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Posts posted by lanuncyber

  1. Ko rase AMD AM2 +3500 tu berape Ghz ?.Berape Ghz sebelum OC & Brp Ghz slps OC

    benda2 ni sume bergantung. performance processor berbeza mengikut batch. x sape tau processor ni bleh smpai mane, yg tu bleh smpai mana.

    jadikan oc lebih menarik, cuba sndiri. pastu kongsi dgn kitorang kat cni. baru best!


  2. dah ko sebut nak yg AM2, mobo AM2 la tu.

    kalau S939, xguna nForce5. S939 guna nForce 4 je....

    kalau ko masih mencurigai Abit ni, ko pi la tanya otai2 AMD K-7 dulu, mobo ape yg paling otai utk oc AthlonXP? mobo ape yg tictac mod BIOS utk enhance performance dia? brand ape? chipset ape?

    Abit NF-7 S!!! chipset: nVidia nForce 2 Ultra!!!

    dan bg aku, Abit still the best utk oc...


  3. penggunaan software ke, ape ke, kononnya utk naikkan performance RAM, performance PC, peningkatan performance tu skit sgt. xberkesan sgt.

    peningkatan performance yg plg baik adlh penambahan hardware secara fizikal, iaitu -> tambah RAM jgk la jawapannya... kalau dah 256MB, tu je la, xkan dpt performace mcm 512MB atau 1 GB. tu hakikatnye...


  4. bukan soal sape lg bagus. FSB tetap kene ade, ade keje dia. HyperTransport ade keje dia.

    FSB adlh bus yg digunakan oleh cpu utk berinteraksi dgn sistem.

    FSB tinggi = performance tinggi

    HyperTransport adlh teknologi utk bantu sistem bus yg lebih laju antara I/O chipset-hardware, supaya bleh cope up dgn kehendak cpu, utk memenuhi kehendak FSB.

    aku guna bahasa pasar je la. guna yg techy kang payah lak nak paham...


  5. nak senang paham:

    katala ko beli processor RM200. performance = B.

    ko oc, bleh capai performace mcm cpu reger RM500 yg performance dia = A.

    tu yg dikata oc, guna hardware yg lebih murah, kurang power, tp nk capai performance mcm hardware mahal, lebih power.

    nasihat aku: MSI - jgn buat oc. menangis x berlagu karang.

    utk oc: pi rembat Abit, Asus, Gigabyte


  6. cpu adelah kapla otak kpd sistem.

    segala benda yg cpu nak proses mesti amik dr RAM, sbb sume data nak di-execute dari HD antar ke RAM dulu.

    cpu berinteraksi dgn sume benda dlm sistem melalui I/O chip, iaitu Nortbridge dan Southbridge.

    pebende Northbridge dan Southbridge ni? ni adlh chipset2 yg korang tgk kat kotak mobo tu la... kalau nVidia: nForce 2, nForce 4, nForce 550 la, 570 la, 590 la.

    kalau Intel: 965 la, 975 la,

    ... tu sume adlh I/O chipset.

    pentingnye I/O chipset ni kerana diorang ni yg berkomunikasi dengan AGP, PCI, PCI-e, keyboard, mouse, printer dan sbgnye.

    sume tindakan dpd hardware akan dibawak ke I/O chipset dulu (contoh: keyboard, mouse), pastu antar ke CPU, dpt arahan dpd CPU, hantar balik tindakan ke hardware (contoh: cursor bergerak, display pd monitor).

    dlm kes HyperTransport, sblm ade HyperTransport, sume interaksi I/O chipset-hardware mempunyai bus masing2.

    tp dgn HyperTransport, ntah pekejadah teknologinya, aku pun xtau, dia mengurangkan jumlah bus yg ade, sekaligus mengurangkan kesesakan interaksi I/O chipset-hardware, menggantikannya dgn satu Hyper Bus yg lagi power.

    ini mmbolehkan, interaksi I/O chipset-hardware-cpu menjadi lebih pantas, sekaligus meningkatkan performance sistem.

    nak senang paham:

    - kes A: 3 jalan sehala masuk ke satu pintu untuk masuk bandar

    - kes B: satu highway 3 lanes, masuk ke satu pintu untuk masuk bandar

    mane lagi laju, A ke B?

    - kes A: masuk bergilir-gilir, pastu sangkut, ni yg dikatakan bottleneck

    - kes B: sekali arung, 3 masuk sekali, 3 masuk sekali, xde sangkut2

    bleh paham ke?


  7. oc = menjadikan cpu beroperasi lebih pantas

    cpu beroperasi lebih pantas = semua komponen dan hardware menjadi lebih pantas

    kesan = suhu meningkat

    kereta = laju = 100km/h = enjin panas

    kereta = lebih laju = 300km/h = enjin lebih panas -> cecah red zone RPM, meletup!

    cpu = oc = lebih panas = hangus!


  8. penerangan lebih mudah:

    HyperTransportâ„¢ technology is a high speed, high performance chip-to-chip interconnect primarily intended for use on a system board within distances of up to 24 inches. The specification has been proposed by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and is promoted by the Hypertransport Consortium. HyperTransportâ„¢ technology is designed to transfer data at 6.4 Gigabytes per second.

    rujukan terms:



    The Integrated Graphics Tunnel in AMD's Hypertransport architecture for Hammer CPU's allows transfers with up to 6.4GB's

    sumber: www.tomshardware.com


    penerangan ttg HyperTransport dlm bentuk gambarajah:

    Arkitektur AMD 'Hammer':





  9. Pada pengetauan akulah,Mobo MSI K9N Ultra nie xder fsb kan,so camner nak OC nie? ? ? :(

    cpu berinteraksi dengan sume komponen (hardware) dlm sistem menggunakan FSB. x mungkin tiada setting utk mengubah FSB. sume mobo ade benda ni.

    yg penting, bila jumpa setting tu, tukar kepada 'Manual'. jd pengubahsuaian (up atau down) FSB bleh dibuat secara manual.

    utk AMD Athlon64, standard FSB adlh 200MHz. naikkan sikit demi sikit. naikkan 2MHz, boot windows. lepas, naikkan lagi 2 MHz. smpai windows dah xbuleh boot, baru main dgn vcore dan vdimm plak. SENTIASA tgk temperature CPU, mobo dan RAM. cooling solution kene ready sblm oc. kalau x, hangus!!! :ph34r:

    nak memberi kelegaan utk oc, gunakan Abit! xperlu risau lagi. hehehe...


  10. Klau xOC xleh ke ? ? ? ? ?. :D .Adakah xlaju PC Kalau xOC ? ?.Camne cara nak OC nie ???.Harap membantu

    x oc xpe. x salah.

    org yg oc ni, nak bagi PC laju, dgn menggunakan processor yg lebih slow dan murah, tp nk performance mcm processor yg lebih laju dan mahal.

    PC x oc = standard

    PC oc = lebih laju

    cara nak oc:

    - masuk BIOS, carik FSB. naikkan sket demi sket. naik 2 Mhz buat pertama kali.

    - try boot windows. kalau lepas, masuk balik BIOS, naikkan lagi 2 MHz.

    - boot lagi smpai windows dah mcm weng, masa ni main dgn vcore, vdimm plak.

    - sumenye bergantung kpd kemampuan hardware utk handle dgn torture, voltage berlebihan, dan kualiti mobo, RAM dan sbgnye.

    - test stability dgn Prime95. sistem x stabil maknenye x best.

    - stability jgk brgntng kpd hardware.

    - yg plg pnting sblm oc, cooling solution yg trbaik kene ready. kalau x hangus, mcm yg ko nak buat kat aku. okhokhokh...


  11. Aku pun xfaham ape hypersport nie ? ? ? :D

    AMD HyperTransportâ„¢ Technology

    - HyperTransport technology is a high-speed, low latency, point-to-point link designed to increase the communication speed between integrated circuits in computers, servers, embedded systems, and networking and telecommunications equipment up to 48 times faster than some existing technologies.

    - HyperTransport technology helps reduce the number of buses in a system, which can reduce system bottlenecks and enable today's faster microprocessors to use system memory more efficiently in high-end multiprocessor systems.

    - HyperTransport technology is designed to:

    o Provide significantly more bandwidth than current technologies

    o Use low-latency responses and low pin counts

    o Maintain compatibility with legacy PC buses while being extensible to new SNA (Systems Network Architecture) buses.

    o Appear transparent to operating systems and offer little impact on peripheral drives.

    - HyperTransport technology was invented at AMD with contributions from industry partners and is managed and licensed by the HyperTransport Technology Consortium, a Texas non-profit corporation. The full specification and more information about HyperTransport technology can be found at HyperTransport.org.

    HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.

    sumber: www.amd.com

  12. FSB: tu bermaksud kelajuan processor berkomunikasi ngan PCI/AGP/RAM dll.........lagi besar lagi bagus.....

    tetapi AMD processor dah x pakai FSB dia pakai HypertRansport (HTT) dah cecah 1GHZ..........kalo ko

    enable DUAL CHANNEL leh cecah 2GHZ!!!!!!HTT(depending pada Proc dan mobo)

    AMD processor x guna FSB? guna HyperTransport plak? pebende ni?


  13. Intel kuarkan C2D setelah belaja daripada kesilapan selama 3 tahun. diorang design C2D daripada scratch, tada! Extremely powerful processor, masih dgn LGA775.

    AMD bercadang tukar ke AM2, pastu AM3, pastu ntah hape AM# lagi... tapi masih gunakan Athlon. Athlon dah tua sangat dah, dah sampai ke limit. by the time diorang release K8L dlm plg kurng 2 tahun, Intel mgkin dah ready utk strikes back & replacing C2D.

    smpai bila nak langkah permulaan? new processors rule. not a new socket.



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