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Animasi yang saya minat ialah Mobile Suit Gundam Seed dan Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny.Dan kemungkinan besar pada bulan Oktober 2006 akan ditayangkan Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Eternity.Ia adalah sambungan kepada siri Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny.Direktornya ialah Mitsuo FUKUDA!!!

(Tidakkkkkkk.Kenapa Fukuda lagi?).

here goes nothing...

'scuse me but my japanese is still rudimentary, i'm basically translating the chinese translation and the names and some descriptions from japanese:


GUNDAM SEED DESTINY ETERNITY (Estimated launch Oct 2006)

Director: Mitsuo FUKUDA!!!

Script: Chiaki Morosawa

Character design: Hisashi Hirai


Kei Minato (the star); voice actor not confirmed

Asuran Zala; Akira Ishida

Aishia Selinu; voice actor not confirmed

Leon Vizunado; voice actor not confirmed

Cagari Yura Asuha; Naomi Shindoh

Mwu La Fllaga; Takehito Koyasu

Maryu Ramiasu; Kotono Mitsuishi

Izak Jule; Tomokazu Seki

Deakka Elthman; Akira Sasanuma

Miriaria Hau; Megumi Toyoguchi

Lunamaria Hawk; Maaya Sakamoto

Meyrin Hawk; Fumiko Orikasa

Asutea Rainhato; Souichiro Hoshi

Geren Mageniasu; Kenichi Suzumura

Viru Ryumieru; voice actor not confirmed

Sakura Erusenu; voice actor not confirmed

Orin Girufato; voice actor not confirmed


C.E. 77. 4 years have past unknowingly after Kira Yamato and his companions defeated the ambitions of Gilbert Dullindal. Representative Athuran Zala of the international coalition, [ETERNITY]- an organisation bridging the Naturals and Coordinators and even to various countries in the world - busy fighting against rebel terrorists groups attempting to overthrow the new world order, together with his friend Kira, who fought in the last great war, pasts each and every day working effortlessly for the peace of the world. At that time, a rebel figure, Asutea Rainhato lead a mysterious yet powerful group to annihilate the Naturals, known as [EBIRU MEA] (EVIl MEA?).

To counter this threat, Athrun sent Mwu, Yzak and Deakka to lead the army of Eternity. However, there is a traitor under the control of Asutea Rainhato - Geren Mageniasu, and his subordinates: Viru Ryumieru, Sakura Erusenu, and Orin Girufato. The battle came under control because of the 4 gundams piloted by them.

Amidst these, the ace of Eternity, Kei Minato, piloting [sPLASHER GUNDAM], Aishia Selinu, piloting [GARNET GUNDAM], and Leon Vizunado, piloting [CELSIUS GUNDAM] obstructed his way. The new sword shall begin it's descent.

Edited: 10/03/2005 at 04:14 AM by urahara_rulez

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Ala, takde seludup nye ke? Mezzo Forte...aku ade OVA agaknya, menurut member aku.

The cite very saspen & ganas gile babeng.

Thank Iruga, terpaksa order dari Japan/America. Habis duit aku.

GSD Eternity? Baru ni. Tapi takkan kuar bulan Oktober, biasanya GS mesti kuar pertengahan tahun.

Unless dia org nk bikin cite ni elokĀ² & x nak jadi cam GSD yg haprak tu.

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pernah tengok "Peach Girl"...

ko suka paradise kiss... maknanyer... ko bleh layan PG la kut.

Aku tak sukaĀ  dry.gif PG!!

aku tak suke PG daa...1st sbb lukisan dier tak best....2nd jalan citer dier cam syok sendiri lak...bosan daa...

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abis dah aku layan suzuka 25.. walaupon RAW aku main hentam je.. asalkan puas hati aku tgk.. walaupon tak paham.. haha.. mmg b!**h tol suzuka tuh.. dry.gif sian la si akatsuki.. tinggal epd 26 je.. FINAL EPD!!.. aku harap ada second season dorang buat..

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Ala, takde seludup nye ke? Mezzo Forte...aku ade OVA agaknya, menurut member aku.

The cite very saspen & ganas gile babeng.

Thank Iruga, terpaksa order dari Japan/America. Habis duit aku.

eehh.. bkn mezzo forte tuh hentai ke?hehe.. suke ko lyn.. tongue.gif

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Ala, hentai skit je dlm MF tu. Aksi dia the best. Ganas tak terkata.

Ape la paan_lee, Slam Dunk the best. Tanye lelain peminat anime . tongue.gif

jenuh le aku tanye sesorang...wakaka...citer slam dunk bosan skit....sbb byk ep daa...

nampaknyer aku minat anime naruto,secret of akko chan,mirmo zibang,one peace,yu gi oh,slum dunk,dan jugak d.conan

akko chan n mirmo zibang pun ada...wakaka...kat mana nak donlot ah...???dective conan aku collect 9 movies dier....

n satu lagi...dah lame aku cari anime ninja boys...kat mana nak donlot ah...???

nampaknye aku sorang je minat citer suzuka kat sini.. takkan takda kot.. best woo.. rugi kalau tak layan.. tak tau la taste anime korang lain...

meh wat review skit...aku ingatkan suzuka tu...leng cai japan mana ntah...wekeke...

Edited by paan_lee

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Hoho, Naruto, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, Shaman King, Initial D, Get Backers, FMA, One Piece, GS & more semua episode panjangĀ², takde la boring.

Slam Dunk antara the best yg aku ade, sbb lawak & jalan cite menarik.

Maybe sebab kualiti dia kurang,cite lame kan.

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~26 epd..

rebiu first aku... aku tau.. mmg buruk... tongue.gif

mm... anime pasal sukan mcm2 ada... basketball.. tennis.. tp anime kali nih pulak pasal track n field.. acara padang ngan track laa.. cam lari 1oom..

kasik sinopsis sket..

... 15-year-old yamato akitsuki/akitsuki pergi ke tokyo utk pergi blaja kat sklah sukan kat sana.. masa memula dia nak gi rumah makcik dia nih.. sbb dia akn dia tinggal dgn makcik dia.. makcik dia nih toke public bath khas utk pompuan.. tp sbb landowner tmpt tuh makcik dia dpt la tinggal kat sana.. situasi dia nih mcm love hina la.. tp sblm tuh dia singgah bkl skolah dia..nak tgk2.. skali dia ternampak sorang pompuan lawa gile tgh practice lompat tinggi.. terus la mcm love-at-first-sight... pastuh yg terkejutnye pulak.. pompuan tuh jd jiran blk dia.. kat sblh blk je.. laugh.gif

karekter2 dlm citer suzuka..

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Asahina Suzuka

terer dlm lompat tinggi.. kekadang dia nih angin sket.. dia taknak tunjuk perasaan dia sebenar sbb dia akn teringat masa silam dia... tindakan dia yg berubah selalu menyebabkan akitsuki tuh konpius selalu..

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Yamato Akitsuki

seorang yg tak b'tanggungjwb.. clumsy.. hmm.. dlm anime dia selalu kena ckp gitu.. suka kat asahina.. masuk team track n field sbb nak ikut asahina.. laju lari.. masuk acara 1oom.. dia dikatakan mirip(muka..perangai.. ngan kehebatan lari..) dgn seseorang tuh...(kalau nak tau kene tgk..)

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Sakurai Honoka

hmm.. karekter camnih mesti ada dlm setiap anime jenis camnih.. shy.. pendiam.. minat akitsuki dr kecik lg.. dia pon masuk team track n field sbb nak dekat ngan akitsuki..

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Hattori Yasunobo

besfriend akitsuki dr kecik lg.. dia nih cam kurts weber(fmp).. perangai pon sama...

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Hashiba Mika

dia nih bestfriend asahina pulak.. selalu gaduh ngan yasunobu.. selalu beri dorang kpd akitsuki..

[Suzuka] Official website

[Suzuka] Forum pasal suzuka

[Suzuka] donlot via torrent

haha.. siap gak.. tongue.gif

*aku harap ada season two nanti...

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hmm...ade skali aku donlod anime suzuka nih tp 1 ep. je pastu aku del je sbb nk tnggu anime nih complete baru donlod bebanyak trus...ohh anime_suki..sape kate ko wat review burok?..cantekk je aku tgk..memule tkut gak nk bace sbb mane la tau ko spoil plak kang..heheh..bgus..truskan usaha...

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Animasi yang saya minat ialah Mobile Suit Gundam Seed dan Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny.Dan kemungkinan besar pada bulan Oktober 2006 akan ditayangkan Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Eternity.Ia adalah sambungan kepada siri Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny.Direktornya ialahĀ  Mitsuo FUKUDA!!!

Terima Kasih... sbb post prebiu pasal tu... tapi...

aku nak minta tolong ko skit...

tolong edit balik gambar yg ko post stock size wallpaper tu.

aku tak berminat tengok posting sampai pecah skin putera ni. Edit post ko tu --> EDIT POST

pegi www.imageshack.us ambik code utk thumbnail view... and post semula dlm post ko terdahulu... itupun kalo ko berminat nak post gambo cantek ko tu~

p.s :

Suzuka ngan Shuffle... aku blom tergerak hati lagi nak tengok. Mungkin akan tengok gak... kalo dah ada jual kat pasaran Malaysia ni... Lagik bagusss~ ...and jgn lupa... sempena hari Krismas ni (dah lepas dah~)... sesape yg minat karya Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina dan Mahou Sensei Negima)... d/load dan layan la "Itsudatte My Santa! - OAV" errr... tontonan utk 18 tahun ke atas shj. wink.gif

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