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Posts posted by yurckk

  1. kapas wrote:
    yurck.. pandai hang na.. ish2.. xpayah private.. kongsi ramai.. ilmu ni klu kongsi makin berkat..
    klu private, sure nk join kene byr nnt.. aku paham sgt ni.. baik open je.. at list leh baljar sesama..

    betul x? aku bukan nk sangkal idea ko ni.. tapi idea ko mmg bgs.. cume aku nk nasihat, wat kan la ia sebagai open discussion.. not private.. bukan tempat nk ngorat ni.. tempat berkongsi ilmu..

    lagi mahal ilmu korang,lagi bermanfaat ilmu 2, lagi la tuhan syg.. ko x kedekut ilmu.. ingat, ilmu yg kita ade ni bukan milik kita.. ape la salahnye dikongsikan bersama..

    aku rasa finix and the geng mesti setuju dgn cara bukan private ni.. sbb finix ade bgth aku.. tujuan dia bukan thread ni dlu pun sebab nk bantu korang yg minat gile nk wat duit.. dia pun xminta di privatekan.. cume dia ade bgth, klu nk rahsia sgt, ha..PM or email dia kn? xpn contact terus..

    ilmu ni lebih baik dikongsi.. jgn duk bangga sangat dgn ilmu kite.. sekali je Tuhan tarik.. habis semua.. so, kongsi je la knowledge 2.. xpayah nk wat circle IM 2.. make it FREE for all.. cume kepada yang baru sgt nk belajar 2..

    aku mohon, kaji la dlu b4 nk tny ape2.. bykkan membaca.. jgn duk masuk2 terus cakap,
    "aku newbie. minat nk belajar." then tny mcm2.. aku mintak kepada yg br2 ni. kaji dlu.. xpn baca thread ni dari mula.. insyaallah korang paham..

    just my 20cents..

    hope yurckk x terasa yea..


    pasal private tu bukan nak bayar ke ape... private tu maksud aku, maybe something yang xnk org curi
    idea2.. so certain2 people je ade access to it.. sharing memang bagus.. bukan aku cakap xnk sharing lgsg..
    private tu mungkin xbanyak... sebab tu jugak aku ckp open for public.. private maybe 2,3 org dlm
    1 project... ade bende kita boleh share and ade jugak x... same jugak in our real life.. kita still
    ade bnde private yang xleh nk share ngn org and ade gak... memang ni ilmu... bagus utk share.. xpela..
    kalo ade nanti ang tgk la sniri private tu jenis mcm mn.. salam

    +tambah sket

    aku alt+tab ms reply post td (main game online, kalah pun hehe).. ni nak tjk contoh private sket:

    Thread = Project A(pidi,silentfox,cokodok)
    Niche = Dorg nyer niche

    So dorg maybe wat disucssion dorg sniri kat situ daripada A-Z and dorg bukan strict kt area situ je.
    Dorg still maybe involve dengan yang lain2 kt thread2 lain (no obligation). And atas decision dorg
    if nak open back that thread to public view if they want to bila dorg rasa that shud be revealed.
    Then mungkin thread tu boleh jadi rujukan utk lain2 nant how they work until success.

    Dorg maybe need privacy on their project so it maybe nak ade private discussion. tu yang aku mksdkn.
    Tu idea2 dorg, hak dorg... if they want to open it for public, let it be.. if not then close it for

    And kalo bleh forum or that web khusus untuk affiliate/niche/marketing discussion. Maybe jugak leh
    add related topic macam web development.

    Xpe if xnk pn idea ni or ape yang aku serve, korang still can have your own gak. aku xde trase or pape. ::icon_wink::


  2. Assalamualaikum...

    Psl forum, aku sblm ni ade beli 1 domain.. cadang nak buat tempat private jgk utk bnde2 ni... i mean
    xla private mana.. means, ade forum gak where kt situ maybe ade private section and ade jugak yang
    open to public. Actually forum dah ade dah aku buat... tp down balik sebab kena iframe injection
    (xtrok sgt)..

    Kalo nak, aku boleh up kan balik web tu with domain... and maybe still open for public, cuma certain
    area will private... so from that... progress, testing, etc2 boleh ada dalam tu.. tapi aku nak korang
    contribute pendapat whatsoever utk bnde ni if korang agree. and maybe akan recruit mods etc utk

    So before that if korang leh list out what kinda of threads nak open?

    Contoh 1: Search Engine Optimization then pecah kepada (Google, Yahoo, MSN etc)
    Contoh 2: Pay-Per-Click (Google AdWords, YSM, MSN adCenter, Miva etc)

    If you guys agree and blh contribute, aku try upkan balik web tu (domain and hosting dah ada).
    Thanks in advance. Salam...

  3. Assalamualaikum,

    Hehehe..ade jugak org msia yang buat GDI ni..aku penah gak try2 GDI ni
    tp aku "Doubt" sket la pasal GDI ni HALAL ke TAK HALAL. Boleh convince kan aku xpasal
    GDI ni?

    Aku tau scheme dia lebih kurang MLM and campur affiliate concept gak, which
    ade 5th Level (5 Tier) of payment. $1 for a single referral. So lebih kurang
    mcm bwh ni:

    @ <--- 1st Level
    @@ <--- 2nd Level (2 x $1)
    @@@ <--- 3rd Level (3 x $1)
    @@@@ <--- 4th Level (4 x $1)
    @@@@@ <--- 5th Level (5 x $1)

    So in total = $14 if macam ni je. And aku tau gak yang this will sell
    domain name + hosting (hosting biasa). And pembetulan kat sini domain tu bukan .ws
    je aku rasa. .com .net .org etc TLD yang biasa aku rasa boleh. Just with
    $10. Recurring monthly plak aku xbp sure.

    For the first 7 day memang trial which is kalo you are not satisfied you
    can cancel it kan? xjugak, nak cancel it you have to call them... tu yang
    susah gak kalo sesape yang rasa xbleh nk troskan bnde ni. tp aku still
    ada cara nak cancelkan bnde ni, dlu aku penah try gak sampai aku rasa doubt
    "Halal ke tak". Tu aku stop dalam trial 7 day die.

    So bro, bleh convince kan aku bende ni halal ke x? Thanks in advance!

  4. kadang2 kte xdpt nk bergantung sangat dengan program2/software2 etc.
    tau sedikit sebanyak leh kte trending virus/malware/trojan etc.
    mcm aku pasan kt opis aku ckup la, rmai org xbp tau nk indetify tu
    virus ke x? kadang2 kalo zero exploit dpt ke AV detect? hehe...
    kne tggu database dorg update le plak kn? tp bukan nk ckp besar ke ape
    yang aku leh detect/indetify virus etc. cuma tau la sket2... ilmu ::icon_biggrin::

    Pandangan aku je... No offense ::icon_biggrin::

  5. insani wrote:nak tanya, kalau dalam satu2 niche dah takde kayword yg ok...macam dah x de yang keyword with "" dengan result less then 5000
    jadi keseimpulannya niche tu dah tak leh masuk ka untuk seo?

    kalau keyword yang dengan 10 000 boleh tak kalau nak masuk.
    number of search tinggi tu

    Kat situ sure ada keywords yang boleh senang nk convert traffic, bagi aku every niches
    got their own converting keywords. just pandai xpandai nak carik keywords tu cmne je...

    10,000 results ke? 10k kira xbyk gak, still leh nk compete... tapi lagi bgus kurang competitors...
    btw seo, papepon leh seo... conclusion... leh terangkan detail lg x? hehe... xbp nk phm ::icon_razz::

  6. Salam,

    Nk tny kalo untuk 18 inci ke bwh umur dlm 1-2 thn:

    Malaysian Gold: RM?
    Chilli Red: RM?
    Super Red: RM?
    Highback Golden: RM?
    Banjar Red: RM?
    Green Arowana: RM?
    Silver Arowana: RM?

    Kalo untuk induk plak 18 inci keatas dlm umur 2-2 1/2 thn:

    Malaysian Gold: RM?
    Chilli Red: RM?
    Super Red: RM?
    Highback Golden: RM?
    Banjar Red: RM?
    Green Arowana: RM?
    Silver Arowana: RM?

    1 Pawah x 16 ekor induk kan? kalo mati mmg xde ganti? confirm?

  7. kamikase30 wrote:

    wahkakak, apa daaa bro buat malu jek, tu r jangan pecaya sesangat dengan member kat online or offline ni, sekali tengok sifu lol: arikata sifu!!! hye... i kamikase30.. ::icon_cool::

    sifu Joker, bg i tarikh lahir u, meh sini i firasat kan self u.. hehe, kalo sudi r..

    weh yurckk, sampai sekarang aku still gelak lagi yang kes ko ari tu.. wahkakakakakakakakakak....
    xpe bro, sampai masa kite balas balik k..

    Hahaha.. pasal kes hari tu..? Lahabau tol.. hahahahaha...
    And hahaha lg... ade pattern aku tgh usha2 ni... and aku rasa nk interrupt pattern tu..
    Tapi... hahahaha... tgk la cmne...

  8. Skema? Mmg intention aku bagi ayat skema cos lepas 1-1 post still
    nk bangkitkn isu yang sama. So that aku try out ngn "ayat skema".
    However, I don't mind If you accused me copied from somewhere and
    pasted it here. Google it for every each of my phrase, find similarities
    and send it here.

    And aku jugak xpenah nk give a thing pasal kete2 sp pn. Itu sume rezeki
    msg2. And xde sape aku mengaku sifu aku or aku sifu sape2...
    Learning process xkn habis, so ape yang blaja aku try implement, test,
    improvise etc.

  9. DarkWunan wrote:Salam..

    Ada pertanyaan sedikit...

    Based on this article(http://www.perrymarshall.com/product-review-google-slap/) and pembacaan kat other forums..nampaknya affiliate review site dah start kena google slap..QS terus jatuh ke bawah..so ppc player akan sakit

    Saya tgh buat product review/comparison site ..and then planning guna free/bum tactics utk permulaan..lepas tu baru nak guna ppc..

    Tp bila dgr google nak start banning review site..so berbaloi tak my plan?

    1. will this affect any serps to my review site eventhough not using PPC?

    2. How about yg review site yg mmg ada unique content dan provide value to searchers...kena google slap juga tak?

    Thoughts anyone??

    p/s - saya baru test2 gak niche ni...dah follow dr thread old putra..lama betul procrastinate..ni baru nak start..hehe..jgn jadik mcm saya lama baru nak take action...

    Pasal ni aku xbp sure sgt PPC towards Review site. Tapi pasal SERP tu
    aku xrasa Google will slap your ranking page if you have met with their
    criteria. Sebab aku ade buat search td on few review sites yang aku slalu
    masuk, aku search thru Google and still found them in a good ranking.
    Still indexed...

    PPC tu, maybe aku pn nk try gak nanti either btol ke xpasal ni.

  10. Joker wrote:okay.. okay.. dahsyat korang bedal aku.

    Fine. Opinion korang dah mcm tuh. Siapalah aku nak paksa2 korang kan?

    Satu jer aku tny. Apa yg buat korang extreme sgt sampai terlalu yakin dgn menatang alah nih?? Sbb sifu-sifu korang tuh dah jadi jutawan dah? Ntah btol gak ke sifu2 korang tuh dah jadik jutawan. Ntah2 main-main jer saja nak provoke korang. Aku bkn la menuduh. Xde niat nak menuduh. Just membangkitkan persoalan agar kita fikir2 kan. Kita ni kalau nak jadi bangsa yg maju.. takleh main bedal percaya 100% apa orang cakap kan?? Btol tak?? Sentiasa kaji selidik sebelum mengambil keputusan yg extreme.

    No offense la kawan2... cuma aku tak mau akhirnya korang semua tertipu. Spend masa sampai 5 ke 6 jam sehari pulun menatang ni. Last-last dah beberapa lama baru sedar semua ni sia-sia.

    Lol, you still don't get the concept of it.. ::icon_razz::
    Xpe, disebabkn aku boring at this time... aku try jawab dlu sket..

    Do you have skills in anything?
    Let suppose you have a web design skill.
    Maybe you can create 10 different website templates in a day.
    So in 30 days you can create 300 different templates.

    How you can make money with that?
    There are several ways for you to make money with that. As been discussed
    at here, we are talking about Affiliate Marketing. So at here one of
    the method is by using Affiliate system.

    Simple Method and not yet detailed:
    1st - Build Your Own Online Shop (Website is Common)
    2nd - Sell your Website Templates thru your Online Shop

    Let suppose if you are working alone do the promotion/advertising;
    Promotion/Advertising: $100 USD per day
    Hosting: $10 USD per month
    Domain: $10 USD per year
    Reproduction: None (Why none? It is a Digital Product, do you need money to
    reproduce the same template?)

    Approx sale(s) in a single day you can get when you are working alone:
    15 Customers x $30 USD = $450 USD for a single day
    .:. This is just done by yourself

    Question: How do you increase the capability of your earnings?
    Answer: By having other people (Affiliates) to do the promotion.

    By giving 50% as commissions to your affiliates will affects your earnings?
    Let suppose you have 100 Affiliates do the promotion/advertising work for you.
    Doesn't the chances have increased? Approx 1 Affiliate can get 5 sales per day.

    5 sales x 100 affiliates = 500 sales more for you in a single day!
    > 500 sales x $30 USD = $15,000 USD
    > Half of the profits will be given to your affiliate (50% commission)
    >> $150,000 USD / 2 = $7,500 USD

    From $450 USD a day by working alone, you can increase it to $7,500 USD a day
    by having affiliates. That's why Affiliate System is an efficient business model.
    This is on the merchant side, "WHY of Affiliate System are working them"

    As you can see, McAfee/Kaspersky/Adobe/Real Player/etc2 (you can Google it) also
    having an affiliate program for their products.

    This is a real deal business, we do marketing. But our base is on the Internet.

    Being Affiliate?
    - Go and Promote whatever products/services you want on the Internet
    - Earn %commission when you got sale
    - How do you get sale? ---> Learn
    - Easy way? ---> Learn
    - Shortcut? ---> Go scam people etc.

    Don't get it wrong, yes some of Affiliate Programs/Network ARE SCAM! And I don't

    You can Google the words of "Affiliate and Niche", Okay? No Offense ::icon_smile::


  11. Salam,

    Hehe... Affiliate Marketing (AM) ni Get Rich Quick Scheme? I don't think so.
    Aku cube explain sket pasal AM ni, k... AM ni is one of Internet Marketing method..
    and this is kinda pretty popular (Really?)...

    Concept of AM ni mcm you are having your own shop (e.g. your own website/blog/etc)... AM ni xde terikat dengan mana2 org pun, you are freely to pick sapa2 pny
    product ang nk (tolong jual "Promote"). It's like you are reseller too.

    Kebanyakan Advertisers (Merchant) ada affiliate program or reg it under Affiliate
    Network so org boleh tolong do the advertising/promotion for them. In exchange,
    they will rewards their affiliate something when visitor ended up making
    purchase as for example.

    Why don't they do the Advertising/Promotion alone? (Instead of looking for
    affiliate to do the work)...

    Well obviously nampak kt sini... common sense pn... kalo kte la nk promote
    something... ape chances utk benda yg kita promote tu achieve our target by do the
    work alone "One-to-Many"?

    How if ramai yang tolong promotekn benda kte tu plak? "Many-to-Many"...

    So which one is most effective to achieve target?

    1. One-to-Many
    2. Many-to-Many

    Aku rasa ang boleh fikir kn? Ermm...As been mentioned before, Advertisers (Merchant)
    will rewards something to it's Publisher (affiliate/reseller/you) when
    the visitor's ended up making purchase.

    Pasal product pulak nk choose? It's up to you... banyak benda yang ade
    affiliate program dah... ade benda yang "scam" dan ade jugak yang "xscam".
    Ada cara nk tau pasal benda ni... simple method is to do a deep research
    pasal product tu..

    AM ni kinda bit diff and kinda bit sm gak ngn salesman (salesperson) yang
    kita slalu jumpa kt kedai2 mkan.. Salesperson yang dapat jual barang2 die
    bawak tu dia akan dpt commission, sm gak ngn AM ni.. Tp dlm AM, we don't
    pegi ke kedai2 makan facing org yang xdikenali utk jual barang (ramai yang
    xsanggup nk tebal muka)... Our base is "Internet"... website/email/forum/web 2.0/
    articles etc...

    Yet dalam AM ni, just FYI... we are learning about Marketing...a real
    Business Marketing, copywriting, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), web development,
    etc. dlm ms kita xsedar... If you can master one of those pun you can
    earn a good living... people demanding for that... kalo xpcy you can go
    check at getafreelancer.com

    Oo..lupe lak... dalam Internet Marketing (Affiliate Marketing to be exact), usually
    kita akan affiliate utk "Digital Product"... Such as e-books, software, program,
    services etc... kebanyakan based on Internet... sebab tu jugak merchant bagi
    commission yang tinggi... dorg xperlu modal pn nk Copy, Paste and Sell their stuff
    tu... Dorg just keluarkan license which dorg yang cr8 sendiri pn... and ade
    yang xjugak... just provide a download link to s/he customers yang make purchase..
    So kt sini, xde modal utk dorg sgt...

    Kalo la 1 product price is $50 and commission dorg bagi 50% per sale...
    Affiliate dorg dpt $25 and dorg pn dpt $25... Bagi merchant, kerja dorg utk
    Advertising/Promotion...Affiliates dorg yang buat... ape modal dorg kuarkn?
    Sbb tu jugak commission dorg kasi tinggi mcm aku ckp kt atas...
    However, dorg bukan duduk senang je... dorg ade gak wat promotion kt org...
    kalo x, cmne la plak org nk jadi affiliate dorg rite?

    P.s: "Usually Digital Product, ade gak tangible product gak" don't get me wrong ::icon_smile::

    K, ckup la... sampai sini je dlu... salam

  12. Assalamualaikum W.B.T & Salam Sejahtera...

    Just to share about New Coming Wealthy Affiliate Platinum dlm Sept ni nanti.

    Part 1 - A New World For WA
    July 8, 2009 – 11:43 am

    It’s been a crazy and frantic 2009 for Kyle and I because one of our biggest innovations is coming to fruition…and it has taken a lot of hard work and planning. Over the past couple of weeks we have been hinting that there is big news coming to Wealthy Affiliate. I’m here to let you in on what is going to be happening and the journey that you are about to engage in.

    Before I get into the details I’ll let you know what we are going to be doing over the next 8 weeks here in the forum. The news that we’ve got for all Wealthy Affiliate members is so BIG that we can’t get it all out in a single day. We will be posting in our Wealthy Affiliate Journal in the forum once a week so that you can get a feel for the pure scope of the project that we are working on.

    At this point I am going to say three words to you….


    Let that sink in for a second….

    In late September, 2009, Wealthy Affiliate is getting its third MAJOR update and is moving from WA 3.0, to WA Platinum. Over the next 8 weeks we are going to provide you with details about our brand new system. If you are not excited now, you should be. We have both been working with the new system getting it ready for quite some time and I still get excited each time I log into the completely remodeled and cutting edge framework (more on that later).

    To kick start our release I want to tell you about a brand new system that we’ve created from scratch that is unlike anything you have EVER seen in the world of Internet marketing (or online education for that matter)

    WA Platinum = More Success & Knowledge

    A bold statement right? Well, over the years Kyle and I have always had a different outlook than the “other” marketers out there. We set out with intentions to create the BEST Internet marketing training facility in the world. WA Platinum is THE system that will facilitate our journey and take us there.

    Getting started and finding the information that you want is the most important aspect of the completely redesigned Platinum. Every member is going to know exactly where to go to get the training they need. “How do I get started”, or “How do I learn about…” are questions that will not be asked again.

    Our brand new training center will replace all other similar systems in WA 3.0, integrating our learning to a central (and searchable) location. For instance, if you want to learn about email marketing, you will know exactly where to go, and upon getting there you will be instantly immersed in a content rich environment to teach you about the topic.

    No, we aren’t just reorganizing our existing resources!

    WA Platinum is a smart system, it has a brain of its own. It knows what you want, what is the best way to teach it to you, and how to deliver it. When you’re learning about a specific topic you’ll know exactly which other training resources you should check out next. Not only that, you’ll know what others are learning from at that exact moment, what helped them, and what didn’t.

    Content is going to flow through the gates of the Training Center on a daily basis, utilizing a technology that Kyle and I have spent the past year developing. WA Platinum will no longer grow solely based on OUR ideas.. It is smart and grows by its self delivering the highest quality training resources to your computer screen.

    We realize that the need for training on topics WA does not currently offer is growing. We also know that the need for training on topics that DO NOT exist yet is something we had to tackle with WA Platinum. This is all addressed within the new Training Center and new infrastructure we have developed.

    I’ve kept this post pretty vague due to the pure scope of our new training center and the backbone technology behind it. As a member you just need to be aware that greater integration = more resources, more resources = more training, more training = more knowledge, and more knowledge = more success…

    In September 2009 WA will be the ONLY place that an Internet marketer needs to go to fulfill their hunger for knowledge, tools, support, and success! Be here and you’ll wake to a breath of fresh air in the world of Internet marketing education and training.

    Keep your eyes peeled for Part 2 of the Wealthy Affiliate Platinum release notes!

    Talk soon,


    Part 2 - Improved “Platinum Interface”
    July 15, 2009 – 1:40 pm

    Yawn, boring…blah…

    That is the feeling I get when I look at the existing Wealthy Affiliate interface (Carson feels the same way). I think I have a mild case of attention deficit because every time I log into a system I want to see something new, something that is visually appealing and something that is dynamic.

    Our existing system does a pretty good job of this with the modules you can add to your dashboard and the regular updates we add, but this was not adequate when we sat down and planned out the NEW WA Platinum interface. Pretty good is not good enough for our standards!

    We not only had to plan out how it looked, but also spent a good deal of time planning out the underlying algorithms that would help make it a much easier, intuitive and semantically sensitive environment for members of WA!

    So what are the things that we need to address?

    Easy to find, Easy to learn

    First off, as a system grows it can become more and more disorganized. Although we have done the best with what we have to work with at Wealthy Affiliate, there are still some drawbacks. Finding content can be difficult for someone coming in fresh (that has no requisite knowledge of our system)…

    We get that! So what we have done is improved the ways content is organized, the ways the menu’s are structured, and the search functionality within WA!

    A Smart Help, Who Would Have Thunk!

    When you need help…where is it? We do have a Help tab in our main menu but this is no longer become adequate. We are creating a help system in WA Platinum that is going to facilitate the ease-of-use within WA for everyone. Help is going to become centralized and context sensitive. Say you were within Rapid Writer and you need help on how to spin an article, you will just have to click the Help button. The help will know what page you are on and deliver the exact information (in the form of a video or tutorial) that you need.

    Web 3.0

    Ever heard of Web 3.0? If you haven’t, that is where our system is headed. We want to deliver content to you that you are interested in. If you like PPC and are constantly using PPC resources and tools within WA, we want to make your WA experience more relevant to your needs and interests. We are not rolling out our full version of web semantics right away, but you may start to notice that things that you want will be right there for you!

    This also means more control, ability to categorize your favorite stuff at WA, and ways to get to your resources quicker.

    So Fresh, So Clean…

    Yeah, that is right. A new look will be coming to Wealthy Affiliate Platinum. As with anything we launch, we like to come out with a fresh, hip and current look. WAP will not only look different, there is going to be more working space, the ability to customize your look and for those of you that think our font size isn’t quite right, a way for you to adjust this. WAP is going to allow you to create an interface you can make your own.


    Wealthy Affiliate is going to continue evolve, but our new interface and new look will provide an exciting environment for everyone to work, hang out, network, and learn within.

    This was my “insider” on the new interface, new look, and some of the new functionality that is going to be coming to Wealthy Affiliate. We have many more updates, so please keep your eyes peeled. Also, if you want to drop some feedback, reply to this post. We love to hear from everyone.



    Part 3 - The Platinum Framework is..

    Postby Carson on Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:08 am
    ... Lightening Quick & Super Scalable

    "Speedy" is a term that we throw around when talking about the newly improved WA Platinum framework. We are big users of the Internet and know that a quick and responsive platform makes for a better experience!

    For those "techie" people out there. WA Platinum utilizes some of the most cutting edge technologies to deliver your learning content to you faster! Our programmers have been working on a framework that is not only super fast, but scalable too. Nearly all systems in Platinum have been re-vamped to make use of these technologies. You will see, and notice a big difference.

    What does this mean for your experience? Well, how about super fast "search" capabilities. We've worked long and hard on our search algorithms to make sure that when you look for a training resource, you get what you want in a split second. How about WA Spaces.. it's a little on the slow side right now isn't it? Yes we also agree with that statement 100% but we have some big surprises for you in that department.

    The Training Center is one major area where you will spend a lot of your time, and this new platform is completely re-designed from the ground up to make it uber quick to work through your learning material.

    Speed and efficiency isn't the only technical improvement we've made to WA Platinum. We know that a large community needs the ability to adapt to the market and scale to brand new techniques, strategies, and methods. Platinum has the ability for the community to make it evolve, grow, and stay current.

    What if someone wanted to learn about a brand new technique in a completely different category that doesn't exist at WA? Well, all members will have the ability to request learning resources and have them created in a timely manner. Not only that, we have a system that allows WA to grow in a direction that the community wants as a whole. Take my word for it, this is a big deal!

    As soon as Platinum is released it is going to have a mind of its own and will become the "ONLY" place to go for Internet marketing training. The way we've structured the Training center makes each section a complete school. No, not just a few tutorials or video's, a complete learning environment on it's own where you can focus on one technique at a time. Think of WA Platinum as a multi-university with complete training in many different categories!

    Will you be there to experience the evolution? We hope so because it excites me to think about the day we flip the switch and move over to the new system!

    Kyle has some surprising news to tell you next week, so stay tuned!


    Part 4 - No more KINGS of the castle?

    Postby Kyle on Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:52 pm
    We are removing ourselves as the "kings of the castle".

    Frankly, Carson and I think that becoming users within our system is going to create a much better experience for us... and you. We are going to see how the resources benefit people, we are going to have more insight into how the new Platinum system works, and improvements to Wealthy Affiliate are going to take place much quicker.

    Although we are currently highly active within Wealthy Affiliate every day (for a considerable amount of hours), we still feel that we can get more of a user feel if we use WA for everything...and use every component of it for our day-to-day business.

    This doesn't mean we are compromising support, this just means we are becoming users in the same way you get to see the system. This is going to help us gain a deeper perspective of improvements. Sometimes looking at WA from a higher level business standpoint we miss out on some of the more intricate improvements we can make to improve the experience for WA'ers.

    We know we are not perfect and we want to find and analyze all the imperfections of the system first hand.

    WE will be using every aspect and working closely with members to improve the system flow, the system tools and resources, and future upgrades.

    We have never thought we were better than anyone just because we own Wealthy Affiliate, and this is proving it. We can put our "ego's" aside and become users of the system like everybody else. This is actually quite exciting!!

    WA members will now be able to rank our resources. Edit them. Tell us they are great, or not so good. You can add to our resources.. make them better.. and contribute to the BEST training platform available for Internet marketers.

    Want to be #1? Well, get ready for "Member Rank".. This is a new system that we have incorporated into the Platinum framework. A sophisticated algorithm will rank you as a member of WA.. Carson and I might get bumped off as the top users in the system by someone else! Could you be the most influential member here at WA?

    So what about the support guys????

    We WILL still be offering a very high level of personal support and coaching. We won't sacrifice the support we have offered over the years. By pulling out, we do not mean removing ourselves. In fact, this will lead to more active roles within the community, quicker upgrades, better improvements, and a much greater place for everyone.

    A new "US". No more Kings of the Castle. We want to be the guys digging the ditch for the moat....LOL!



    Part 5 - You're Not Here to Make Friends... Or Are You?

    Postby Carson on Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:11 am
    WA Platinum has undergone some major framework changes that allow for a more interactive experience for all members. We have ripped apart and thrown the current WA spaces into a blender and come up with an entirely new system.

    So, are you here to make friends?

    WA is not a social network.. Nope, no way, now how... it's an Internet marketing training program. We're not out to re-create facebook, however, having friends in the industry is an IMPORTANT part of your skill development. WA Spaces Platinum offers a much improved system that allows you to network with your buddies, keep track of their actions, blog, post comments, and generally communicate much more effectively.

    Kyle and I are a team, but we're not the only dynamic duo or trio here at WA.

    Getting in touch with and forming alliances with other WA members will improve your learning and give you a network of people to work with as you build your online business.

    The more active you are within WA Platinum, the better (and faster) you will achieve success. Some people work well on their own and don't use anything but our training resources and tools. However, if you are like me and Kyle, having a buddy network of people to bounce ideas off or ask questions to makes Internet marketing a lot easier.. Let alone fun!

    WA Platinum is going to be your "Virtual Office" with brand new functionality to allow for better networking.

    Just wait until you see the completely revamped, optimized, and speedy WA Spaces Platinum system.

    Here are just a few aspects of WA Spaces Platinum that you have to look forward to:

    * Better image management (cropping allowed)
    * Ability to follow conversations with Buddy Chat, reply, and manage posts
    * Fully functional blog with the ability to comment
    * New "network" system to keep track of your buddies and their actions within the system
    * Ability to "block" others from posting on your space

    Lots more information about WA Platinum coming next week!

    Keep your eyes peeled!


  13. Public bank, Al Rajhi, Ambank, Tunemoney, EON (if not mistaken CIMB pn dah ade debit card)
    Yang ni suggestion aku, VISA or MasterCard lak? At first dulu
    aku prefer VISA... tp skrg ni MasterCard pn dah lebih kurang
    sama taraf ngn VISA where mmg banyak sgt tempat dah accept it
    and bukan macam dulu lagi. Maybank Debit Card is actually a cash
    card dimana boleh pakai dalam Malaysia shj. Cth kt supermarket.
    (Xtau lak kalo dorg dah upgrade).

    Sebab ape lak ramai yang suggest go to FREE method instead of
    Paid method? Salah 1 dorg suggest sbb PPC ni senang nk get broke,
    tp senang jugak nk cepat dapat ROI "IF" tau selok belok PPC.
    Infact PPC selalu berkait dengan Landing Page, dengan kata
    lain benda ni ang akan belajar dlm Article marketing (Free method)
    a.k.a BUM marketing (comes from Travis's wife). Mksdnya
    orang yang merempat tepi jalan pn boleh pakai method ni kalau
    dorg leh access to the Internet.

    Dalam BUM marketing ni actually kita belajar lebih banyak
    daripada apa yang kita sangka. At the same time kita maybe
    belajr selok belok SEO (Search Engine Optimization), method
    how to attract your reader just with your Headlines, method
    how to Increase your CTR (Click thru Rates) with your
    Hot buttons etc.

    Mmg BUM marketing can be bit necessity, tp for the long term...
    I'll bet you'll get a lot more benda yang ang xexpected nanti.
    You'll be surprised!

    Btw, even tho it's BUM marketing... ang still boleh try
    get your own domain and hosting utk your own branding.
    Depends... nk pakai yang free pn boleh tapi maybe terikat
    dengan few restriction such as limitation of disk space,
    banner dorg (ads) etc. Tp kalo still nk ada domain sniri +
    hosting sniri, it's your decision. And kalo nk hosting murah
    + domain murah, you can PM me..

    3 jam sehari pn dah cukup actually... if 7 days, dah dapat
    21 jam. Lgpn kalo ade 10 jam sehari pn, banyak abis masa buat
    kerja or Instant Messaging or Berforum or ape2 je? At least
    bila ada 3 jam sehari, ang rasa mcm masa tu xbp cukup and
    maybe will utilize to work with it.


  14. Assalamualaikum W.B.T & Salam sejahtera...

    First of all sorry xdpt nk bagi komitment kt putera dlm few days back.
    Really been busy sbb 9.8.9 ni la tarikh keramat gak. Lg bp hari je lagi.

    Anyways, congrats to silentfox again for the 2nd sale made.

    Pasal MC 2.0, xpyh nk bother sgt bagi yg newbie2... and kalo blh..
    jgn carik yg cetak rompak pny, terus terang aku ckp aku blh dptkn dlm
    usd 1 je. Bukan tu je.. stompernet course etc yg top2... tp ckup la
    aku mase mula2 dlu nk cari yang pirated je..

    Btw ni dlm inbox aku pn ade org offer lak nk kasik jugak...
    xpyh aku disclose kt sini. kalo korang leh elak bende2 yang pirated,
    baik elak la..

    Aku ade janji ngn few of people kt sini kn, utk pengetahuan... still
    working ngn something else, so yang tu kena tggu dlu maybe few months lg.
    Tp kalo nk go on ngn something else dlu pn xpe, just go ahead and
    i'll catch u up later.

    And sorry pd sp2 yang mintak aku jwb question2 korang, blh post balik..?
    PM pn xpe.. aku try jawab.. thanks.

  15. Assalamualaikum,

    Congrats silentfox! Good to hear that, so kt sini aku rasa pada sesape yang rasa nk
    dpt feel mcm ni... aku rasa korang leh start serang silentfox and ask him mcm mn
    die walk thru all of these.

    Since die pn ckp die start ngn BUM so aku rasa it's good for ya guys. Usually BUM ni
    kena bersabar kalo nk dpt sale. Bukan mcm PPC (tp costing lak and senang nk broke kalo
    xreti selok belok PPC).

    Or maybe silentfox sniri leh cte how you do your work until you got this sale.
    It's okay kalo xnk share pn, no offense. But I'm pretty sure ramai nk tau rite.
    Mmg sronok dpt 1st sale.. 1st sale tu biasanya jd penentuan sm ada nk go on
    with this type of marketing or not. Maybe 1st sale ni leh jadi pembakar semangat
    nk work harder.

    Just for sharing:

    1. Affiliate Marketing ni bukan jenis kerja by overnight and we succeed. This
    type of marketing does requires a lot of effort and work. Ramai gak aku tgk yg
    xthn ngn this type of marketing, usually typical type of person. Kalo rs
    nk succeed by not putting any effort, aku rasa this marketing isn't suitable
    for you.

    2. Careful with malware/virus/torjan etc on the internet nowadays. 2 sites aku
    baru kena ngn ape tah (syukur xbp teruk). Tp this is kinda annoying gak la. Aku kene
    upload balik file2 baru... sume file sbb aku xnk ade any leftover files yang ada.
    Maybe leh bukak backdoor balik to that freaking thing. Conclusion here, hati2 bila
    open link2 dlm your inbox (sent by unknown), surf web2 yang bukan2, always backup your
    files & data, jgn biasakn bukak ape2 yang penting kt pc2 luar (cybercafe etc), removal
    drive (hati2 ngn this)... dengan kata lain hati2 la ::icon_razz::

  16. Wordpress.org is where you can download the Wordpress software and host it on 3rd party hosting.
    So kt sini boleh edit the code by yourself.

    Wordpress.com is where you can host and use your Wordpress at there. Mcm free webhosting such
    as weebly. So kt sini you CAN'T edit the code.

    Btw ni contoh sket je, clear x?

  17. Assalamualaikum..

    *Squidoo Changed its Policy*

    Recently Last Month Squidoo announced about this right, main major things:

    #1 No Spam
    #2 No X-Rated or Porn
    #3 No junk topics
    #4 A new limit on "overly promotional lenses"
    #5 Plagiarism takedown

    First of all bagi aku kita have to cope dengan changes in this area of marketing.
    Always be prepared (even tho I'm not). Squidoo are more likely to be strict just like ezine or more. If you guys biasa dengan ezine, ethical dlm buat your own quality articles. I think this is not a big problems.

    With the changes of the policy I think this is best practice for all of us who are
    using squidoo to create unique, quality & useful articles onwards after this. Imagine if we still do spam, submitting junk topics, copying others contents...
    Will we learn something good? something new?

    Squidoo might have thought they want to compete with ezine as for example, ezine
    produces quality articles/contents while them? full of fluff, junk, unwanted articles/content yang kebanyakannya comes from "US" (affiliates).

    Are they trying to kill affiliate marketers?

    I don't think so, we were trying to kill them... our bad behavior reflects towards them, we used them as our platform but we never appreciated them.

    However the changes of its policy might open up our opportunity to get ranked there.
    Write a very unique, quality that gives values to others and I'm sure you'll get the
    place you have been dreaming of before. Play fair and square.

    Yet to remember, they still have whitelisted domains on their list. You still can have a link back to your site as long as you do not against their policy.

    Just my point of view.

  18. Assalamualaikum...

    cara nk pakai tool covert cookie tu:

    > Enter your Affiliate Link (e.g. http://xxx.hop.clickbank.net):
    Contoh: http://affiliateID.champerer.hop.clickbank.net

    > Enter your Merchant's URL (e.g. http://www.gamesfromtheeighties.com):
    Contoh: http://www.champerer-empire.com

    Click "Generate"

    akan dapat code mcm ni nanti bila generate base on example yang pakai kt atas tu:

    <img src="http://affiliateID.champerer.hop.clickbank.net" width="1" height="1" />

    <a href="http://www.champerer-empire.com" target="_blank">http://www.champerer-empire.com</a>

    <script>window.status=" ";</script>

    Before kte proceed, jom wat test sket;
    - Open notepad (or kalo nk shortcut tekan win + r then masukkn notepad then enter (for XP user))
    - Copy (Ctrl + C) and Paste (Ctrl + V) code yang generated from tool tadi tu kt notepad
    - Xpyh risau pasal tag2 html, just copy and paste exactly the code into notepad
    - Then save it as testing.html (make sure bukan extension .txt bila dah save, nk .html)
    - Kalo xtau file tu berextension .html ke .txt ke .exe ke ikut step bwh utk check
    - Open My Computer then pergi dekat menu option “Tools”
    - Then select “Folder Options…” follow with choosing “View” tab
    - Cari “Hide extensions for known all types” – Untick kotak tu
    - Apply then Ok
    - Back to file testing.html tadi, open file tu mcm bukak file biasa (usually double-click)
    - Tengok status kt bwh skali belah kiri, alert dengan;
    - (Looking up, Connecting, Connected, Waiting, Transferring until Done)
    - Ada nampak x (affiliateID.champerer.hop.clickbank.com)?
    - Kalau nampak mksdnya script tu dah selamat, complete

    Conclusion: Assume testing.html tadi ialah web ang yang tengah live kt net (Internet). Disebabkan ang bukak web testing.html tu tadi, cookies telah ditanam didalam computer ang tanpa ang click on any affiliate link. Actually simple flow aku leh tunjuk kt sini;

    Orang search dlm Google dengan certain keyword, then die jumpe web ang… so die click kt URL web ang dan selamat masuk ke web ang, so code td akan automatically embedded kedlm pc org tu. So, if that person doesn’t land on other affiliate page yang guna method mcm ni or xclick on any other affiliate link lain yang berkaitan or xclear cookies and purchase from that merchant then you will get commission from that.

    However instead of nk check lagi betul ke just copy HTML ASCII Characters tu:


    Sama gak step ngn kt atas (notepad tu) then test, dpt x: http://affiliateID.champerer.hop.clickbank.net

    *http://champerer.hop.clickbank.net aku pakai sebagai contoh je, so nanti bila ade hoplink ngn merchant then pakai URL merchant tu.

    Reason orang pakai teknik ni sebab:
    - nk hide affiliate link (obviously)
    - xnk sales kena curik
    - xnk wat visitor suspicious yang web dia ialah web affiliate (org dah ramai aware pasal web2 affiliate, tp no worries xde impact yg besar pn insyaAllah)
    - nk bagi nampak professional looking website (without affiliate link)


    Btw ada 1 teknik kalo la merchant nyer sales/landing page leh wat your customer
    lari, pdhal die dah niat nk beli based on what he/she read from your website:

    - Guna teknik td utk embed cookie dlm pc your web visitor (Penting sebab bypass merchant page)
    - the instead of buat link ke merchant page mcm ni:
    <a href="http://champerer.hop.clickbank.net">Buy Now</a> <--- Bukan ::icon_exclaim::
    <a href="http://1.champerer.pay.clickbank.net">Buy Now</a> <--- Yerp ::icon_biggrin::

    So kt sini bila org click on the link, org tu xkn masuk ke sales/landing page merchant yang xbp ok tu. Die akan tros didirectkn ke Order Page. Tapi make sure you are using the covert cookie technique tu. Kalo x, cookie xkn diembedkn ke dlm pc
    web visitor tu. Dah rugi 1 sale kalo die beli.



    http://howtostop-underarmsweating.blogspot.com <--- one of your articles? utk buat backlinking?

    Bagi ur visitor ruang nk memilih, maybe leh letak more than one product related. Sp yang betul2 target audience ang? Apa org yang dah berjaya ckp? Die dpt nk wat presentation utk company die tanpa rs segan2 lg? Die dah xksh naik public transport (metro train, bullet train, kl monorail ke, etc) or xpyh tgu sampai org xsesak lg.

    Biasa org jenis ni akan rasa xselesa bila sweating kn, so ape yang menyebabkn dorg xselesa gak.. dorg ni jenis slalu mengadap org ke? partner(married/couple) dorg xthn ke? org2 kt opis die slalu kutuk2 ke? die banyak kena angkat tgn ke? bekerja ngn public ke? bekerja ngn org kenamaan ke?

    Disebabkn harga product ni agak mahal, why don't you highlightkn btol2..stand outkn pasal "RISK-FREE" 100% charge back within 60 days.

    Well, jgn cpt putus asa if you won't get any sales. Market seduction mmg agak mencabar, they do not know us. Why should they trust you? Why should they buy it? How do you seduce them? How do you convince them? banyak lagi persoalan boleh timbul here actually...

    Simple strategy, Try to be customer and look back on your article. Ade xpape yang meragukan... (assume you are really looking on how to stop excessive underarm sweating.)

    Try mintak merchant, maybe nk letak "Seal/Certificate" yang merchant tu ade utk letak dlm your page so leh attract org sket.

    Sorry aku xdpt nk review btol2...aku tgh "High"... lol jgn slh anggap, aku xtdo smlm..mlm ni lak ade ftsl..balik mmg out tros... ::icon_razz::



    aku ske point ang back to school to lol


    @kamikase & Zex

    Alhamdulillah...Congratulations...keep up the good work... leh la bwk amek aku nant naik 350z.. hehe..



    Good luck with your work... ::icon_biggrin::

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