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Asal Komputer Nie Restart Blk Lps Bootscreen

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aku bukak pc aku bla smpi kt boot screen dy restart blk

ak x tau mslh pe. RAM da check, hard disk ak x tau klu ad mslh

last2 ak try rr wt disable auto restart when system failure 2 dy kuar

stop error cm nie...klik kt pic nie utk resize....


cm ne eknk solve prob nie da pening kepale da


tolong sket ek...... :wacko:

Edited by areep

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aku bukak pc aku bla smpi kt boot screen dy restart blk

ak x tau mslh pe. RAM da check, hard disk ak x tau klu ad mslh

last2 ak try rr wt disable auto restart when system failure 2 dy kuar

stop error cm nie...klik kt pic nie utk resize....


cm ne eknk solve prob nie da pening kepale da


tolong sket ek...... :wacko:

cube try clear cmos.....cabut jumper

pastu tukar slot ram ke???

tukar ram lain...

set hard disk ko master......

try lo.....

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cmne lak nk wt cm 2

cabut bateri kat cmos kat motherboard 2......

pastu cari jumper kat area batery 2.......cabut n tukar ke sebelah...jgn cabut jumper lain...

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kalao dia tulih fail to mount volume atau yang sama maksud contohnya macam yang ko kena tu,maksudnya ada sesuatu tak cukup.iaitu driver.kalau pakai hdd sata ahci cek balik mungkin driver dah kurap.so caranya ialah disable mod sata/ahci atau install semula bersama driver hdd tu.

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kalao dia tulih fail to mount volume atau yang sama maksud contohnya macam yang ko kena tu,maksudnya ada sesuatu tak cukup.iaitu driver.kalau pakai hdd sata ahci cek balik mungkin driver dah kurap.so caranya ialah disable mod sata/ahci atau install semula bersama driver hdd tu.

cm ne ak nk set balik..x reti rr..cmne nk check sata k ahci....cmne lak nk install balik hdd 2

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