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Se W995 [ Ok Ke..? ]

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aku nk tnye kat korang...
ok tak..pkai SE w995 ni...
kalo ok aku nk beli...

satu lagi....
sape yg dok area klang...
nk tnye harga nye berapa ar...

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ok la.. tapi nih model lama la..

brapa bajet ko..??

anyway.. harga dia skarang nih.. --> RM 770 [utk AP] , RM 990 [utk ORI]

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[quote name='kae' date='19 September 2010 - 09:24 PM' timestamp='1284902646' post='1048126']
ok la.. tapi nih model lama la..

brapa bajet ko..??

anyway.. harga dia skarang nih.. --> RM 770 [utk AP] , RM 990 [utk ORI]
lebih kurang RM600 hingga RM700

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so far ok la.. layan..
tp skrg aku punye screen rosak.. lcd rosak kot..
almaklumlah, aku ni jenis hardcore, handset aku ne reti jage, jatuh berkali2.. kire thn lasak la gak.. kekkeke ;P

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