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hi , oleh kerana ramai yg meminta aku buka thread pasal bitcomet,

jadi ni hadiah aku utk korang

harap korang yg ada masalah pasal software bitcomet ni boleh nyatakan permasalahan anda kat sini..

sbb aku tak larat nak jawab semua soalan korang yg terbabit melalui PM

v0.90 2007.06.19

GUI Improved: add search for eDonkey download source option in BT task properties dialog

GUI Improved: add ED download plugin configuration page in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: display download rate from HTTP/FTP sources and ED sources in BT task summary pane

GUI Improved: shotsnap info for each item in task list and torrent share list changed to a clickable icon

GUI Improved: tasks remain selected after sort task list

GUI Improved: new context menu for my shared torrent and peer shared torrent in fav list

GUI Improved: decrease CPU usage for shared torrent list refresh

GUI Improved: new search icon for each item in shared torrent list

GUI Improved: prompt infomation will be displayed when shared torrent list is empty

GUI Improved: add "copy BC link" to context menu of shared torrent list, with hotkey Ctrl+C

GUI Improved: add "clear all" to context menu of peer shared torrent list

GUI Improved: new option in View menu to show search box in toolbar

GUI Improved: shutdown computer after download finish works for HTTP task now

GUI Improved: text in info bar and status bar of review window change to multi-language string

GUI Improved: the last task will be selected when BitComet startup

GUI Improved: minimize to system tray by close button or minimize button can be configured in preferences dialog

GUI Improved: a prompt window will popup if BitComet detected that the TCP half-open limit of windows is too small at startup

GUI Improved: new state of "detecting" for WAN/LAN ip detector in status bar

GUI Improved: HTTP task connection list move to the up of task log

GUI Improved: the auto-start order for queued task keeps the same to display order of sorted task list

GUI Bugfix: preview window fail to refresh when swtich UI language

GUI Bugfix: "pause all active task" in context menu of floating window does not work

GUI Bugfix: program exit confirm when task running do not count up uploading tasks

GUI Bugfix: unable to click task comment, snapshot and voting for items of 10001th and below in shared torrent list

GUI Bugfix: redownload HTTP task will lose task list sort order

Core Improved: BT task support downloading from eDonkey network (ED plugin for BitComet is required)

Core Improved: BT task support uploading to eDonkey network

Core Improved: add eDonkey network listen port to Windows Firewall and UPNP NAT device when program startup

Core Improved: disable NAT Traversal via UDP automatically for WAN IP user, to improve TCP transfer efficiency

Core Bugfix: auto stop running BT task using a invalid condition dismatch to user settings

Core Bugfix: program will lose respond for a while to flush disk cache when downloading huge HTTP/FTP file under Win2003 64bit

v0.89 2007.06.01

GUI Improved: add "Hide this" to context menu of peer shared torrent list, no longer display the selected torrent files

GUI Improved: add "copy title" to context menu of peer shared torrent list, copy the title of selected torrent file to clipboard

GUI Improved: double click downloaded torrent file in peer shared torrent list to view corresponding task in task list

GUI Improved: new icon in my shared torrent file list to show the shared, but not downloaded torrent file

GUI Improved: peer shared torrent list will only refresh once when typing continuously in the filter edit box

GUI Improved: items in peer shared torrent list will keep selected when auto-refresh

GUI Improved: no torrent file will be displayed in shared torrent list in torrent file share disabled in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: the default number to show in the shared torrent list is set to "unlimit"

GUI Improved: new option of socket start interval(ms) in perferences dialog

GUI Bugfix: upload rate displays text error in task list if max upload rate of task is set

GUI Bugfix: operation to torrent will be misplaced after set filter to peer shared torrent list

GUI Bugfix: task number in history task list is not refreshed upon 0 clock at midnight

GUI Bugfix: "Open BC link" in file menu does not work if task summary pane is current active window

Core Bugfix: Share ratio of BT task is always 0 if only uploading without any downloading

v0.88 2007.05.24

GUI Improved: add an option to verify login password at program startup in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: add default task related info pane option in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: add an option to set Bitcomet as default IE download tool in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: add an option to enable torrent share in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: open BCTP link dialog replaced by open BC link dialog, which can create HTTP/FTP/BT task from BC link

GUI Improved: add "copy BC link to clipboard" command to task list context menu, with hotkey Ctrl+C

GUI Improved: add snapshot number column in task list

GUI Improved: add tooltip to display detail task status info when mouse hover on task icon in task list

GUI Improved: add tooltip to display upload rate, left time, health when mouse hover on download rate, progress, seed number

GUI Improved: upload rate, left time, health will not display in task list by default (can be shown in View menu)

GUI Improved: when task stopped, task can be renamed even if task is not completed

GUI Improved: double click to download torrent file in peer shared torrent list

GUI Improved: add popular column in peer shared torrent list

GUI Improved: new icon and tooltip to designate whether the torrent has been downloaded or shared by me in peer shared torrent list

GUI Improved: add auto-refresh checkbox in toolbar of peer shared torrent list

GUI Improved: add share-all checkbox in toolbar of my shared torrent list

GUI Improved: improve statistic pane display effect

GUI Improved: add save file already exist check when open torrent file to create new BT task

GUI Improved: able to save files to UNC path of shared folder in network during HTTP/BT downloading

GUI Improved: add warning prompt if save file large than 4GB to non-NTFS volume when create HTTP/BT task

GUI Improved: add balloon prompt on disk full error during HTTP/BT downloading

GUI Improved: add prompt dialog to close program and send error report when program is not responding

GUI Improved: add context menu to WAN IP detect light in status bar of main window

GUI Improved: remove some infrequent options in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: floating window remember its postion and size automatically

GUI Bugfix: unfinished tasks will not auto-start at program startup if BitComet is not closed normally before shut down computer

GUI Bugfix: average download rate in task summary pane is cleared after BT task stopped

GUI Bugfix: comment number and snapshot number in shared torrent list is not refreshed in time

GUI Bugfix: operation to torrent will be misplaced after sort shared torrent list

GUI Bugfix: text in toolbar of shared torrent list and passport pane is displayed incorrectly after switch display resolution

GUI Bugfix: refresh of peer shared torrents list lead to high CPU usage

Core Bugfix: program crash in some condition

v0.87 2007.05.08

GUI Improved: add an option in BT task properties dialog to add this torrent file to my shared torrent list

GUI Improved: add "view task" command to the context menu of my shared torren list

GUI Improved: add a filter in the toolbar of peer shared torrent list

GUI Improved: display peer shared torrent file number in peer shared node of fav list

GUI Improved: add an option to enable BT task search for HTTP/FTP download source in perferences dialog

GUI Improved: add commands to import/export task list and global settings under file menu

GUI Improved: add "rename task" function in context menu of task list

GUI Improved: detail error information will be displayed in tooltip when mouse cursor hover on the red-cross icon of a task which encounter error like disk full

GUI Improved: task rating information will be displayed in tooltip when mouse cursor hover on comment region of the task list

GUI Improved: add hotkey Ctrl+Home/End to move selected tasks to the top/bottom of task list

GUI Improved: support scroll information in all panes on which the mouse cursor is hovering by rolling mouse wheel

GUI Improved: add an options in perferences dialog to enable submit video file snapshot after task download finish

GUI Improved: add an options in perferences dialog to enable protection against ARP cheating attack from LAN

GUI Improved: new designed BitComet resource browser to accelerate open web page from BitComet

GUI Improved: improve displayed information layout in task summary pane

GUI Improved: add "minimize to system tray" to system menu of BitComet button in windows taskbar

GUI Improved: delete file check box in task delete dialog is displayed in red color

GUI Bugfix: View/download list/Columns menu does not work after switch UI language

GUI Bugfix: all tasks will be displayed as in queue if enabled auto-start task when download rate below specified value

GUI Bugfix: all tasks displayed in task list will be removed if launch clear recycle bin in recycle bin context menu even they are not in recycle bin

Core Bugfix: fix a bug sometimes lead to memory leakage

Core Bugfix: handle some BT task with zero-size file incorrectly

v0.86 2007.04.03

GUI Improved: new torrent share function: click my sheard or peer shared in fav list to manage shared torrents

GUI Improved: add option to calculate ED2K link for each file in torrent make dialog

GUI Improved: add preset button to choose preset save folder in BT task properties dialog

GUI Improved: add option to download from the mirror when the source url can't be connected in HTTP task properties dialog

GUI Improved: remove movie info related staffs from torrent make dialog and BT task properties dialog

GUI Improved: add mark highlight button and filter popup menu to download all links dialog

GUI Improved: add server mode option to preferences dialog, which support more connections but can't set precise rate

GUI Improved: improve search box in toolbar of main window

GUI Improved: if choose to open URL inside BitComet, new web window will open, without effect to main window

GUI Improved: after a torrent file downloaded by http task, the BT download will start automatically

GUI Improved: HTTP/FTP resources number for BT task is displayed in file list

GUI Improved: add hotkey PageUp/PageDown, Ctrl+Left/Right and Alt+Left/Right for preview window to seek 10 sec, 30 sec and 120 sec

GUI Improved: bufferred time length is display in status bar when preview

GUI Improved: when close BT/HTTP task properties dialog, save folder and filename is verified to be valid

GUI Bugfix: ban IP menu in peer list of BT task do not work sometimes

GUI Bugfix: avoid system entering suspend/sleeping mode do not work in Windows Vista

GUI Bugfix: left time in task list is not correct if task size is too largr or download rate is too low

Core Improved: new torrent share function, to download torrent files from peers

Core Improved: support HTTPS download

Core Improved: support download FTP resource for BT task

Core Improved: improve SHA1 algorithm, decrease CPU usage

Core Improved: improve NAT Traversal via UDP component, decrease CPU usage

Core Bugfix: upnp.exe launch fail in Windows 2000

v0.85 2007.03.19

GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to enable large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary

GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to allow user search for HTTP/FTP resources when BT downloading

GUI Improved: new option in BT task properties dialog to enable search for HTTP/FTP resources for BT task files

GUI Improved: new history task filter in fav list, in which tasks displayed in the order of download finish date

GUI Improved: improve task delete dialog, able to remove downloaded files while keep task record in recycle bin

GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog to enable BT task access P2PCache server (need ISP support)

GUI Improved: task created date and finish date are displayed in task summary

GUI Improved: improve task piece graph, support page down using mouse wheel

GUI Improved: new recomment side-bar which can be toggled in view menu

GUI Improved: BitComet main window minimize to windows taskbar, and system tray icon always displays

GUI Improved: if the task name/publisher name in task list is too long to display, it will be displayed in tooltip

GUI Improved: new search toolbar in the top of BitComet passport view

GUI Improved: improve the clipboard monitor, only capture url links of specific files type

GUI Improved: add support for Maxthon browser

GUI Improved: unhide the option of browse url in BitComet

GUI Improved: downloaded file will be selected when open task save folder

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some HTTP download fail due to missing cookie info

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that hash check of multi BT tasks not running in queue

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that move to other location command in task context menu does not work

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some particular language can not be input to IE edit control when BHO loaded

Core Improved: add P2SP download function to BT task, able to search for HTTP/FTP resources to accelerate download

Core Improved: add large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary function to torrent maker and BT download module

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when download HTTP task using P2P connection

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when an error UDP packet received

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that downloaded file may save fail if unsupported characte in current code-page occurred in torrent file

Core Bugfix: fix the bug about GZIP decode in HTTP 1.0

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the task created from BCTP link is not properly saved if torrent had not downloaded.

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that unable to connect to some FTP server

v0.84 2007.02.08

GUI Improved: new task piece graph for both BT and HTTP, displaying detail file piece downloading state

GUI Improved: enhanced video codec version detection for preview. the extra video codec check wizard is removed.

GUI Improved: add clipboard monitor, which can be enabled in floating window context menu

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that fail to open torrent file during preview

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the UPNP opeartion results are not displayed in statistics view

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the floating window is not hide when hit boss key

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the uplading rate is too low in some situation

Core Bugfix: fix the bug in the decode of GZIP data returned from HTTP server

v0.83 2007.02.04

GUI Improved: add option in HTTP task properties dialog to enable P2P http download

GUI Improved: add hot key Ctrl+R in add HTTP task group dialog, to replace selected text in url to wildcard "(*)"

GUI Improved: refer page url is filled to new http task when drag URL from IE to floating window

GUI Improved: new network rate graph of the floating window in large size

GUI Improved: improve the IE context menu for BitComet, add sub menu to download particular objects in the webpage

GUI Improved: add comment and preview/play column in task list

GUI Improved: WAN IP and network connection status is displayed in status bar of the main window, showing if the listen port is reachable to public domain peers

GUI Improved: enhance the RSS list display function

GUI Improved: add options in perferences dialog to enable network connection status auto check

GUI Improved: add options in perferences dialog to enable task statistical info submitting

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that "save torrent as" in task context menu will save other task's torrent file if catogory is selected in fav list

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of the sort operation in task list

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the URL link name is not displayed in the selection dialog of downloading all links

GUI Bugfix: fix the display bug of floating window in Windows Vista

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task list is not refreshed after cancel the operation of add HTTP task group

GUI Bugfix: fix the display bug of the HTTP task info window when switching selected task

Core Improved: add P2P download function to HTTP task, able to search more peers to speed up downloading

Core Improved: reconstruction NAT Traversal via UDP using encription connections

Core Improved: improve the robustness of video file preview. the crash of video codec will not terminate BitComet main program

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that HTTP download resume will fail if the web server is rebooted

v0.82 2007.01.19

GUI Improved: add sound prompt when task download finish, which can be configured in preferences dialog

GUI Improved: improve the context menu of floating window and system tray icon

GUI Improved: processing progress dialog will be displayed when add http task group

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task start order is not correct if reduce task queue length while the queue is not empty

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of version 0.81 that program can not run under win98/me

Core Improved: the NAT port mapping and Windows Firewall operation is moved to a separated toolkit program, therefor the CPU usage of main program decrease

Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the preview window will lose response if click stop button while preview video file of BT task

v0.81 2006.12.27

GUI Improved: new floating window to display running status, supporting drag&drop of links in webpage and files to start download

GUI Improved: add new function of auto query file size and server resume-supported ability when add new HTTP task, which can be configured in preferences dialog

GUI Improved: the task number of a task queue is displayed in the favorites list

GUI Improved: new icons for HTTP task states in task list

GUI Improved: link count is displayed in add HTTP task group dialog

GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that URL can not be opened from BitComet if FireFox is set to be default browser

Core Improved: new function of auto recycle memory, which can be configured in preferences dialog

Core Improved: compatible to Windows Vista, able to download HTTP links from IE7

(question about BitComet)


FAQ by P2P forum - Best FAQ in here

How to Configure BitComet for the Best Possible Speed

Public vs. Private Trackers

A trouble shooting guide

About the XP SP2 connection limit, use latest version of BitComet can solve this problem by

Preferences > Advanced > TCP/IP Limit

at there, set your 'New Half-Open Limit' higher than 10 (recommend set to 50)

For the Max Simultaneous Half-Open TCP connections settings under Preferences > Advanced > Connection. It will be "Auto". For BitComet, it usually mean '10'. However, if you experience any slow surfing or online gaming, you can lower that value (recommended '8'). but if you didnt have any surfing or online gaming problem, and download speed in BitComet is slow, then you can try to set it to a higher value.

Resume download after change version is an easy job. usually, the task can be continue after you upgrade or downgrade version. But if you cant find the task, try open that torrent again, and save it in the same location as previous version, and choose "Download later"

at this time, hash-check again should do the trick

If you want to resume download using another client, you can try to remove the .bc! extension OR change the incomplete file extension to the other client "incomplete download file extension"...

open that torrent with the another client, hash-check again...and enjoy your download with new client!!!

credit to : this link

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sekarang dah ada version terbaru v0.91

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hi , oleh kerana ramai yg meminta aku buka thread pasal bitcomet,

jadi ni hadiah aku utk korang

harap korang yg ada masalah pasal software bitcomet ni boleh nyatakan permasalahan anda kat sini..

sbb aku tak larat nak jawab semua soalan korang yg terbabit melalui PM

credit to : this link

terima kasih scorp..

aku guna bitcomet

masalahnya 'new half open limit' tue tak bley nak tukar kenapa ek?

aku ingatkan nak try adjust kasi laju lagi download aku..

ada cadangan tak scorp?? :)

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