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encik pot pet


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I post my guess then i realize my guess

is half what cikbedah write. only in bad english grammar

and ugly typing.hahahaha

then i delete it.

But i dont know what thiis mean.

Mind thing came with a cost, dont have to pay it for UGX1000000000000

Might be better in logic and reasoning skill

Have not so good right brain ability

look like encikpot pet dont want to give real answer soon.

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It s my curiosity and jump up here ;p tho I dint get a proper English Class whn I was a teenager , and im really suc* at Grammer ;p

Ok im gotta try to answer , the answer is a personnel pc ? a TV ? or a calculator ? or a typewriter ?

Here the reason was ;

Let me introduce myself first. I'm just an average looking Joe or Mamat on the street, but came with a slightly smarter brain than the rest of you


Tht said its come w. a normal looking just like other , lets says a Monitor or LCD Monitor , the were the same as any other Brands , the shape , the weight etc . The expensive it will do , and it will be a better and good coz u pay more and u get more! ;p

But this mind thing came with a cost, it just I don’t have to pay it for UGX1000000000000. I might be better in logic and reasoning skill but I have not so good right (you can read it as very bad) brain ability especially for skill like communication, interaction with other people and off course flirting with even below than average Jane (do u mind I replace these words with ugly?) become a big problem to me.


This sound like u were some kind of a tools or a machine or even an engines or a processors ? correct me u said the right brain ability skill , yes tht good for a keyboard , all the keyboard button on the right , its functioning for a alphabet (a b c d) its depend on how good the person is using the tool , I mean a keyboard or a pc for a daily use? A communication ? an interaction ;p if the owner is good enough to use it , yes tht make u feel good ;p

Not so shockingly, I was also at one time before being a perfect anti-social guy with my unique specialties. No, no, no, and no, that is not karate, not MENSA level IQ, not Broadway acting, and I also not trying to say I’m an Ultraman Tiga. It is just I managed how mix a special chemical elements to glue my lips. That makes me so special.


Again this sound like a keyboard or a speaker , it s a tool to be use , they dint even have a brain ? the person whos using it w. a brain , for a better reason ;p , to glue-up ur lips tht mean to mute-on ? u tell me! Its an abstract or a logic words ? a chemical and a lips ? the sounds appeared from a speaker ? to shut-off the sound and use the ear/microphone for a private chit chat ? muahaha

Tell me encik pot pet , do I get it wrong ? ;p

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