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Posts posted by PeeNutt

  1. mcm power rangers ker? laugh.gif aku rough jer..aku tak tau korang nak mcm real skuad ker..nak futuristik?sbb tahun 2012 kan..sbb telampau real mcm military tak nampak character tu develope..cth nye mcm gordon freeman dlm halflife2..costume dia kan pelik sket so org akan ingat dia sampai bile2 ...just my 2 sen

    mayb kaler dia tak bess lg..nanti aku detailkan lg kalau ade mase..lg pon nie 1st person..bukan nampak pon tongue.gif

    aku suke skuad style ala2 starship trooper,unreal 2, doom3

    nak model?aku model agak lambat..3-4 hari..UV..2 hari..texture seminggu biggrin.gif bone..ringging aku tak terer sgt..tu budak lain kat opis aku buat

    nie ade lg hantu member aku eg buat..dia illustrator utk kolum YIFI dlm briter harian..kebetolan boleh tarok kat sini..tarok je la eh sape nak model kan

    user posted image

    user posted image

    user posted image

    user posted image

  2. ade le 2-3 org beli ori kot..

    kalau ade duit beli la ori..kalau miskin mcm student ker mane ler mampu nak beli ori kan..tgk bajet la kite bukan dok US..tongue.gif aku yg kejer dlm industri animation n game nie pon beli pairet rolleyes.gif

    aah ramai komplen HL2 pening sket malah pd org yg biase main fps gem pon..aku ade bace pasal ape ntah view point dia kot agak tinggi..aku pon takleh main lame sgt..sebananye aku tak main sgt pon lg tongue.gif takde mase siott..hampeh tol

  3. tu arr. x de prob pe pun. extrac je lama skit.

    tapi aku jumpe satu problem. Biler ko save pastu kuar, masuk balik nanti die tulis A.I Disable. Pastu semua komputer jadi bengap la, x gerak. Camne nak on balik A.I nie.

    pegi kat 2nd page aku ade tulis camne nak solve..

  4. de_dust ke tuh???  dekat cs_office, bile mampos cube ko masuk dlm CPU casing kat opis tuh...  detail siot gamba motherboard... siap ade grafik kad ati!!!!  detail!!!!!!

    aah aku pon ketok cpu tu sampai hancor..gile detail sampai ram pon boleh tercabot siyot..huhuhuh..tapi korang prasan tak air dia tak reflect world..walaupon ko enable kat setting..sape yg ade main original version boleh nampak ker..n lagi satu dia ade lagging sket bile ade physic enable mcm ko ketok kat tong ker..

    n lagi satu bess ko boleh buat animated spray..aku baru dload tutorial camne nak buat..bess tu laugh.gif

  5. pegi www.gamecopyworld.com

    carik cr*ck sims2..ade byk cr*ck n mostly tak baper stabil...

    tp aku gune syle fixed image file..yg nie bukan cr*ck

    ko mount dlm softwer daemon tools..aku gune version 3.46..tak semua version support

    kalo ko jenis biase dload gem dari bitorent ko tau la care nie..a bit complicated..tp run smoothly..malah ko boleh taruk nude patch.. tongue.gif kalau ko pakai cr*ck version tak boleh..huhuh

    enjoy cool.gif

  6. byk gem aku tunggu dah kluar mcm doom3 n hl2..

    so aku skang tunggu game yg paling byk kali delay n paling lame nak siap..

    duke nukem forever..mmg betol2 forever..

    tapi denga mmg tgh buat skang..tp sgt secret..diorang baru beli enjin physic meqon..aku dah try demo enjin sgt kewl..nampak promising..setaraf la dengan karma n havoq..

    korang boleh try download kat http://www.meqon.com/

    ade tulis : 27th September 2004

    3D Realms buys physics for Duke Nukem Forever..kewl!! laugh.gif

  7. ori kat sini aku tgk kat klcc jual rm169..n semua tpt harge same tapi yg tak bess dia kasik cd bukan dvd n kosong je dlm box tu ade poster je kot..manual pon takde..yg gold edition yg ade cap n baju tu tak silap tak jual kat sini lagi kot..aku nak yg tu..nak baju n cap..kewl siyuuttt!!!

    oww lupe ade org tanye camne nak main cs:source dlm hl2 pairet nie..aku baru discover td..aku main bantai je care dia ikut cs:source yg aku download pakai bittorent..

    care2 nye:

    ko create shortcut file hl2.exe

    pastu ko right click n choose properties kat file shorcut tu..

    ko add line nie kat taget :

    -steam -console -game cstrike

    cth nye mcm aku punye:

    C:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Drogon\Half-Life2\hl2.exe -steam -console -game cstrike

    ok n walaaaa ko boleh main cs source! n tak silap yg ori ko takleh add bot kot..tp yg nie ko boleh..just taip bot_add kot kat console

    ko boleh main Lan tp takleh main online melainkan org tu pon gune version pairet gak tak silap..

    enjoy cool.gif

  8. Satu lagi bila lepas loading je mesti keluar perkataan ni-->Node Graph Out Of Date. Rebuilding.... korang ade jadi camni takk?

    ko main pairet eh? ade problem sket..kalau nasib mlg lg bile load dia akan takde A.I mcm aku..nak fix try nie :

    Go into your hl2\cfg\ folder, and create a txt file, inside this text file, write the following lines.

    ai_norebuildgraph "1"

    ai_disable "0"

    Save, then rename the text file to ai_fix.cfg, right click the file and set it to read only.

    Next, open up valve.rc in notepad, you should see the following

    // load the base configuration

    //exec default.cfg

    // Setup custom controller

    exec joystick.cfg

    // run a user script file if present

    exec autoexec.cfg


    // stuff command line statements



    // display the startup level


    under "exec autoexec.cfg", add this line

    exec ai_fix.cfg

    Save the file and your done!

    aku main gune pc ofis aku curik tarok kat umah ph34r.gif

    dual pentium xeon 2.4ghz

    2 gig ram

    quadroFX 1000(harge dia rm4000 tp main gem tak laju sgt..buat 3D laju la)

    aku main semua on 1024x768..overall smooth cume lag kalau aku on AA

    nak beli ori tp tgh takde duit..ade duit lebih nanti aku beli la ori tongue.gif

  9. game yg cunn...sound dia pun bess..bunyi gun yg paling bess penanh aku denga...

    satu je tak bess dia punye vehicle dia cam gampunk..susah nak mampos control..

    test multiplayer dia kat opis main 5 org punye la susah nak carik org..pulau dia dah la beso gilerr..

  10. kalau nak asal bole main beli je la fx5200 or radeon 9200..asal bole main je tau..nak setting high2 mimpi laa...

    kalau ko buat kejer 3D cam guna Maya aku rekomen gune geforce lg stabil...kat ofis aku guna geforce QuadroFX..best utk buat 3D n main gem tapi mahal nak mampos..

    kalau nak main gem je better angkat radeon

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