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Streamyx Super Duper Deal

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ok lah tuuu kan, aku nak jadi agent untuk streamyx lah

ada sapa2 tau cam na dan kot2 kalau yang dah jadi tolong beri panduan oada ku

... :P

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kes kes kes...biar betul umai...mana ada dapat hotspot...baik ko check betul2...kang customer marah beb...

anorexia...nak jadi agent leh contact aku...

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kes kes kes...biar betul umai...mana ada dapat hotspot...baik ko check betul2...kang customer marah beb...

anorexia...nak jadi agent leh contact aku...

yeapp..yg aku tau pun takde HOT SPOT utk merdeka promo ni. Mungkin yg lama tu :P

Kindly be informed that we are going to launch new Streamyx Merdeka Bash 2007 promotion inconjunction with our 50th Merdeka Celebration. This promotion will kick-off starting from 1st August - 30th September 2007 for 2 month promo period. Promotion overview as below:-

Streamyx Basic 1MB

Monthly subscription fee at RM77 per month for 24 months. Thereafter, revert to standard of RM88.

FREE Modem

FREE 100 Samsung MP3 player to be given for every 350th subscribers

FREE Online publication (e-browse - The Sun newspaper) for 12 months

FREE Online publication (e-browse - Virtual Malaysia & Traverama magazines) for 3 months

FREE Online Education (b-smart - Britannica Encyclopedia) for 12 months

FREE Music Download via music.bluehyppo.com (10 songs - one time download)

FREE Jumbo Play Games on Demand for 3 months

FREE Sports Update Barclays Premier League for 12 months.


Promo period will be effective from 1st August - 30th September 2007.

One time activation fee of RM75 and installation fee of RM88 (if applicable will be charged to the customer).

Modem warranty is 12 months.

FREE 100 Samsung MP3 Player to be given for every 350th successful subscribers only. TM will notify lucky subscibers to arrange for delivery.

Customers must provide a valid e-mail address during registration for e-mail notifications on the free


This promotion is applicable to new & successful application only.

Minimum subscription period is 24 months.

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kroh kroh krohh..sorry! salah gune banner la....banner dah tuko dah ..hohohohoho........sila la tgk ...

Yang Free sebenarnya: 1 Free Music Download

2 100 samsung MP3 player@350th

3 Britanica Encylopedia For 12 Month

4 Free Sport Update

5 Free Jumbo play games

Edited by umai21

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aku nak tumpang thread ni..

aku sekarang pakai pakej RM88..

boleh tukar ke RM77 ke?

hang rejister pakej promosi ker tak tu?

sebenarnya pakej promosi ni untuk 2 tahun bulanan RM77

tapi bila lepas 2 tahun kosnya naik RM88.

kalau hang pakai streamyx pakej Rm88 mesti laju sikit kan

aku nak rekemenkan kalau hang berminat untuk berniaga di internet

ada panduan pakej lengkap perniagaan internet

kalau hang berminat leh singgah kat web bawah ni


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