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Info: Amd May Intro 5mb Z-ram Cache

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tp ko tgk la apache bench kat atas tu...

hmm...Itanium lain architecture bkn x86....

itanium ni masih peringkat projek kerjasama intel ngan hp.... software pon OpenVMS rasanya... tp ade org run windows over OpenVMS....

yeah i know itanium is not x86..its obvious smile.gif

itanium bukan dalam peringkat kerjasaman ngan hp dah..dah ada dalam market dah pun..i even install quite a few itanium processor in HP-integrity server..so itanium is already been used by several companies in malaysia..n the OS supported is Win2k3 ia-64,OpenVMS,HP-UX and Tru64...tapi official supported OS platform is HP-UX especially for the higher end server..and Tru64 will be phased out soon and some of the features will be ported to HP-UX..terutamanyer High Availability nyer feature...yup you are right some company do run win2k3 over OpenVMS n HP-UX via hard partitioning and cell based technology...mostly to achieve higher performance,reliabilty and security..especially true for OpenVMS..processor yang masih dalam peringkat dalam proses development is montecito/montvale..the scheduled release date is end of 2005...but most probably it will be released by first half of 2006...i actually talk to one of HP master system engineer about this..and he confirmed the delay...biasalah..kalau delay2 tue...news kata processor tu nak kuar 2005 tu just marketing ploy..bagi takut2 sket biggrin.gif ,one interesting fact is AMD hammer is native 32 bit with 64 bit extension while Itanium is pure 64bit ...and AMD rely on the old RISC/CISC adopted by older generation of microprocessor..while Itanium used EPIC..or dalam artikel tu panggil VLID somethin...

Both processors are totally, completely, and inarguably backward compatible with x86 binaries. Anything else would be a criminal dereliction of duty. If what you want is a faster x86 PC, it's entirely likely that Hammer-based systems will run old (or upcoming) PC applications much faster than an Itanium- or McKinley-based system. That's fine, for as long as you keep that box. But the day may come when Microsoft Windows version n+1, or Quake XVII, is released for IA-64, but not for AMD's x86-64. And then you'll have to choose sides. Microsoft has publicly announced it will port Windows XP to IA-64, but it has made no such announcement about x86-64.

and yeah AMD do won the benchmark if we are using x86 compatible nyer application as comparison (refer to article above)..but if we use 64 bit arch nyer application ..now thats an entirely different story...

by the way..thanks a lot for the link...really good article..and please add more about AMD or Intel..and feel free to correct me if im wrong...

aku tak banyak exposure pada AMD nyer processor..so this will serve as a good exposure...

thanks biggrin.gif

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bagi aku intel mmg anggap x86 tu entirely 32bit architecture je... amd yang menambah x86 as 64bit extension utk backward compatible dgn existing 32bit software... tujuan amd adalah utk mainstream ngan workstation.... membantu porting 32bit processing utk menjadi 64bit... iaitu sementara 64bit jadi mainstream... processor tersebut mampu buat 32bit processing.... lain plak itanium... mmg entirely new 64bit processing....

x64 system ni microsoft support utk mainstream user, workstation and server.... itanium microsoft support ke arah clusters system....x silap aku itanium mampu support 128 node cluster...

dulu microsoft mmg nak buat 64bit windows for itanium...but sejak amd introduce x64... microsoft just support x64 ....

The vast majority of Windows operating systems run on mainstream x86 processors such as Intel's Xeon or AMD's Opteron. Because Itanium is largely incompatible and not nearly as widely used, support for it has been a lower priority for Microsoft.

tp utk Longhorn microsoft akan buat itanium edition ......

After a faltering start, Microsoft is stepping up its commitment to Intel's Itanium processor

Microsoft has committed to sell an Itanium edition of its forthcoming Longhorn Server, part of a renewed marketing effort for Windows on the high-end processor that Intel and Microsoft plan to begin on Monday.

tp itu semua utk processing enterprise....org macam aku ni...nak pakai desktop processing je... tongue.gif buat masa ni amd mmg bagus dlm segment nih.... Athlon X2 tu mmg gempak kalau nak dibandingkan ngan Pentium D... yang 5mb Z-ram tu pon bila akan implement pon x tau....amd skrang ni just amik license je technology yg ade... sebagai cth amd mengambil license Rambus utk XDR... DDR2 pon AMD blom pakai (upcoming AM2 socket)..tapi just in case amd dah amik license for XDR RAM...

Edited by athlonium

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yup i agree with you for desktop and end user segment like us..AMD seems to be the better choice..ooo Z-ram tu licensed from Rambus ek?if that is the case..most probably Z-ram is going to be quite expensive...ingat lagi masa first generation Pentium 4 yang pakai socket 423 tu..masa tu P4 pakai ram licensed from Rambus..very expensive but there's no doubting about the superior performance...tapi at the end of the day..Intel switched back to DDR because of licensing problem and the high cost the end user would bear if Intel still used chip from Rambus..dulu aku pakai P4 gune 128 Rambus tapi bile buat benchmark sama ngan 256 DDR 400 mhz corsair aku..obviously Rambus is the better choice albeit the high cost..

yup Itanium could scale up and out to 128 node cluster

maybe later aku nak baca lak pasai Sun sparc n IBM series (Z and P)..try tengok dorang nyer performance for 64 bit nyer processor compared to both AMD and Intel..to see which processor will fare better..

so what do you think?

mana lagi baik..AMD, Intel, Sun, or IBM?


Edited by polyfuze_0411

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erk bukan la...AMD license XDR RAM dari Rambus....


Z-RAM untuk cache processor dari Innovative Silicon...


SOI is emerging as the process technology of choice for high performance SoCs and Microprocessors, with leading processor and games companies already switching away from bulk CMOS to take advantage of the increased performance and reduction in power that SOI delivers. Explains ISi CEO, Mark-Eric Jones: “Embedded memory occupies at least 70 per cent of the die area of today’s complex SoCs. The combination of our Z-RAM memory – which requires less than half the die area required for traditional embedded DRAM, without the additional process steps required to embed traditional DRAM – and existing SOI processing, which additionally offers large performance and power benefits, means that not only are Z-RAM SoCs higher performance and lower power, they are also much cheaper than SoCs based on bulk CMOS wafers.”

pasal Sun Microsystems... now they only provide AMD based processing utk x86-64 (x64) nya server.. that is becoz Opteron is far superior than what Xeon can offer (Opteron power consumption kurang.. performance pon better than xeon).....Sun tak offer Intel based server anymore... tapi UltraSparc IV+ series mmg gempak la... 2mb L2 cache and 32mb L3 cache!!!.....dulu Alpha pon gempak... amd penah guna system bus Alpha EV6... skrang Alpha pon dah dead....



Edited by athlonium

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opp silap lak,sorry about that, 'ter' overlook plak tongue.gif ,XDR Ram from rambus bukannyer Z-RAM,but i dont think performance is the only reason on why Sun used AMD processor in its line of server..other logical reason would be that Intel and Sun are long time arch rival...so takkan la dorang nak pakai musuh ketat nyer processor lak.. biggrin.gif

yeah i agree,UltraSparc is quite awesome, Alpha DEC is bought by Compaq,and Compaq is bought by HP in return..so that is why some of the architecture from Alpha processor is similar to Itanium processor..because the original engineers from Alpha is contributing to the development of Itanium...and Alpha processor is legendary not because of the greatly design architecture but due to successful implementation and marketing ..(much like token ring vs ethernet case)....

tapi HP still maintain dalam dorang punya server lineup server yang guna Alpha nyer processor,tapi dorang bagi mnemonic PA-risc server or rp series such as GS1280 and rp8420,and after the acquisition of compaq by HP, Hp have several line of server such as Alpha,Itanium,Proliant,Integrity,NonStop and by the way Proliant still maintains the orginal architecture by Compaq. But from what i know is HP planning to streamlined the processor and standardized it..which means they will only produce server based on Itanium and x86,and discard PA RISC and alpha later on.

tapi setakat yang aku pernah install,jarang ada companies request for opteron or hammer nyer server, I dont know why,I'm quite puzzled..Some of the server actually comes with SAS HDD and serial SCSI..which is quite attractive

lagi satu masalah intel ini ialah..dorang suke underestimate dorang nyer competitor..masa dorang release Itanium dulu dorang tak anticipate pun AMD mampu buat menda yang sama..although AMD choose to adopt 64 bit dengan cara yang berbeza.


Edited by polyfuze_0411

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mmg lerr...sbb ko pasang dlm malaysia... amd ni tak femes sngat...kebanyakkan enterprise kat malaysia ni masih anggap intel segala-galanya....

how about SGI?.... dorang pon ade offer servers ngan supercomputer...

anyway Opteron processor dipilih sebagai The best server processor category oleh Microprocessor Report....



Edited by athlonium

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tak jugak, bukan kat malaysia je intel nie dominant dalam server and enterprise nyer segment..kat memana pun sama je, the situation is similar..although AMD is eroding Intel market share rapidly ,which is good smile.gif

the reason is that AMD is not doing enough to convince client in enterprise segment to use AMD processor for their flagship model in terms of reliability,serviceability ..sebab tu la Dell,Fujitsu,HP still continue producing Intel OEM..instead dari pakai AMD..walaupun dorang tau AMD lagi bagus,and its not their fault,AMD have to take the initiative to position itself as the best processor maker in the world...kesan advertising n marketing Intel punye la hebat sampai sekarang orang masih associate heat dissipation dengan AMD walhal menda tu dah tak releven..sekarang ni Intel yang ada heat problem tapi dorang pandai dalam buat marketing..tapi to be fair, Intel company besar, macam mana nak compare ngan AMD,sebab tu la AMD takleh lawan head on in terms of duit untuk diinvest for marketing strategy...(AMD pun besar gak..tapi tak sebesar intel)

kalau product bagus tapi tak mampu nak market and brand positioning ngan baik pun payah gak..tengok la apa jadi ngan token ring..lagi bagus dari ethernet..tapi ethernet gak orang pakai, motorola nyer processor pun sama gak nasibnyer..lagi bagus dari intel,tapi intel gak yang orang pilih..

AMD do have the the upper hand and the best performing proccessor right now..tapi kalau dorang tak mampu nak convince vendor and manufacturer..susah nak beat Intel yang dah fully entrenched dalam enterprise nyer segment..and sume org tau enterprise nyer segment ni offer lucrative business opportunity for processor manufacturer...sesapa yang pegang segment ni akan dictate the direction of home,end user segment

yeah i do agree with u and all of the articles mentioned here..AMD is currently the best choice..their processor is performing and outclassing Intel in almost every areas especially for dual core processor..sebab tu la Intel refuse nak buat official benchmark ngan AMD for dual core nyer processor..takut la tue.. biggrin.gif

SGI?SGI pun sama gak la sekarang ni..dulu dorang pakai dorang punye processor sendiri MIPS/Risc Server sekarang nie dah tukar pakai Itanium gak..tapi SGI nie mostly produce supercomputer yang guna complex computational logic..sebab tu la NASA,Univ and gomen first world country je mampu pakai....takat bank and univ biase-biase ni pakai server je..takde la sampai pakai supercomputer SGI yang bole scale up to 1024 processor tue...gile ahh kalau uni kat malaysia pakai..sure power nyer..malaysia tak bape mampu la nak pakai technology mcam tue..even superdome pun bape kerat yang mampu pakai..IBM Zseries pun jarang nampak..

The SGI supercomputer to be installed at the APAC National Facility is an Altix 3700 Bx2 with a total of 1,680 Intel Itanium 2 processors, 3.6TB of memory, 120TB of SGI® InfiniteStorage storage, and Brocade® 24000 fibre channel switches. The software environment comprises the SuSE® Linux operating system with SGI ProPack™, SGI® CXFS™ file sharing software and the Intel range of software development compilers and tools from Intel.

The Intel Itanium 2 processors provide the 64 bit computational power needed to deliver new levels of performance required to support the most demanding computing users in this country.

"SGI and Intel continue to work together to bring best-in-class computing capabilities to the scientific industry to advance research and development in ways that were never thought possible," said Abhi Talwalkar, vice president and general manager of Intel's Digital Enterprise Group. "Intel Itanium 2 processors provide the 64-bit computational power needed to deliver new levels of performance required to support the most demanding computing users in this country."


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huhu... gila la borak pasal enterprise processing... aku noob la bende2 tu.... mostly tau pasal x86 processor je....

yup amd cover 16.4% server market...mostly in US... tapi tu tanda bagus... dari Q3 ke Q4 pon meningkat iaitu dari 12% ke 16.4%....itupon sejak lawsuit ke atas intel...

now amd cover 20% pasaran PC x86 dunia....

Edited by athlonium

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sekali -sekala borak pasai 64bit processor..ok ape..asyik2 cite pasai desktop n pc je..nak gak bertukar pandangan dalam hal server n 64bit lak.. biggrin.gif

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Dah kuar dahh..baru jer kuar..but it will take some time before their factory will be able to mass produce the processor for end user like us...memang tak banyak news sbb ni bukan key release of intel processor line up this year biggrin.gif

Intel has debuted its latest dual-core desktop Pentium D processors, launching the chip family as the 9xx series.

The chip giant this week added four models to its price list: the 920, 930, 940 and 950, all containing 4MB of L2 cache split into two 2MB chunks, one for each of the two cores in the chip package. All four operate on an 800MHz frontside bus. The CPUs are clocked at 2.8GHz, 3GHz, 3.2GHz and 3.4GHz, respectively.

Intel also launched the Pentium 4 631, 641, 651 and 661 this week. Again, these had model numbers previously earmarked for the 65nm 'Cedar Mill' processor line, the single-core version of Presler. Clocked at 3GHz, 3.2GHz, 3.4GHz and 3.6GHz, respectively, the chips are priced at $178, $218, $273 and $401 in batches of 1,000 CPUs - the same pricing as the 630, 640, 650 and 660.

The 920, 930, 940 and 950 are priced at $241, $316, $423 and $637, respectively. The 90nm Pentium D line-up remains on sale at the same price-points as before, but the chip giant is expected to make price cuts later this month.

Our research indicates the 9xx and 6x1 lines do indeed comprise 65nm cores, as expected, and the 90nm attribution is an error. Intel itself wouldn't comment on the parts on way or the other. ®

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Dah kuar dahh..baru jer kuar..but it will take some time before their factory will be able to mass produce the processor for end user like us...memang tak banyak news sbb ni bukan key release of intel processor line up this year  biggrin.gif

Intel has debuted its latest dual-core desktop Pentium D processors, launching the chip family as the 9xx series.

The chip giant this week added four models to its price list: the 920, 930, 940 and 950, all containing 4MB of L2 cache split into two 2MB chunks, one for each of the two cores in the chip package. All four operate on an 800MHz frontside bus. The CPUs are clocked at 2.8GHz, 3GHz, 3.2GHz and 3.4GHz, respectively.

Intel also launched the Pentium 4 631, 641, 651 and 661 this week. Again, these had model numbers previously earmarked for the 65nm 'Cedar Mill' processor line, the single-core version of Presler. Clocked at 3GHz, 3.2GHz, 3.4GHz and 3.6GHz, respectively, the chips are priced at $178, $218, $273 and $401 in batches of 1,000 CPUs - the same pricing as the 630, 640, 650 and 660.

aik? 631 series tu CedarMill C/w HT kan?...ape jadik ngan P4 yg biasa(non HT) x kan discontinued kot...........satu lagi ko bleh kasi link dia x? aku nak membaca....

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Pentium D 900 series ni merupakan last guna netburst architecture...lepas ni intel dah drop architecture nih... so definitely Ghz tu drop ... maybe amik Core Duo nya architecture.... codenamed Merom....

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discontinued?i dont think so..

here's the link..there's a lot more..tapi malas aku nak baca sume biggrin.gif

aku dah baca..........celeron D pun nak ditambah cache 512 L2......by the way Virtualization tu menatang hape?..........bunyi cam new features jer

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virtualization is hottt right now...we should try to master the technology right away...mostly orang gune microsoft virtual server 2005 and VMware esx/gsx to achieve virtualization ,so what is virtualization exactly?..erm is a bit hard to explain...but Virtualization is about how we use the same server/box to install multiple instances of OS or different version of OS to enable us to run multiple apps at the same time...try la tgk Virtual Server or Vmware tuee...niceeeeee biggrin.gif

is quite identical to clustering but with some difference with the underlying technologies and fundamental..

definition of virtualization by wikiepedia

In computing, virtualization is the process of presenting a logical grouping or subset of computing resources so that they can be accessed in ways that give benefits over the original configuration. This new virtual view of the resources is not restricted by the implementation, geographic location or the physical configuration of underlying resources. Commonly virtualized resources include computing power and data storage.

apa yang ko baca pasai virtualization kat processor tue? biggrin.gif

Edited by polyfuze_0411

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athlon fx ngan athlon x2 ni unit terhad... premium processor so premium price... xde de amd nak slash....product power....

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athlon fx ngan athlon x2 ni unit terhad... premium processor so premium price... xde de amd nak slash....product power....

High ENd X2:AMD X2 4800++

Entry Level X2: AMD X2 3800++

Low Cost X2: ??????????

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AMD has cut the prices on many of their popular desktop and mobile processors this morning. The AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ processor took a 19.9% price slashing and can now be bought for $643 when bought in 1000 units. If you have been waiting to buy an AMD Athlon 64 X2 processor now is the time to jump on it! Just wait till the retailers update their pricing in a couple days.

AMD has cut their prices up to 32% on some processors! The biggest cuts come to the Turion 64 line of mobile processors, with the prices of the ML-44, ML-42, ML-40, ML-37, ML-34 and ML-32 coming down by 32.6%, 25.7%, 16.4%, 16.3%, 16.3% and 5.8% per cent, respectively. In order, these six chips now cost $354, $263, $220, $184, $154 and $145 when sold in batches of 1000 CPUs. All other Turion prices remain unchanged.


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bought for $643 when bought in 1000 units.

sape nk beli 1000 unit? rolleyes.gif masukkan nama aku skali tongue.gif

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AMD has cut the prices on many of their popular desktop and mobile processors this morning. The AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ processor took a 19.9% price slashing and can now be bought for $643 when bought in 1000 units.


alamak tu AMD X2 4800++......aku nak X2 3800++........entry level X2 lah katakan...........

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alamak tu AMD X2 4800++......aku nak X2 3800++........entry level X2 lah katakan...........

X2 3800++ pun turun harga gak la...tu just cakap 4800++ tapi ada gak artikel tulih sume x2 akan turun harga..tapi retailer akan amik masa sket la nak update harga nie especially kat malaysia biggrin.gif

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X2 3800++ pun turun harga gak la...tu just cakap 4800++ tapi ada gak artikel tulih sume x2 akan turun harga..tapi retailer akan amik masa sket la nak update harga nie especially kat malaysia    biggrin.gif

tulah......processor X2 3800++ dah RM 1.3k...........blum kire bebarang lain cam mobo ngan RAM.......kalo nak solid amik dual channel.......ade sape2 yg dah terbeli AMD X2?

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