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Posts posted by x_quisite

  1. Apa yg anda dapat apabila anda 'search' di yahoo:
    #Maklumat yg anda inginkan
    #Assignment anda siap

    Apa kata saya tambah 1 lg faedah:
    #Mendapat duit

    Apa yg anda rugi:
    #3 minit masa pendaftaran

    Apa yg sama:
    #Search result adalah SAMA seperti result Yahoo..

    Apa yg beza:
    #Link utk ada buat search (bukan lg di www. Yahoo. com)- search link akn diberi slepas pndaftaran

    #search box (atas sebelah kanan browser anda)- atas kemahuan anda spya memudahkan anda utk 'search'

    P/s: Ini bukan satu bisnes yg anda perlu buat setiap hari...Saya hanya menambah faedah sampingan apabila anda menggunakan 'search' di yahoo atas apa tujuan anda sekali pn..


  2. ble ak nk connect kat 1 wireless network ni (ada password), xsempat pn kuar tempat isi password dia akan kuar error

    Aku dok dkat camne pn ngan router tu ttap dia kata camtu..member2 ak lain guna sume ok je

    pastu ak saja la try 'add wireless network' kat setting tu, ble aku isi kat tempat password tu dia kuar error

    knape eh??member ak yg len guna ok je..guna password tu gak..xde pn problem cam ak

    wireless network yg len guna comp ak ok je..wireless network yg 1 ni je...kalo nk kata prob pd comp aku,elok je ak connect ngan wireless network len..nk kata wireless network yg aku guna tu xsihat, org len guna elok je..camne nk wat eh?

  3. extension ni aku rse firefox aku ada problem la guyz..camne nk wat eh? aku ada try byk extension @ add-ons utk firefox ni including theme,application n cam2 lg la..tp ak rse cam aku ttap xnmpak apa2 beza pd firefox ak..kalau ak g kat tools>add-ons, kat every tab tu dia mest kluar statement "restart firefox to complete your changes"..jgn kata restart firefox,restart comp pn dia tetap kata camtu..tiap2 kali bukak firefox walaupun ak xde wat apa2, kat bahagian add-ons tu mest dia kluarkan statement camtu..firefox ak da update byk kali da..dari first aku install v3, skang da update smpai 3.0.5..msalah tu ttap kekal..ak langsung xdpat install apa2 extension..camne nk wat eh?

  4. aku nk wat watermark dlm video..apa software yg d'perlukan eh?? watermark tu wat dia sme cam logo je kn?? ak nk wat gne photoshop tp rse complicated sgt la..ada suggestion software len x? g pn ak ni kurang kreatif ckit, so mayb biasanya software2 ni ada cam template dia tu..bley wat contoh..
    utk insert dlam video camne eh?bley guna video maker je ke??

  5. firstly, thanx 4 de tutorial..sgt m'bantu..dpat la ak paam ckit2 psal codec ni..

    ass ==> srt akan m'nyebabkan byk function ilang cam position subtitle n font btul x? so, ak rse ak xbley nk convert ass ==> srt.... sbnrnya aku nk mux (attached) .ass aku tu ngan .avi... software yg aku jumpa bley mux kan .avi dan .ass tp akan m'hasilkan .mkv (.avi+.ass=.mkv)..the real problem here is utk tukarkan .mkv kpd .avi smula..psal software yg aku ada tu (mkv to avi with subtitle) dah gagal b'fungsi (refer to 1st post)..
    problem ni bley settle kalo:
    1. .avi+.ass=>.avi (ada ke software camtu?)
    2. .mkv ==> .avi (without loss subtitle mknanye video dan subtitle still 1 file yg sme)(slain software "mkv to avi with subtitle")

    extra question:
    1. .avi ==> .mkv (ada software x bley convert..jd file subtitle b'asingan pn xpe la )

  6. thanx 4 reply
    actually smenjak case vobsub tu ak mmg da xguna lg k-lite..aku b'alih ke combine community codec pack..
    lpas tu sumenye ok je..tp dlam 2,3 ari ni aku byk sgt install,uninstall program..smpai aku xtau program yg mne sbnrnye yg kacau converter aku ni..
    avidemux aku da ada..tp aku xbrape pndai guna..juz biasanya ak guna utk tujuan gabungkan file avi
    Problem yg sbenarnye skrang ni,ak xbley nk convert mkv ==> avi.. ak ada jumpa byk software len yg bley convert, tp mslahnye file mkv aku tu ada subtitle..most of the software bley convert,tp subtitle nye ilang..
    avidemux bley ke convert tanpa ilangkan subtitlenye??kalo bley,tlong ajar..
    tu yg nk tanya mayb ada suggest software len or ada cara utk detect program yg kacau codec ni..

  7. aku guna satu converter utk convert mkv==>avi...lme da guna..ok je..tp baru2 ni aku nk guna smula da xbley..file yg dlu aku prnah convert pn da xbley nk convert...biasanye tu msalah codec kn??

    study case: aku install vobsub..tp vobsub aku xbley nk guna..so, ada org bg tau, punca aku punye vobsub xbley pkai sbab ak install k-lite media player classic..

    slalu gak la aku m'hadapi msalah camni..t'utama yg b'kaitan dgn music,video n converter ni la..mula2 elok je..ble ak install software len,software yg slama ni aku bley guna da xbley guna..camne nk solve eh??bley x kte detect perubahan codec tu atau apa2 cara la spaya bley tau punca msalah codec tu..ada software baru yg x compatible ke..camne eh??

  8. aku ada install notepad yg canggih ckit..tp pastu rse xbes lak..so, aku uninstall la..problemnye ble aku uninstall ''new ==> text document' aku ilang..
    kalo korang try klik kanan kat desktop korang tu, g kat new, pastu ada text document kn..aku punye text document tu ilang..notepad bley je bukak cam biasa...so, nk tnya korang kalo tau apa2 software yg bgus utk uruskan context menu ni..or mayb korang bley ajar cara betulkan kat regedit je..aku rse bley btulkan lalu regedit je kn??

  9. haha...cian member tu korang sruh format..kau scan ngan kapersky pn x b'jaya nk remove ke??camni la..mayb kau bley try gabungan malwarebytes dan 'eset smart security'...sbab kalo tgk skali lalu virus2 tu,aku rse malwarebytes dan eset bley buang..kau guna je trial dlu..nak full tu crite nant..kalo elok baru kau full kan dia..kau install,update dan scan..

  10. aku guna malwarebytes v1.30..aku bley update cam biasa..aku try tekan update lg skali..dia kata aku da ada latest version of update..btul la tu..tp problemnye,ble aku restart comp sekali dua pastu aku kne update lg yg baru dr awal..seolah2 file update aku tu ilang..aku ingt pasal aku guna free version,so aku try guna 'lanun' punye..tp still sama..knape eh??

  11. 1. dulu aku pernah guna ares regular..pastu aku try ares destiny..disebabkan xpuas ati dgn kelajuan yg ada,aku bertukar kpd ares ultra..kelajuan dia mmg lbey baik dr ares regular dan ares destiny..aku da guna lme da ares ultra ni,tp sejak bbrapa ari ni aku xbley nk connect guna ares ultra..aku nk tanya spe2 yg guna ares ultra,korang bley connect lg x??
    2. pastu aku nk try download ares lain..tp ble aku search kat google,aku rse da byk sgt website yg bg download b'bagai2 jenis ares..mcam sume website tu official website utk ares..aku jd xtau mne 1 company yg btul utk ares..so sebenarnya mne 1 website official or company sebenar yg buat ares??ada brape jenis ares sbnrnya dan bezanya??adakah sume jenis ares ni dtang dr 1 company yg sme??yg mne 1 yg bgus??

  12. 1. actually untuk brute force server mail agak susah tp bukan mustahil..coz aku pernah blaja wat kje2 camni..cuma kne pndai main dgn proxy..dlu la..skrang da taubat. so,bg mengelakkan msalah sebegini, aku rse mmg ada baiknye kalo password yg kau buat tu biar susah ckit..
    2. utk masalah keylogger, aku prnah nmpak software yg mampu utk detect dan disable keylogger..tp aku xingt da nme software tu..xslah aku jumpa kat download.com..kau bley cuba search dan mmg wujud software2 sedemikian..(kalo da jumpa tu,inform la member2 kat cni..aku rse aku ada download..cuma xtau aku letak mne..nak search pn aku xingt nme dia apa)

  13. QUOTE(HiTmAn92 @ Nov 21 2008, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    mtak tolong agi..
    ade 1 masalah ni..
    ak ade vdeo crite mcm2 yg ak donlod lalu torrent..
    jadik masalahnye skunk..
    cmne ak nak burn dlm bntok dvd vdeo n masokkan subtitle y dvd player leh bace skali..
    da puas ak godek2..
    x dpat2..
    kalo leh tolong mmg ebat r..hehe
    kalo salah tmpat mtak maap ea

    1st skali aku rse topik ni lbey ssuai msuk kat multimedia..
    kau punya masalah xbrape jelas bro..detail kan ckit..
    video yg kau download lalu torrent tu ada subtitle x??kalo ada, file subtitle tu berasingan ngan file video or da mux skali ngan videonye??
    aku rse msalah kau bukan camne nk burn dvd..tp lbey kpd camne nk msukkan skali subtitle ble burn dvd..btul ke apa yg aku paam tu??

  14. QUOTE(☺� Ç @ Nov 19 2008, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    ni yang version 5.6 punyer folder lock registry location dier simpan password...

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    untuk version 5.9




    bagus la kau ni..ble nk kongsi ilmu camne nk cari location password kat regedit utk software???camne cadangan aku wat blog tu?
    kalo simbol camne??aku xpaam la kau ajar ari tu...kalo huruf bley r nk cari 1 hruf k'belakang..kalo simbol,camne nk tau urutan simbol tu??yg mne 1 dpan,yg mne blakang?

  15. QUOTE(tasek16 @ Nov 18 2008, 09:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Macam ni biar aku bagi pejelasan sikit ...nak backup driver banyak software boleh guna. The easiest one yang pernah aku cuba guna driverMax..

    apa yang driver max ni buat boleh..

    Ok bila kita install dia akan scan segala driver yang ada dalam system kita...Jadi kita boleh export semua driver yang ada ke dalam thmdrive, Cd, h.disk/parition yang lain. samada dalam bentuk zip atau folder mengikut jenis hardware.

    Now kita format windows....normally kita install satu-satu...but kalau dengan drivermax dia akan install one shot dari file yang kita save sebelum kita format.....

    Sapa cakap driver max kena bayar...dia free jer..cuma kita kena register untuk dapatkan code....register is free....

    Tambahan: Diver yang kita export guna driver max tadi boleh juga kita gunakan untuk slipstream ke dalam windows ..kalau kita buat slipstream windows CD...so lagi senang lepas tu..sebab lepas jer reinstall windows semua driver dah ada dalam windows....

    1. ble lpas format,nak restore driver,DriverMax ni kne install smula x??
    2. komen utk driver magician??spe pernah guna??sbab aku dgr xyah install balik software driver magician ble nak restore driver2 tu...
    3. aku t'tarik psal 'slipstream' tu..aku rse mksud 'slipstream' tu kte bley gabung cd windows tu ngan driver skali..btul ke??bley terangkan lbey lanjut x camne nk wat 'slipstream' ni??ada step by step guide x??

  16. QUOTE(☺� Ç @ Nov 18 2008, 09:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Itu password untuk folder lock 5.9.0 adalah Putera

    abaikan ~

    hehehehehehe laugh.gif


    utk version 5.9 je ke??aku guna version 5.6...dlam regedit aku ...Microsoft\Windows. X jumpa lak quality control

    QUOTE(RAH514 @ Nov 19 2008, 12:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    ko dah pnah guna Folder Guard?? aku rasa ciri2 yg ko nak tu ada kat mende ni..cuba ko baca review dia ni

    To protect a file or a folder, you need to assign the desired protection attributes to it, using the commands of Folder Guard. The attributes used by Folder Guard are divided into two groups - the access attributes and the visibility attributes:

    Access attributes:
    No Access
    If assigned to a file, this attribute prevents opening the file, (or running the file, if it is a program). If assigned to a folder, it prevents opening the files this folder or any of its subfolders contain, unless you have allowed access to the specific files or subfolders, by assigning different access attributes to them. This attribute also prevents saving any modifications to the file(s) into the same folder, creating, deleting, or renaming files or subfolders. If the Don't allow to open folders with the 'No access' attribute option is enabled, this attribute will also prevent opening the folder it is assigned to.

    If assigned to a file or a folder, this attribute allows opening the file, or files in the folder, so that the contents of the file(s) may be viewed by the user, but prevents saving any modifications to the file(s) into the same folder. It also prevents creating, deleting, or renaming files or subfolders. If assigned to a folder, this attribute applies to all files and subfolders under that folder, unless you have assigned different attributes to specific files and/or subfolders of that folder.

    Full access

    If assigned to a file, this attribute allows full access to it. If assigned to a folder, it allows for full, unrestricted access to the folder itself, as well as to the files and subfolders it may contain, unless specific files or subfolders have been restricted by you with their own access attributes. All operations, such as opening and saving files, renaming or deleting them, modifying their properties, etc., are permitted, as if Folder Guard were not present in the system.

    Visibility attributes:
    If assigned to a file or a folder, this attribute unconditionally hides the file or folder itself (and all files and subfolders the folder may contain).

    If assigned to a folder, this attribute leaves the folder itself to be visible in an Explorer window, but hides all files and subfolders contained therein, unless you have explicitly set a file or a subfolder of this folder to be visible. This attribute cannot be assigned to a file.

    If assigned to a file or a folder, this attribute makes the file, or all files and subfolders contained in the folder, as well as the folder itself, to be visible in an Explorer window, as if Folder Guard were not present in the system.

    The "default" attributes:
    If a folder has one of the above attributes, its name is displayed in the bold typeface. For example, after you have installed Folder Guard but before you've made any changes to its configuration, some of the system folders are automatically assigned the visible and full access attributes for you, that's why their names are bold.

    Most other folders, however, don't have any attributes assigned to them yet, that is they have the default attributes. The names of such folders are displayed in Folder Guard window using the regular (not bold) typeface. The visibility of (and access to) such folders is determined by the attributes of their parent folders: if the parent folder is restricted, its files and subfolders become restricted, as well, unless you have assigned different attributes to the files or subfolders, which would override the attributes inherited from the parent folder.

    Note that each folder can have different attributes assigned to it for different users of your computer, so that the folder would be protected differently for each user.

    aku cuma guna utk lock folder dlm drive aku ni jer, x pnah try lg utk lock external2 ni..ko try la cube camner..
    nak donlod klik SINI..

    sape yg da cuba software ni utk external??bg tau la camne...ok x??tp npe dia x mention psal copy...yg dia sbut delete,modified,rename je...kau try kat comp kau dia bagi copy x???

    QUOTE(☺� Ç @ Nov 18 2008, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Ni untuk Universial Shield plak tadi baru jer aku download dan install version 4.1 nyer..

    Nak tahu password dier simpan di sini.. baru tadi jer aku dapat hehehehehehehe mudah amat


    "Context"="Hide with Universal Shield"
    "Desktop"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Desktop"
    "Favorites"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Favorites"
    "History"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Local Settings\\History"
    "InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Universal Shield 4.1"
    "Personal"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\My Documents"
    "Profile"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah"
    "Recent"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Recent"


    kat sini


    "Context"="Hide with Universal Shield"
    "Desktop"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Desktop"
    "Favorites"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Favorites"
    "History"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Local Settings\\History"
    "InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Universal Shield 4.1"
    "Personal"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\My Documents"
    "Profile"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah"
    "Recent"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Khadijah\\Recent"

    hehehehe nak tahu password dier disimpan dalam bentuk hexadecimal wkakakakakaka

    So saper saper yang ilang password universial shield tu... copy ler semua ayat kat atas.. paste dalam notepad dan save as *.reg kemudian double klik dua kali file *.reg tu.. bukak Universial Shield ver 4.1 dan password = Putera

    Ingat password = Putera
    Putera = 3d,65,09,f6,2e,37,c3,6e,e6,71,9c,ea,3a,db,30,a4 (dalam Hex)


    Peace so.. hehehehehe laugh.gif


    universal shield camne??memenuhi kriteria x?? kriteria==>bley baca tp xbley copy or delete
    p/s:kau ni sume password kau bley pcahkan...mne blaja ni??cuba kongsi ilmu ckit..aku rse baik kau wat 1 blog,kau pcahkan sume program punye password,kau ltak dlam blog kau..
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