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takkan takde sorang pun layan...

1. Mai Otome (tipu le kalo sesapa tak layan..tul tak...??latest skarang ep 10 tongue.gif)

2. Law of Ueki (mesti ada gak yg follow kan...kesah pasal tuk naik jadi GOD...latest skarang ep30..)

3. Ichigo Mashimaro (bebudak tadika ngan sorang akak...lawak slow skit citer dier...latest ep 8...)

4. Okusama wa Joshikosei (cam citer onegai teacher...tp suami dier cikgu isteri dier murid...mmg best....latest ep 12...)

5. Paradise Kiss...(mmg best...kisah student fashion n model...slow skit tp mmg best...latest ep 7...)

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sape kat sini yg dah tgk anime guyver.. aku rasa mcm boring je.. sape dah tgk boleh kasik review/komen ke?

sape dah tgk?

takkan takde sorang pun layan...

4. Okusama wa Joshikosei (cam citer onegai teacher...tp suami dier cikgu isteri dier murid...mmg best....latest ep 12...)

ermm.. okusama wa joshikosei (wife is a high school girl) tuh kalau nak donlot boleh dapat kat mana?

Edited by anime_suki

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Anime tangkap meleleh... *drool*

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Mungkin ramai yg dah tau pasal anime ni melalui versi TV dan mungkin juga yg masih tak tau... Aku sendiri pun dah lama tau pasal movie tu, cuma tak berkesempatan lagi nak menontonnya. Ya~ kini aku dah berpeluang tengok gak akhirnya.

Aku nak prevbiu dan rebiu skit pasal Blood : The Last Vampire (movie). Rasanyer... ada gak antara korang kat sini dah tengok anime Blood+ TV. Fulamak...!! wa cakap sama lu~ masyuk giler movie tu. Patutlah ramai fans omputeh, minat giler anime ni sehinggakan versi TV turut dihasilkan juga oleh Production I.G.

Apa yg menarik minat aku tentang movie ni? hmm...

1. Production I.G... 3d/CGI movie

Seperti yg korang dah tahu secara umumnya... Production I.G adalah antara kompeni animasi Jepun yg terkenal dgn anime keluaran mereka yg terpopular, Ghost In The Shell. Bukan shj popular kat Jepun... Malahan kat US juga (Kill Bill, in-between animation production)... dan skrg ni, diaorg sedang dlm perancangan utk produksi G.I JOE (kartun top kat US) dan KING OF FIGHTERS la pulak~

2. Sebab versi TV Blood+

Hati aku mula tergerak utk menonton movie ni sbb siri TV anime Blood+. Aku merasakan... mcm satu kerugian kalo aku tak layan movie asal anime tu. Tak sangka pulak... movie anime tu sungguh seronok a.k.a best giler siot~ ditonton sehinggakan dgn begitu terujanya dan tanpa membuang masa, aku buat rebiu pasal movie tu kat sini... (in-case aku lupa betapa seronoknya aku ketika itu... heheh..)

3. Nostalgik dgn latar tempat yg cukup unik

Latar tempat dan suasana babak belaku sekitar tahun 1960-an gitu~ kat Okinawa, Jepun. Mungkin masa tu perang Vietnam masih berlaku... agaknya~ (dah lupa sejarah daa...) So, cara produksi filem animasi tu pun nampak skit ke arah tahun 60an style. Unik dan cukup bertenaga buatannya dgn olahan warna yg cukup unik. Biasa la kan... Production I.G yg buat.

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4. Dwi-bahasa... Jepun dan English-American (tak mcm Blood+)

Yg menarik gak pasal movie ni... dia punya originality. Pengunaan dua jenis bahasa iaitu Jepun dan juga English (America) terasa seperti movie ni adalah movie kerjasama antara dua pihak (Jepun dan US). Lebih2 lagi suasana babak berlaku di Pengkalan Tentera Amerika (US) kat Okinawa. Maknanya banyak omputeh la tu. So, kalo org omputeh... cakap omputeh lah... kalo org Jepun ckp Japanese la ...kan.

5. Lebih 100% ganaz berbanding Blood+

Kalo dah bab ganas... No Comment~ lebih berdarah oh!


movie ni la titik permulaan utk anime Blood+.

Tak caya... tengok lerr~

Nak test tengok --> DOWNLOAD



BLOOD+ TV - 2005

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Bagi pandangan aku... mungkin tak sehebat Blood : The Last Vampire sbb takde benda lagi yg menarik perhatian aku setakat ini. Yg pastinya... ia sesuatu yg wajib juga utk ditonton sbb korang tak puas sekiranya korang dah tonton versi movie. Alang2 dah ada siri TV... layan aje la. Best juga~ ...apa.

Nak test tengok --> DOWNLOAD


Selamat Menonton~ desu~ blink.gif

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Nah...aku nak review sikit anime...Masuk sini yek~

Anime - Piano (kalau iruga dah review gitau aku noh)

Aku suka la criter ni...sob...sob.... sedey....

Aku blom pernah tengok... So... aku blom wat review pasal tu. Ko bleh rujuk page pertama dlm topik ni utk senarai anime yg dah di"list"kan/rebiu. Tapi... hmm... kalo dah ada pun tak semestinya tak bleh wat review lagi satu (dari sudut pandangan individu lain), amat digalakkan... OK...

Cerita la lagi... kitaorang mau dengar daa~

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Aku blom pernah tengok... So... aku blom wat review pasal tu. Ko bleh rujuk page pertama dlm topik ni utk senarai anime yg dah di"list"kan/rebiu. Tapi... hmm... kalo dah ada pun tak semestinya tak bleh wat review lagi satu (dari sudut pandangan individu lain), amat digalakkan... OK...

Cerita la lagi... kitaorang mau dengar daa~

Ok...Aku Nak Review Anime Ni...(masuk lam senarai noh Iruga-sama)


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Animation Studio: OLM (Oriental Light & Magic)

Production Company: Pioneer, Marine Entertainment

Broadcaster: Kids Station

Series Director: Norihiko Sudo

Character Designer(s): Kosuke Fujishima

Animator(s): Yuji Ikeda (director)

Genre : Drama, Love-Romance, Music, School Life, Friendship.

(Buat Style ala2 Iruga-sama)

Korang penah tgk Anime ni? Kalau tak tgk lagi, baik korang tengok. Crita ala2 sedih, romantic fantastic ni mengisahkan seorang pelajar bernama Miu Nomura, Budak 8th grade(14 tahun). Criter ni seswai untuk orang ade feeling ttg cinta and also kanak2 riang yang dah matang~~(aku la tuh)... Ok... Sinopsis bawah ni menceritakan segalanyer....


From Kosuke Fujishima, the same character designer of Sakura Wars and Ah! My Goddess comes the anime: Piano. The story is about a secondary two schoolgirl by the name of Miu who has been playing the piano from a very young age. She is a very quiet girl. There's a senior in her school who she admires and likes but just looking at him alone already requires a lot of effort on her part, let alone......

Her life experiences are being depicted by the rhythm of the tunes she plays with her piano, such as happy times being with friends and family, not to mention love of course. Miu's voice actress will be Kawasumi Ayako. She will be performing and composing the opening theme for the anime as she has been playing with the piano since young, just like Miu.


Miu Nomura

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Miu Nomura is an excellent student and a great piano player in the eighth grade. Miu usually keeps to herself, and shares most of her thoughts with Yuuki-chan, her best friend. She even gives Yuuki her homework at times. After hearing she has to play at the recital, she questions her music teacher, and for some reason, loses confidence in herself. Miu also has a pet cat, and is never too busy to help out around the house


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Yuuki-chan is Miu Nomura's best friend, and one of the best runners on the schools track team. She is somewhat of a tomboy, but she doesn't realize it until she starts having feelings for boys. Yuuki is lazy, hardly ever does her homework, and usually relies on Miu to give her the assignments. Yuuki is also jealous of just how "perfect" her life really is, and encourages Miu to do the piano recital.


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Shirakawa Sensei is the quiet, mysterious piano teacher of Miu. In fact, mostly while his students are playing, he just stares out the window at the people below. But deep down inside, Shirakawa knows the true meaning of what it means to play the piano with your heart and your soul. He eventually makes Miu realize this, and he adds a touch of drama to the series.


You know, this is one of few animes that seems so stupid, but in the end it turns out to be a really good anime. Piano exceeds where some other drama animes don't. It manages to show how real life is. No monsters, no odd things happening. This is just about a normal girls life and the troubles she encounters.

The characters are what makes the anime work. Mainly because there is no mainstream plot, so relying on the characters is a must. Each character seems to be individually different, and its interesting to see them work with each other. Like I said, Piano resembles real life in many ways.

The animation is modern. Nothing special really, but the opening scene has some light effects and can make it seem almost heart-warming. The sunsets and scenery are also very impressive.

The music is expected to be good, since the anime is based on a musical instrument! Thankfully it is. Very touching piano themes, and it fits right in. The weird thing is, there arent many songs with the piano in it. Go figure.

The plot is the only thing I found wrong. It can be really boring for some people, since it simulates real life, and there really isnt a main plot line until the end of the series. The ending was spectacular though.

So, if you are looking for a heart-warming, but average anime at the least, Piano is just right for you. I'll give it a thumbs up for being unique. No other anime has attempted to do something like this. But if you are looking for an out of this world anime, Piano isn't the one to check out.


Untuk nak tau lebih lanjut pasal anime2 ni... Klik sini>>http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=153

DOWNLOAD (torrent)

Episode 01-10


Selamat menonton!


Edited by SnoWolf

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Award Winning Anime(2000)

Get Backers

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Creators: Yuya Aoki, Rando Ayamine

Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi

Character Designer: Atsuko Nakajima

Episodes: 49

Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts(might contain Nudity and Bad Language)

Over 18 Rated <<< ada hentai lolz...


Adakah korang masih tercari-cari anime aksi yang seronok dan 'kijam'?(muahahahas)

Well, aku rekemen korang tengok GET BACKERS. Walaupun aku tau anime ni x popular kat sini, tapi kat Jepun, mmg pop habisan~

ok...ni Sinopsis dia...


In this day in age, its easy to lose something and never get it back. To combat this annoying tendency, Ban Mido and Ginji Amano have taken up arms to find things that you may or may not have lost! Whether it be your dead father or a small stuffed cat, Get Backers has a 100% recovery rate! But their past is coming back to haunt them, and its getting more powerful with every step, leap, and bound. Will they ever "find" a way to conquer their past, before their future is "lost"?


Antara Char2 utama...


Mido Ban

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Ban is a very smart, intelligent man. His past is unknown, but he has several strange abilities. Although he is not physically strong, he has a technique called the Snake Bite that can crush over 200kg with his hands. His second, and much more potent ability is the "Evil Eye". When a victim makes eye contact with them, he can make them experience a dream for exactly one minute. However, it can only be used once per person per day, and only three times a day total.

He is a very skilled strategist, and he can do quite a number on his enemies with his Evil Eye, often times having Ban and him die in the dreams. Although he seems cold to Ginji at times, he's always there for Ginji when he's in a tight spot. He also plays the Violin.

Amano Ginji

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Ginji is the ex-leader of the Volts, the largest gang in Tokyo. He has the amazing ability to generate electrical currents from within his body, much like a an electric eel. Unlike the electrical eel, though, Ginji is more than willing to use his power to get things back.

Ginji originally left the group on behalf of Ban. He came to regard the gang's reckless violence as being barbaric and generally worthless. He's not the brightest of the bunch (far from it, in fact), but he is always willing to help out somebody in need, with or without pay.

HEVN<< cara sebut dia 'heaven'...

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HEVN is Ginji and Ban's big-chested friend. With breasts that would throw an oil tanker off balance, she is the go-between clients and Get Backers. Did I mention she could topple a skyscraper?


Additional Character


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Actually, Kazuki is a guy... Not a girl... He may look like a girl by I wonder why..

No much bout him but he is also one of the GB's Crew after encountered loss with Ginji and Ban. Has a strange fighthing technique called 'Fuchiyoin Style' which is a sewing string that can cut People into pieces(yikes).... But I like her style... I mean his... sorry~


Need more info? >>>http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=102

DOWNLOAD (torrent)

Episode 01-49



Selamat Menonton!


Edited by SnoWolf

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Cowboy Bebop The Movie : Knockin' On Heaven's Door

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Life is normal on the Bebop until one day when Faye is tracking down a penggodam alleged to be in a yellow truck. Flying over-head in her Red Tail she sees a man dressed all in black, with long black hair. He begins to walk forward and as he does the truck explodes, sending cars flying across the busy elevated high-way. All of a sudden, the mysterious man disappears.

Many people are dead and several wounded. A W300,000,000 bounty has been placed on the person's head and the only eyewitness is Faye. However, days after the accident, some of the people near the explosion (who were out in the open) have had their brains deteriorate and die. It turns out it was a biological weapon called a nano-machine.

The Bebop crew immediately set out to find the mysterious man. As it seems fate meets up with Spike Spiegel, as he meets with a man named Rashid, who provides him with one of the most important clues of all - a vase. However, what lies within the vase is a nano-machine. Faye and Edward unearth the name and background of the man responsible for the explosion - Vincent, a man who fought in the war on Titan.

Soon after, Faye is captured by Vincent and he reveals to her his true intentions - destroy all of humanity. Later on in the story, Spike meets up with a woman named Electra who used to know Vincent from the military. Electra at first challenges Spike, but later on they begin to assist each other in stopping Vincent from destroying the world.

The giant pumpkin head a midst a parade for Halloween explodes, however, Spike and Jet have placed anti-nano machines over the ground, and Faye has it rain, making the anti-nano machines spread quicker so people will not be infected. As the battle with Spike and Vincent unfolds, Vincent gets Spike to the ground and points a gun to his head. However, Electra comes and when Vincent aims at her she pulls the trigger.



Spike Siegel

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The main character of the series and the movie, Spike Spiegel possesses an incredible fighting ability using his technique of Jeet Kun Do. A former gangster with a shady past, Spike left his old life 3 years ago and now remains a Bounty hunter working with his partner Jet, and teamed up with Edward and Ein.

Although he says he forgets his past, memories of people he left like Julia and his enemy Vicious haunt him.

Jet Black

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Jet Black is a former ISSP (Inter-Stellar Space Police) cop who left for unknown reasons. He is the owner of the Bebop as well as the Hammerhead.

Throughout most of the movie, Jet is either teamed up with Spike -- explaining to him the importance of Battleship, as well as trying to save the world!

Faye Valentine

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Faye Valentine is actually 72 years old. After an "accident" she was frozen and reawakened years later. She went to work in a casino and she has piled up a heavy debt from her medical bills as well as other bills. She joins up with the Bebop crew in the Third episode of the series.

In the movie, Faye (with the help of Ed) tracks down Vincent, but when she finds him, he kidnaps her for most of the movie. Faye is also the only one to have seen Vincent.

Edward(Ed) & Ein

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With Edward Wong Pepelu Tivrusky the IV's unique and effective style of hacking, and Ein's overly intelligent canine senses, these two help track down the elusive and deadly Vincent with the rest of the Bebop crew!

Vincent(takleh byk2 image lol...ralat~~)

Vincent is the villain of Knockin' On Heaven's Door. He was once a member of a disbanded unit of the military and he was used as a test subject for a thing called a "Nano-machine". Since then he has lost his memory and believes the world he sees is a dream, and to escape the dream he plots to destroy all of humanity.

Like Spike, he is also an expert in combat, and another thing he has in common with Spike is his notion that he sees life almost as if it were a dream.



I was a little late in attaining the fansub to Cowboy Bebop: KOHD, but it was the VERY first title I ever downloaded on fansub, and as you can see, surely wasn´t the last. The Bebop movie, as I had expected, was phenominal. Sunrise (Original Bebop, Gundam, Many others), teamed up with Bones (Rahxephon) to create this masterpiece that will leave you wanting more Bebop -- but as we all know, this can´t happen.

The animation was just amazing. No detail was spared on the part of Bones in animating this wonderful anime. Though the animation was done by a different team than the original anime, the animation is exactly similar, and won´t leave you saying, "Why???" -- AT ALL. The fight scenes were absolutely spectacular, and one of the main reasons to see this film IS for the fight scenes.

The plot was really quirky and fun, but it had its dark, serious side (like the usual Bebop). It was pretty interesting and held my attention all the way through. Some parts can be pretty outrageuos, like when Jet gets the old-people to fly WWII planes through the city, but at times it´s also pretty dark (mostly with Vincent).

The music was done by Yoko Kanno. Need I say more?

If you haven´t seen Bebop, you can´t really see this movie. I recommend you go get yourself Cowboy Bebop on DVD, watch up to episode 23, watch the movie, and then finish the series. The title gets no less than a 9.5.


So...For more info>>>http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=4


Edited by SnoWolf

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biasa la jijah tuh..dia kalo dah rajin terlampau rajin sgt..huhuhuhuhuhu ganbate jijah!!~ nanti ko buat la review bebanyak yek especially anime2 baru..bole aku try layan.. laugh.gif

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Piano tu cam x layan je aku tgk 1st ep dulu. Lame dah cite ni, maybe setahun dua lepas.

Get Backers ok la, except ending hampeh. Tapi manga dia lain, member aku ckp.

Cowboy Bebop Movie, best. Tapi series hampeh.

Papehal, korang tgk la, bagi yg x tgk lagi. Nk kasi pinjam aku dok jauh.

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Oh yes.... Another 'Girl with Gun' Story...(ala2 Gunslinger Girl/Burst Angel)

Muahahahas... Korang mesti tau kan apa akan jadi kalau sorang pompuan pegang M-16?


Okeh, aku riview anime ni okies~ Tanak Cakap byk2...



A huge civil war rages across the nation of Gazth-Sonika and into the fray bursts the world’s premier assassin for hire, the mysterious MADLAX. An agent of extreme skill, MADLAX takes on assassinations, bodyguard work and various other assignments at the behest of her handler, SSS. Halfway across the world, Margaret Burton, an orphaned daughter of a wealthy aristocrat, lives a life strangely divorced from realty. These two women find themselves bound together by a mysterious fate.

In order to stop the civil war, these two must uncover their forgotten pasts and discover why they were thrown together in the first place. But to do so, the duo must go up against the entire world.


Part character yang best cos 4/5 drpd charnyer sumer PEREMPUAN. So aku kasi sikit2 characters review.



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Highly skilled Agent-for-hire operating out of Gazth-Sonika. She has been working there for three years and has built up quite a reputation. An expert in almost all weapons, she is a ruthless killer. Always business-like, she sometimes indulges in a romantic streak.

Margaret Burton

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Orphaned daughter of the wealthy Burton Family. Something traumatic happened to here as a child and permanently damaged her ability to relate normally to people. She seems to have an almost psychic connection to MADLAX, sometimes seeing the weather that MADLAX is experiencing.


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A mysterious and disturbing girl. She doesn’t appear to live in the real world, but can nevertheless perceive it. Laetitia constantly utters strange, nonsensical phrases.

Elenore Baker

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The maid and caretaker of Margaret, Elenore is very protective and very loyal. She seems to know something about Margaret’s mysterious past, but manages to keep it a secret from her. She possesses a sarcastic streak and never holds her tongue.


Kita tengok apa kata penonton...


Short – Another girls-with-guns series with some unique plot twists and strange references to the nature of existence. Think .[coklat ubat batuk]//SIGN merged with Noir.

Long - The immediate reaction to this series is “Oh no. Not another Noir.” This is understandable. MADLAX comes to us from Bee-Train, the same studio that brought us Noir as well as .[coklat ubat batuk]/SIGN. The influences from the former series are easy to see. MADLAX has both the girl-with-guns and also has an alternate reality known as Sanctuary. Bee-Train has really taken ripping off concepts to a new level. They have ripped off themselves. But somehow, the wholesale concept rip-off has created something very cool and mostly original.

The storyline starts off pretty stagnant but by episode 4, has really livened up and drawn you in. The plot is engrossing and while the main characters are fairly transparent, most of the minor characters are mysterious enough to hold your interest. You quickly get the feeling that you are watching two or three different realities unfold simultaneously. The blending of past and present and the alternate Sanctuary can be quite confusing but ultimately doesn’t detract from the majesty of the series. Majesty is a really good word to describe the feel of the series. There is always something that is left mysterious to the viewer but each episode brings you tantalizingly closer to the answers you seek.

Bee-Train is not known for their superior animation but the series, never the less, is quite good looking. Superior to other Bee-Train projects but with a similar feel, the animation will quickly remind you of the vibrant colors of the .[coklat ubat batuk] world. Action sequences are well done although a little choppy for my taste. The vibrant style just doesn’t mesh with the somewhat stylized combat.

One of the reasons that Bee-Train has gotten so much attention in recent years is the high standard they have set for music. Yuki Kajiura returns to deliver another amazing soundtrack. Her music perfectly captures the emotions of the various scenes and is a great departure from the typical musical style of Yoko Kano and other mainstream artists. The only flaw I can see in the music is the need for another theme for battle scenes. The battle song “Nowhere” gets slightly old even by the second major combat scene in the 3rd episode.

Overall, if you liked Noir you’ll probably love MADLAX.


Animation: Very good but could get better 8 of 10

Music: Wonderful. How an anime is supposed to sound 10 of 10

Story: Perhaps a touch to complicated but still very good 9 of 10

Characters: Weak principals are enhanced by a great supporting cast 7 of 10

Overall: A wonderful return to the world of girls-with-guns 9 of 10


Okey, nak tau lagi pasal anime ni >>>http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=258

DOWNLOAD (torrent files)

Episode 01-16


Yey! Habis review...


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hehe...boleh...aku review?? (kene mintak tulong adik aku si SnoWolf la jugak... Aku bukan pandai review-mengreview ni.... Saja nak tambah post + kongsi ilmu anime)

SnoWolf : Hampes nyer abang~


Samurai Deeper Kyo

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SnoWolf : Nampaknyer aku kene buatkan untuk abg aku... (dia gi main Halo la plak......)

Ha....Ni cerita zaman Samurai Moden(coz ada pistol...muahahas)

Dah banyak kali aku tengok, aku rating 7/10 jew....(mana ade...tipu la... abang aku yang nengok....dia yang rate...hampes)

Ok... Ni info2 dia...



Approx. 400 years ago at the Battle of Sekigahara a fight ensued between Mibu Kyoshiro and Demon Eyes Kyo. Demon Eyes Kyo had become infamous because during the Battle of Sekigahara he personally killed 1000 men. During the apex of the Battle a hero appeared to put an end to Kyo's horror, Mibu Kyoshiro. As an act of insurance against Kyo the Mibu clan sent down a meteorite into the Battle's location. Both Kyo and Kyoshiro disappeared after impact. The result of the vicious battle was the new Tokugawa legasu government.


Ni character2 dia...err...nuff' said...


Demon Eyes Kyo/Mibu Kyoshiro<< org yang sama,identiti x serupa...

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Demon Eyes Kyo is an Infamous killer (with those red demon eyes), is on a quest for ULTIMATE power, and his ORIGINAL body. He carries with him one of the 5 TRUE Muramasas (Legendary japanese sword).

Mibu Kyoshiro is the Opponent of Demon Eyes Kyo during the battle of Sekigahara. A peaceful medicane / herbal man of the Mibu clan who has NO memory of his previous battle with Kyo.


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A female bounty hunter with a 3 shot pistol. She is on a quest for revenge; searching for her brother's murderer. Mibu Kyoshiro becomes a suspect, during her travels. She has a hard time deciding who to love, Kyo or Mibu Kyoshiro.

Benitore Tokugawa

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Son of the Emperor of Japan, and aire to the throne. He fights to rid his country of Kenyou (demons), which have some ties to his father's government, and for the heart of Yuya.

Sanada Yukimora

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A general on the losing side (Western Army) of the Battle of Sekighara. His brother (Eastern General) fought on the Tokugawa side (winning side). His alligence lies with the mysterious Sakuya. He has a group of loyal ninjas, one of which is Sarutobi Sasuke.


SnoWolf: Aih...sakit belakang... Now...Comments....aiayayai...


I´m going to side with cla on this one. I am currently watching this series as well Rion. Although I did enjoy the first episodes very much I have to agree with you that they are a little repetitive with the ken-you fights, but I suggest you heed cla´s advice and stick with it. I just got through episode 18 and it´s just getting great. It quickly went from a series I was watching casually to one of my favorites. Stick with it, you won´t be more dissappointed.


SnoWolf: For more info, http://www.point-blank.cc/reviews/index.php?ident=124


Epidose 01-26


SnoWolf : Iruga-sama, kalau nak list anime ni,listkan bawah nama Mido Ban... Permintaan kesian abang aku...uhuhuh...kesian woh...


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Najica cam James Bond, sexy.

James Bond versi pompuan la kirenyer...

Ah...ari ni je dah review 5 anime...sakit tangan dol.... esok aku review lagi 5...

Edited by SnoWolf

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