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Posts posted by sleyer

  1. [quote name='tasek16' date='11 May 2010 - 10:13 PM' timestamp='1273587230' post='1030165']
    Aku rasa tak kot sebab Canopus product terutama Edius diorang pakai h/ware diorang sendiri untuk accelerate video preview/rendering...

    BTW Adobe Premiere/After effects CS5 memang fully support CUDA..kalau ko ada CUDA GPU better guna premiere CS5...nak edit dalam full HD memang best kalau guna CUDA GPU

    ooo cam tu plaks..... klu mcm tu x gune aa beli gc yg power2 ..... nampaknye kene spend lebih kepada proc and ram

    bro ... ape name hardware edius utk render tu ?

  2. [quote name='haziqnet' date='24 March 2010 - 09:05 AM' timestamp='1269392729' post='1022714']
    mksd aku mcm ni org yg menyediakan jualan cd secara pukal utk cyber cafe beli...(original la) yerla klu nak beli mcm individu beli setiap satu RM130 klu 10 pc da bape da kan...so lebih kurg camtu la mksd aku...oo so klu speed internet 1mbps da kira ok la beli game ni yer...cam berbaloi gakkan...teringin lak aku nak beli...ada ke sesape kat sni yg da xnk men game ni...leh la jual kat aku harga 2nd hand...hehehe...tp dgn syarat mesti bole digunakan la cd key original dia(means mesti da uninstall kat pc)huhuhuh...

    aku nak tanye korang la yg da beli ni ... walau pon aku beli ori gak tapi aku konpius bab cd key ni ... adakah 1 cd key = 1 id atau 1 cd key 1 pc ???? cth la ye kalau aku ada 1 cd key yg ori aku install kt pc A pastu ada 3 org lain pakai id user lain2 boleh ke ?

  3. [quote name='haziqnet' date='23 March 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1269345090' post='1022642']
    aku teringin gak nak beli yg original...rs2 bape harga skrg ni ? da turun ke blum? kpd sesapa yg da penah men camne server dorang? slalu lag x? aku risau nanti aku beli x berbaloi lak dgn duit yg aku keluarkan...mmg msh x bole main game ni lan multiplayer klu jack sparrow nye...huhuh...aku cuma berminat nak men lan multiplayer jer bukan online...

    bc2 online multiplayer .... ada pon single player ( misi) klu kau pakai 1 mb streamyx x lag walau pon ping server 200ms .... so aku rase berbaloi2

  4. [quote name='antrax' date='12 March 2010 - 05:43 PM' timestamp='1268387000' post='1021242']
    oo kene knife dulu yer..lagi satu sapa pandai bawa heli?camne nak bergerak kedepan haa..heli aku bawa asyik memusing 360 darjah pastu terbabas, sian askar2 yg tumpang :wacko:

    try main battlefield 2 ... training kt situ bdcompany copter lagi susah nak kawal dari yg battlefield 2 nye

  5. [quote name='zookambing' date='10 March 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1268226194' post='1020952']
    utk main kena game ori jer ker..klu cap ayam leh main MP x

    original je ... TAK RUGI KLU BELI ori ... memang berbaloi2 ... klu cod mw2 nak [lanun] x pa ... tapi jangan badcompany 2 wkakakakakaka

  6. [quote][img]http://images.lowyat.net/aztech/%5B100309%5Daztechhlav%20-%2001.JPG[/img] Still remember the [b]Aztech Homeplug HL106E[/b] that we [url="http://www.lowyat.net/v2/latest/aztech-to-release-new-homeplug-pln-adaptor-in-february-2.html"]posted[/url] few months ago? Turns out, the HL106E is not the only new [b]HomePlug[/b] device around. [b]Aztech[/b] ([url="http://www.aztech.com/my/"]http://www.aztech.com/my/[/url]) has just added two more new models - [b]HL110E[/b] and [b]HL110EW[/b] - into HomePlug’s 2010 line up, together with three different variations of [b]HomePlug Starter Kits[/b].

    We have recently got an opportunity to check all of them during a media briefing with the good people at Aztech. Jump in to find out more.

    [img]http://images.lowyat.net/aztech/%5B100309%5Daztechhlav%20-%2002.JPG[/img] [b][u]HomePlug AV HL110E and HL110EW[/u][/b]

    The Aztech HomePlug AV series are designed for data heavy applications such as High Definition (HD) multimedia contents streaming, large sized file transfers and game consoles. Each of the HomePlug AV products has a maximum throughput of 200Mbps in order to cope with those applications.

    In essence, both HL110E and HL110EW models have relatively same features except that the latter is also an 802.11n wireless access point and equipped with two Ethernet ports. The HL110E has a retail price of RM 139 each, while the HL110EW is priced at RM 249.

    [b][u]HomePlug Starter Kits[/u][/b]

    Aztech has also come out with Homeplug Starter Kit bundles that should be able to assist users in building a HomePlug network at their premise. Each kit contains two HomePlug devices and as we mentioned earlier, they come in three variations:

    [indent] - HL106E Starter Kit: featuring two HL106E HomePlug Turbo Ethernet Adaptor

    - HL110E Starter Kit: featuring two HL110E HomePlug AV Ethernet Adaptor

    - HL110W Starter Kit: featuring one HL110E HomePlug AV Ethernet Adaptor and one HL110EW HomePlus AV Wireless-N Extender

    [/indent] They are priced at RM 189, RM 259 and RM 359 respectively.


    aku nak tanye la sape yg penah gune benda ni ???? ada ape2 problem ke ?? cam ne nak gune ?

  7. [quote name='elii' date='08 March 2010 - 03:09 AM' timestamp='1267988959' post='1020535']
    masalah multiplayer ni sebenarnya dia org tgh fix ke atau memang mcm tu ,malam ni aku nak main tak bole langsung sikit 2 kena kick ,fail to conet tension betoiiiiiii la

    tengah fix .... bersabow je la dulu

  8. [quote name='zer0Nehza' date='05 March 2010 - 03:23 AM' timestamp='1267730615' post='1020196']
    kalau benar seperti dikata.. mungkin mp mode dah di'tweak' grafik untuk elak lag... :(

    betul tu ..... aku main server luar .. ping 200 ... tetap leh membunuh banyak perbezaan la dari beta nye ... yg full version lagi bagus ...
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