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Posts posted by hampeh

  1. nak kata kejam tu tak sure la, pasal kalau tengok video pun, style dia bunuh tu macam sembelih. Lagi pun dorang bunuh tu untuk dorang makan, bukan bunuh saja2.

    Pada pendapat aku,kejadian kat jepun ni peringatan untuk manusia.. walau maju macam mana pun satu negara tu, (amaran gempa bumi satu jepun, tembok laut, teknologi bangunan yang tahan gegaran dan bermacam lagi) tak boleh lawan kuasa tuhan.

  2. [b]Samsung laptops clean: [size="5"]No keylogger or spyware of any kind found[/size]

    [quote]Network World columnist Mich Kabay requested that the Norwich University center for Advanced Computing and Digital Forensics perform a complete, unbiased investigation of the events leading up to the publication of the allegation that some Samsung computers contained a keylogger called StarLogger. I agreed to do that under the condition that Dr. Kabay and Samsung not be part of the investigation. In my view it is necessary to separate the facts of the issue so that they may be analyzed critically using appropriate technology. Both agreed with minor exceptions that I will note in this report. [/quote]

    [quote][b]Therefore, I conclude that the two Samsung R540 laptops are free from spyware and keyloggers and that the reported presence of StarLogger was a false alarm. [/b][/quote]


    Kepada pemilik2 laptop samsung, tak perlu risau apa2, takde pun apa2 yang bahaya. :)

  3. [quote][b]Samsung keylogger false-positive; VIPRE maker apologizes [/b]

    This week, Mich Kabay and Mohamed Hassan published in this space the appearance of a keylogger on Samsung's laptops, which since has been found to be a likely false-positive caused by the antivirus software Hassan ran on the laptops. Here's an update.

    Samsung has issued a statement saying that the finding is false. The statement says the software used to detect the keylogger, VIPRE, can be fooled by Microsoft's Live Application multi-language support folder. This has been confirmed at F-Secure and other publications, including here and here.

    GFI Labs, the maker of VIPRE, has issued an explanation and apology for generating the false positives that led to these articles: "We apologize to the author Mohamed Hassan, to Samsung, as well as any users who may have been affected by this false positive." [/quote]


    tapi, masih ada lagi siasatan lanjut oleh pakar forensic untuk mengesahkan kebenaran cerita nih.

  4. [quote][b]Japan Finds Radioactive Water Leaking into Ocean[/b]

    Nuclear safety officials say a newly discovered [biskut tawar] in Japan's damaged nuclear plant could be the source of radioactive water that is leaking into the ocean.

    Nuclear safety spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama told reporters Saturday that the water could be leaking into the Pacific Ocean from a 20-centimeter [biskut tawar] in a maintenance pit on the edge of the Fukushima nuclear site. He said there could be other similar [biskut tawar nipis] and "we must find them as quickly as possible."

    Tokyo Electric Power Company is starting to pour concrete into the pit in an attempt to seal the [biskut tawar].


    [quote][b]Tainted water confirmed to have seeped into sea from nuke plant[/b]

    TOKYO, April 3, Kyodo
    Water with high levels of radiation has been confirmed to have seeped into the sea from the No. 2 reactor at the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, government officials said Saturday, raising wider fears of environmental contamination by the release of radioactivity.
    The water has been leaking into the sea from a 20-centimeter [biskut tawar] detected at a pit in the reactor where power cables are stored, the government's nuclear safety agency said.
    Tokyo Electric Power Co. took steps to encase the fracture in concrete as an emergency measure but the utility said later that the amount of leakage was unchanged even after the measure was taken.
    The utility, known as TEPCO, said the pit is connected to the No. 2 reactor's turbine building and a tunnel-like underground trench, in which highly radioactive water has been spotted so far.
    It will try to block leakage of such water by injecting polymeric material into the trench on Sunday and use additional concrete to fill the [biskut tawar] in the 2-meter deep pit measuring 1.2 meters by 1.9 meters.
    The tainted water about 10 to 20 centimeters high was found at the bottom of the pit at around 9:30 a.m. Saturday and was leaking to the sea from the [biskut tawar]........ [/quote]

    Kira dah tercemar dah air laut macam nih, harap2 takde la arus yang tolak/tarik air yang tercemar dengan bahan2 radioaktif ni sampai ke malaysia. Bahan makanan kat jepun macam sayuran ngan susu lembu dah ada yang tercemar.

  5. Ikut berita, kandungan radioaktif tak sampai tahap bahaya, tapi, siapa la yang sanggup nak amik dos berlebihan dari biasa. Kalau dah terdedah berminggu-minggu siapa nak walaupun dalam dos yang sedikit.

    image besar!
    dari sini: http://gizmodo.com/#!5783756/radiation-dosage-chart

  6. dunia ni byk dimensi, dlm string theory sendiri pun duk tak setuju bilangan dia tu banyak mana. string teori ni gak mengabungkan teori relativiti einstein dan quantum teori dimana "string" tu sendiri jadi penggabung/pengikat teori2 tu..

    Tak silap aku rancangan tu bersiri dalam 2-3 episod tapi aku tak dapat tengok semua...

  7. Aku pun dah tak ikut sangat pasal rasanya dah terkawal cuma kadang2 reaktor tu lepas bahan radioaktif sikit dalam stim dia. Kemungkinan kena curah air sampai berbulan2 untuk tunggu dia betul2 selamat.


    [quote]Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update (21 March 2011, 15:30 UTC)

    On Monday, 21 March 2011, Graham Andrew, Special Adviser to the IAEA Director General on Scientific and Technical Affairs, briefed both Member States and the media on the current status of nuclear safety in Japan. His opening remarks, which he delivered at 15:30 UTC at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, are provided below:

    "1. Current Situation

    We are seeing some steady improvements, but the overall situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant remains very serious. High levels of contamination have been measured in the locality of the plant.

    The restoration of electrical power to Unit 2, which we reported yesterday, is good news. AC power is available and an electrical load check to pumps, etc. is currently on-going. Work on the restoration of off-site power to Units 3 and 4 is also underway.

    Seawater is still being injected into the reactor pressure vessels of Units 1, 2 and 3.

    Pressure in the reactor pressure vessel and the containment vessel drywell at Unit 3, which had been rising yesterday, has again fallen.

    Water is being sprayed periodically into the spent fuel pools at Units 2, 3 and 4. The Agency still lacks data on water levels and temperatures in the spent fuel pools at Units 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    Following the restoration of cooling at Units 5 and 6, temperatures in the spent fuel pools continue to decline.[/quote]

  8. Barat ni berat sebelah, NFZ ni dia patut enforce kawasan yang sepatutnya tiada pesawat/heli gaddafi boleh terbang + bom orang awam sebab dikatakan pesawat gaddafi bom orang awam tapi sumber yang ada pun yang hari tu lari ke malta tapi tak sempat nak bom. Bila buat NFZ, stesen2 radar dan pelancar peluru berpandu ke udara je (selain pesawat dan heli) jadi sasaran pihak barat tu pun stesen radar/sistem pertahanan kena lock-on dulu baru pihak barat leh tembak.

    Tapi dalam kes libya ni dia gi tembak sekali apc2 , tank ngan artileri pihak kerajaan libya sahaja, manakala pihak pemberontak takde tindakan apa2.

  9. yang jujubes pusat kesihatan uitm selalu kasi tu berkesan jugak tapi kena tahan pahit lepas gula dia ilang. pahit dia memang antara ubat yang paling tak best aku pernah makan...

    Lagi satu aku rasa ko minum air tak bersih kot. aku pernah kena jugak gatal2 ni pasal minum air watercooler kat asrama dulu. Kalau ada mineral filter kat umah ko try tengok2, kot2 ada kotoran atau lumut ke masuk dalam takungan air yang da ditapis tu

  10. [b]Japanese Nuclear Accident May Reach Worst Level: U.S. Think Tank Warns[/b]
    [quote]Tokyo- (PanOrient News) The situation at the quake-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan "has worsened considerably and might reach the worst level on an international scale of zero to seven, according to U.S. think tank.

    The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) said in a statement that the current situation "is now closer to a level 6, and it may unfortunately reach a level 7."

    "The explosion in the Unit 2 reactor, the third so far, and the fire in the spent fuel pond in the reactor building for Unit 4 means that this accident can no longer be viewed as a level 4 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Events (INES) scale that ranks events from 1 to 7. A level 4 incident involves only local radiological consequences. This event is now closer to a level 6, and it may unfortunately reach a level 7." the statement said. [/quote]

    [quote][b]Level 6: Serious accident[/b]

    Impact on People and Environment
    Significant release of radioactive material likely to require implementation of planned countermeasures.


    Kyshtym disaster at Mayak, Soviet Union, 29 September 1957. A failed cooling system at a military nuclear waste reprocessing facility caused a steam explosion that released 70–80 tons of highly radioactive material into the environment. Impact on local population is not fully known.[2]

    Level 7: Major accident[/b]
    Impact on People and Environment
    Major release of radio­active ­material with widespread health and environmental effects r­equiring implementation of planned and extended ­countermeasures

    Chernobyl disaster, 26 April 1986. A power surge during a test procedure resulted in a criticality accident, leading to a powerful steam explosion and fire that released a significant fraction of core material into the environment, resulting in a death toll of 56 as well as estimated 4,000 additional cancer fatalities among people exposed to elevated doses of radiation. As a result, the city of Chernobyl (pop. 14,000) was largely abandoned, the larger city of Pripyat (pop. 49,400) was completely abandoned, and a 30km exclusion zone was established. The Chernobyl disaster is the only Level 7 Event that has ever occurred.
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