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Chup, SDK ni version baru atau yg lame tu? Tgk dari gambo cam baru, jgn gambo amik kat manga tapi cite same, buat letih je dl guna snailmix.

Kalu betol yg lama, OK la bagi aku, tapi member aku ckp x sama ngan manga.

Rate, 5@6/10 sbb monster tu kalu tukar jadi original form, Kyo senang je bunuh. Pastu, sendiri tgk la, kang spoil plaks.

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Flame Of Recca

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Artist: Yuki Masuda

Episodes: 42

Genre: Action, Adventure, Martial Arts,Shoujo.

Type: Series


Korang nak cari cerita Legenda Jepun zaman moden?

Maksud aku Modern Shoujo ler~


Hah, tengok anime ni!!!



Years ago, the last surviving member of an ancient ninja clan sent her son 400 years into the future in order to escape the the enemies that seek their power so desperately. With him escaped the most powerful ability of all, the lost skill of the flame... the ability to summon fire as a weapon.

Modern day. Recca is a normal high school student -- with a twist. Since he was a child, he has learned and practiced the skills and techniques of the ninja, and has nearly mastered the art. That is, until one day a pipe falls from a crane, plummeting towards a group of unsuspecting children. With a dash, Recca save's them, only to discover that their caretaker holds the power of healing.

But Recca isn't the only one with mysterious powers. The very woman who assisted his mother 400 years in the past has come to take the flame for herself. More powerful than Recca could ever imagine, and with a desperation that will drive her to death, she seeks out Recca, using his very friends as his executioners, in order to draw out the one thing that sets him apart.

His flame. The Flame of Recca.


Mari kita tengok character2 dia yang comel2 tu~


Recca Hanabishi

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Recca was the 26th son of the Hokage leader Ohka, and Kagero. 400 years ago, when Recca was just a baby, Kagero sent him 400 years to his future in order to escape the invading samurai. He was found by an innocent passerby.

Since a child, Recca had always had a fascination with the art of Ninja. With years of experience behind him, he's become a master of everything related to the Ninja's. He's cool and easygoing, though, even to his supposed "school enemies", but he gets "hella mad" when his friends are threatened.

Yanagi Sakoshita

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A sweet, and generally innocent girl, she meets up with Recca when he saves her and some children she's watching from falling pipes. Though Recca is mortally injured in the process, Yanagi reveals her special healing powers when she heals Recca's wounds.

From then on, Recca and Yanagi become romantically intwined. Known to Recca as his Princess (Hime), she is kind and gentle, and almost the complete opposite of Recca.

Fuuko Kirisawa

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A friend of Recca's since they were both little, Recca promised Fuuko that if she could ever beat him in a sparring match, she would become his Hime (Princess). Taking Recca's promise to heart, Fuuko lives for one purpose: to defeat Recca in a fight.

She's always messing with Recca, but no matter what the circumstances, Recca always beats her through some hidden trick, or trap. It especially infuriates her when Yanagi becomes his Hime, simply because Recca wanted to.

Domon Ishijama

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A big Mongolian, Domon is also a fighter. Though he always had a crush on Fuuko, its not until he helps rescue her from Kagero that they become good friends.

Domon looks like a bully, but he's actually quite nice -- if you're a friend. If you happen to be throwing some bad glares or knives in his direction, its a safe bet you'll run away.



This is one anime I could stand to watch... I know its a bit old, but since when has that stopped me? The animation is good, and the whole concept about being able to control the elements was freshly presented, though the idea itself is nothing new.

The main character, Recca (hence the NAME of the show), had a nice script to read from... he coped with situations with a realistic attitude, not "lets go in fists swinging and hope we survive." Helped by this is the fact that he has a Princess to protect, Yanagi, and plenty of powerful friends on his side.

The animation, again, is rather old, but the fight scenes where the elements are presented are entertaining to watch. I didn't find myself losing interest at all, and the added twist of normal people being given control over elements is intriguing. Don't expect top-notch animation though... its sufficient for the series, but it ends there.

The music wasn't too good... compared to the rest of the anime's features, the low-class music seemed to have been rushed in. Again, though, this didn't have the highest budget, and it is over 10 years old, so complaining is not really in store.

I can't argue with the plot either... the last remaining Hokage sends Recca into the future to save him from the approaching samurai, and then watching Recca go through the steps to "rekindle his flame" kept me wishing for the next episode.

Mikagami was my favorite character, cold and calculating... quite a play off the usually Happy-Go-Lucky members of the "Hokage team". I give this anime a 6.8 because while its not bad, its not a must-see. The concept has been done, but not to death, so its got somewhat of a replay value. However, the pathetic music and so-so animation drops this anime like its on fire.


For more info, >>> http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=56

DOWNLOAD (torrent/Direct Download)

Episode 01-42





Selamat Menonton.


Edited by SnoWolf

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Samurai X The Motion Picture(MOVIE)

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Director: Hatsuki Tsuji

Animation Studio: Studio Gallop

Executive Producers: Junichiro Hisaita & Ryuzo Shirakawa

Planning: Kenji Shimzu & Koji Kaneda

Script: Yukiyoshi Ohashi

Music: Taro Iwashiro

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, Romance

Type: Movie


Ha... Korang mesti dah tengok siri Samurai X kan? Ala, kat Tv2 dua ada, Hari Ahad Kul 5(kalau tak silap)

Ok, kali ni aku tak review pasal siri dia, aku review MOVIE dia called "Samurai X The Motion Picture/Rurouni Kenshin: Ishin Shishi no Requiem"...



"For a decade, he's tried to bury his past...

Now his past returns to bury him!"

- Clever ADV slogan

The Bakamatsu era has been over for nearly a decade. However, one man, Shigure Takimi, after witnessing the slaughter of his fellow warriors and friends at the battle of Aizu, is determined to raize an army of rebels who also have the same hatred within them. His ultimate goal being to overthrow the Meiji government, however, one man stands in his way. That man is Himura Kenshin, the same man who killed so many during those bloody days of the Revolution.


Char dia macam biasalah, Kenshin ade, Sano ade, Kaoru ade...Yahiko-Boy pun ada... Takper la...Aku preview balik...


Himura Kenshin

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Himura Kenshin, also known as Battousai the Manslayer during the days of the Revolution, has slayed many men in his time. To repent for all of these deaths, he has turned to the life of a Wanderer, using his Sakabatou (reverse-blade sword) to defend the people and government of this new, peaceful era known as the Meiji.

Kamiya Kaoru

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Kamiya Kaoru, daughter of the originator of the Kamiya Kashin Style. Kaoru and Kenshin meet in the first episode of the series and you can pretty much guess they're going to end up falling in love later on.

Sanosuke Sagara

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A former member of the Sekihoutai, Sanosuke Sagara wears the symbol "BAD" on his gi. Sanosuke, before his defeat by Kenshin, still harbored deep hatred for the Meiji Imperialists. Eventually, Sano realizes that although many people of the Meiji were crooked or evil, it will do him no justice to hate all Imperialists, so he joins up with Kenshin's group instead.

Shigure Takimi

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Shigure is a lot like the stereotypical Rurouni Kenshin bad guy. He believes that the Meiji government is weak and should be overthrown because of how corrupt it is, etc. Of course, in the end, Kenshin shows him the right path, although it is a bit too late!



P.S - If you want my whole opinion of the movie, I think storywise it was alright, it was like a tyical 3 part episode of the t.v series, and the music was alright, but i kinda miss my favorite bgm.Also I have to say, the animation I think was pretty good, but the colors seemed kinda bright and sometimes blurry (might be the VHS tapes fault there.)But this movie does deserve something for it´s overall drama, and Kenshin and Shigure´s battle was pretty good, I love Shigure´s Budo! It´s awesome! Katana in one hand, Iron sheath in the other! That´s great


Actually, rating akungan MOVIE nicume 5/10 sbb storyline tak beberapa paham and serius lebey lolz....

For more info >>http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=91

DONWLOAD (torrent)

Part 01-87



Selamat Menonton!


Edited by SnoWolf

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sape dah tgk?

ermm.. okusama wa joshikosei (wife is a high school girl) tuh kalau nak donlot boleh dapat kat mana?

sorry lambat...lupe jenguk thread nie...

ko pi kat Baka Update...pastu pi taip kat search "oku-sama wa joshikosei"....okies...

Paradise Kiss 08 br jek kuar... smile.gif

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Sapphire Azure Sky gem cun gila babas... criter Mai-Otome...

try la layan... preview gie merayu kat iruga or snowolf...

Best gak... and aku menanti lagu BGM dia 21 Disember nie....

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Samurai X : Reflection (OVA)

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Written By: Yoshida Reiko

Directed By: Furuhashi Kazuhiro

Nobuhiro Watsuki

Fuji TV, SPE Visual Works

Episodes: 2

Genre: Action, Drama, Historical, Romance

Type: OVA


At last~~ Aku jumpe OVA Samurai X yang aku cari2 selama ini...*sob*

Bile aku tengok poster je, aku rasa...musti best...

Bila aku tengok...sampai nangis-nangis dibuatnye...

*lap air mata*

Ehemm... Ok, Let's Begin.



Rurouni Kenshin: Seisouhen - the finale of the Rurouni Kenshin series. The new OVA combines flashbacks from the original Rurouni Kenshin Arcs as well as completely new scenes, taken from the Jinchuu ("Revenge") Arc, and reanimates them to the perfection done by the same people who did the original art for the first four Rurouni Kenshin OVAs.

The first scene of Rurouni Kenshin: Seisouhen is of Kenshin on a boat, in China. It's raining and thundering, the waves are splashing up against the sides of the boat. One of the sudden waves throws Kenshin off the boat, and we see Kenshin sink to the bottom. This is when the black title screen appears. The new OVA, in a nutshell, reanimates all of Kenshin's major battles. These include his first "real" battle in the Rurouni Kenshin series , Jin'eh, as well as fight scenes from the Tokyo Arc; Soujiro Seta the Tenken, and the ever climactic battle with Mokoto Shishio. The OVA ends with something new -- a scene of Enishi (Tomoe's younger brother whom you will recall from the first four OVAs) covering Kamiya Kaoru's mouth with a paper towel with chloroform on it (or so we surmise).

Within this OVA, we get to see some of the beloved characters from the original Rurouni Kenshin series. Most of the characters, such as Kenshin and Kaoru, have grown somewhat old and feeble, and have also fallen victim to a disease (Kaoru herself had willingly let herself contract it, to prove her love to Kenshin, which is all mentioned in the second Seisouhen). However, Yahiko has also grown up, and his respect for Kenshin is still strong within his heart, which leads to a conflict with a new character to the OVAs; Kenji Himura, Kenshin's son. Despite Kenshin's pacifistic efforts in raising his son, Kenji has been more reliant on Seijuro Hiko for advice, as Kenshin has been away fighting wars. Kenji's lack of respect for Kenshin leads to a battle between him and Yahiko, with Yahiko as the victor.

The second OVA of Seisouhen continues from where we left off, with Enishi capturing Kaoru. Apparently, Enishi has brought Kaoru to some sort of Island and is holding her there until Kenshin arrives. Enishi wants revenge for his sister, Tomoe, who was murdered by Kenshin. Of course, what he saw was somewhat out of context, as Tomoe had dived in front of Kenshin's blade. Eventually, in a typical Rurouni Kenshin fashion, Kenshin shows up, defeats Enishi, shows him where he made his "critical error", and everything is fine and dandy.

The rest of the OVA takes place after the final Arc of Kenshin, and a few years more. Kenshin was apparently rescued by Sanosuke, who was living in Shanghai at the time. Sanosuke takes Kenshin to his little shack up on the mountain, but it's clearly demonstrated that Kenshin is losing his memory and has grown weak in his old age. Sanosuke sends Kenshin on a boat back to Japan, where Kaoru has been patiently waiting for him. When Kenshin arrives back to Japan, him and Kaoru almost chase each other down and wind up on a hill, amongst the blooming cherry blossoms, where they both die. And so concludes Rurouni Kenshin, the Wandering Swordsman.


Wajah Character dia sume dah berubah, tapi masih sama ngan Character Samurai X : Trust and Betrayal. Mari kita tinjau!


Himura Kenshin

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Kenshin is now married to Kaoru and has a son named Kenji. Although Kenshin is afflicted by a disease that will kill him, he still fights for the people around him. As his age wears him down, Kenshin grows weak and begins to lose his memory as well. The OVA brings closure to the Rurouni Kenshin series as Kenshin and Kaoru die among the cherry blossoms.

Kamiya Kaoru

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Like Kenshin, Kaoru is growing weak as she ages. To prove her love to Kenshin, Kaoru willingly contracted Kenshin's fatal disease. With what little strength Kaoru has left, she uses it to find her way to Kenshin. Even when Kenshin doesn't appear for several weeks after his leaving for China, Kaoru waits by the Kamiya Dojo, waiting for Kenshin to come back to her.

Yahiko Myoujin

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Yahiko has aged and matured much from the original Kenshin series. Yahiko has instilled the values that Kenshin has taught him, and in the era of the Meiji, does what he can to live by those standards. When most people lose hope regarding Kenshin's "absence", Yahiko and Kaoru are the only ones who whole-heartidily belive that Kenshin could never die! Yahiko's faith in Kenshin eventually leads him to fighting Kenji, as well as Yahiko's inheretence of Kenshin's sakabatou (reverse-blade sword).

New Character!

Himura Kenji

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A new character to Seisouhen, Kenji is the son of Kaoru and Kenshin. Kenji dislikes Kenshin because of how little time he spends with his mother, Kaoru, and what he puts her through. However, Kenji fails to see that Kenshin is out fighting to protect others, as hes always done. Eventually, Yahiko awakens Kenji to this during their fight.



What to say about this ova, awesome. I saw this ova a few weeks ago, and I thought that it was off the chain. My main problem though, Kenshin was barely there most of the time. I understand that he was really jacked up after being washed to shore, but they should have had some point in time that they showed his point of view. That and like the first ova, the out of place real graphics. But besides those, I loved the movie. I give it a 9.7.


*menangis jap, sbb tak sangka Kenshin ngan Kaoru mati*

*sob* For...More...*sob* Info... >.<.... >>>http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=57

DOWNLOAD (torrent)

Isohunt release



*sob* Selamat Menonton...Mana tisu aku~~~


Edited by SnoWolf

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Best ke Samurai X Reflection tu? Bagi aku la, jiwang. Menusuk ke paru². Tapi mmg wajar tgk, sbb dia kasi tau camne Kenshin dpt mark X kat muka dia & alkisah dia sblom dia jadi otai assassin.

Groove Adventure Rave aku x sempat tgk satu ape pon. sape ade ek?

Satu lagi Konjiki No Gash Bell satu lagi, miss dari ep20 & disc tu sume dh ilang.

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akuu sudahh sakittt tangannnn helpppp~~~


Groove Adventure Rave

3x3 Eyes(OVA)

Alien 9(MOVIE)


hah... gatal... rajin sangat...

tapi bagus gak kerja ko.. gie buat review Noir tuh dulu... supaya aku leh burn untuk somebody anime tuh... pasal tgh tak cukup duit nak beli X800GTO^2....

downloading... Flame of Recca ph34r.gif

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gie buat review Noir tuh dulu...

Atas permintaan Crimson Star



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Original Story, Story & Scenario Director: Ryoei Tsukimura

Director: Koichi Mashimo

Character Design: Yoko Kikuchi

Music: Yuki Kajiura

Co-Producer: Beetrain

Produced by Victor Entertainment and Broadcasted on TV-Tokyo.

Episodes: 26

Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama

Type: Series


Dulu aku review MADLAX, sekarang Noir lak.

Macam biasa, cerita pompuan guna M-16.

Cume pompuan2 ni kiut sket.

Let's check it out~



Noir. The derivation of this word is the fate which will follow death. Two maidens are the harbingers of death. The black hand of darkness covers the green field. Please protect the peace. This cryptic passage proves to be an important part in the Noir series.

The story takes place in France. Mireille Bouquet is one of the most deadly professional assassins. She begins to check her e-mail when a message pops up reading, "Make a pilgrimage to the past with me...". Mireille soon meets up with a young Japanese girl named Yumura Kirika. After a gun-fight, we see that Mireille is a truly great markswoman, but even more startling is Kirika's ability to kill with no remorse.

They go back to Mireille's house to tend to wounds. The plot begins to develop when it is learned that Kirika has no memory of her past. When she awoke all she knew how to do was shoot a gun with deadly accuracy and she had a clock. This clock seems to be something Mireille takes interesting in as well.

While time passes, the two begin running under the name of one of the most secretive, notorious groups in France, Noir, to carry out assassinations. After some time, the plot begins to turn on the mysteries regarding this organization known as Noir. A woman named Chloe, under the command of the Soldats, has been ordered to kill Mireille and Kirika. She also claims to be the Shin Noir (True Noir).


Mari kita tengok awek2 Noir!


Yumura Kirika

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Yumura Kirika is a young Japanese girl. She has no memory of who she is, who her parents were, or anything. When she awoke, she was in school and the only thing she had was a strange clock and her student ID - as well as being the most deadly assassin. When Mireille attempted to find information on her, all of the documents regarding Kirika had been doctored or deleted.

The purpose of the clock, the organization of Noir, the Soldats, and who Kirika really is are the most fundamental elements of the plot.

Mireille Bouquet

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Mireille is one of the main characters of Noir, and probably the least mysterious of them all. When she was a child both of her parents were murdered, the only clue left behind was a clock that played a monotonous melody. Since then, Mireille has become one of the most deadly professional assassins in France.

Throughout the series she remains one of the more deadly characters until Chloe turns up, then the story relies mainly upon Kirika and Chloe, which eventually leads to the final battle.


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Chloe is one of the most deadly assassins for Noir. When she arrives in Episode 10: True Noir, Chloe claims to be the Shin Noir (True Noir). No one doubts her as well. Her deadly abilities to kill people with knives leaves Mireille in shock.

Chloe takes great interest in Kirika and almost looks up to her, despite the fact that she was hired to kill them both. Will Chloe be able to kill Kirika and Mireille?


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One of the most mysterious characters in Noir is Altena. She lives out in an old pasture, filled with castles and ruins. She is claimed to be one of the most powerful members of the Soldats. Altena treats Chloe almost as a child, and Chloe adores Altena. She also is the one who orders who Chloe will assassinate.

Altena's true agenda isn't brought to light until near the end of Noir.



I believed that this was a truly great Anime - well worth the download. Their is lots of action through the series, especially 10+. Through episodes 2-9 you begin to ask yourself the question, "Why?". Well, most of these episodes are fillers and have no real bearing on the plot ahead, so they tend to get a bit repetitive. However, once you get to episode 10, the plot takes a large turn and the series gets a whole lot better.


(Added New!)




For more info>> http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=27

DOWNLOAD (torrent)

Episode 01-26+Extra



Selamat Menonton!


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hey.. HeavenX.. betol ke ko nyer speacialty nih..

    ~:+:~Specialty :purak2 matik~:+:~

wakakakaka..lepak la gurau je..x tau nak tulis apa..


Sapphire Azure Sky gem cun gila babas... criter Mai-Otome...

try la layan... preview gie merayu kat iruga or snowolf...

Best gak... and aku menanti lagu BGM dia 21 Disember nie....

wakakakaka..rasa Mai-Otome dah ada dah review dia dlm nih...bersama ngan Mai-Hime..tau xpe sapphire azure sky tuh power..tapi sapphire tuh dah kena amik ngan minah sorang tuh ek? yg tulun cabutkan benda alah tuh..aku rasa arika tuh la princess yg ilang tuh..huhuhuhu..ker mak dia mmg otome..hurmmm tapi mmg best~

xde citer lawak ker nak di review selain azumanga daioh..rozen maiden tuh lawak gak la tapi xde ker citer yg bebetul lawak...mcm shin chan tuh..asik citer pompuan lawan pakai weapon je..wah jijah ko siap bawak abang ko ek..welcome abang jijah.. laugh.gif

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hahaha... memang lawak... terutamanya epsd 6 tuh.... kena interview ngan bapak dracula...

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aku suka betul cik snowolf kita nie... tenkiu... tenkiu... sakitkan lah tangan lagi untuk benda cam nie tongue.gif

Don't worry.. we appreciate you work...

:: ON TOPIC ::

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jijah ko review siap preview citer Karin yg encik anime_suki ckp tuh..aku nak baca review dari ko dulu..oki doki harap ko rajin esok buat oki doki cik jijah.. laugh.gif

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MAI OTOME - 2005 Sunrise

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Korang pernah atau dah layan anime Mai-Hime...? Best ke?! So... kalo best... kita layan 2nd season utk siri tu. Errr... sebenarnya~ bukan 2nd season, tapi semcm 2nd season la juga. Pengunaan karakter yg sama tapi dgn jalan cite dan latartempat/ masa yg berlainan.

Synopsis by AnimeNfo :

"...Otome - they are elite ladies; at one time, they are guards of important persons such as royal families and presidents, and at other times they are brains and advisors of politics. To become Otome is dream of girls all over the world. And, Garderobe is an academy that has sent numerous Otome into high societies.

The main character, Arika Yumemiya, is a 14-year-old girl. She came to Windbloom Kingdom to look for her mother, who used to be Meister Otome. When she arrived there, she saw Shizuru. Looking at her graceful manner, she made up her mind to become Otome. However, in order to become Otome, she has to graduate with honors from Garderobe.

*second season of Mai HiME, there appear same characters of the first seasons, but it is a completely different story..."

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Walopun... anime Mai-Otome ni takde rupa cam cite Mai-Hime... namun sentuhan idea dan konsep yg ada dlm Mai-Hime dimasukkan dlm Mai-Otome. Lebih2 lagi pada karakter yg bleh kita jumpa dlm Mai-Hime tu. Seronok gak ada karakter lama2 dlm Mai-Otome ni... terasa cam aku nak buat spekulasi atau andaian bahawa Mai-Otome tu sejarah bermulanya Mai-Hime. hahaha~ gurau je~ (mungkin kot...?!)

Suasana jalan cite setakat ni yg aku dah tengok... agak ceria... kalo dibandingkan ngan Mai-Hime... kejap ceria... kejap "dark"... kejap layan feeling habis. Yg pastinya... kedua-dua anime tu menjanjikan satu plot cerita yg cukup menghiburkan dan riang gumbira~. Penggunaan muzik latarbelakang...? irama yg didendangkan semasa babak pertarungan atau babak2 cemas, hampir sama spt yg digunakan dlm Mai-Hime. Bila aku hayati lagu2 BGM tu... teringat lak kat Mai Tokiha... errr... maksud aku Mai-Hime. tongue.gif

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Apa lagi eh~ yg best pasal Mai-Otome ni...

Korang layan lerrr.... baru bleh tahu best ke tidak. Tapi... kalo nak terasa aura "otome" ni spt. yg aku rasa skrg ni, layan dulu Mai-Hime (nasihat... utk mereka2 yg blom pernah tengok Mai-Hime) sbb.... seronok, bleh main teka-teka karakter. Skrg ni... aku tengah tunggu karakter Mai Tokiha. Konon2 dia karakter jahat... huyooo~


BERITA Penting!! :

Kepada kipas-susahgilernak-mati (die-hard-fan ...daa~) anime

"Mai-Hime" dan "Mai-Otome"... jgn lupa pasal :


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Nak tengok?! beli DVD original Sunrise import punya...


baru dapat layan HiME the Movie... (disertakan skali dlm tu) icks... ^^;;

p.s :

kalo ada versi fansub... cantekkk~

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Thanks to SnoWolf... teruskan usaha murnimu itu... cool.gif

amat sangat digalakkan. Cuma... kalo bleh :

Kalo nak post prebiu n rebiu... satu post utk sehari sudah memadai... tak perlu sampai 5 post rebiu sekali harung. Bagi peluang dulu org lain nak post pendapat diaorg dahulu... best ke... seronok ke... dll. then baru post lagi.

please~ kurangkan copy paste... banyakkan rebiu original dari ko sendiri. Sbb... anime yg kita wat prebiu or rebiu patutnya "from the bottom of your heart". Maknanya org lain bleh tau atau yakin... betapa sukanya ko ngan anime tu. ko yg rebiu, bukan omputeh yg rebiu.

Gambo karakter dgn segala biografi... sebenarnya tak perlu. kat sini ruangan forum... bukannya wat website spesifik utk anime tu. Ko post je screenshot anime tu... lebih afdal. Kalo nak tunjuk gak... bagi link official website terus ke halaman karakter.

Akhir kata...

Kalo ko suka cara/style aku posting prebiu n rebiu... teruskan. Aku takde apa2 halangan mengenai tu. Aku suka baca posting rebiu yg kemas dan sesuatu yg menarik perhatian aku.


btw... SnoWolf,

Aku nak tengok PIANO... ko ada link direct d/load ke~

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