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Posts posted by Evilsmile

  1. Kat kolej nyer hostel aku x pkai streamyx...pkai celcom bb je...celcom speed direct download mmg laju tahap ribut aa...respek...


    Tapi slack p2p download sgt slow...torrent plg tinggi pun around 60-80kbps even aku test macam2 trick, skill melibatkan torrent client cam bitcomet, utorrent, deluge dan xunlei....huhuhu

    Kesimpulannya : tutorial deluge aku nie mungkin valid untuk streamyx je kot...

  2. Yahoo mail dulu boleh guna kat email client cam outlook, (mozilla) thunderbird, dream mail et...guna software cam ypops dll

    Tp bila gna yahoo mail beta dh xleh plak...klau nk guna mungkin kn revert guna yahoo mail classic aa...

    ak pun dh ada rocketmail account tp x test lg guna kat outlook, klau berjaya baguslah ;)

  3. Boleh rekomen defragmenter yg paling bagus, laju dan free tak?

    Sploh tahun main komputer ni x pernah2 pun aku defrag hardisk, slalu cancel tgh jalan...hilang sabar sbb lama sangat proses dia...

  4. TS, boleh BOLD-kan point2 penting?

    Aku bleh kata tips2 ni bkan hanya nak lajukan startup tapi lajukan pc skali...

    Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) klau disable laptop xleh guna webcam...klau nak guna kn start service balik...

    Optimizer dan cleaner terbaik bg aku Tune Up Utilities (skang 2008) dan ccleaner...registry mechanic dan desktop maestro aku dh haram konon nk repair registry alih2 rosak registry aku...

  5. Trick regedit ada aku tau...tp nk ajar kn pening lak...ngan aku2 sndiri..pnjang gak step dia

    Alaaa guna je product key explorer...dia boleh tunjuk product key yang korang guna untuk install certain2 software dulu...

    ada yg freeware mungkin ko bleh guna yg ini: http://www.download3k.com/Install-Office-P...Key-Viewer.html

    Yang ni ko guna di notebook lama ntuk recover product key..

    Dah dpat product key, install balik Office 07 kat notebook baru tu...klau product key ntuk office enteprise so install la office enterprise...

    Hrap dapat membantu :)

  6. Selepas pemergian stage6, ada plak certain site baru yg timbul ntuk stream video hd guna divx web player...nie aku nk share ngan korang




    Yg bestnya slain stream, korang boleh sedut (download) video2 tu...aku dh download bermacam2 drama jepun, korea, movie2 serta videoklip coz server pun laju...:D

    Nk movie banyak korang bleh jguk cni gak

    http://veeon.com - indon utube, format flv high quality dan server laju....:)

    Klau ada apa2 pertnyaan boleh tnya aku kat JomPHP last day posting cni coz esok aku dah nk gerak masuk U dah...

  7. Download (free) di sini : Threatfire

    If I already have antivirus software why do I need ThreatFire?

    ThreatFire is dramatically different to traditional antivirus software. Normal antivirus products usually need to have first identified and seen a threat before they can provide adequate protection against it. The protection is then provided via a signature or fingerprint update, which must first be written by an antivirus researcher. This creates a large window of time where threats are undetected and can therefore infect your PC even when you have antivirus software installed.

    Threatfire ni kira pelengkap kepada AV korang la...klau ad yg dh pkai kaspersky, avg dll pn bleh install threatfire ni...ringan je x makan bnyak resources pun...



    PC ak kn spyware aritu...dh scan ngan kis2009 latest x detect apa2 pun...scan ngan ad-aware latest x jmpa apa2 gak...cuba lg ngan spysweeper dan spyware doctor...smua latest database...hampeh still x dpat detect spyware nih...

    So, aku pn cuba je la install Threatfire...dh lama download cuma x try je...tup-tup alhamdulillah dapat gak detect spyware ni dan remove trus...baru ok balik pc aku...


    So sapa2 nak cuba boleh la sangat...x rugi pun amik free version cukup la...:D

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