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dans kam

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Posts posted by dans kam

  1. QUOTE(Blood @ Dec 20 2008, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    Rasanye post mcm kat atas ni dikira SPAM!...

    So, pada member2 baru, jgn la post kalo setakat nak kuarkan dot byk kali atau satu dua perkataan je...


    Pada pengguna Windows, x rugi beli ebook ni rasanye... tapi sebab aku kurang minat make-up lebih2, so, aku x beli la.. hehe...
    lagipun aku pakai Ubuntu skrg...


    Tahniah kpd bro kecik-88 sbb share info.
    Pada yg beli, anggap la bayaran tu utk service dia yg penat2 taip/compile ebook tu untuk korang, x yah la korang penat2 search sendiri...


  2. IE. Hahaha... jgn buat lawak la dans kam..

    Microsoft issuing emergency fix for browser flaw

    REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. is taking the unusual step of issuing an emergency fix for a security hole in its Internet Explorer software that has exposed millions of users to having their computers taken over by para penggodam.

    The "zero-day" vulnerability, which came to light last week, allows criminals to take over victims' machines simply by steering them to infected Web sites; users don't have to download anything for their computers to get infected, which makes the flaw in Internet Explorer's programming code so dangerous. Internet Explorer is the world's most widely used Web browser.

    Microsoft said it plans to ship a security update, rated "critical," for the browser on Wednesday. People with the Windows Update feature activated on their computers will get the patch automatically.

    Thousands of Web sites already have been compromised by criminals looking to exploit the flaw. The bad guys have loaded malicious code onto those sites that automatically infect visitors' machines if they're using Internet Explorer and haven't employed a complicated series of workarounds that Microsoft has suggested.

    Microsoft said it has seen attacks targeting the flaw only in Internet Explorer 7, the most widely used version, but has cautioned that all other current editions of the browser are vulnerable.

    Microsoft rarely issues security fixes for its software outside of its regular monthly updates. The company last did it in October, and a year and half before that.

    source: yahoo news

  3. kenape delete fail/folder tu? biarkan je la..
    Tu untuk keselamatan pendrive dan hardisk..

    tapi dah delete. xpe la.. pasni jgn pulak kecoh pasal pendrive/hardisk kene virus pulak k...

    x paham aku.. kalo pasal safety, sume buat x kisah(patut la x ramai yg guna GNU/Linux).. wacko.gif
    user-friendly cara Windows memang mudah tapi risiko kene pandai2 la handle...

  4. disablekan system restore utk semua partition pastu restart. kalo rajin, full scan. tgk ada lg ke x kuar mende alah tu.

    pas format, ko buat system restore utk partition C je dah ok sebab fungsi tu utk restore keadaan/fail system ko, bukan fail2 lain. kalo nak retrieve balik fail yg dah didelete, ko guna software recovery.

    kalo tetiba system kene virus lagi(yg byk mcm ni la), disable system restore dan buat full scan tgk...

    x semestinya yg didetect oleh KAV tu virus, byk yg aku jumpa dia detect jugak fail yg bukan virus(false positive), sebab tu aku still guna Free AVG7.5. x byk kerenah.. laugh.gif


  5. Salam...

    Aku sedang mencari tempat praktikal untuk post php programmer atau linux system admin

    - kalau boleh area pusat bandar KL atau sekitarnye atau mane2 yg sewa rumah/bilik murah laugh.gif
    - ilmu yg aku ada pasal php, mysql and System admin(RHEL 5) antara beginner ke intermediate sekarang ni, pas ni nanti baru la terer..
    - kalau ada, sila bg email nanti aku send resume.
    - aku ade gi interview beberapa company tapi satu company tu nak yg dah terer, lagi satu tu mcm x yakin je nak ambik aku. huhuhu.. tapi dia xnak pulak test aku.. hm....

    - Ni description final projek yang aku baru buat(Simple P.O.S. System)
    - aku code guna Notepad++ ..
    - Ni website yg menjadi rujukan aku utk study shopping cart untuk buat page sales/cashiernye page.

    The Simple P.O.S. System is a PC-Based cash register software that has the basic features of complete P.O.S. system with simple administrative task. It has the ability to track every sales, product details management, staff information, utilities bill calculation and it also can produce a monthly business report.

    Developed using PHP scripting language, MySQL database and Apache Webserver. It is not an online system, but use the web development technology.

    Shopping cart is used to track and sum the item price bought by customer. The system is suitable for small retails outlet or any shop that have a fairly small number of product. Only small changes to the product details and company information is required, and the system is ready for use. This is a prototype system that can be expand and modify to suit the business need.


    p/s: Aku nak jadi programmer yg hebat. hahaha...

  6. Salam...

    aku pun xleh format xp jugak. huhuhu... dah buat guna nlite pun sama je..

    Skrg ni ada Ubuntu 7.10 je kat laptop ni..

    So, aku nak mintak tolong skit la, pada sesape yg dah berjaya format xp kat laptop ni, leh x aku nak copy cd tu? cd windows xp n cd yg ada driver hardware sekali. aku bayar la kos posting n cd nye. kalo bleh, pm la aku.

    Ingat nak buat dual boot la..

  7. Sekadar pendapat, pada aku cadangan Wahdaz tu terlalu membazir.. ph34r.gif

    1 - Kau buat promosi kat depan kedai kau.

    - pd pendapat aku, cuma perlu promosi kepada mereka yg menggunakan perkhidmatan ko/cc ko sebab peratusan utk diorang guna Ubuntu lebih tinggi dan ko x perlu nak membazir sgt... just buat pamplet kecik tulis - promosi surf internet menggunakan ubuntu, bla bla bla....

    2 - Kau tukar nama kedai kau 'CYBERCAFE UBUNTU POWER TURBO PLUS'

    Tukar nama kedai?
    - kalo duit ko dah byk sgt baik ko beli je lesen M$ tu. Ingat boleh tukar2 gitu je ke?
    - kalo dah terer sgt guna ubuntu ok la kot letak nama tu. memang mengancam pun laugh.gif

    3 - Kau kena pandai ubuntu ni betul2 dan bagi penerangan kepada pengguna

    Kene pandai betul2?
    - tak semestinya kene pandai betul2 baru guna ubuntu. mcm yg aku dah post sblm ni, mende2 basic kat windows kene leh buat kat ubuntu, ko perlu buat pengguna selesa guna ubuntu dulu. kalo utk firefox, dah confirm la mesti boleh support flash.
    - byk forum ubuntu kat internet, sambil2 tu ko study utk diri ko dulu

    4 - Buat ruang khas untuk pc yang install ubuntu dan lain2 install windows
    Ini aku setuju! tapi high-end pc guna utk ubuntu?merepek betul...
    - baik ko guna guna pc lama utk run ubuntu, mesti customer ko kagum sbb kalo xp pun xleh install kat situ tetiba ubuntu leh install lak. mesti diorang nak utk pc lama diorang...
    - kalo ko tayang pasal kehebatan grafik, compiz kat customer ko, diorang guna ke features tu utk surf internet? aku rasa diorang cuma guna web browser je.
    - bayaran per hour ubuntu lg mahal dr windows? lagi merepek.. dah la diorang x biasa, lg nak caj mahal. jangan harap la diorang nak guna ubuntu.

    p/s: Aku bukan nak kondem idea sesape, ini cuma pendapat aku. mgkin kita leh jadikan post kat topik ni sbg perbincangan utk memulakan satu lagi era ubuntu iaitu gunakan ubuntu utk cybercafe.

    p/s lagi: Jangan lupa buat pilot test sblm bertukar sepenuhnya ke ubuntu..

    p/s lagi la: ko masih perlu sekurang2nye 1 pc Windows maybe utk kat counter, printing servis, etc(ko lebih tau amendenye)


  8. Salam...

    Aku cuma ada buku OpenOffice.org. Ko bleh guna utk ajar org yg baru2 nak guna OOo. Pasal ubuntu aku xde. Ko try la gi http://melayubuntu.blogspot.com, mydungun.net/, etc...

    Byk blog pasal ubuntu yg bleh dijadikan rujukan...

    p/s: mgkin ko bleh install theme ubuntu dulu kat windows sblm bertukar ke ubuntu supaya customer ko dapat biasakan diri. Nanti dah guna ubuntu betul2 xde la terkejut beruk diorang. hahaha.....

    p/s: antara kelebihan GNU/Linux secara general, xde virus, normal user xleh nak sesaje run/install applications...

  9. Salam....

    Aku sokong sangat cadangan ko ni..

    Ada kebaikannye, percaya la. Bleh jadi perintis.. Pas ni aku nak bukak jugak, leh rujuk pada ko.

    Ko jangan ikut sgt kata org2 yg nak menakutkan ko kata kalo guna ubuntu xde customer. Bukan dia yg control benda tu. Semuanye dari Allah. Kalau kita nak buat benda yg betul/baik, insyaAllah akan dipermudahkan..

    Tapi ada perkara yang ko kene buat supaya customer ko x rasa janggal sgt, antaranye:
    - mesti leh main mp3
    - leh buka fail word
    - Firefox leh support flash
    - leh main movie
    - game? - jgn fokus pd game la....
    - leh YM
    - highlightkan jugak mende best yg kat windows xde.
    - rujuk forum/blog pasal ubuntu utk mcmane nak buat mende2 kat atas tu or just install n update.

    Pastu ko buat promosi bila dah start guna ubuntu, contohnya, kalo sblm ni sejam RM2.00, ko turunkan kepada RM1.50. Ko kene wat calculation la sampai bila kene wat promosi ni. jgn sampai xleh bayar sewa n gaji dah la.

    Cuba fikirkan situasi ni..
    Situasi 1: ko still guna Windows [lanun] - pastu kene rush - kene saman - komputer maybe kene rampas(bukti) - lesen kene tarik(kot la) - akhirnye ko leh main futsal dlm kedai ko

    Situasi 2: ko guna ubuntu - dlm masa 1 atau 2 bulan pertama customer kurang sebab diorang x biasa lg - pastu ko buka kelas belajar guna Ubuntu(dapat duit) - buka pulak kelas blaja guna OpenOffice.org(dapat duit)(leh guna ebook aku sbg rujukan tambahan kalo ko nak) - ko buat pulak servis installation ubuntu(mungkin dual boot) utk customer ko(dpt duit) - income x kencang tapi leh bayar sewa kedai - dapat kumpul duit utk beli lesen Windows(kalo masih nak beli jugak la kan....)

    p/s: Segalanya bukan kita yang tentukan, kita cuma perlu usaha(ke arah kebaikan) dan insyaAllah berkat rezki...

    p/s lg: memang cc besar still guna windows [lanun] lg, tapi kabel ko mcm diorang ke? ko boleh suap pegawai tu mcmane diorang suap ke? Kalau x... tepuk dada tanya iman...

    Aku sekadar bagi pendapat je. Semuanya terpulang pada ko mcmane ko nak hilangkan kebuntuan ko tu.

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