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Ahli Baru
tak u boleh topi by cc ke debit ke or even boleh topup by online juga , senang jee...lagi blh dpt points lar bagi setiap transaction ... ada cash back lar mcm2 ...so cuba guna dulu baru taw kelebihan semua lar kan,
Great , apps ni boleh guna macam ini juga ke ...tapi petrol station mana blh guna apps ini?? ada apa2 terms nak join apps ni ke apa? owh apps ni bukan baru ke apa ? boleh share tak infor2 apps ni ad petrol stations mana boleh guna ni..sbb kalau boleh nak cuba juga sebab nak advance sikit plz ahahahahaha
5g is not only for better network for smart phone use . Its also the can give better and high speed wirless technology ,It can change futures vehicle and roads for better life
In overseas , 5G has the potential to disrupt a hug num of industries and including farming as well. The 5g cn be 100 times faster than 4G, making communication btwn device and server much quicker than 4g too
yes , not only that even they launching the 5G is good as well because its higth realiabiliy with low latecy network ..Beyonf that just doing 4G does better and faster .The 5G speeds opened up a great idea to get asuper fast network to us..exciting to test the netowork..
They havent launch it actually..They still under progress for testing the features and explire the 5G technology system now and assess the best wat deploy the 5G infra nationwide.Might be you also can get some new updates from their pages or fb ..
eh takde prblm lar , sbb aku ni dah guna lama juga TM line ... office , rumah pakai TM je , ok ...line dia orang memang stable
Actually i read about the 5G now TM are on doing trial progress with their own Infra .. something like stand alone one if not mistaken me , and also their coverage is covering most of area so i think the line should be strong n stable to deliver the 5G network to all
grrr....takyah sangat susah fikir ..kalau negara kita ada macam negara lain 5G apps utuk medical care , hospital semua tu memang bagus lar...harap lar baru TM ni nak ada 5G so slowly ada apa2 apps ke sistem ke macam luar negara terus boleh contact doctor semua and dapat rawatan ...
bersetuju juga sekarang TM msia tengah buat pengujian 5G macam luar negara. Tunggu TM settlekan trial progress ini..lagi pon dia org ini dah start test kt kes2 mcm ubah papan tanda pintar lar,traffic,pertanian semua pun..sokong Tm buat mcm ni , tak sabar nak tengok perubahan n guna 5G dia org no..
aq ni guna TM 4G dgn unifi kt umah tapi ok je line ..tengok lar temapt mana area mana ....semua telko pun macam tu ..adik i guna Dg lagi teruk ky tmpt saya..so depends juga ...TM coverage mmg ok ..mcm i ckp je kena tengok tempat blh support ke tak unifi n network line..sbb kadang2 dia org tak buat tu may be area u sana mmg takde coverage n line untuk network dia orang ...tapi setakat ini i guna TM 4G je ..ok juga... takde masalah apa2 pon .. excited lar nak try 5G dia org skrg !
U ni area mana ? Sebab aq ni guna TM 4G gak ok je n line stable je...tapi seblm ini aq guna Mxs dgn Time tapi sorry lembab sgt..So kadang2 tengok area mana gak .. U kena phama semua telco punya network ada some tempat dia slow gak might be area tu line ada isu mcm tu tapi u blh bagi aduan kt TM ..dia org blh tolong ubahh juga...lagi pun yes kerjaaan dah la slow2 start implement utuk sistem yg lebih canggih dengan 5G ...TM Malaysia 5G juga tengah buat trial utuk Sistem Meter Air Pintar (RITA) dan Sistem Pengurusan Fleet (CONVES).So surely nnti dia org akan buat perubahan kt sistem klinik juga ...
yes , betul..... skrg krjaan kami tlh memberikan setiap telko di m'sia sambungan 5G ...lagi pon semua telko melaksanakan 5G dalam kemajuan percubaan..so hrap TM boleh bagi better services kt kita....i tengah tunggu juga for 5G :) sbb mmg ultrafast ..yahoo boleh lar tengok video takde sengih2 all...