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hang tuah

Assembly Code

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Salam suma, sy nk mnta tlg. Actually sy msh bru dlm assembly language ni. Sy nk try to do assembly code to perform simple arithmetic. mslhnya sy x reti nk display kn

ans utk arithmetic tu. cuba korg tgk program nie, tp yg ni utk perform addition je:

.Model Small

.Stack 200h


message1 db 'enter number1 $'

int1 db 32,33 dup (0)

message2 db 10,13, 'enter number2 $'

int2 db 32,33 dup (0)

message3 db 10,13, 'plus become $'

ans db 32,33 dup (0)



mov ax,seg message1

mov ds,ax

mov dx,offset message1

mov ah,09h

int 21h

mov dx,offset int1

mov ah,0Ah

int 21h

mov ax,seg message2

mov ds,ax

mov dx,offset message2

mov ah,09h

int 21h

mov dx,offset int2

mov ah,0Ah

int 21h

mov al,int1

add al,int2

mov [ans],al

mov ah,09h

mov dx,offset message3

int 21h

mov byte ptr [bx+di], '$'

mov dx,di

mov ah,09h

int 21h

mov ax,4c00h

int 21h;


bleh x sapa2 genius kt luar sna buat correction tuk program ni. bleh ekk..., pastu bgtau code utk display ans on th screen !

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