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Posts posted by tdl

  1. RavMonE AVG patut bleh detect dh kalo u ada update AVG Free you. I dah hantar 3 variant terbarunya.

    Okay, manthap. Thank you. Asalkan dah ader submit kira orait la.

    wat pe gune AV nie?? semua sama je..

    baik buang virus tue scara manual.. carik documentation kat tenet.. takat virus ravmone tue buang sendiri le..

    masuk savemode pastue carik virus tue.. DELETE JE.. kalau ada error msg kuar masa start tue.. pergi regedit buang string key dier.. senang cite..

    senang skrg org carik duit, ader virus anta kat kedai pastue format duit dah kemana, sedangkan leh delete mcm tue jer..

    kalau susah sangat.. pakai deep freeze.. xpayah dok susah pk virus n AV yg xleh diharap nie..

    Hahaha- :lol: , nasib baik xpecah perut.

  2. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barokatuh.

    Kepada semua otai2 virus Putera sekalian, nak mintak korang tolong berikan sample virus nih kat AVG, AntiVir, Avira,

    BitDefender, TrendMicro (xtest lagi) dan antivirus lain yg xdetect.

    (kena buat thread baru sbb thread New Virus Found nampaknya kurang sesuai)

    Sample=> http://filecargo.com/dw.php?id=1172072653&/0/Bha.dll.rar :excl:

    (Kepada pengguna biasa, jangan test- bahaya :excl: )

    Dah berlaku minor outbreak kt tempat saya, actually mr-amin dah sebut pasal virus ni kt sini tp xde sample.

    Mujurrrrrlah Portable AntiVirus detect virus nih, siap heal lagi registry. Cayalah mr-Alternator.

    Tp sebagai perisai pada mase akan datang, tolong sape2 uploadkan sample tu ke company anti-virus yg berkenaan.

    (Saya kurang percaya kdp AV company yg tawarkan service upload virus kpd user biasa, mcm xlayan aje. Sape yg ade

    connection mesti diaorg respond terus).

    Xlupa jugak kpd Ravmone yg AVG xdapat detect nih.

    Sample=> http://filecargo.com/dw.php?id=1172028166&...RavMonE-test.7z :excl: (Bahaya- Virus)

    (Dah ade dlm thread New Virus Found tp takut org xsedar)

  3. tapikan aku dah bawa balik mouse dgn keyboard mber aku punya tu kat umah aku...

    mmg tak ada masalah langsung...malah boleh digunakan...

    senang citer tak ada problem lah..tapi bila pasng balik kat umah mber aku tuu...

    mmg ada masalah.....

    cthnya cam mouse,keyboard ngan monitor SHJ.kalo jadi jugak try guna keyboard @ mouse lain.

    Dah try ke belum?

    Ambik test-pen, check takut2 ade leak tak kt rear panel casing dia.

    Keyboard mouse yg USB xde nak try?

  4. Waalaikumusalam-

    Kalo saya dulu pakai Windows AutoPatcher ajer. Pastu selainnya download dari Microsoft. (thehehehehe- :P )

    Software macam WUTool pun boleh bantu gak, tp dia save updates yg sedang didownload, yg telah didownload xtau pulak.

    Windows ko ade folder msdownld.tmp tak?

    Website ni mungkin boleh bantu jugak=> http://www.uninet.net/~blaisdel/whistler6....SaveUpdatesToCD

    Tapi sekarang saya xupdate pun Windows saya pas format, ade something dengan Mobo saya nih. Update aje ader bende-

    pelik berlaku, komputer jadi tersekat2, process manager tiba2 bengong.

    Saya dah update Bios tp xtry lagi update Windows setelah sekian lama-huhuhu.

  5. tapi kan bila aku bawa balik umah aku, off aku, aku test ok ajer ..

    tak ada masalah pun..

    Sungguh? Memang xkuar masalah tu? Ko test cpu je ke?

    masalah pc tu bila jadi nanti....

    fail apa entah akan keluar (tak klik pun akan terbuka)

    berdouble2 dia keluar..

    tak kira lah fail my doc, word, serch, ie,

    Entah2 mouse dia bengong, sensitive sangat, sekali click jadi berdouble2 click. Xclick ape2 pun dia rasa nak click jugak.

    Xpun dia punya keyboard masalah.

    Mouse saya pun macam tu jugak (tp kena click la), malas nak tukar baru. Try bukak godek2 aritu, jadi kurang skit pe-elnye.

  6. Saya xtau macamane lagi nak configure dia betul2, kuat sangat firewall dia, sampai geng saya nak masuk jenguk-

    Shared Document saya pun xlepas. Kene off dulu baru boleh. Dah xpakai sekarang.

    Tapi security memang jadi mantap la kalo install dia.

    Kelebihan lainnya, dia boleh block transmission/aktiviti spyware yg baru yg masih xleh detect oleh AntiSpyware.

    Anyway, saya xtau effect dia kepada kelajuan surfing/tenet.

  7. aku penah bace statistik, org cine paling banyak kene kanser. alangkan jiran aku umur baru 30 tahun meninggal tahun lepas. sebab kanser otak. tanyer famili dier apsal leh kene. rupenyer maser kat poli dulu kejenyer melantak megi je.... nak save duit....

    Chinese banyak kene cancer sbb banyak genetic predisposition.

    MSG tidak ade bersangkutan dengan cancer- harap maklum.- :)

    In 1959, the FDA classified MSG as a "generally recognized as safe", or GRAS, substance. This action stemmed from the 1958 Food Additives Amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, which required premarket approval for new food additives and led the FDA to promulgate regulations listing substances, such as MSG, which have a history of safe use or are otherwise GRAS. Since 1970, FDA has sponsored extensive reviews on the safety of MSG, other glutamates and hydrolyzed proteins, as part of an ongoing review of safety data on GRAS substances used in processed foods. One such review was by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Select Committee on GRAS Substances. In 1980, the committee concluded that MSG was safe at current levels of use but recommended additional evaluation to determine MSG's safety at significantly higher levels of consumption. Additional reports attempted to look at this. In 1986, FDA's Advisory Committee on Hypersensitivity to Food Constituents concluded that MSG poses no threat to the general public but that reactions of brief duration might occur in some people.

    Ramai yang masih tak tahu pasal updated info ni- -_-

    Tapi, makan maggi selalu memang xbaik untuk kesihatan.

  8. a'kum bro & sis


    1- Administrator punya akaun hanya muncul kt login screen dalam SafeMode sahaja, setahu saya la.

    tapi ko boleh ubah untuk 'meng-adakannya' dalam standard login screen dengan wat tweaking kat Registry.

    Mula-mula ko ambik=>

    Start> Run> taip regedit [enter]> Browse sampai jumpa:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

    Dah jumpa tu, ko ambik Edit> New> DWORD Value

    Pastu ko rename New Value #1 tu kepada Administrator.

    Double-click Administrator tu, masukkan nilai 1 dalam kotak Value Data. Restart komp. Cuba try.

    2- Macam mr-frostmourne cakap tuh.

    3- Sama tapi tak serupa. Entah. Harharharhar- :lol:

  9. A'kum puteranians...


    Hahahahahaha- :lol:

    Serupa macam saya la, tp yang Aztech tu saya xambik RMA lg, malas nak turun Kolumpo.

    Tak stabil macamane? Selalu disconnect? Ke tiba led ADSL blinking? Tah-tah ko punyer line.

    Kadang2 tu ade ADSL modem yg sensitive skit dgn frequency yg lemah.

    Kalo frequency elok, mane2 branded ADSL modem/router- xde masalah.

  10. hdd cable cucuk tak ketat tu. check language pack ? mui ?

    Berkemungkinan jugak, tp pada kes dia ni saya rasa unlikely la.

    mr-arulsr, geng saya dulu ade kene sebijik mcm ko tu, tp pelik apsal Kaspersky ko xdetect. Variant lagi? Haiya -_-

    Sedikit sebanyak info yg mungkin berkaitan dgn virus tu ade kt sini=> SickAutorun (start kiriman 20)

    Thanks to mr-Alternator la wat cure dia.

  11. Consider ape yg mr-adnan_tdd cakap tuh, penting tau.

    Power supply yg awk try ganti-kan tu sure orait? Tah2 dua2 konghs. (Thehehehe- :P )-check balik semula.

    Kesian tengok ko, sampai 3 bijik komp jadi mcm tu.

    Since ko dah:

    aku dah check pd hard disk, RAM, graphic card, cabel.. suma ok...
    testing pasang komponent2 tu kat komp lain ke? jadi? or just check sambungan cabel diaorg?

    pernah dulu jd skali mcmnie tp aku tarik n smbg blk IDE cable, pc aku terus ok.. then 3/4 ari dia jd blk benda yg sama...

    2pc pentium3 satu lagi p4..

    System lame ekkk? Check betul2 Mobo2 tu ade tak tanda2 macam kt sini. (kiriman 11 & 12)

    Processor2 tu ko xleh try kt system lain yg orait?

    Antara tanda2 processor might ade problem ialah kesan terbakar kt pin cpu/socket mobo.

    Tp again, ade processor cantikkkkk aje, xdek kesan ape2 pun, cuma kt dalam dia tu (silica/transistor) problem.

  12. Akum...


    ..tengok2 svhost.exe cpu usage dia tinggi...knapa yek..???aku try la end processes...bla end je svhost tu pc aku laju blik...tp wireless n sound jd probem setiap kali aku end svhost tu...camna aku nk bt skrg nih..??

    Tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahawa komputer anda telah dijangkiti virus. :excl:

    Nak xnak virus tu kena la diremove-kan terlebih dahulu, masalah sound tu kemudian.

    Pakai AntiVirus tak?

    Install mane2 Antivirus (eg. AVG), update dan scan. (1st priority)

    Xlupa jugak dgn AntiSpyware, install mane2 Antispyware (eg. SpyBot Search and Destroy), update dan scan.

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