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Posts posted by Mr TR

  1. Suatu hari...seorang suami baru pulang dari meeting (sbnr nyr dating)...dan melihat isterinya menangis teresak2...

    Suami : Nape ni yang?

    Isteri : Sudahla bang..lepaskan saje saya ni!!

    Suami : Eh..nape awak ckp camtu lak??

    Isteri : Saya tahu..awak ade jumpe pompuan laen kan?

    Suami : Eh...apa awak ckp ni?? (terkejut sbb bini mcm dah tau perkara sebenar)

    Isteri : Sudahla bang..sume nye da tebukti...ade pompuan yg jwb tepon mase sy call awak...dah byk kali..

    Suami : Eerr..aaa...ba..baik la..abg mengaku..abg ade pompuan len..tp..ape yg pompuan tu ckp kt awak?

    Isteri : Huh..nyampah...mentang2 sy x tau omputeh...tp sy ade hafal ape yg dier ckp..

    Suami : Dier ckp ape?

    Isteri : Dier ckp.."The number u have call..cannot be reached at this momment..please try again"......asal sy tepon je..dier ckp camtu...da x reti ckp mende len agaknyer..pompuan camtu pon awak nak?

    Suami : .......(dlm hati) alamak...nyesal pula ngaku tadi...


    Streamyx Basic Package

    Download Speed

    Upload Speed

    Monthly Price

    Streamyx 384kbps


    RM20 for 10 hrs - additional usage: 5sen/min (without modem)
    Streamyx 512kbps


    • RM44 for 60 hours - additional usage: 1sen/min (without modem)
    • RM66 (without modem)
    • RM77 (with modem)
    Streamyx 1.0Mbps


    • RM88 (without modem)
    • RM99 (with modem)
    Streamyx 2.0Mbps


    RM188 (with modem)
    Streamyx 4.0Mbps


    RM268 (with modem)

    Streamyx Combo Package
    Features :

    • Unlimited Internat Access
    • With Modem


    Monthly Subscription Fee

    Download Speed

    Upload Speed

    Combo 1



    Combo 2



    Combo 3



    Combo 4



    Combo 5



    Tiada sebarang bayaran yang akan dikenakan semasa pendaftaran.Kesemua bayaran akan dimasukkan ke dalam bil pertama.Berikut adalah bayarn yang akan dimasukkan ke dalam bil pertama pelanggan :

    Duti Setem = RM10
    Yuran Pemasangan = RM88 (dikecualikan sekiranya pelanggan memilih untuk memasang sendiri)
    Yuran Pengaktifan = RM75
    Bil Bulan Pertama = mengikut pakej
    Pendahuluan Bulan Pertama = mengikut pakej

    Contoh bayaran untuk pelanggan pakej Combo 3 dan memilih untuk membuat pemasangan sendiri:
    RM75(Yuran Pengaktifan) + RM10(Duti Setem) + RM110(Bil Bulan Pertama) + RM110(Pendahuluan Bulan Pertama) = RM305

    P1 WiMAX

    Other Fees :
    Registration Fee = RM100 (Upfront)
    Activation Fee = RM60 (1st bill)

    Sekiranya anda berminat atau mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan mengenai produk2 di atas sila hubungi saya melalui:

    HP - 0175316132/0132042503
    email/YM - [email protected]

  3. erm aku pn pakai hp cina gak...
    actually aku risau2 gak masa nk beli dulu...
    tp aku mmg perlukan hp yg boleh dual sim...
    nk cari yg ori mcm xde je...
    so,aku pn terpaksa la beli je hp cina...
    xde tv pn...ada radio je...
    bg aku tv tu x penting...
    yg penting aku boleh sumbat dua2 sim aku nie dlm satu phone...

  4. johnburn wrote:Minimum Requirement:
    >> 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
    >> 1 GB RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
    >> 16 GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
    >> DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
    Please note these specifications could change. And, some product features of
    Windows 7, such as the ability to watch and record live TV or
    navigation through the use of "touch," may require advanced or
    additional hardware.
    Source: [url=http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/download.aspx

    thnx 4 info...

  5. arulsr wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:a'ah la arulsr...
    bajet kureng skit...
    lgpn skrg nie tgh bz...
    so,postpone dulu la...

    oo..nak buat tuh kat area rumah ke?
    rmah bro ade streamyx tak..
    leh la cuba2 maket dulu..
    kat ne tu

    a'ah kt area umah kt pantai dalam,kl...
    sini rumah flat...
    ramai gk student yg dok sini...
    tu yg cdg nk buat benda nie...
    actually sy nie dh mmg agen streamyx ngn wimax...
    tp kdg2 org nie x suka benda2 yg ada kontrak nie...
    kalo buat wireless cmnie senang skit kot...
    sbb xyh kontrak2...
    kalo dyrg nk,baru byr...
    tp nk setup tu yg lecehnya...

  6. mycos79 wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:
    mycos79 wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:apa kelebihan windows 7 nie?

    paling best ringan...sama ringan dgn xp....function lebih baik dari vista...... ::icon_lol::

    sume laptop ke boleh msk windows 7 nie?

    belum try kat laptop lagi...desktop dah ::icon_lol::

    owh aku nye laptop nie jns lama nye...
    ram pn pakai DDR1...
    boleh ke ek?
    ada sapa2 yg tau x?

  7. KimiWarrior91 wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:
    KimiWarrior91 wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:Salam.
    x sure la btol ke x tajuk topik aku nie...
    cmnie aku dok kt rmh flat n bercadang nk open streamyx kt umh aku kpd penduduk blok nie...
    kira cm rmh aku nie jd server la utk rmh2 lain...

    so,apa2 keperluan2 yg kena ada n modal cmna plak?
    ada sapa2 yg tau x?

    baiknye ko nak supply internet free
    meh la pindah dekat umah aku

    aku x kata pn nk bg free...
    cdgnya nk bisnes gk la...
    sapa2 yg nk guna wireless aku nie kena la byr skit...

    tp nmpk gaya cm postponed dulu la plan nie...

    lah yeke
    ah cancel la
    xyah pindah cni
    aku pun online ni pakai wifi linksys ntah sape2 pnye ntah
    dia xsecure ngn password so access jela
    internet pree

    huhu nasib ko baik la...
    boleh pakai free...
    aku rasa tuan pny wifi tu mmg nk buat amal jariah kot...
    bg internet free kt org...

  8. SoNic_ATi wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:salam semua.
    ada x sapa2 sini yg pernah tgk cite young and dangerous...
    cite pasal kongsi gelap cina...
    ada 6 siri semuanya iaitu young and dangerous 1-young and dangerous 6...
    bermula dr dyrg masih lg bdk2 bwhan smp la dyrg dh up kt atas...
    kalo dh pasal kongsi gelap tu phm2 la cita dia cmne...mst la gaduh2...
    tp walaupun gaduh2 cita nie tetap ada nilai2 murni dia cthnya semangat setia kawan...
    sapa2 yg x pernah tgk cita nie,cuba search kt youtube...
    ataupun cari la kt mana2 web yg boleh d/load cita nie...
    layan oooo....

    bro suggestlh mane2 link yg leh dwnload cita ni ::icon_pirat::

    ko masuk syok.org
    g kt option search : taip young & dangerous (tandakan kt download)
    nnt kuar la link2 dia dr no 1 smp no 6...
    cuba la...

  9. KimiWarrior91 wrote:
    Mr TR wrote:Salam.
    x sure la btol ke x tajuk topik aku nie...
    cmnie aku dok kt rmh flat n bercadang nk open streamyx kt umh aku kpd penduduk blok nie...
    kira cm rmh aku nie jd server la utk rmh2 lain...

    so,apa2 keperluan2 yg kena ada n modal cmna plak?
    ada sapa2 yg tau x?

    baiknye ko nak supply internet free
    meh la pindah dekat umah aku

    aku x kata pn nk bg free...
    cdgnya nk bisnes gk la...
    sapa2 yg nk guna wireless aku nie kena la byr skit...

    tp nmpk gaya cm postponed dulu la plan nie...

  10. Features of P1 WiMAX DV 230 Desktop Modem

    WiFi Access

    It can be used as a WiFi router.This allows you to create a WiFi network to share your internet connection.

    Multi User
    Enables multiple users to share your internet connection.

    Voice Service
    Enables you to make calls to anyone,anywhere in the world.

    Internet,Voice and WiFi Gateway - all in one single modem.No fixed lines required.No messy wires.

    Plug and Play
    Easy to use,Easy to setup,No software,No configuration.

    Your online world is safe with us.
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