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Posts posted by K8N_Neo3

  1. aku nak tanya kau..pernah tak kau guna AGP card kat mobo MSI ni?

    aku x guna sbb senak ah nak carik agp card yg dia support tu...version kena betul,manufacturer kena betul,model pun kena betul...

    last2 beli pci-express punya...sng cerita

    aku xnak try oc lg,lain kali kot

  2. memang pun kau otai....

    oit jgn puji sgt..aku naik riak nanti,wakakakakakaka laugh.gifph34r.gif

    Hey you richfellow faggot beotch,did you say you fly planes? so why you bother 2 buy original console games?why a pilot like you bother 2 play games anyway?are you fired recently & start buying this 'original' games?so that's why you're acting like a dumbass in this forum.. biggrin.gif

    So you heard me.If you're not fired yet,go fly planes.may al-qaeda members hijack your plane and target it to the statue of liberty or taipei 101...and you will blown to pieces


  3. Muahaha..n00b 2 the rescue!!

    I read this topic throughly and got pissed by this richfellow guy...and i found out his own stupidity...

    1. He said that us,'poor' puteranians should go fishing and reading at the library if we can't afford 'original' gaming because he thought fishing is for the poor??WTF?? why did you said:

    fishing rod i saja dah beribu harganya

    tak mainla fishing rod harga puluhan

    You dumbass..you said fishing is for the poor guy like us..instead, you fish too...way to go,MF laugh.gif

    2. You think that we 'poor' puteranians are stupid??nope..i don't think so...a rich guy like you are dumber than us,buying games like 'land of the dead' (XBOX) which are a piece of crap for RM200++,if we puteranians buy the same game,we only waste RM5.See the difference?waste of money man...people who are wasting money for nothing are a true dumbass...

    3. Maybe you are one of the nerd & stupid rich gamers who queue in line to buy the new xbox 360,went home and found out that this piece of s**t suck power like there's no tomorrow, hotter than hell and eventually melt...we puteranians didn;t have this problem.we simply wait for the revised and modified version,which won't have this kind of problem...you stupid b***h

    4. Rich people don't know anything...because puteranians that are 'poor',tend to repair and solve their own problems ourselves,we know what to do if out applications or hardware breaks up and repair them,because we are smart enough to do it...you rich people just know to call someone who will charge you loads of money to solve your problem,because these repairmen know rich people are dumber than poor people and will believe everything they say to them...hmph...get the picture?

    That's it...still don't get the picture?? If that so,i have a number of pics for you:

    user posted image

    user posted image


    Moderators,just lock this thread

  4. mmg ada agp slot tp support card2 lama je...list card yg support pun skit je..baik guna card pci express

    ram lak ada 2 slot...oc aku xtau sbb x test lg..

    ko beli mobo s939 jelah,mcm donjuan ckp tuh..sng upgrade di kemudian hari..

  5. Aku pakai 3 bijik PC, 1 laptop

    AMD Athlon 700MHz

    384MB SDRAM

    XP Pro

    40Gig HDD

    CD Burner 52/32/52 (imation)

    Geforce 4 mx440

    Monitor samsung (15")

    AMD Sempron 2500+

    512MB DDR

    80Gig HDD

    CD-ROM Drive

    Radeon 9250

    Monitor LCD Philips 150s (15")

    Speaker 5.1 chop ayam (SYE)

    AMD Athlon 64 3000+

    1024MB DDR

    160Gig HDD

    CD/DVD dual layer burner (sony)

    Raden x700se 256MB

    Monitor LCD Acer AL1515 (15")

    Headphone Philips

    Laptop Acer Aspire 1694WLMi

    Pentium M 2.0

    512MB DDR2

    Mobility Radeon x700 128MB

    Display 15.4" widescreen

    tu aje...

    Hoodlums aku rasa x naik sgt kot..sbb encoding tumpu kat proc punya power...kalu salah betulkan

  6. die mesti amik untung gak.

    mmg pun..harga dealer+charge transport KL-TRG...

    yg bestnya, harga parts KL (lowyat) ngan kedai dia x byk beza sgt..kecuali kalu aku special order parts yg dia x borong,mcm aku order X800GTO..aku beli ngan dia harga rm770

    takpe,kalu dia ambik untung pun bukannya byk mcm kedai lain

  7. aku dulu penah gak sentuh notebook..masa thn.1998,tapi yg member ayah aku la..x silap aku brand Sharp..166mhz, masa tu touchpad xde lg kot, notebook tu guna trackball..ntah brp inci punya tebal..mcm kamus..harga pun hebat..dlm 10000 gak

    err...buleh ke mencelah pasal notebook ni?lebih kurang mcm pc je kan?

  8. Kat Trg pun camtu..kedai PC kat Astaka ( tanjung )...harga brg punyalah x masuk akal..harga speaker altec lansing 2.1 dia jual rm368,usb mini cable rm40,imation DVD dual layer writer (external) rm699,bluetooth usb (10 meter) rm 150,sound card Live!24bit rm 300...dan byk lg harga2 tak masuk akal

    aku tau sewa kedai kat Astaka tu mahal tapi jgn la naik harga gila #$$%& camni..

    yg aku heran tu, ramai gak org yg gi kat sana,beli mcm2..buta IT kot tongue.gif

    sbb tu kalu aku nak beli brg2 PC , aku gi Dynabytes je...tokey dia kenal sgt aku sbb beli byk parts dgn dia..siap beri harga dealer lg..

    tu x kira lg kedai lain...harga mahal2..kalu kedai cina mcm dynabytes jual murah lak..bila nak maju?

  9. Sejarah PC (first-time) aku:

    Butang first-time aku tekan : 1

    Pc first-time yg aku guna : intel 486,spec x brp ingat (PC pejabat ayah aku), masa tu aku baru 6 thn..(1994), aku tau bukak game je..hehehe

    Game first-time : Xenon 2..syok gile..pastu beralih ke raptor,doom,blablablabla

    OS first-time aku guna : windows 3.1 & DOS

    first-time rosakkan PC : thn.1995@1996(?), masa tu guna windows 95,intel pentium 133mhz..aku ter'hilang'kan CDROM drive..tiba2je xleh detect..bawak gi kedai le..mana tau repair pc masa tu

    first-time format : 1996...win95 rosak teruk..abg aku ajar format, kiranya aku ni buas jugak ah masa kecik2 dulu laugh.gif masa tu jugak aku install windows first-time..

    first-time guna AMD : 1999..amd k6-2 475mhz,vga card voodoo3,mobo SiS,128mb ram..sampai skrg aku terlekat dgn AMD..proc power..

    first-time assemble PC : 1999..rig AMD tu aku pasang sdiri je..lama gak baca manual..

    first-time overclock : 2000, OC voodoo3 aku tp sikit2 ke, takut vga card cair..

    first-time online : 1997, langgan TMnet 1515..kiranya masa tu, ada internet tu canggih la..tp skrg dah bersepah

    first-time beli PC guna $$$ sdiri : 2000, aku beli rig AMD Athlon 700mhz,mobo biostar,nvidia geforce,192mb ram.. x ingat byk mana aku belanja..skrg aku guna athlon 3000+,mobo s754 MSI,ATI X800GTO pci-e, 512mb ram..pun guna duit sendiri..duit abis dlm rm2000...

    Info menarik dulu2:

    masa ayah aku gi kedai electromedia kat K.Trg(dkt2 tanjung) ,order intel 486 pastu mintak 4mb ram..langsung tokey kedai tu balas: "kau nak buat apa 4mb ram?banyak tu..laju sangat..mahal nak order" kalu guna 4mb je kat pc aku skrg, POST screen pun x sampai agaknya laugh.gif

    ada butang 'turbo' kat intel 486 dulu..aku xtau lak fungsi apa..NOS kot biggrin.gif ..kalu korg tau..reply la

    masa 1999 dulu proc AMD x brp popular kat market sbb ramai kata yg proc athlon cepat panas..skrg dah 'reverse' sbb proc intel yg panas laugh.gif

    aku ada buat dream spec utk PC masa thn.1999..saje2 je bazirkan masa sbb aku tau benda2 ni x wujud pun masa tu:

    4GHz cpu,1GHz ram,256mb video card,100GB hdd

    bila aku teringat balik masa dulu..x sangka yg aku tulis dulu semuanya dah ada depan mata!! cepat betul dunia di maju..

  10. ape yg aku bace kat Metro dgn Kosmo kompom budak tu bunuh diri la..

    fuh..budak tu mmg bijak ler..bunuh diri pakai PSU

    kalau aku nak bunuh diri, baik guna cara konvensional je..mcm terjun bangunan @ pistol @ kerat lengan....sbb aku malas nak fikir cara kreatif nak bunuh diri.. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

    aku penah wat keja bodo dulu...masa darjah 5..repair PSU rosak, lps bukak PSU, aku bukak penebat wayar dlm tu..x semena-mena keluar Flash, lps tu rumah aku blackout..mujur tak mati..

    fuh..PSU tu punyalah kecik tapi power gila

    pengajaran: respeklah PSU korang mcm korang respek Proc & Graphics card.. tongue.gif

  11. Aku dah kena 'winfile'...#$#@^% byk kali aku nak delete tapi xleh gak..last2 aku install AntiVir pastu full scan..

    rupa2nya 'winfile' tu worm...nama dia worm/rays @ sewaktu dgnnya lah...

    worm ni mmg sakit kepala ooo...kalu korg connect pendrive@memorycard@hanset kat pc yg kena 'winfile' ni.. dia copy folder 'winfile' kat pendrive@memoycard@hanset korg...biasala..kerja worm mmg camtu

    kelakar gak..memory card t-flash motorola e398 aku kena worm..tapi hanset aku gagah je..hehehe..kalu nak buang, scan semua pendrive@memorycard@harddisk dgn antiVir..

    kalu antiVir jumpa worm/rays tu..ko delete jer..xyah repair,nanti dia dtg blk..aku jumpa byk worm nih kat folder windows...

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