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Posts posted by muddy78

  1. wow. when was the last time i posted a reply in this forum? 3? 4 years? does time really fly that fast?

    surprisingly my username still works, after all this time. i supposed i should thank shanai then, for not pruning the database of inactive members like me :D

    i meant to find a technical solution, but ended up posting in the english forum, how's that for being deviated.

    it's 3am, my brain is tired and i need my beauty sleep :D

    good luck and good night everyone :)

  2. hi guys! dah lame tak pegi putera, so i'm hoping maybe you guys can help me solve this particular problem of mine.

    ok, cite latar sikit.

    pc yang nak di install linux ni mmg pc lame, actually my first pc. spec pc lps "diupgrade" (i'm gonna list down everything for the sake of completeness):

    - PC Chips m590 motherboard

    - Cyrix MII PR333Mhz (overclocked a bit to PR350Mhz with real clock speed of 314Mhz)

    - Integrated graphic card (sis6236) and sound (cmi8338)

    - 32MB of EDO RAM (a pair of 16MB sticks) + 32MB SD RAM (1 stick) + 64MB SD RAM (1 stick)=128MB (all banks are full)

    - seagate 4GB hard disk

    - lite-on cd-writer

    I know this setup is capable of running Linux, sbb a few years ago I did try Red Hat on it and it worked fine.

    ok, problem die mcm ni. bile nak install distro with 2.6 kernel je, setup tak boleh detect disks.

    so far i cuba light weight distros je, sbb PC lame kan, macam Xubuntu ngan Zenwalk, and both failed nak detect disk. Xubuntu dpt detect hard disk tp tak dpt detect CD-ROM (ckp my cd-writer tu maybe non-ATAPI bagai, sedangkan mmg ATAPI), zenwalk plak langsung tak detect disk (disk detection punyela lame, lps tu bile sampai nak setup disk tu ckp disk takde)

    My suspicion is on the kernel that sbb I dah cuba Damn Small Linux LiveCD yg based on 2.4 and jalan plak. Detect everything, then terus ade graphical interface.

    Sifoo2 linux kan sini blh tak explain apela yg menyebabkan bende bodoh tak detect disk ni jadi? betol ke sbb kernel 2.6 tu or something else? diorg tukar ke hardware detection routine under 2.6?

    balik ni nak try wolvix linux plak, tak sure la based on kernel version brp distro tu. tak pon maybe try install Damn Small Linux tu ke hard disk ke.

    susah2 sgt install windows 2000 jela, PC buruk tu still meet hardware requirement win2k.

  3. before i proceed, sesape from easynet interactive terbace post ni bagi2 le discount next time i renew my hosting ok :D

    1. Alamat web anda:


    2. Alamat webhost anda:


    3. Support bahasa apa?(PHP, ASP, JSP, HTML):

    PHP and adik beradik unix le (perl, python etc). diorg takde windows hosting.

    4. Berapa anda bayar sebulan/setahun?:

    for my package, around RM144 per year. actually kalau ikut features i have found a better webhosting company, but i like this company sbb service die very prompt.

    5. Customer service bagus tak?:

    i would say excellent, considering yg ni malaysian company kan (no offense ppl, but it's the truth) they provide live chat, phone and email support, so ape2 problem boleh je contact diorg. sekali tu i thought my ftp didn't work and i messaged them thru live chat straight away. tak sampai brp minute dah ade org responded. they tried all sorts of thing tapi sebenarnye my pc rupenye yg problem :D

    and they are knowledgeable. sekali tu i asked why my backup script didn't work, rupenye diorg dah tak gune unix program that i call in my script tu.

    now this is why i didn't switch.

    6. Web panel apa? (Cpanel/Lain2):


    7. Domain sekali dengan webhosting atau asing?:

    i got my domain through them and renew je tiap2 tahun (that RM144 tu include hosting and domain sekali) but i think if you already have domain boleh je transfer kat diorg.

    8. Jika sekali, ada tak ntuk manage A dan Cname? (Advanced DNS Setting):

    tidakle tau sbb tak gune features tu. but i have seen that parked domain feature dlm cpanel.

    9. Bolehkah create .htaccess file?:

    satu lagi feature yg tak gune. nanti nak try le create .htaccess, see what happen.

    10. Pandangan peribadi anda:

    i'm loving it! from the first time i register sampai skrg ni service diorg top notch.

    11. Soalan tambahan:

    A. jika anda setkan subdomain.domainanda.com, adakah browser akan forwardkan ke domainanda.com/subfolder?

    B. atau adakah jika anda setkan subdomain.domainanda.com, browser akan tetap dengan subdomain.domainanda.com dan boleh pula untuk menjadi seperti ini: subdomain.domainanda.com/subfolder (ini bermakna, pathnya adalah domainanda.com/subfolder/subfolder2)

    Jawapan anda A atau B?

    i created a subdomain for my blog and takde kene forward pegi directory.and yes, boleh set subdir under my subdomain.

    12. Soalan tambahan:

    Downtime anda (dalam kiraan sebulan/setahun berapa kali ada masalah nak access web anda):

    jarangle, if ever. sekali sebulan kot (the website is always there when i access it so tak brp sure abt this)

  4. Dalam dilemma skrg ni, nak pindah ke Kompakar ke tak.

    I dapat job offer drpd company ni, and altho the offer is certainly a bit more drpd current salary, I ade sedikit doubts la. I don't mind la dpt gaji tak naik byk, but environment tu yg I risaukan.

    So sekang nie nak taula, sesape keje Kompakar or kenal sesape yg keje kat sane boleh tak bagitau camne environment tempat nie, sbb I don't want to be unhappy keje kalo ye pon gaji byk. Keje kene happy kan, and also kenele jugak ade life so to speak, takdele asyik keje je.

    So tolongle ye, bagi maklumat pasal Kompakar ni ASAP. Nak bagi resignation letter hari ni gak. TQ.

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