 button sahaja iaitu button sign in pada interface. hanya 2 user sahaja yang dibenarkan sign in dan interface akan memaparkan gambar user yang log in....

      This program only allows two users to sign-in which means, we have to set the username and password in the program itself.
      Username: Felix
      Password: sand
      User 2
      Username: Hendry
      Password: flower
      4. Use If…else if statements to verify which user is signing in.
      5. When the user clicks the button Sign In, it will prompt user to enter the first name.
      (Set in your program the username is “Felix”).
      6. After entering the first name, it will prompt again asking for password.
      (Set in your program the password is “sand”).
      If the user entered the correct values for first name and password, it will display the message box greeting the user’s name as follow
      "hello felix!Ready to play
    • By merahPutih
      Nak mintak pendapat korang sket~~

      Source code ni aku dapat dari programmer lame (ni file DLL).
      Dia gune dll ni kat app dier dan stakat ni aku tengok cam ok.
      ni sourcecode tu[/color]

      [code]Private Sub SendToPort(ByVal code As String)
      Dim logstr2 As String = ""
      Dim ByteSend(16) As Byte
      Dim str As String
      Dim strArray() As String = code.Split("#")
      Dim k As Integer
      Dim l As Integer
      Dim dataSize As Integer
      logstr2 = "1"
      gCount = UBound(strArray) + 1
      logstr2 = "2"
      dataSize = gCount + 5
      logstr2 = "3"
      ByteSend(0) = 2
      logstr2 = "4"
      ByteSend(1) = 3
      logstr2 = "5"
      ByteSend(2) = dataSize
      logstr2 = "6"
      ByteSend(3) = strArray(0)
      logstr2 = "7"
      If gCount > 1 Then
      l = 0
      For k = 4 To (UBound(strArray) + 3)
      l = l + 1
      ByteSend(k) = strArray(l)
      Next k
      End If

      logstr2 = "8"
      str = CheckSum("#B#C#" & dataSize & "#" & code)
      logstr2 = "9"
      ByteSend(gCount) = Asc(Mid(str, 1, 1))
      logstr2 = "10"
      ByteSend(gCount + 1) = Asc(Mid(str, 2, 1))
      logstr2 = "11"
      Log_Rtn("gCount = " & gCount.ToString & vbNewLine & "logstr2 = " & logstr2)
      cv.Write(ByteSend, 0, gCount + 2)
      logstr2 = "12"
      Dim bolWait As Boolean
      bolWait = Wait_Fnc()
      logstr2 = "13"
      tmpRev1 = ByteSend(gCount + 1)
      logstr2 = "14"
      Catch ex As Exception
      Log_Rtn("clsB2B|SendToPort|" & ex.Message & logstr2 & "," & gCount & "," & code)

      End Try
      End Sub[/code]

      [color=#0000cd]jadi masalah aku ialah bile aku GO(F5), Result yang aku dapat salah, bile aku letak breakpoint lpastu step into (F10), baru dapat result yang aku nak[/color]

      [color=#0000cd]Breakpoint tu aku letak kat sini[/color]

      bolWait = Wait_Fnc()

      [color=#0000cd]ni Wait_Fnc()[/color]

      Private Function Wait_Fnc() As Boolean
      intWaitLoop = 0
      tmrWait.Enabled = True
      Do While tmrWait.Enabled = False
      'Do Nothing[/color]
      [color=#333333]Return False
      End Function

      [color=#0000ff]aku pakai visual studio 2008

      ape yang ak dapat dari google, dorg suruh pastikan semua variable dah initialize , build mode = debug[/color]
      [color=#0000ff]then aku try- still prob yang same
      kalau build mode = release pun same jugak[/color]
      [color=#0000ff]sekarang ni aku pakai [/color][color=#0000FF]build mode = debug[/color]

      [color=#0000FF]ade gak yang swh pakai [/color][color=#0000FF]application.doevents, yang ni aku x dapat try (maybe pasal ni class??? )[/color]

      [color=#0000ff]so aku nak mintak pendapat korang,
      rase2 nye kenape ak dapat result macam ni?? ade lagi mane2 setting yang aku perlu buat ke??[/color]
    • By mon678
      Tiada Error tp x kuar data kt text field huhu harap ada org blh membantu
      sy gune visual studio 2008 dan sql server 2005..
      sy membuat sistem gune windows form

      [CODE]Private Sub Cari_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cari.Click
      Dim searchby As String = ""
      If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
      MessageBox.Show("Please select search by field.", "Error")
      ElseIf (txtCari.Text.Trim() = "") Then
      MessageBox.Show("Please enter StafID number or IC number.", "Error")
      ElseIf ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
      searchby = "StafID"
      searchby = "kp"
      Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server =localhost;database=Library;Integrated Security=True;Trusted_Connection = yes")
      Dim myInsertQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM Staf WHERE " + searchby + " = '" + txtCari.Text + "'"
      Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(myInsertQuery, con)
      Dim Dr As SqlDataReader
      Dr = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
      While (Dr.Read())
      txtStaffID.Text = Dr("StafID").ToString()
      txtNama.Text = Dr("nama").ToString()
      txtKP.Text = Dr("kp").ToString()
      'txtDob.Text = Dr("dob").ToString()
      txtAddress.Text = Dr("alamat").ToString()
      txtBandar.Text = Dr("bandar").ToString()
      txtNegeri.Text = Dr("negeri").ToString()
      txtposkod.Text = Dr("poskod").ToString()
      txtNegara.Text = Dr("negara").ToString()
      txtEmail.Text = Dr("email").ToString()
      txthp.Text = Dr("hp").ToString()
      djawatan.SelectedItem = Dr("jawatan").ToString()

      End While

      UbahSuai.Enabled = True
      UbahSuai.Text = "Edit"
      End If
      End Sub[/CODE]
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