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  1. Many students have problems with tenses. Most of them do not have even the faintest idea how to use them. So, I would like to share note on tenses with all of my dear friends. As Perfect tenses are the most troublesome, I may start with them. The word perfect refers to an action that is perfected or completed . The action could have been completed in the present, past or future. Hence, we have Present, Past and Future Perfect Tense. i) The Present Perfect Tense and The Simple Past Tense The Present Perfect tense is used for actions that have already taken place but their effects are still felt up to the present moment. Look at the sentence below: He is working in the company for fiffteen years and is still working there. The sentence above is wrong because the present continuous tense verb--> is working has been used instead of the present perfect tense verb--> has worked. Has worked will tell one that he started work in the company some time in the past and is still working there. The correct way to write the sentences is: He has worked in this company for fiffteen years and is still working there. Now, look at the following sentences: I have done my work last night. My mother has ironed my clothes just now. I have repaired the torchlight yesterday. Using the present perfect tense in the three sentences aboves makes them wrong. When one wants to write or talk about when someone did some thing, the simple past tense has to be used. The sentences should be written as: I did my work last night. My mother ironed my clothes just now. I repaired the torchlight yesterday. So, have you seen the differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Simple Past Tense? ii) The Future Perfect Tense and The Simple Future Tense -She will wash the clothes by tomorrow. The use of the simple future tense verb--> will wash in the first sentence is wrong. We are not interested in when she will start washing the clothes. We are only interested when she will finish washing them. So, the correct tense to use here is the future perfect tense which tells us when a certain action will be completed in the future. The correct way to write the sentence is: She will have washed the clothes by tomorrow. Another examples are: 1)I will write the letter tonight (simple future tense) I will have written the letter by 10.00 pm. (Future Perfect Tense) 2) My mother will cook the crabs this evening (simple future tense) My mother will have cooked dinner by then.(Future Perfect Tense) iii)The Past Perfect Tense You just go ahead. I had eaten just now. Just leave me out. I had seen the film last night. Both of the sentences are wrong because the use of the past perfect tense verb--> had eaten and had seen. The simple past tense is more appropriate for them. For the first sentence, ate or have eaten can be used correctly. For the second sentence, saw or have seen would be correct. Many students do not know that the past perfect tense can be used ONLY for the first of two past actions. With reference to the two sentences above, it would be correct to say: You just go ahead. I had eaten before I came here. Just leave me out. I had seen the film last night before you asked me. The second circumstances under which the past perfect tense can be used is when we are writing about a past action in Indirect or Reported Speech. Look at the examples below: -He said that his father had gone to Canada. (Indirect Speech for : He said, "My father went to Canada") The third circumstances under which the Past Perfect Tense may be used is for Impossible Conditions. Look at the example below: If you had gone to the stadium, you would have seen the famous film star. The used of the past perfect tense in the above sentences means that you did not go to the stadium and you did not see the famous film star. Furthermore, since the whole thing has already taken place, it is impossible to change anything. This is why the Past Perfect Tense used in this manner is sometimes called the Past Impossible Tense. Another example is: If the teacher had spoken more loudly, we would have heard him. The used of the past perfect tense in the above sentence on the other hand means that the teacher did not speak loudly and they did not hear his speech. Since everything has already taken place, it is impossible to change anything. Last but not least, I hope all of you will find this note helpful! p/s:I'm not excel in English either.Do correct me if I were wrong.
  2. saye ni pkai spec sjak form 3. dan mata smakin x nampak bila masok boardg skOOl. problemny mate ni berair kalu pkai spec lelame.pastu rasa x yakin ble x pkai spec. ble jalan tuh asyik2 nk tanggalkan jer spec tu.. so, sy amek kputusan nk try pkai contact lense. da bli da. kre da 3 ari pakai.ok la. tp bapak sy ni memg x ske saye pkai sbb die tkot rosak mate...pastu menyusahkan jer die ckp. sbbny ble nk msokkan kat mate tu punye la lame sy cube bru leh. ble nk kuarkan pon lame coz x nak kuar2 menda tuh.huh.. so. pendapat korg tentg conTAct Lense??? 1-->bahaya? 2-->membazir sbb kena tuka stiap bulan? 3-->leceh sbb kena cuci n kena bukak lpas 15 jam?
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