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Posts posted by tdl

  1. Mr-frostmourne, rupa-rupanya:

    1. Most hardware does not currently have 64-bit drivers.

    2. In Vista x64, any driver that is not properly signed will not be able to enter the kernel and will fail to load.

    3. Vista x64 currently does not backward support most x86 (32-bit) drivers.

    4. Vista x64 does not support 16-bit software.

    5. Very little x64 software currently exists.

    Conclusion=> Most users with 64-bit hardware should install the 32-bit (x86) version of Vista.

    Saya pun xpaham jugak, bukan ke dah ramai pakai 64bit system? Apsal driver2 banyak xde?- :huh:

  2. Sbb aku punya folder option dah hilang...tp aku rasa virus tu dah clear dgn Portable Av...camne ek...tolong gua...

    Oooo-macam tu rupanya, nak pakai program Dial-a-fix boleh nak settle masalah ni.

    Run, click button Policies, tick semua pastu Remove, restart or log-off/log-on Windows. Mungkin settle.

    Sebenarnya dalam PAV tu ade function yg boleh try. Ambik Settings> Configuration> Repair registry... pastu Ok.

  3. pkai windows cd lagi bagus ker atau amik hdd tuh kuar,jadikan slave kat pc lain dan format?mana lagi sesuai & selamat?

    Bagi saya, sebenarnya serupe aje dua2 tu. Cuma kalo ko buat hdd tu slave pastu format kt komp lain dan kalo komp tu power, dia lagi cepat la format. Tp kalo nak setup Windows- mmg highly recommended install semasa hdd tu kat komp asal.

  4. Waaaaahhhh- :lol: amazing sungguh. Macam ni ker processor kite nanti? Sampai 80 cores?- :blink:

    Hohohoho, MHz dah xbermakna ape2 sangat dah, diaorg tumpukan increase performance guna MultiCores pulak.

    Trend baru processor sekarang. Errrr- ni target untuk desktop ke server nanti?

    2-4-8-16-32-64-128, Wahahaha, janjang mane pulak la 80 ni guna?

    Thanks for the info Master Chief Petty Officer Putera miss/mdm-ChloeAgnew-Harharhar :lol:

  5. ...aku dah pakai unistall balik dan pakai msw2003..mungkin pasal aku dah biasa dengan yang lama... :lol:

    Ha-ah, sama macam saya dulu, tp mase tu yg beta-version la. Lepas try, terus uninstall, button copy-paste tah ke mane tah.

    So yang baru punye saya xtry poonnn. Tunggu la dulu nanti.

    Kalo ade yg dah biasa pastu cakap lg orait, mase tu la nak try balik lagi sekali.

  6. Nampaknya tidak ada yang betul-betul selamat jika hd jatuh ke tangan orang lain. Kalau tuan punya taklah kisah sangat.

    Sekurang-kurangnya, nak retrive bende tu nampak mcm indirect skit. Nak bg protection terus kalo takut ade orang cabut-

    Hdd tu, encrypt aje pakai software2 yg ade. (yg power2)

  7. Agaknya, bila pulak ko nak upgrade GC kalo ko angkat Gc-gc tu sekarang?

    Ko nak pakai Vista ke mase terdekat nih?

    Sbb saya rasa, kalo xde plan nak upgrade gc mase depan, mcm xberbaloi aje beli gc2 tu. Baik kumpul duit skit dulu, xyah nak cepat2. Game2 direct3d? Bukan ke sebahagian daripada DirectX ker?- :huh:

    Wait, Mobo ko xsupport PCI-Express ke?

  8. Saya rasa xberbaloi lagi buat mase ni bg diaorg kalo nak beli 1TB seperate untuk setiap satu PC, mmg untuk jangka masa panjang orait, tp diaorg pentingkan data safety dulu. Kalo tiba2 setongkoh tu kantoi macam mr-brigedalaqsa cakap, habis la kalo xde backup. Tp kalo bende tu dah murah nanti, xkisah sangat sebab boleh beli banyak2 wat backup. Entah.

  9. aku tukar FIUS tadi .. :(

    Ho, oyat doh. Tu la dio. Haiyaaa, panda sangat mung nih. Kepar sungguh. Ko mu sajo jah oyat lagu tuh?

    Tapi macam ni la mr-fahizi, saya go for cadangan otai mr-OngBok aka mr-PowerRootTongkatAli_GS tu.

    Memang ko tengah anxious dan fear menyelubungi ko, tp saya rasa kene off dulu semua, cabut semua power cable.

    Unplug semua wayar2 monitor, sound, keyboard, mouse etc. Esok try tengok mcmane pulak.

    Anyway, otai2 lain mungkin akan reply immediate actions yg perlu ko buat.

    Banyakkan bersabar, berdoa banyak2 skit mase semayang nanti. Insya-Allah xserius yg disangka- ;)

    Otai2 Putera sini ramai boleh bantu.

  10. Kok yo pun mung nih, try bawok saba dulu aaaa.

    Banyok benar pc mung.

    Agak2nya, ko kene power-surge, memang nightmare.

    Anyway, kadang tu xde ape sangat (jangan berharap). Xleh masuk Windows jah? Kalo POST punya activity ade tak?

    Bios boleh masuk?Tapi-

    cuma bau hangittt je kat Motherboad .... adakah motherboad dah rosak ??

    Aiseehhhh. Try check dulu.

    One more thing, ko buat ape tadi? Ko tengah buat keje welding ke? Baik cakap. Ni memang kes letrik.

    Ko main fius kat kotak letrik ekkk?

  11. Tp kalu aku wat safe mode aku laju lak bukak my computer

    Orait, mantap la kalo virus2 dah xde. Tp problem persist lagi nampaknya.

    mr-vb_rhyme, kalo ko try wat akaun lain macamane? Problem ade lagi ke?

    Kalo nak try Dial-a-fix boleh gak. Just run, click Policies, pastu remove semua restrictions yg ade. Kalo xjadi, at least

    boleh recover complications virus2 yg dpt detect tu.

    Rileks, otai2 nanti ade bg komen.- ;)

  12. Ni komputer ker laptop nih?Harharhar- :lol:

    Check semula jumper yg ko short-kan tuh, pastikan betul2 yg 'reset CMOS' punya.

    Nak try cabut batery CMOS pun boleh gak. At least tunggu 10 saat baru pasang semula.

    Mobo jenis ape nih? :huh:

  13. Akum..


    Bila aku try bukak my computer dia aku kena tunggu lama lebih kurang 2-5 min baru boleh nampak local disk n removable drive sbb time aku nak bukak jer keluar benda mcm lampu suluh n folder pastu kat bhg bwh kiri window My Computer ader perkataan searching for items.

    Link kat bawah ni mungkin boleh membantu:

    => http://forum.putera.com/tanya/index.php?show...86&hl=lampu

    Tp highly suggested ko update AntiVirus and AntiSpyware, pastu scan dulu.

  14. This is probably a new variant of the SVICHOST.exe virus.

    mr-matthew.upm, maybe the result is not accurate enough. In order for another AntiVirus to equally scan the uploaded

    sample, it is recommended to give it 'by it original state', not compressed (plus, you use rar format). I hope you can try to test it again.

    If your AntiVirus has already detected the threat, then you must disable it for a moment.

  15. aku dah update AVG free edition aku.... tp x dpt detect gak.... avast pon detect tp mcm x berapa bersih...

    Virus tu sebenarnya ade lagi ke tak? Ke ko nak try baiki complication/aftermath virus tuh?

    Process hijackers banyak. IBProcman, Pocket Killbox, The Killer Machine etc.

    Portable AntiVirus mr-Alternator ko dah try ke belum? Dalam options PAV tu pun ade gak nak baiki registry.

    => http://www.data0.net/

    Program Dial-a-Fix pun orait gak, dia boleh check kalo account ko ade policies restrictions ke tak.

    Orait gak kalo ko boleh upload sample bagi kat otai2 sini.

  16. akum


    aku nye proc intel p4 541 3.2ghz, tapi temperature die tinggi sesangat

    aku sampai naik takut....kalo rest tu ade la dlm 65c ke atas...

    pastu gc aku pon kemain gak tinggi nye....

    aku pakai colorful7300gt ddr3...kalo rest ade la 60c...

    Bro, bukak balik casing ko tu, cuci apa yang patut, cpu fan ko tu semua.

    Pastikan thermal compund tu rata dengan heatsink, bagi contact dia manthap dgn cpu surface.

    Pastikan pemasangan cpu fan dgn heatsink tu kemas.

    Banyak lagi yg boleh ko cube, sebelum decide kene beli kipas 3rd party yg baru.

    GC ko tu overclock ke?

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