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Display Ps2 Kat Lappie Gune External Usb Hdtv Tuner

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mase aku googling utk connect ps2 ke laptop aku jumpe ni kat yahoo answer

"I have done what you want to do and it worked out ok. I hooked my PS2 up to my Dvico fusion hdtv usb tuner and the picture wasn't that great and it didn't fill the whole screen (maybe a 1/4" on top and bottom and 1/2" on the sides) but it might be because I have a 17" wide screen that isn't 16x9 (even tried switching PS2 to 16x9 ratio). Don't get me wrong it is still playable (just cant read small writing such as the info about the cars that scrolls across the bottom in GT4) and I will probably keep it set up like this for a while.

There are other tuners that could do this better but I couldn't tell which ones because I have tried this with any others. All though a good brand of tuners is Hauppauge. The most important thing to look for is a tuner that doesn't record all of the time because if it does your game will alway be 2 to 3 seconds behind. I know that the Hauppauge and Dvico (there are probably others) tuners allow you to stream video with out recording."

ade jual kat malaysia x tuner ni(atau brand len),n agak2 brape hargenye?

Edited by z4m50ft

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