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Posts posted by asrann

  1. ~~~hahahaha~~~ntah ar...ko wat muke samseng ar....kang len pulak jadinyer

    "muke samseng u kiut ar..tergoda gitu...maaaaaaacam buat2 ..utk i ke?"

    ...senang2 ko pakai spek itam ar bro...x kire siang malam

    klau boleh nak pegang kole pon pegangla..janji x nampak muke beliau..

    ko niey....u maner bro ?

    xleh r...muke aku mmg comel...hahahaha~ :lol:

    aku dak UKM...ko punye cadangan ni macam leh memburukkan lg keadaan tol r... <_<

    buat die syok kat aku...mampuih le...dah le...ko tau kan fizikal die tue camne...heeee~ uwekk!!

  2. '

    2) What actually an arrancar? is it good or evil? i'm confused!! wacko.gif

    -arrancar nih hollow yg dapat kuasa Shinigami , Aizen yg create mereka dengan HÅgyokunye . diorg askar Aizen so jahat la


    honto desu ka??

    what about nell, dondo chaka & pershe?

    but what about arrancar transformation for grimmjow?? i guess he become arrancar when he eat another hollows...

    feel free to correcting me if I;m wrong.. :D

  3. owh really?? what is hispanic actually?? <_< hehe~ :D

    thank u for ur info, I'm really appreciate it...

    all anime from my point of view usually 'is all about nakama'...when their frens been hurt..then the hero suddenly got extra power...

    does the writer dont have any idea or theme that can make it different from another??

    but i like it...hehe. :lol: dont know why...

    maybe relationship with frens are something that we cannot avoid...like one of the anime character said... i guess its in one piece.. " theres no way u borned to be alone" mean there's always frens will waiting for us...

    life~ ;)

  4. i'm a new fan for bleach anime..:lol:

    what i want to know from all of u bleach fans :

    1) Who is the writer for this damn good anime?

    2) What actually an arrancar? is it good or evil? i'm confused!! :wacko:

    3) Does German have influencing this anime??...from my view,,theres alot of name and move come from this country language...i guess German la

    4) One Piece, Naruto, Bleach..which one do you prefer to watch??

    5) Lastly, Kurosaki Ichigo, do you think that he doesn't have any other move other than his Bankai & Hollow Transformation?? As well as to other captain!!

    Arigato gozaimasu for ur info!! Honto arigato!!! :lol:

  5. ya, part berpisah dgn kapal going merry tu kat manga buat saya meleleh air mata

    tapi kurang pulak terasa kat anime, mungkin sebab dah baca kat manga kot

    kat wiki, one piece dah 9 movie

    Episode of Chopper Plus: Miraculous Sakura, Blooming in Winter

    kata mangaka dia sendiri tulis cerita movie ke 9 ni

    tapi belum jumpa lagi movie ni kat mana2 tempat download

    ni hah rupa org yg suarakan luffy

    mcm tak caya je


    eh macam lelaki je?? <_<

  6. hahaha.. anime lagi feel dari mangga... tahukah korang.. suara MD luffy adalah suara seorang perempuan?

    aku paling suka watak nico robin.. cool..... :lol:

    saye2! saye tahu..hehe~

    Mmg cam x caya r yg suara Luffy tu sebenarnye suara perempuan...

    aku suka watak Usopp & Chopper...haha..kelakar gile diorg tu...

    suara Chopper dah la comel...lagi2 time die nangis or kene tipu...haha

    Movie One Piece yg terbaru dah keluar ke belum eh??

  7. Betul3!!..aku sokong DRS cakap..

    walaupun dah bace manga die,tetap nak tgk anime jgk...rase lebih feel...

    pade aku part yg mengarut tu la yg buat jalan cite die menarik & lain dari yg lain...

    ni lah 1st anime yg berjaya membuat aku menangis~ (part tinggalkan kapal Going Merry tue)..huhu...

    bile aku kate cite One Piece ni leh main perasaan kat kawan2 aku, kene gelak lak...tu la diorg x tgk lg..

    dah tgk baru le tau...tul x? hehe~

  8. ada ke anime tak ngarut?

    layan just for fun.. bukannya untuk diterima akal.. :)

    bagi aku anime one piece ni antara terbaik.. tak mudah rasa bosan..

    jangan takda ending sudah macam naruto... :lol:

    Mmg betul suma anime mengarut, tp aku cakap ni berdasarkan kawan2 aku yg x layan one piece tp layan naruto...

    diorg kate macam haiwan dan manusia kat dunia One Piece ni mengarut...ade yg mmg xleh diterima akal...

    kalau anjing dalam dunia naruto tu diorg kate w/pon pelik bercakap tp at least fizikal die anjing, x macam dalam One Piece, anjig leh gabung dgn pistol la, gajah jd pedang lah...tu la pe yg diorg cakap...:huh:

    tp aku ttp menjadi penyokong no 1 One Pice...hehe :lol:

  9. sy!!! :D

    tul ker besh... hehe... tul ker ctu dkt dgn gunung ledang...

    betul3!!....gunung ledang tu kat belakang matrik tu je..hari2 korang leh tgk permandangan matahari terbit and tenggelam..hehe

    lg 1 makan kat kafe C (kafe Girl) besh...pastu ade masjid dalam matrik johor tu..besar r gak..tu yg tambah besh tu..

    lecturer lg r byk yg besh2 belaka..

  10. aku rs xde probs kot bg ktorg cz tym skul dlu mmg ktorg stdi lam english utk sbjct sains...

    urmm..bgus la camtu,coz time aku dulu xde sains dlm english ni..so agak terkapai2 la time lecture berlangsung tue..

    cume korg kene sesuaikan diri time lecture tu je la, ye la dulu korg belajar satu kelas dalam 30~40 org je kan??

    ni dlm lecture hall ade r sampai ~100 org. ko paham2 je la bile learning ramai2 ni.. :)

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