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Diploma In Architecture (politeknik)

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ak lg trk....ak aliran sains tulen....seni pn xabk....


sy bdak sains tulen gak....tp sy ambik seni...

sbb sy mmg dah rancang nak smbung architecture...

cikgu sy ckp bdak architecture kna tau fizik,kimia,n mesti kna ada basic seni...


sy ari tu masuk universiti malaya,dpt asasi alam bina...

tp sy x nak asasi sbb pluang tipis...

diploma better...

so sy pun mintak kuar dari um..

skrg tgh apply poly utk diploma architecture....

what say you???

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pasal poli, ak xbrape tau, but i gt frens in poli taking dat course.

ak amik archi kat uitm.

erm, basically cmnila.

kalo ko btol2 minat, truskn la.

kos ni mmg sdp dgr, tp nk idop dlm die, haru beb.

ko pn mesti pnh dgr org citer2 pasal archi kn.

kelebihan bdk poli dlm software mmg xdinafikan la.

tp ak xkate bdk u xbagos.

dr ap yang ak tgk skng ni, ramai dak2 u yang mampu dh nk saingi skill poli.

tp kne rajin2 sndr nk amik tau la.

sbb beze poli ngn u, poli dorg mmg asah ko ckup2 gne software, tp kat u, dorg bedal ko mati2 gne freehand.

kalo ko hebat sketch, kurg la skit azab 2.

tp ble dh msuk thun 3 ke ats, ko leh gne software kaw2 nyer.

kalo ko amik kat u skng ni, ko akn start ngn b. Sc (bachelor in science(architecture)).

kalo xsilap ak, lps ko dpt b.Sc 2, kalo ko nk smbung mn2 kos len, ko leh trus amik master.

kalo ko proceed ngn archy gak, ko kne amik b. Arch dlu.

xposure pn len beb.

kwn ak ms pract dlu, dak poli r, kje mmg truk, gaji, mmg cikai.

ak ms pract dlu pn kje truk gk. senin-jumaat msuk kje kul 9 pg, kuar opis kul 9 mlm.

kalo ad pojek urgent, lg la, kdg2 smpi dkt kul 10.

sab2 pn kje gak tp smpi kul 6.30 jela.

tp ad gk kwn2 ak yg dpt company yg kje xberat sgt.

tp rugi la.

xbyk la ko blaja.

ak merase la g submit drawing kat authority, attend meeting, buat drawing, buat air pn ad gk.

elaun ala kadar je.

kalo ko msuk poli, ko mmg dilatih utk kje kaw2 la kot.

kalo kat u, ko mungkin blaja lbh ckit, sbb nnt ko nk jd head of consultant.

dlm meeting, ko handle sume.

poli ak xtau.

tp kalo uitm, ko ad recognition dr RIBA.

kire cm ko nyer sijil nnt valid kat mane2 negare pn.

basically, lec ko mmg hampir sume adalh arkitek.

sum of them, yg ad firm sndr.

sbb 2 dorg akn dedahkn ko ngn dunia sbnr archy.

tp kalo ko amik poli pn kire bagos gak.

ramai je yg kje dpt gaji kaw2.

its all up 2u la......

ak xtau la ni membantu ke x, juz hoping so..

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