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Final Projek Tahun 2009!

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Askum, pada sesiapa yg ada idea bernas dan mantap mengenai IT Networking leh x bg pendapat pd diriku....
ku masih buntu utk hadapi Final Projek x lame lg nie!!!!
bagi la buah idea pd ku rolleyes.gif

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Theres a lot of IDEA out there. Just go and search for it. that is ur duty as a student. if u juz asking people about what u want to do, its juz like they ask you to do it.

apa tujuan ko study ni klu asik² nk tya orang je paasl idea untuk final year project. fikir la sendiri. mana tau ko tepikir benda yg org lain x tepikir. ntah², siap jd cam Bill Gates. buat benda batu untk suma uamt manusia sekarang ni.

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QUOTE(xenomorf @ Jan 24 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Theres a lot of IDEA out there. Just go and search for it. that is ur duty as a student. if u juz asking people about what u want to do, its juz like they ask you to do it.

apa tujuan ko study ni klu asik² nk tya orang je paasl idea untuk final year project. fikir la sendiri. mana tau ko tepikir benda yg org lain x tepikir. ntah², siap jd cam Bill Gates. buat benda batu untk suma uamt manusia sekarang ni.

tp kan kite leh berkongsi maklumat....
itu la gunanyer PUTERA.com

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QUOTE(ThiNking_ITnET!!! @ Jan 26 2009, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tp kan kite leh berkongsi maklumat....
itu la gunanyer PUTERA.com

cuba list kan..ape projek dalam fikiran ko skarang nak buat?
list kan kat sini..baru la yg lelain leh advise kat ko cmne..

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