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Koleksi Lawak ! Lol

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Seorang gadis yang bersuamikan pemain basket ball
sedang berdebar-debar menantikan malam pertama
setelah pesta pernikahannya.
Selepas pesta selesai mereka pun masuk bilik.
Si suami terus membuka seluruh pakaiannya.

Apabila bajunya terbuka,
si isteri melihat sebuah tattoo bertuliskan
"Reebok" di dada suaminya.
Si suami pun menerangkan bahawa tattoo tersebut dibuat
sewaktu ia menjalani kontrak sebagai model iklan
produk tersebut.
Tiba-tiba si suami membuka seluar panjangnya,
maka terlihat satu lagi tatto lambang "Nike"
di pahanya. Si suami pun menjelaskan hal yang sama kepada isterinya.

Akhirnya setelah semuanya terbuka, Si isteri melihat
tattoo bertuliskan "AIDS" pada 'anu' si suami.
Dengan ketakutan si isteri menanyakan tattooo tersebut.
Namun dengan tenangnya si suami menjawab :
" Tenang Sayang... tulisan itu bukan bererti sesuatu
yang menakutkan. Teruslah pegang..."
Setelah si anunya tegang dan memanjang maka
tulisan AIDS menjadi 'ADIDAS'...

p/s : delete la kalo admin rasa kurang sesuai...

Murid : Selamat pagi, cikgu.

Cikgu : (Menengking) Mengapa selamat pagi sahaja? Petang dan malam awak doakan saya tak selamat?

Murid : Selamat pagi, petang dan malam cikgu!

Cikgu : Panjang sangat! Tak pernah dibuat oleh orang! Kata selamat sejahtera! Senang dan penuh bermakna. Lagipun ucapan ini meliputi semua masa dan keadaan.

Murid : Selamat sejahtera cikgu!

Cikgu : Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar sini baik-baik. Hari ini cikgu nak uji kamu semua tentang perkataan berlawan. Bila cikgu sebutkan perkataannya, kamu semua mesti menjawab dengan cepat, lawan bagi perkataan-perkataan itu, faham?

Murid : Faham, cikgu!

Cikgu : Saya tak mahu ada apa-apa gangguan.

Murid : (senyap)

Cikgu : Pandai!

Murid : Bodoh!

Cikgu : Tinggi!

Murid : Rendah!

Cikgu : Jauh!

Murid : Dekat!

Cikgu : Keadilan!

Murid : UMNO!

Cikgu : Salah!

Murid : Betul!

Cikgu : Bodoh!

Murid : Pandai!

Cikgu : Bukan!

Murid : Ya!

Cikgu : Oh Tuhan!

Murid : Oh Hamba!

Cikgu : Dengar ini!

Murid : Dengar itu!

Cikgu : Diam!

Murid : Bising!

Cikgu : Itu bukan pertanyaan, Bodoh!

Murid : Ini ialah jawapan, pandai!

Cikgu : Mati aku!

Murid : Hidup kami!

Cikgu : Rotan baru tau!

Murid : Akar lama tak tau!

Cikgu : Malas aku ajar kamu!

Murid : Rajin kami belajar cikgu!

Cikgu : Kamu gila!

Murid : Kami siuman!

Cikgu : Cukup! Cukup!

Murid : Kurang! Kurang!

Cikgu : Sudah! Sudah!

Murid : Belum! Belum!

Cikgu : Mengapa kamu semua Bodoh sangat?

Murid : Sebab saya seorang pandai!

Cikgu : Oh! Melawan!

Murid : Oh! Mengalah!

Cikgu : Kurang ajar!

Murid : Cukup ajar!

Cikgu : Habis aku!

Murid : Kekal kami!

Cikgu : O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis!

Murid : K.O. Pelajaran belum bermula!

Cikgu : Sudah, Bodoh!

Murid : Belum, pandai!

Cikgu : Berdiri!

Murid : Duduk!

Cikgu : Saya kata UMNO salah!

Murid : Kami dengar KeADILan betul!

Cikgu : Bangang kamu ni!

Murid : Cerdik kami tu!

Cikgu : Rosak!

Murid : Baik!

Cikgu : Kamu semua ditahan tengah hari ini!

Murid : Dilepaskan tengah malam itu!

Cikgu : (Senyap dan mengambil buku-bukunya keluar.)

Ratna, dalam uniform Nurse-nya menahan teksi. Sedang dalam perjalanan.. .

Pemandu teksi iaitu Feddy asyik memerhati Nurse itu melalui cermin tengahnya..Merasa kehairanan.. . Nurse itu bertanya...
"Encik.. kenapa encik melihat saya begitu ??"

Feddy tersenyum malu dan berkata...
" Sebenarnya.. . saya selalu berfantasi.. ..maaf ya... saya sangat ingin mencium seorang Nurse... "
"Oh begitu!! tak der masalah... encik boleh mencium saya.. kalau itu memang memberikan ketenangan buat encik... tapi saya ada syarat iaitu encik mesti masih single" kata Nurse...

Feddy gembira dan berkata...
"iya... iya, saya masih single".

Kemudian teksi itu diberhentikan di jalan sepi... Feddy terus mencium nurse itu selama 10 minit... kemudian mereka pun meneruskan perjalanan kembali.

Tapi feddy menangis teresak-esak sambil berkata...
"Maafkan saya cik... saya merasa bersalah... sebenarnya saya sudah berkahwin".

Mendengar penerangan itu Ratna tersenyum bijak dan berkata...
"Sudahlah encik... tidak ada apa-apa yang perlu dibimbangkan. .. Saya juga bersalah. Saya juga bukanlah seorang Nurse... saya adalah seorang Mak Nyah yang kebetulan dalam perjalanan menuju ke pesta pakaian beragam"


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lwak syal

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hohoho.. awas ya.. bahaya kanak2 bwh umo ader kat forum nih....

aku teringt kisah aku kat uitm dulu.... punca aku teringt nih sbb kwn aku tegur signboard slh eja perkataan "Pemadam Api Derbu" hehhe ptt "Pemadam Api Debu".. aku tak taulah kelakar ke tak.. nk cerita jugk...

ader kisah pemadam api nih ngn aku heheh mulanye gini...

persatuan aku organize 2days seminar la combine skali ngn class project... kire gempak la kan sbb kitorg organize Seminar Public Relation.... siap panggil penceramah mahal la... mau tak mahal kalu penceramah tu claim milage 1k... student... 1k tuh kire mhl la tuh kan... tp sbb ader pertandingan seminar sape paling gempak... kitorg hire jugk la penceramah tu...

so nak dijadikan cerita.. aku diri kat pintu Lecture Theater. (LT). dh la penat.. kene diri pulak kan.. sbb aku runner.. so aku pun sandar kat dinding LT tuh.. biasalah tiap bangunan mesti ader fire extinguisher kan? aku dlm penat tuh.. tenung je menatang fire extinguisher tuh....

pastu aku pk... kalu tekan menatang nih.. ape rasenye eh? kuar tak debu die eh?...

jd tangan aku yg gatal ni pun pegang2 fire extinguisher.. tetibe safety pin die tertanggal n the next thing yg aku ingt the whole LT penuh dgn debu fire extinguisher tuh.. heheh time penceramah mahal yg kitorg hire tu tgh berckp lak tuh!

tetibe je aku takde kat situ heheh aku lari menyelamatkan diri.. tp sbb aku runner kan.. aku pun pura2 dtg tanye ape dh blaku... tp ader gk 2 3 mamat yg perasan aku ader kat sebelah fire extinguisher tu b4 kejadian tuh berlaku... aku kate.."takde2.. mane ader! Salah org kot heheehe..Saya rasa benda ni rosak. sape tarik safety pin nih" aku buat2 la bz hehhehe...

disebabkan perbuatan aku tuh... sume pintu LT kene bukak.. kipas pun kene ON sbb nk kuarkan debu tuh heheh...

nasib bek penceramah tu kire cool kan.. die rilek je ckp "nmpkye kite ader jerebu kat sini... kite rehat dulu.."

yg nyata... kejadian tuh takde sape pun tahu aku lah punca sebenarnye hehhehe

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haha.. leh wat x tau lak.. naseb debu2 tu x kene ko.. nk2 kalo ko wat2 xtau knon bru dtg r tp x prasan ade debu kt muke or bju ko.. haha.. x ke naye..

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heheh tak mungkin... aku berdiri blakang fire extinguisher tuh.. n muncung hose die menghala depan.. hehe lgpun ramai yg kene debu tuh hehehh so takkan tahu la sape hehhe

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QUOTE(teri-chan @ Nov 27 2008, 11:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
heheh tak mungkin... aku berdiri blakang fire extinguisher tuh.. n muncung hose die menghala depan.. hehe lgpun ramai yg kene debu tuh hehehh so takkan tahu la sape hehhe

tuhan tahu woo.. wehehe.. time de kbakaran ko xnk tarik lak pin tuh.. laugh.gif Edited by Aku Sengal

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QUOTE(Aku Sengal @ Nov 27 2008, 11:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
tuhan tahu woo.. wehehe.. time de kbakaran ko xnk tarik lak pin tuh.. laugh.gif

hehhe tgn gatal... ko tak teringin ke nk tarik safety pin tuh? or ketuk cermin alarm kebakaran tuh? sure pernah kan....

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Jgn kentut depan GAY

Seorang wartawan lelaki telah di tugaskan membuat liputan dan siasatan mengenai aktiviti kelab gay di Bukit Bintang. Dia di kehendaki menyamar sebagai gay. Wartawan itu dengan senang hati menggayakan pakaian dan cara seorang gay. Setelah seminggu mempelajari tingkahlaku dan gaya seorang gay, akhirnya pada malam minggu itu wartawan itu masuk ke kelab gay tersebut.

Wartawan itu dipasang dengan microphone n camera bersaiz kecil bagi merakam segala aksi dan aktiviti di kelab gay tersebut. Setelah masuk wartawan itu terus menuju ke bar utama dan memesan segelas bir. Dia hanya duduk sambil memerhatikan gelagat-gelagat gay di kelab tersebut. Ada yang menari dan ada yang duduk sambil berpeluk-pelukan sesama lelaki. Wartawan itu merasa geli geleman melihat tingkahlaku mereka.

"Hai...sorang ke bro", tiba-tiba wartawan itu di sapa.

"A'ah, saya tunggu kawan saya. Tak sampai-sampai lagi ni", kata wartawan itu separuh menjerit kerana kebingitan muzik di kelab itu.

Tiba-tiba wartawan itu berasa sakit perut. Rasa seperti ingin kentut sahaja.

"Muzik tengah kuat ni bolehlah aku kentut ni", bisik hati wartawan itu.

Wartawan itu pun melepaskan kentutnya. Satu demi satu. Berturut-turutan. Tiba-tiba muzik rancak itu berhenti kerana DJ nya ingin menukar ke lagu perlahan. Sementara proses pertukaran lagu itu kentut wartawan itu telah di dengari oleh gay-gay yg berhampiran dengan wartawan itu.

"Eh eh... ada dara lagi la kat sini", ujar salah seorang gay di situ sambil memandang wartawan itu.

"A'ah lah... kat depan kita ada dara", ujar yang lain pula.

Semua gay di situ telah pergi mendapatkan wartawan itu. Semua wajah mereka menunjukkan keghairahan nafsu yang ketara.

"Saya bukan dara lagi la", ujar wartawan itu.

"Kalau dah tak dara kenapa kentut. Kuat lak tu. Sempit tuu...", ujar salah seorang gay itu.

Tergamam wartawan itu. Akhirnya dirinya di noda secara bergilir-gilir oleh pengunjung kelab gay itu. Menangis teresak-esak wartawan itu. Akhirnya nikmat kentut sudah tidak akan dapat dirasai lagi sepanjang hidupnya.

Moral kepada lelaki : Jangan berkentut dihadapan GAY. AWAS!!

credit to forum cari

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aduss... naseb baik otak haku kaler merah... sipi jerk gmbran cite nie nk kluar dlm pale.. mngucap2.. huhu.. wacko.gif

p/s: info yg brgune.. bgus2.. smbil gelak smbil dpt ilmu.. he3.. Edited by Aku Sengal

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tadi aku ikut leng aku dari belakang.aku dok perati jerk.pastu dia masuk kereta.aku pun masuk kereta aku.aku follow.sekali sampai Plaza TOL .....time nak bayar tu aku nampak dia kena bukak pintu utk bayar tol. laugh.gif baru aku teringat dia tu pendek pastu tenggelam sikit bila naik kereta.badan kecik.kereta besar.aku ketawa giler2 masa tu.

then aku ikut dia sampai hujung jalan la.then jalan tu besar.ada 2 line.aku pun duduk line sebelah.kereta leng aku kat line sebelah lagik.kira mmg 2-2 dalam satu posisi yang sama la.ada la aku buat macam tu selama 5 minit.then aku terpandang cermin pandang belakang then aku perati banyak kereta kat belakang aku nak lalu laugh.gif pasal aku kat line kiri.haha aku ingatkan aku berdua jerk.rupanya kat belakang dah rapat dah.

P:S korang suruh la aweks korang badan2 kecik2 genit2 soh bayar tol. Edited by Janice Wei Lan

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The magic walls

A boy and his father went to a shopping mall. They were amazed by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and back together again.

The boy asked his father, "What is that father?"

The father responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like that in my life, I don't know what it is."

While the boy and his father were watching, an elderly woman slowly walked up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady walked between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched small circles of lights with numbers above the walls light up.

They continued to watch the circles light up in the reverse direction. The walls opened up again and a gorgeous woman stepped out.

The father said to his son, "Go get your mother".

I was told that the following statement was attributed to Datuk Semi-Value:

"Kita mesti kirim tahniah kepada Angkasawan Dr Sheikh. Beliau telah menginggal dunia, dan baru ini pun kembalikan ke bumi."

Did not know he was responsible for all the following as well.

1) Samy Velu on pos laju "BESOK KIRIM, HARI INI SAMPAI"

2) The one on TV when in trying to say he was ashamed, he said :`Kemaluan saya besar`

3) On drugs, "Jangan hisap dada"

4) Samy said in a ceramah "Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong kampong disini" , one pakcik asked, "Datuk, sini takde sungai,buat apa bina jambatan?" and Samy glorious replied ,"Kalau takde sungai, kita bina sungai!"

5) Samy's favorite quote on national television "Toll naik sikit, manyak marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll saya punya bapa punya kah!"

6) During the water shortage crisis : "semua orang diminta jgn membuang aiyerr..!"

7) During blood donation campaign in Sg Siput : "..marilah kita semua menderma dara.."

8) During the opening speech of various function: "...selamat datang saudara-mara semua.." (actually is "saudara-saudari")

9) At an opening ceremony: "mempersilakan datin paduka rafidah aziz naik ke pentas utk membuka kain"

10)Commenting about his modesty: "sebenarnya, kemaluan saya sangat-sangat besar "

And lastly u know why our N-S Highway concessionaire is named PLUS.

PLUS = Pungut Lebih Untuk Samy

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haha.. yg first aku da pnah bce.. yg kedua lwk.. tu la aku pelik.. die bm pon cakap bersepah tp canne dpt jd menteri?? dlu2 die skola mne ek... hehehe...

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Samy said in a ceramah "Kita akan bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong kampong disini" , one pakcik asked, "Datuk, sini takde sungai,buat apa bina jambatan?" and Samy glorious replied ,"Kalau takde sungai, kita bina sungai!"


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..::Malaysia English vs Britain English::..

Learn la veli usefull one kekekekeke...
Compare these phrases that Malaysians and Britons use to say the same thing:


Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.

Malaysians: No Stock.


Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?

Malaysians: Hallo, who page?


Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?

Malaysians: S-kew me


Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.

Malaysians: No-need, lah.


Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?

Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?


Britons: Please make yourself right at home.

Malaysians: Don't be shy, lah!


Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.

Malaysians: Where got?


Britons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.

Malaysians: Doe-waaaan!


Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.

Malaysians: You mad, ah?


Britons: Excuse me, but could you please lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.

Malaysians: Shaddap lah!


Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time. Do I know you?

Malaysians: See what, see what?


Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment.

Malaysians: Die-lah!!


Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened?

Malaysians: Wat happen Why lidat????ADUI!!! (jumping to conclusion)


Britons: This isn't the way to do it here let me show you.

Malaysians:Hoi!!!u pig ar lidat also doe no how to do!!!!


Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me

Malaysians:Celaka u/ tuut/ tuuut/tuuut/ !@#$%!!! (hehehhe terpaksa di sensor kan)


..::System upgrade (B4 and after marriage)::..

Dear Technical Support:

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as NFL 5.0 and NBA 3.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.

I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?




Dear Desperate:

First keep in mind; Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try entering the command C:\I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0. If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0 and the worms might cause the program to automatically upgrade itself to Husband 2.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.

Good Luck,


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QUOTE(teri-chan @ Nov 29 2008, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

..::System upgrade (B4 and after marriage)::..

Dear Technical Support:

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.

In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as NFL 5.0 and NBA 3.0.

And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system.

I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.

What can I do?




Dear Desperate:

First keep in mind; Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try entering the command C:\I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0. If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.

But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.

Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0 and the worms might cause the program to automatically upgrade itself to Husband 2.0.

In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 6.9.

Good Luck,


ho ho ho insanely true...

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The best resume ever

Name: Ah Boy
Age: Still young
Sex: Never. Still under age
Religion: I only have experience praying my cat who dead 2 years before
Race: I love to race, how you know?
Nationality: I don't like National, I prefer Sanyo
IC Number: 6735
Tel number: House no telephone
H/P number: 3310
Address: Penang Jelutong
City : Nor Haliza?
Postcode: I never post anything
State: In my family, I am 2nd
Country: I love to travel to Canada
Marriage status: Secret
Email Address: Hotmail
Education Background: My teacher said not bad
Working experience: Last time got sell pirated VCD

Father's name: Daddy
Father's IC: You ask him
Mother's name: Mummy
Mother's IC: You ask her

Current Salary: Depends on my daddy mood
Expected Salary: As much as you can pay
When can start work: Depends on my mood

Highest qualification: Ya, very high
Grade: Ya, very high
College/University: College
Signature: Can I use chop?

Edited by teri-chan

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Highest qualification: Ya, very high
Grade: Ya, very high
College/University: College
Signature: Can I use chop?

hahaha!! laugh.gif

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Here this man riding in a bus with very loud music..

ahh... suddenly the stomach feel a little bit uneasy..

ahh cannot tahan...as the music get louder...there he goes farted
loudly exactly along with the loud music..again he did it 2nd time
and 3rd time and 4th time...the sound blend perfectly with the
music..nobody would notice....ahhh lega...

...reached destination.."ting" he rang the bell...as he walk
out the bus...he noticed that everybody seem to be looking at him
with angry face..


then only he realised that he was actually on MP3 player...ooopsss..

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hahhaha.. bukan aku lah....

ader lg....


Tersebutlah kisah dua orang hantu.
Mereka ni baru bertemu lalu mereka pun
berborakla untuk mengisi masa lapang
kehidupan mereka sebagai hantu.
Sepanjang perbualan mereka, Hantu B ni
tak habis-habis menggigil. Lalu, Hantu
A yang kehairanan ni pun bertanya,

"Apsal kau ni asyik menggigil je?"

"Oh..cara aku mati dulu teruk..aku
mati dalam peti ais...sejuk! !" Jawab
Hantu B sambil menggigil lagi.

"Ooo..kesian. .. aku dulu mati sebab
heart attack." Kata Hantu A ramah.

"Kau memang sakit jantung kronik ye?
Apsal ko tak gi buat operation? Kalau
tak, sure kau tengah lepak-lepak ngan
family kau sekarang." Balas Hantu B.

"Dah,aku dah buat dah !In fact mase
aku mati tu, aku in recovery. Panjang
ceritanya..." jawab Hantu A sayu.

"Ceritala sikit..Sambil- sambil lepak

"Camni..Aku syak isteri aku main kayu
tiga ngan aku. So this one day, aku
ingat nak perangkap la isteri aku..Aku
pura-pura gi keje tapi actually aku
park keta aku kat simpang hujung umah
aku je. Seperti yang aku syak, masuk
sebuah keta kat carpark umah aku. Aku
rilex dulu sebab nak carik mase sesuai
tangkap diorang."

"So, ko dapatla tangkap diorang?"
tanya Hantu B penuh minat.

"Tak. Aku cume jumpe isteri aku je kat
dalam bilik. Yang aku heran, mase aku
masuk umah tu, aku nampak ade kasut
laki kat pintu umah aku. Aku tanye
isteri aku tapi die takmo jawab. So
aku pun lari-lari sekeliling umah aku
nak carik jantan tuh. Abis sume bilik
aku carik tapi takde pun.. Last-last,
sebab aku penat sangat berlari carik
jantan tuh, aku pun jatuh pengsan
sebab heart attack. And aku tak sangka
aku mati lak..." kata Hantu A
mengakhiri ceritanya dengan kesedihan.

Hantu B terdiam mendengarkan cerita
Hantu A. Selepas beberapa ketika,
Hantu B berkata,

"Kenapa kau tak check kat dalam peti
sejuk? Kalau kau check kat situ, sure
kita berdua still hidup lagi

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QUOTE(teri-chan @ Dec 2 2008, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hahhaha.. bukan aku lah....

ader lg....


huhu mmg lwk... kene r suami die ngan kayu die jdik hntu lepak sesame... laugh.gif nk bunoh da mati.. Edited by Aku Sengal

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