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Posts posted by Navigator®

  1. [img]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/bigboxshots/6/958776_122139_front.jpg[/img]

    Speeding down an airport runway in a shiny red sports car is cool; speeding down an airport runway with an out-of-control aircraft thundering toward you is insane. That's the idea behind Split/Second, an arcade racer in which you wreck your opponents by triggering destructive hot spots scattered all about the track. The frequent explosions, tumbling debris, and resulting tug-of-war among racers are undeniably stimulating, at least for a while. You'll whoop for joy when you demolish four opponents at once as they pass under a fuel station and moan aloud when a falling concrete beam crushes your vehicle like a beer can. These jolts are electrifying, but they aren't lasting ones. Once you learn the tracks and the tricks, the excitement dies away. Then, you realize that underneath the booms and bangs is a solid but one-dimensional racer that relies almost completely on a single mechanic. That mechanic isn't enough to boost Split/Second to the head of the pack, but it is still a fun racer with a lot of speed and a lot of spark.

    source :http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/splitsecond/review.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=gssummary&tag=summary%3Bread-review

  2. [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs312.ash1/27771_1263614791231_1255568934_30571386_5199732_n.jpg[/img]

    tah pape aku buat saje bosan2 ,
    erm ,
    ni lak aku dah set rigging tapi xperfect lagi tuk animation

  3. wah masih hot rupenye ..
    btw , aku skrg dah jadikan game development as my first career , skrg kerja dekat E-one studio,
    company malaysia yg buat game ni akan datang ( www.hiddendawn.com )
    kerje aku as 3d , and cgi anmator artist , so skali skala aku jenguk diorg gune engine buat game ni .

  4. sape ckp ?



    Solidwork > 3Dmax > Finalrenderer stage 01
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