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Dragonball Movie

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Korang ada info tak cerita ni? Baru2 ni aku kuar tgk ironman, ada nmpk dragonall movie ni coming soon.. tak saar aku nak nengok.. Ntah sape2 la pelakon die..

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Korang ada info tak cerita ni? Baru2 ni aku kuar tgk ironman, ada nmpk dragonall movie ni coming soon.. tak saar aku nak nengok.. Ntah sape2 la pelakon die..

eh yea ke? dah ade trailer ke?

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Justin Chatwin ... Goku

other cast:

James Marsters ... Lord Piccolo

Emmy Rossum ... Bulma

Yun-Fat Chow ... Master Roshi

Jamie Chung ... Chi Chi

Joon Park ... Yamcha

Randall Duk Kim ... Grandpa Gohan

Eriko Tamura ... Mai

Ernie Hudson

Texas Battle ... Carey Fuller

Shavon Kirksey ... Emi

Luis Arrieta ... Weaver

Richard Blake ... Agundas

Julian Sedgwick ... Mr. Kingery

ni copy paste dari imdb

walaupun takder kat imdb, tak silap saya, stephen chow turut serta jadi producer

dikatakan paling mungkin tayang bulan april tahun depan (2009)

asalnya kata nak tayang 15 ogos tahun ni tapi mungkin sebab tanak lawan star wars: clone wars kot

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aritu aku ada perasaan poster dia kat panggung kat umah aku ni.. tapi tahun 2009 baru nak keluar..

aku ingat dulu ade satu filem stepehen chow yang berlakun "God OF gamblers" kot kalau tak salah ade watak goku ni.. no wonder la kalau stephen chow terlibat skali dalam movie kali ni

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mmg best..aku pun tak sabar nak tgk..aku pernah nampak poster dia kat MBO melake kalu tak silap..kalu stephn chow berlakon lg la best..mesti pecah perut aku..huhuhu

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Ada gambar ker tak? Kalo ada tampla ler sini nak tengok rambut goku yang tajam2 tu... hehehe

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Apsal xleh nak letak gmbr ni? Maaf, skrip dinamik dalam tag %7Boption%7D adalah tidak dibenarkan

Aku nak tnya la.. betul ke ni sedutan video dalam db movie ni?

Download video di sini

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Apsal xleh nak letak gmbr ni? Maaf, skrip dinamik dalam tag %7Boption%7D adalah tidak dibenarkan

Aku nak tnya la.. betul ke ni sedutan video dalam db movie ni?

Download video di sini

yang tu bukanlah. mengarut je aku tengok. lambat lagi trailer officer die nak keluar tu. dalam youtube tu banyak yang rekaan je lagi. tunggu jelah.

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yang tu bukanlah. mengarut je aku tengok. lambat lagi trailer officer die nak keluar tu. dalam youtube tu banyak yang rekaan je lagi. tunggu jelah.

aku dah komen tentang benda ni kat topik yg sama dulu,yg ko tgk tu belum tentu lagi,diaorg nak buat citer ni dari 5 tahun lepas,berubah2 pelakon yg dicalonkan,dan aku tak yakin 2009 kuar citer ni.kalau betul jadi pun lagi 3-4 tahun... :blush:

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kalau korang malas nak carik kat imdb

What is the movie about?

Based on] The King Piccolo Saga [Dragonball], also known as the Piccolo Daimaoh Saga (Demon Lord Piccolo Saga) is the penultimate saga from the anime Dragon Ball. It occurs after the Tien Shinhan Saga and precedes the Piccolo Junior Saga. It includes the battles between Goku and King Piccolo's sons, Goku's first encounter with the Samurai warrior, Yajirobe, Goku's quest to find the Holy Water, his final battle with young King Piccolo, and the birth of Piccolo Junior.

Who is making this movie?

Twentieth Century Fox with comedian Stephen Chow (Shaolin Soccer; Kung Fu Hustle) is producing the live-action movie "Dragonball." James Wong (X-Files; Final Destination), is signed to direct. Ariel Shaw is the special FX director. Justin Chatwin (War of the Worlds) will portray Goku. James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is cast as Piccolo. Jamie Chung has signed on as Goku's love interest, Chi Chi (Jamie Chung); Joon Park (Speed Racer) is Yamcha; Eriko Tamura (Heroes) plays Mai; Emmy Rossum (Phantom of the Opera) plays Bulma; Chow Yun-Fat has been cast as Master Roshi and Randall Duk Kim (The Matrix Reloaded; Memoirs of a Geisha) is Granpa Gohan.

Principle photography began in November 2007; production moves to Mexico in January, 2008 for a worldwide release on August 15th, 2008. Filming is expected to finish in March. About 85% of the film will be shot in Durango, Mexico. Locations include the Mexiquillo Forest, Marley Ranch, Hacienda la Providencia, La Joya Ranch, Laguna Seca de Santiaguillo and a forum from a Convention Center in the Culture Institute. Production will move to Estado De México for some shots at the volcano Nevado de Toluca. No announcement has been made on the film's budget, although IMDB lists it as 100.000.000 dollars. James Marsters has recently stated that the budget is 100 mililon dollars.

Will Justin Chatwin wear a wig to play Goku?

Justin Chatwin will most likely have his natural hair due to the information from the recent set pics

Will all the major characters from the anime, such as Krillin, Tien, and Chaouzu be in this film?

No, they could only make a cameo and that is still unknown.

Why is it being delayed?

The film is being delayed due to the need of more time for special effects, and so that when Dragonball is released it won't face as much competition from other movies.

dan imdb letak status movie ni post-production

kalau korang tak paham post-production status tu apa:

wiki - post production

Edited by DRS

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filem ni belum apa2 dah plan nak buat sequel dia 2011.... gila la betul ker? takut yg no1 x seberapa jer hahaha :lol:

Edited by madaya

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thx DRS for the infos..

Will Justin Chatwin wear a wig to play Goku?

Justin Chatwin will most likely have his natural hair due to the information from the recent set pics

lerw.. takde can la tgk rambut anti-graviti.. apa da.. huhu..

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tengok le casting ni, bengang le si carla hool ni buat casting. apa pendapat korang







MAI (perempuang yg sebelah kiri, bukan si pilaf le)




Edited by DRS

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lol. filem ni cam april fool jewk. betul ke ni? kalo CGI aq caye la tpi kalo da msk live action, mesti jadik lwk ni. hehe

P.S.: not a DB fan.

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Memang la ko bukan DB fan. Ni utk bdk2 lahir tahun 1980-an jer. Ko tu dah zaman2 one pieces la, tak minat aku..

Sebenarnya citer ni start dari mana? Part goku masih kecil ke? Kalau ikut plot cerita dlm dragonball, goku hidup sorang2 setelah atuk yg jaga dia mati. Kemudian, dia bertemu bulma, oolong(wuron), dan seterusnya Yamcha (dlm BM panggil Yamu), Datuk Kame, pastu Launch(Ranci) yang bersin jadi jahat tu.. dan seterusnya..

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lol. filem ni cam april fool jewk. betul ke ni? kalo CGI aq caye la tpi kalo da msk live action, mesti jadik lwk ni. hehe

P.S.: not a DB fan.

dulu masa org nak buat transformer punya movie pun banyak yg berpendapat sama mcm ko

jgn risau le, mmg le diorang ada masukkan computerize special effect

kalau setakat berlakon biasa je dah lama siap

belanja diorang bukannya sikit tapi 100,000,000 dollars tuh

Edited by DRS

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takyah wat laaa...mesti mengarut punya...aku yg animasi pun aku tak minat ni nak buat filem plak...diorang ni suka tukar jalan cerita...

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mmg best..aku pun tak sabar nak tgk..aku pernah nampak poster dia kat MBO melake kalu tak silap..kalu stephn chow berlakon lg la best..mesti pecah perut aku..huhuhu

de ke kt MBO Mlaka? aku x prasan pn....

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takyah wat laaa...mesti mengarut punya...aku yg animasi pun aku tak minat ni nak buat filem plak...diorang ni suka tukar jalan cerita...

mmg le sukar nak terima kalau cerita tu berbeza dgn komik asal atau novel asal

kalau ikut habis pun tak semestinya cerita asal lebih superior, tetapi mmg dah mcm tu le perasaan nya kalau dah baca komik atau novel sesebuah cerita yg dianimekan atau dimoviekan. bagi le diorang ni peluang nak buat movie ni. diorang tu pun tgh banyak duit, biar le diorang buat, kalau takut duit kita pula kena korek, nanti kluar kat panggung jgn pergi, kluar kat dvd jgn beli, download jek. :ph34r: kalau nak ikut idea setiap org tak pernah ada benda perfek

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jangan awal2 dah kutuk.. tengok storm riders.. di adaptasi dari komik hong kong.. ok gak jadi movie...

btw aku memang akan menunggu movie ni.. harap2 jadik kenyataan...

mana tahu lepas ni one piece plak buat camni... :lol:

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jangan awal2 dah kutuk.. tengok storm riders.. di adaptasi dari komik hong kong.. ok gak jadi movie...

btw aku memang akan menunggu movie ni.. harap2 jadik kenyataan...

mana tahu lepas ni one piece plak buat camni... :lol:


sya stuju one piece jadi movie

nak tengok siapa yg jadi tangan panjang tuh :lol:

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sya stuju one piece jadi movie

nak tengok siapa yg jadi tangan panjang tuh :lol:

aku pulak nak tengok macam mana rupa Justin Chatwin bile jadi super saiya. :lol:

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tu la yg aq takot filem ni jadik camtu. x menarik.

aq x minat anime sejak taon 2003 lagi. time tuh, mmg minat giler la. RAVE, lagi cite pe la. rajin bno bli komik but definitely not OnePiece ngan DB.

watch and see je perkembangan dieworg. for me, ubah citer storyline tu, cam, kekadang ok, kekadang kalo pikir2 balek, ade je yg x btul.

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