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About BBphire

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  1. Agree with above, do people still rent TVs ?? What would be deemed normal wear and tear upon return, renting to tenants or house owners ??, security bond/deposit ??, delivery and collection charges..Insurance. There are firms that rent furniture but that is aimed at film or Tv companies, show homes, event companies etc etc.
  2. Ohhh wow dah baca dah macam boleh je nak guna ni since i pun ada masalah kulit yg timbul garis2 halus kat tepi mata dan hidung baru je nak masuk 29 tahun tapi org ckp macam dah beranak 10 haha
  3. hurmmm safi ni lokal brand punya?? produk muslim ke? sebba ade certain consumer kan dia prefer pakai kalau founder dia muslim ke apa ke . lagipun org macam saya tak [aham dan tak tahu functions2 dari formula yg ada tu hehehe
  4. Kannn! Semua macam tak syang kulit kan.. Dulu pakai produk one of local brand yg kononnya givesss miracle sgt end up muka i breakout terokss.. Sekarang slowly pulih tu pun still ada parut2, kedut2 tu lah nak kena hilangkan
  5. Yes betul! Aku pun sama penah org cakap muka tua! Cisss umur baru nak masuk 28 tahun tauuu.. haiyaa tapi sekarang kan macam2 produk ada maa.. boleh pakai saja apa2... Cuma kena make sure dia tak ada racun... Jangan beli produk yg dari founder2 yang tak bertauliah tu...
  6. bagus lah awak in a better place skrng, tapi memang susah sikit lah nak rawat balik rambut .. sbb hormones awak dah tak betul . ada try guna hair cream?
  7. speaking of tht, I just browse shopee yesterday, saw a lot of hair dryer on sale... cuz I tinking of buying one but dunno which one is good quality
  8. I envy girls with thick hair tho, my hair is very thin and looks flat.. I always have to tease it with a comb but I think its making it more damaged lol
  9. Ye ke? bad news pasal apa ek? aku pinjam ok jek tak de apa2 masalah. Boleh je, byk tujuan nk buat loan dgn diorang ni mcm wedding, housing loans, utk pelajaran, pergi haji.
  10. I use tng too but not so much beacuse alot of merchants now will accept boost app, u can differentiate between the two app also and it obvious tht boost have lot more to offer. Tealive , watson n movies is frequently offered in the apps too. Like everyweek have new offer. Now by verifying your boost account n go premium u can win iphone 11 pro or get 3 months free bill.
  11. Yes it is, u have to try use it for at least once then u will know how the payment method is better than cash and debit cards. For each purchase u will be rewarded coins that u can use to claim rewards. Yup these are some of the examples that i can show, but actually there is more.
  12. Aku sendiri pernah buat loan dgn yayasan ni, mmg takde mslh, lagi pun mmg ramai yg pakai sebb loan dia syariah compliant. Dia akan ada proses akad sebelum lepaskn loan pada peminjam. YIR ni gaji rm1.5k pun dah boleh lulus, yg penting dah bekerja tetap selama 6 bulan (kerajaan/ badan berkanun). Klu klu ingat nk buat loan tu boleh la cari diorang ni. ni website dia. https://yir.com.my/
  13. I usedsshopee, lazada, as they hv monthly promotions, facebook for survey new things.
  14. Betul, contoh yg aku tau agro bank ada provide loan bisnes tapi ade kriteria dia mcm bisnes dah jalan lebih dari 1 tahun. Lepas tu nk kena ada dokumen mcm license / permit / lease agreement of land / etc.
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