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Posts posted by mirul

  1. akum.

    saya ada 1 persoalan..

    macamana nk add user dlm cpanel.

    cth .

    user buleh login sendiri masok kedalam cpanel, cth www.subdomain.domain.com

    user bleh bwat sesukan hati berdasarkan space yg diberi dan sebagainya

    ada cara tak?

    Tak boleh... Kene ade akaun WHM CPanel (Web Hosting Manager) ... :P

  2. salam..

    mtk tlg pd semua,

    aku nak mintak tlg korang sape2 yang ad title penggodam@takder dlm forum ni,supaya dapat carikan u aku software anti net cut y paling latest.susahla bila kongsi ramai2,ade je yang jeles dengan aku nih.aku pun tak tau sbb ape.satu lagi,ad tak software yang blh detect siapa yang cut kita..plez u all semua.ni bulan pose..sape buat kebajikan berlipat ganda amalannya.. :angry:

    Softaware to freeware or shareware???

  3. assalamualaikum..

    aku nak mintak idea korang..ape puncenyer ie ( v6@v7 ),tak boleh masuk website,contohnye,aku taip la www.google.com,then aku tekan enter. Ie x proses pape tapi kuar satu browser baru...then,nak tutup susah..kenape ek??

    The alternative way is using Mozilla MusangBerapi.... :D:rolleyes:

  4. aku cadangkan, kepada puteranian yang baru2 lagi tu, bro TS tolong2 la pertimbangkan pemberian acc RS ni eik. takut diubahnya password tu, x ke naya??

    sori la, aku kureng sket dengan puteranian yang baru2 ni..

    lagi2 yang baru 2-3 post mintak acc RS..

    Betul tu... Bagi rs account untuk yang post mencecah 50-100-150-200 (pilih diantara nombor tu).... :P

  5. aku pelik la mesia nih...pasal pa semua parti melayu dan islam bergaduh haahhh??nak tunjuk ego masing2 ka? apakata gabung semua warga2 islam...senang...tgk mcm brunei.. raja perintah..napa mesia x wat gitu ek...sekadar pandangan...

    p/s:kita dok bncng politik nie, x kena akta hasutan ke...tkt gak..huhu

    Tul tu... Kalau islam tak bersatu macammana nak pimpin negara... Huh... Karang cina ambil negara Malaysia pula..... Huh....

  6. ........... Sbb aku rasa site nie bagus untuk adsense dan lain2.. ............

    Assalamualaikum......... De_Great Google Adsense tidak membenarkan iklannya di letak di [waran tangkap] site.... Cube bace TOS google adsene dibawah....

    Site may not include:

    * Excessive profanity

    * Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization

    * Hacking/cracking content

    * Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia

    * Pornography, adult, or mature content

    * Gambling or casino-related content

    * Excessive advertising

    * Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others

    * Pop-ups, pop-unders or exit windows that interfere with site navigation, obscure Google ads, change user preferences, or are for downloads. Other types of pop-ups, pop-unders, or exit windows may be allowed, provided that they do not exceed a combined total of 5 per user session

    * Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages

    * Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank

    * Incentives (monetary or point-based) to users or third-party beneficiaries for online activity including, but not limited to, clicking on ads or links, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or completing surveys

    * Sales or promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, ammunition, balisongs, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles

    * Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol

    * Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products

    * Sales or promotion of prescription drugs

    * Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods

    Harap anda boleh faham.... Untuk maklumat lanjut klik sini

  7. assalamualaikum...

    hmm yg ni ptc baru: easyflowup.com

    0.01 perclick, 0.005 referral click, min payment 2.5

    ahli baru 2k lebih..kalu korang nak cuba, link kat signature aku, tima kasih..

    *nak exchange ref pon buleh jugak

    Saye nak exchange ref

    Daftar yang mane patut...







    Semuanye gune 'zharfan' OK... :P MalaYneuMaya saye dah daftar dah easyflowup.com username 'zharfan'.. Ade sesiape nak exchane ref?? MalaYneuMaya beri tahu web ptc mane yang awak join..

  8. FARR


    Find and Run Robot (FARR) is a program for keyboard maniacs -- it uses an adaptive "live search" function to rapidly find programs and documents on your computer as you type.

    Press your chosen hotkey to display the FARR window, then just start typing the first letters of the application you want to launch and the results appear instantly. Hit enter to launch the top result, or refine your search with special modifiers and commands.

    FARR also lets you quickly run web searches, send email, manipulate files, control on-screen windows, and much more. Build and share custom commands or install plugins to add tons of new features, like live search features for your clipboard history and your internet bookmarks; a popup a calculator with history tape and persistant variables; and many more..


    * Ready to run, right out-of-the-box with no configuration needed.

    * The most customizable application of its kind, for those who love to tweak settings.

    * Caches programs you launch for instantaneous repeat searches and adaptive scoring.

    * Comes with dozens of built-in special alias commands that allow you to perform tons of different web searches and other operations.

    * Create and share (xml) alias packs with your friends or download them from our site to add custom commands and menus.

    * Install (open source) plugins to add advanced functionality.

    * A dozen plugins are available at launch time, including a powerful clipboard monitor and searcher; a live calculator with history tape and persistant variables; a bookmark searcher plugin that supports firefox, internet explorer, and opera; plugins to manage running processes, uninstall programs, change the default printer, control external applications, and more.

    * Low system overhead, fully portable and runnable from a USB thumbdrive, and doesn't mess with your registry.

    * Drag+Drop results from the result view; quick right click to access file system properties or advanced functions.

    * No file indices are used, so results are always up to date with minimal memory use.

    * Choose from dozens of skins and customize the fonts sizes of all graphical elements of the user interface, or turn off skins completely and revert to default Windows user interface. Choose between a compact small-icon mode, or an easy-to-read large icon mode.

    * Full directory browsing function with live search filtering -- manually browse and locate the files you are looking for.

    * Customizable toolbar for common functions and operations (optional; with drag+drop support).

    * Automatic updating for main program and plugins (optional).

    * Customize hotkey triggers to launch and perform specific searches, or copy selected text to the clipboard at launch .

    * Fully documented and actively developed with new features being added regularly based on user requests on our forum.

    * Completely free; signup requested and donation recommended -- your donations fund continued development!



    Maklumat lanjut:


  9. Web ptc yang bayar mahal kemungkinannya cume tipu... Cari ptc yang bayar $0.01 perklik (stadard)...

    Ni ptc baru...




    Sape-sape nak bertukar ref bagi tau kat sini atau gune PM... :P

  10. Assalamualaikum

    Try korang tengok site ni ---> http://www.duitsegerasetiaphari.com/

    Aku xtau la kalau benda ni dah ade bincang kat mana2 topik ke belum..

    Aku nak tau, camne nak buat function sepertimana yang ada kat bawah ayat

    88 Yang Pertama Mendaftar Akan Mendapat Laporan Eksklusif Ini Secara PERCUMA!

    Visitor boleh submit email address pastu secara automatik visitor tu akan terima maklumbalas dari email kita..

    Aku xtau ape namanya function tu dalam istilah web development..

    Bole ke kalau nak apply function ni kat free hosting (000webhost) dan guna free domain (.co.cc)?

    Aku mengucapkan terima kasih..

    Tu dier gune autoresponderrr...

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