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Posts posted by Carmen

  1. 23 hours ago, Belle Belinda said:

    Yes, TM is doing pretesting of network 5G in some areas like subang jaya and Langkawi to test the speed, stability and features of network...they used network 5G for monitoring smart light, smart parking and so on...

    yeah, with this 5G network, TM can gain access to different smart applications...this is really great news for us...

  2. 23 hours ago, Belle Belinda said:

    Hairan lah apa lagi kebaikan lain 5G ni selain kepantasan Internet? Ia blh jimat kos tak?

    tm 5g standalone ni bukan shj pantas, ia juga baik dr segi keberkesanan dan keefektifan kos...

  3. 19 hours ago, zazanoorabd said:

    apa beza 5g dengan 4g? mana better??

    Setahu sy, 4G adalah non standalone network, telco yg tdk ada fiber sendiri perlu masa panjang utk pasangnya...manakala 5G adalah standalone network, hanya TM yg buat ia...

  4. 14 hours ago, Zaaraaa said:

    why other telco cannot be more faster and more stable than tm? do they lack something??

    This is because TM is having infra for installing network 5G...Those telco wanna to speed up their progress can collaborate with TM...Haha...

  5. 11 hours ago, ZioMan said:

    what guna 5G control ...jangan lah buat lawak ! First kalau pemandu ni semua tanggu jawab pandu kereta ke apa tak kan ada masalah ..second dah lar 4g 3g pun macam siput line ni , nak guna network pun lembap giler..lagi nak guna 5G control tu habis lar !!!

    Network 4G kat Malaysia mmg tak sempurna lagi...mereka harus fikir cara utk improve speed dan stability of network...u tau tak network 4G maxis masih slow mcm siput...

  6. 11 hours ago, Phonemena said:

    5G ?? Kita ni dah ada 5G ke ???????

    Kalau ada 5G macam mana boleh tolong kita ni , ?? 

    Pertanian bukan games mcm ada kt FB taw..Real life bro! Kena ikut traditional way baru semua ok ..

    Pelik nak 5G dlm bidang pertanian tu untuk apa !!!

    Sy pun hairan pasal ni...kan network 4G sesetengah Telco masih kurang sempurna...mcm mana nak beralih me network 5G...sy paling tak berpuas hati dgn line Maxis sbb connection very slow even I can't make complain in the form they provided...

  7. 11 hours ago, Phonemena said:

    eh dekat luar negara dah ada macam ini pun , cuma negara kita takde ...tengok lar orang dah ada 5G n buat kan banyak new changes kt negara dwng ..tapi kita tak update pun ..lagi kt 4G je..

    Kalau ada 5G macam dia orang best lar tu...

    Sy rasa internet networking kat ngr kita tak blh support feature hologram no sbb line maxis sangat lambat dan line u mobile pun kurang stabil...

  8. On 12/20/2019 at 11:06 AM, samuelinyap said:

    Ada baru je baca berita ada sorang perempuan ni dia buat balik satu challenge, penuhkan marshmellow dlm mulut dia, then dia tercekik pastu doctor consider dia strok.. Strok ni boleh dirawat ke? Dgn cara apa?

    Mencegah lbh baik drpd megubati...Kita org blh pki Fitbit yg blh prevent stroke, using a technology already built into its wristband trackers, PPG...nak tau Tak mcm mana Fitbit ni berfungsi?

  9. 23 hours ago, sinchan_101 said:

    wow, cepatnya langkah TM! dah mula usaha utk install network 5G...i guess telco lain masih dlm usaha install 5G masa TM mula install network 6G...

    Tm did a great job! sy suggest mereka yg nak internet  yg stable connection dan better coverage blh try jer tm unifi ni...

  10. 23 hours ago, sinchan_101 said:

    ya, that's true. TM is installing 5G network at some areas like Subang Jaya. TM achieves comparable nationwide coverage in comparison with other mobile Telcos such as Maxis, Celcom, Digi and U Mobile.

    the speed of TM in 5G network installation is really fast...i guess other telco companies still doing 5G while TM start to do 6G...haha...

  11. 23 minutes ago, Belle Belinda said:

    ya betul...perkembangan teknologi mcm 5G TM mmg byk membantu dlm sesuatu penyiasatan dlm bidang sains forensik...

    TM dah mula pra uji network 5G mereka kat area Subang Jaya...Mereka ada infra sendiri utk install fiber network tu...penduduk yg stay kat Subang Jaya baik la, blh try pki network 5G terlebih dahulu...

  12. 16 minutes ago, Belle Belinda said:

    aiyo...the apps can help us to find the parking space that charge cheaper fee...Did your guys realize that the evolution of 5G network by TM help us a lot in using mobile app for multi purposes?

    Yaya, I saw the news that TM is using its own infrastructure to install the 5G network, which is the strength over other telco companies.

  13. 20 hours ago, rajaalami said:

    that's kinda hard to use. not all place have strong internet coverage

    Why u said the appliance is hard to use? I personally think that it is more convenient for me coz I can control all the features by simply click the buttons inside the app. Besides that, network 5G TM also perform great...it is the first company which introduced network 5G in Malaysia...I believe our life will become more easier and comfortable with the 5G network...

  14. 1 hour ago, matahary said:

    Aduhhhh mcm sama je kita ni. Syoknyaaaa dpaat barang elektrik mcm ni. Ni nak 5g ni lagi lah makin banyak wireless, effortless semua la mesti wujud punya nanti

    Yeke dah ada 5G? Yg tahu cerita skrg tm tgh launch kt area subang dgn Langkawi dulu. Pastu diorang aim nak jadi first stand alone. Tak mustahil aim tu bleh jadi reality sbb infra semua dah ada, diorang pun pakar dlm hal2 ni should be no prob for them

    TM already install network 5G progressively...but other Telco still at the beginning part of doing network 5G...I think there will big gap between finishing period of TM and other telco...

  15. 22 hours ago, cherrygoon said:

    Wow.. 5G TM ni sangat bagus tau. Sebab sangat boleh dipercayai dan diaorg ada infra diaorg sendiri tak bergantung dengan mana-mana telco yang lain. 


    Memang hebat ya alat teknologi sekarang. Pelbagai benda dah boleh bantu manusia dan mudahkan kerja kita jugak.

    TM take speedy action utk install network 5G...I guess Bila TM buat 6g network,  Telco lain masih dlm proses install fibre mereka kat coverage areas...

  16. On 12/11/2019 at 4:56 PM, Belle Belinda said:

    How does the smart water filter work? Do I need to connect smart water filter with internet for functioning well?

    As far as I know, smart water filter is app-enabled and can be linked to app for controlling it's features. Sure it will work well by connecting to strong internet like TM 5G.

  17. On 12/11/2019 at 4:54 PM, Belle Belinda said:

    internet mmg penting dlm kehidupan seharian kita org...internet 5G TM mmg bagus sbb mereka ada infra sendiri utk install fibre...

    Ya betul, TM ada teknologi utk implement infrastructure 5G kat Malaysia. Your guys guess kalau Telco lain nak implement 5G, mereka kena ambil berapa lama masa?

  18. On 12/5/2019 at 4:11 PM, Belle Belinda said:

    sy percaya sektor ternakan lembu negara akan menjadi lebih inovatif dan seterusnya mendapat manfaat daripada teknologi 5G baharu tak lama lagi.

    ya betul...kalau pki teknologi 5G TM dlm bidang ternakan lembu, result pasti akan lbh baik drpd jangkaan...

  19. On 12/5/2019 at 3:45 PM, yubiso said:

    beban kedua2 pihak tak kira doktor dan pesakit dah ringan...doktor blh tumpukan perhatian utk rawat pesakit, pesakit blh berehat sepenuhnya kat rumah utk cepat sembut...semuanya hasil drpd teknologi...

    wow...bagus la tu...perkembangan teknologi 5G TM juga akan merancakkan lagi penggunaan smart wearables dlm bidang perubatan...

  20. 22 hours ago, Belle Belinda said:

    it can track our heart rate, blood sugar level, blood pressure level and so forth...

    bagus la ni...doktor blh ketahui keadaan patient dr semasa ke semasa asalkan patient pki smart wearables tu...

  21. 20 hours ago, yubiso said:

    bagus la mcm tu...peladang lembu blh pantau keadaan lembu2 dr semasa ke semasa...

    kerja peladang lembu akan lebih senang sbb mereka blh pantau keadaan lembu2 di mana2 shj asalkan mereka ada bawak alat peranti spt laptop atau smartphobe...

    19 hours ago, Belle Belinda said:

    band tu blh track tak sama ada lembu tu sihat atau sakit?

    rasanya blh...peladang akan tahu kesihatan lembu dgn tengok data kat band tu...kalau lembu sakit, tentulah bacaan kesihatan akan tak sama...

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